예제 #1
def main():
	# Initializes global users and questions dicionaries using load functions, will be used later
	global users
	global questions

	questions = load_questions()
	users = load_user_database()
	server_socket = setup_socket()
	print("Welcome to Trivia Server!")
	global clients_sockets
	while True:

		(ready_to_read, ready_to_write, in_error) = select.select([server_socket] + clients_sockets, [], [])
		for current_socket in ready_to_read:
			if current_socket is server_socket:
				(client_socket, client_adress) = current_socket.accept()
				print("new client joined ", client_adress, "(;")
					data = current_socket.recv(1024).decode()
				cmd, data1 = chatlib.parse_message(data)
				handle_client_message(current_socket, cmd, data1)
예제 #2
def recv_message_and_parse(conn):
    Receives a new message from given socket, then parses the message using chatlib.
    :param conn: (socket object)
    :return: cmd (str) and data (str) of the received message.
             If error occurred, will return None, None
    cmd, data = chatlib.parse_message(conn.recv(MAX_MSG_LENGTH).decode())
    return cmd, data
예제 #3
def recv_message_and_parse(conn):
    """Recieves a new message from given socket,
    then parses the message using chatlib.
    Paramaters: conn (socket object)
    Returns: cmd (str) and data (str) of the received message.
    If error occured, will return None, None"""
    full_msg = conn.recv(1024).decode()  #get data from the server
    cmd, data = chatlib.parse_message(full_msg)
    print('data recieved -> command: ', cmd, '   data: ', data)
    return cmd, data
예제 #4
def recv_message_and_parse(conn):
	"""Recieves a new message from given socket,
	then parses the message using chatlib.
	Paramaters: conn (socket object)
	Returns: cmd (str) and data (str) of the received message.
	If error occured, will return None, None"""
	full_msg = str(conn.recv(1024).decode())  # get data from the server
	(cmd, data) = chatlib.parse_message(full_msg)
	print((conn.getpeername(), " sent:", data))
	return cmd, data
예제 #5
def recv_message_and_parse(conn):
    Receives a new message from given socket, then parses the message using chatlib.
    :param: conn (socket object)
    :return: cmd (str) and data (str) of the received message.
             If error occurred, will return None, None
    msg = conn.recv(MAX_MSG_LENGTH).decode()
    print("[CLIENT] ", conn.getpeername(), msg)  # Debug print
    cmd, data = chatlib.parse_message(msg)
    return cmd, data
예제 #6
def recv_message_and_parse(conn):
    Recieves a new message from given socket,
    then parses the message using chatlib.
    Paramaters: conn (socket object)
    Returns: cmd (str) and data (str) of the received message.
    If error occured, will return None, None
    full_msg = conn.recv(chatlib.MAX_MSG_LENGTH).decode()
    cmd, data = chatlib.parse_message(full_msg)
    return cmd, data
예제 #7
def check_parse(msg_str, expected_output):
    print("Input: ", msg_str, "\nExpected output: ", expected_output)

        output = chatlib.parse_message(msg_str)
    except Exception as e:
        output = "Exception raised: " + str(e)

    if output == expected_output:
        print(".....\t SUCCESS")
        print(".....\t FAILED, output: ", output)
예제 #8
def recv_message_and_parse(conn):
	 Receives a new message from given socket,
	 then parses the message using chatlib.
	 Parameters: conn (socket object)
	 Returns: cmd (str) and data (str) of the received message.
	 If error occurred, will return None, None
    full_msg = conn.recv(1024).decode()
    cmd, data = chatlib.parse_message(full_msg)
    print("[CLIENT - " + socket.gethostbyaddr(str(conn.getpeername()[0]))[0] +
          "]", full_msg)  # Debug print
    return cmd, data
def recv_message_and_parse(conn):
    global exit_msgs, CONNECTION_LOST
    conn_peername = str(conn.getpeername())
    debug_print_msg = ''
        full_msg = conn.recv(chatlib.MAX_MSG_LENGTH).decode()
        debug_print_msg = "[" + conn_peername + "] SEND: " + full_msg
        if len(full_msg) == 0:
            return CONNECTION_LOST, conn_peername, debug_print_msg
        cmd, data = chatlib.parse_message(full_msg)
        if cmd in exit_msgs:
            data = conn_peername
        return cmd, data, debug_print_msg
    except ConnectionResetError:
        return CONNECTION_LOST, conn_peername, debug_print_msg
예제 #10
def recv_message_and_parse():
    Recieves a new message from given socket,
    then parses the message using chatlib.
    Paramaters: conn (socket object)
    Returns: cmd (str) and data (str) of the received message.
    If error occured, will return None, None
        full_msg = top.conn.recv(chatlib.MAX_MSG_LENGTH).decode()
        cmd, data = chatlib.parse_message(full_msg)
        return cmd, data
    except ConnectionAbortedError:
        from gui import trivia
예제 #11
def recv_message_and_parse(conn):
    Receives a new message from given socket,
    then parses the message using chatlib.
    Parameters: conn (socket object)
    Returns: cmd (str) and data (str) of the received message.
    If error occurred, will return None, None
        full_msg = conn.recv(MAX_MSG_LENGTH).decode()
    except (ConnectionResetError, ConnectionAbortedError):
        full_msg = chatlib.build_message(chatlib.PROTOCOL_CLIENT['logout_msg'],
    if full_msg != '':
        cmd, data = chatlib.parse_message(full_msg)
        print(datetime.datetime.now(), '[CLIENT]', conn.getpeername(),
        return cmd, data
예제 #12
def recv_message_and_parse(conn):
    Recieves a new message from given socket.
    Prints debug info, then parses the message using chatlib.
    Paramaters: conn (socket object)
    Returns: cmd (str) and data (str) of the received message.
    If error occured, will return None, None
    message_gotten = conn.recv(16384).decode()
    # Debug Info
    # print("-----------------------------")
    # print("The Server Sent Us: \n" + message_gotten)
    # parse the message using chatlib
    command_code, msg_data = chatlib.parse_message(message_gotten)

    # check for problems when getting a message
    if command_code is None or msg_data is None:
        error_and_exit("An error occurred while trying to get a message headers, None Values")

    return command_code, msg_data
예제 #13
def recv_message_and_parse(conn):
    full_msg = conn.recv(1024).decode()
    cmd, data = chatlib.parse_message(full_msg)
    return cmd, data
예제 #14
파일: server.py 프로젝트: lihip94/Trivia
def recv_message_and_parse(conn):
    full_msg = conn.recv(1024).decode()
    cmd, data = chatlib.parse_message(full_msg)
    print_debug_message(DEBG_MSG["client"], conn, full_msg)  # Debug print
    return cmd, data
예제 #15
def recv_message_and_parse(conn):
    full_msg = conn.recv(MAX_MSG_LENGTH).decode()
    cmd, data = chatlib.parse_message(full_msg)

    print("[CLIENT] ", full_msg)  # Debug print
    return cmd, data