def test_benchmark_meta(self, set_meta, set_data): key = 'foo' value = 'bar' units = 'bogomips' direction = 'desc' # Test with only a key/value pair Benchmark.set_meta(key, value) set_meta.assert_called_once_with(key, value) # set_data.side_effect = [True] # set_data.assert_has_calls([ #{'meta.%s' % key: value}) # #set_data({'meta.asdf': value}) # ]) # Benchmark.set_data({'meta.%s.value' % key: value}) # Benchmark.set_data({'meta.%s.units' % key: units}) # Benchmark.set_data({'meta.%s.direction' % key: direction}) # set_data.reset_mock() set_meta.reset_mock() # Test with all parameters Benchmark.set_meta(key, value, units, direction) set_meta.assert_called_once_with(key, value, units, direction) pass
def parse_output(container_id): d = Docker() raw_logs = d.logs(container_id) run_output = raw_logs.splitlines() # The final 2 lines we care about have some specific strings # search for them and determine if it was actually a successful run # Time taken for tests: 27.048s # Time per container: 535.584ms [mean] | 1252.565ms [90th] | 2002.064ms [99th] # noqa parsed = run_output[-1].replace('Time per container: ', '').split('|') mean = parsed[0].replace('ms [mean] ', '') ninety = parsed[1].replace('ms [90th] ', '') ninetynine = parsed[2].replace('ms [99th] ', '') total_parsed = run_output[-2].replace('Time taken for tests: ', '') total_time = total_parsed.replace('s', '') action_set("", {'value': total_time, 'units': 's'}) action_set("results.mean-time", {'value': mean, 'units': 'ms'}) action_set("results.90th-percentile", {'value': ninety, 'units': 'ms'}) action_set("results.99th-percentile", {'value': ninetynine, 'units': 'ms'}) Benchmark.set_composite_score(total_time, 'sec', 'desc')
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Set the raw results of a benchmark run.') parser.add_argument("value", metavar='value', help='The raw results of a benchmark run.', type=argparse.FileType('r')) args = parser.parse_args() Benchmark.set_data({'meta.raw':})
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Set a meta key of the benchmark run.') parser.add_argument("key", metavar='key', help='The key of the data to store.') parser.add_argument("value", metavar='value', help='The value of the data to store.') args = parser.parse_args() Benchmark.set_meta(args.key, args.value)
def test_benchmark_init(self, in_relation_hook, relation_ids, relation_set, relation_get): in_relation_hook.return_value = True relation_data = FAKE_RELATION['benchmark:0']['benchmark/0'] relation_ids.return_value = FAKE_RELATION.keys() relation_get.side_effect = lambda k: relation_data.get(k) actions = ['asdf', 'foobar'] with patch_open() as (_open, _file): b = Benchmark(actions) self.assertIsInstance(b, Benchmark) relation_ids.assert_called_once_with('benchmark') for key in b.required_keys: relation_get.assert_any_call(key) relation_set.assert_called_once_with( relation_id='benchmark:0', relation_settings={'benchmarks': ",".join(actions)}) # Test benchmark.conf _open.assert_called_with('/etc/benchmark.conf', 'w') for key, val in relation_data.items(): _file.write.assert_any_call("%s=%s\n" % (key, val))
def parse_output(container_id): d = Docker() raw_logs = d.logs(container_id) run_output = raw_logs.splitlines() # The final 2 lines we care about have some specific strings # search for them and determine if it was actually a successful run # Time taken for tests: 27.048s # Time per container: 535.584ms [mean] | 1252.565ms [90th] | 2002.064ms [99th] # noqa parsed = run_output[-1].replace('Time per container: ', '').split('|') mean = parsed[0].replace('ms [mean] ', '') ninety = parsed[1].replace('ms [90th] ', '') ninetynine = parsed[2].replace('ms [99th] ', '') total_parsed = run_output[-2].replace('Time taken for tests: ', '') total_time = total_parsed.replace('s', '') action_set( "", {'value': total_time, 'units': 's'} ) action_set( "results.mean-time", {'value': mean, 'units': 'ms'} ) action_set( "results.90th-percentile", {'value': ninety, 'units': 'ms'} ) action_set( "results.99th-percentile", {'value': ninetynine, 'units': 'ms'} ) Benchmark.set_composite_score( total_time, 'sec', 'desc' )
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Set the composite result of a benchmark run.') parser.add_argument("key", metavar='key', help='The key of the data to store, i.e., .') parser.add_argument("value", metavar='value', help='The key of the data to store, i.e., .') parser.add_argument("units", metavar='units', nargs='?', help=''' The type of units used to measure the composite, i.e., requests/sec. ''') parser.add_argument("direction", metavar='direction', nargs='?', help=''' The direction of how the composite should be interpreted. 'asc' if a lower number is better; 'desc' if a higher number is better. ''') args = parser.parse_args() Benchmark.set_data({'results.%s.value' % args.key: args.value}) if args.units: Benchmark.set_data({'results.%s.units' % args.key: args.units}) if args.direction: Benchmark.set_data({'results.%s.direction' % args.key: args.direction})
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Inform the Benchmark GUI of available benchmarks' ) parser.add_argument( "benchmarks", metavar='benchmark(s)', nargs='+', help='A space-delimited list of benchmarks exposed by the charm.' ) args = parser.parse_args() Benchmark(args.benchmarks)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Set the composite result of a benchmark run.') parser.add_argument("composite", metavar='composite', help='The composite score of the benchmark run.') parser.add_argument("units", metavar='units', help=''' The type of units used to measure the composite, i.e., requests/sec. ''') parser.add_argument("direction", metavar='direction', help=''' The direction of how the composite should be interpreted. 'asc' if a lower number is better; 'desc' if a higher number is better. ''') args = parser.parse_args() Benchmark().set_composite_score(args.composite, args.units, args.direction)
def test_benchmark_start(self, check_output, exists, action_set, relation_ids, relation_set, in_relation_hook, safe_load): exists.return_value = True check_output.return_value = "data" action_set.return_value = True relation_ids.return_value = ['benchmark:1'] in_relation_hook.return_value = True safe_load.side_effect = [METADATA] with patch_open() as (_open, _file): self.assertTrue(Benchmark.start()) _open.assert_called_with('/my_dir/metadata.yaml', 'r') relation_set.assert_called_once_with( relation_id='benchmark:1', relation_settings={'action_id': 'my_action'}) COLLECT_PROFILE_DATA = '/usr/local/bin/collect-profile-data' exists.assert_any_call(COLLECT_PROFILE_DATA) check_output.assert_any_call([COLLECT_PROFILE_DATA, 'my_action'])
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Set the composite result of a benchmark run.' ) parser.add_argument( "key", metavar='key', help='The key of the data to store, i.e., .' ) parser.add_argument( "value", metavar='value', help='The key of the data to store, i.e., .' ) parser.add_argument( "units", metavar='units', nargs='?', help=''' The type of units used to measure the composite, i.e., requests/sec. ''' ) parser.add_argument( "direction", metavar='direction', nargs='?', help=''' The direction of how the composite should be interpreted. 'asc' if a lower number is better; 'desc' if a higher number is better. ''' ) args = parser.parse_args() Benchmark.set_data({'results.%s.value' % args.key: args.value}) if args.units: Benchmark.set_data({'results.%s.units' % args.key: args.units}) if args.direction: Benchmark.set_data({'results.%s.direction' % args.key: args.direction})
def test_benchmark_start_oserror(self, action_set): action_set.side_effect = OSError('File not found') with patch_open() as (_open, _file): self.assertFalse(Benchmark.start())
def main(): Benchmark().finish()
def test_set_data(self, action_set): action_set.return_value = True data = {'key': 'value'} self.assertTrue(Benchmark.set_data(data)) action_set.assert_called_once_with(data)
def test_benchmark_set_composite_score(self, set_data): set_data.return_value = True self.assertTrue(Benchmark.set_composite_score(15.7, 'hits/sec', 'desc'))
def test_benchmark_finish(self, action_set): action_set.return_value = True self.assertTrue(Benchmark.finish())
def test_benchmark_finish_oserror(self, action_set): action_set.side_effect = OSError('File not found') self.assertFalse(Benchmark.finish())
def main(): Benchmark().start()