def compute_score_en(self, s): x = DictWithDefault(lambda: 0) nspace = 0 nalpha = 0 nbad = 0 n = len(s) for c in s: if isspace(c) or c == '_': nspace += 1 elif isalpha(c): nalpha += 1 x[c | 32] += 1 elif not isgoodchar(c): nbad += 1 tb = sorted(x.values()) tb.reverse() score = 0 if nalpha == 0: score += 1000 else: for c, v in self.freq_en.items(): score += (v - x[c] / nalpha)**2 #score += (nspace / n - self.freq_sorted[0])**2 score += (300 * nbad / n)**2 return Attributize(score=score, nbad=nbad)
class WafBuilder: PATH_SEPARATOR = '/' TARGET_SEPARATOR = '_' def __init__(self, var_globals): self.libs = opa_waf.libs self.packages = opa_waf.packages self._packages = [] self.children = None self.typ = BuilderType self.ctx = None self._libs = [] self._builders = [] self._configure_list = [] self.var_globals = var_globals self.a = opa_waf self.target_path = None data = self.var_globals['__waf_data'] self.path = os.path.dirname(data['path']) self.stack_path = list(data['stack_path']) self.build_desc = DictWithDefault(lambda: []) def get(self, typ, pos=0): assert typ in self.build_desc, typ return self.build_desc[typ][pos] def list_dir(self, subdir): path = os.path.join(self.path, subdir) if not os.path.exists(path): return [] return [os.path.join(subdir, x) for x in os.listdir(path)] def get_children(self): if self.children == None: self.children = [] for x in self.list_dir('.'): t1 = os.path.join(self.path, x) t2 = os.path.join(t1, 'wscript') if os.path.isdir(t1) and os.path.exists(t2): self.children.append(x) return self.children def get_target_path(self): if not self.target_path: n = len(self.stack_path) - 1 tb = [] cur = self.path for x in range(n): cur, tmp = os.path.split(cur) tb.append(tmp) tb.reverse() self.target_path = self.PATH_SEPARATOR.join(tb) return self.target_path def recurse(self): children = self.get_children() self.ctx.recurse(children) def has_child(self, path): return os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, path)) def setup(self): for x in self.build_desc.values(): for y in x: y.setup() lst = 'options build build2 configure run'.split(' ') for x in lst: val = WafBuilder.__dict__[x] def dispatcher2(val): return lambda ctx: self.dispatch(ctx, val) self.var_globals[x] = dispatcher2(val) def dispatch(self, ctx, func): self.ctx = ctx self.recurse() func(self) def get_target_name(self, name): path = '%s%s%s' % (self.get_target_path(), self.TARGET_SEPARATOR, name) res = path.replace('/', self.TARGET_SEPARATOR) return res def is_full_target(self, target): return bool(target.find('#')) def options(self): RunnerContext.options(self.ctx) opa_waf.options(self.ctx) def configure(self): opa_waf.configure(self.ctx) if not self.ctx.options.target_pin: self._packages.append(self.packages.Python) self._packages.append(self.packages.Swig) if self.ctx.options.arch == Target.X86_64: for x in self._packages: opa_waf.register(x, self.ctx) else: opa_waf.register(self.packages.Protoc, self.ctx) opa_waf.register(self.packages.Protobuf, self.ctx) opa_waf.register(self.packages.Gflags, self.ctx) for x in self._configure_list: x(self) def build(self): if len(self.stack_path) == 0: self.getter = TgenGetter(self.ctx) self.auto_builder() for x in self._builders: x(self) def build2(self): pass def run(self): pass def normalize_name(self, name): if name.startswith('@'): name = self.libs.get(name) elif not self.is_full_target(name): name = self.get_target_name(name) return name def add_builders(self, builders): self._builders.extend(to_list(builders)) def auto(self): self.auto_asm() self.auto_proto() self.auto_lib() self.auto_lib_python() self.auto_proto_python() self.auto_swig_h() self.auto_swig() self.auto_sample() self.auto_test() def register_packages(self, *packages): self._packages.extend(flatten(packages)) def proc_libs(self, *libs): packages = [] use_libs = [] libs = flatten(libs) for x in to_list(libs): if isinstance(x, WafBasePkg): packages.append(x) use_libs.append( elif isinstance(x, WafPkgList): packages.extend(x.tb) use_libs.extend([ for a in x.tb]) else: use_libs.append(x) self.register_packages(packages) return use_libs def register_libs(self, *libs): self._libs.extend(self.proc_libs(*libs)) def add_name(self, name, subtarget): self.libs.set(name, self.get_target_name(subtarget)) def add_configure(self, configures): configures = to_list(configures) self._configure_list.extend(configures) def auto_builder(self): for x in list(self.build_desc.values()): for y in to_list(x): self.do_build(y, self._libs) def get_libs(self, *add): lst = list(self._libs) lst.extend(flatten(add)) return lst def do_build(self, desc, libs): if desc.use_global: desc.update(libs=libs) return def create_conf(self, typ, extra_qual=''): build_typ_map = {} build_typ_map[BuilderType.ASM] = 'asm' build_typ_map[BuilderType.LIB] = 'lib' build_typ_map[BuilderType.TEST] = 'test' build_typ_map[BuilderType.SAMPLE] = 'sample' build_typ_map[BuilderType.PROTO] = 'proto_cpp' build_typ_map[BuilderType.PROTO_PYTHON] = 'proto_py' build_typ_map[BuilderType.SWIG] = 'swig' build_typ_map[BuilderType.SWIG_H] = 'header_swig' if not typ in self.build_desc: self.build_desc[typ] = [] qual = build_typ_map[typ] if len(extra_qual) > 0: qual = '%s_%s' % (qual, extra_qual) conf = ExtraConf(self, qual, typ) self.build_desc[typ].append(conf) return conf def auto_lib(self, base_dir='.', include_root=False, filter_func=None, **kwargs): srcs, headers = opa_waf.get_files(os.path.join(self.path, base_dir), include_root) if filter_func: srcs = query(srcs).where(filter_func).to_list() headers = query(srcs).where(filter_func).to_list() ipath = ['./include-internal'] eipath = ['./inc', './include'] ipath = [os.path.join(base_dir, x) for x in ipath] eipath = [os.path.join(base_dir, x) for x in eipath] if include_root: eipath.append(base_dir) ipath.append(base_dir) num_inc_dir = query(eipath).where(lambda x: self.has_child(x)).count() found = False if len(srcs) + len(headers) == 0 and num_inc_dir == 0: return return self.create_conf(BuilderType.LIB, **kwargs).update(includes=ipath + eipath, exports=eipath, sources=srcs, headers=headers) def auto_lib_python(self, base_dir='.'): pass #srcs = opa_waf.get_python(os.path.join(self.path, base_dir)) #num_inc_dir = query(eipath).where(lambda x: self.has_child(x)).count() #found = False #if len(srcs) + len(headers) == 0 and num_inc_dir == 0: # return #return self.create_conf(BuilderType.LIB).update(includes=ipath + eipath, # exports=eipath, # sources=srcs, # headers=headers) def auto_test(self): srcs = './test/test.cpp' if not self.has_child(srcs): return [] return self.create_conf(self.typ.TEST).update(libs=self.libs.GTest_N, sources=srcs, binary=True) def auto_proto_base(self, proto_base, features, typ): base, proto_files = opa_waf.get_proto(self.path, proto_base) if len(proto_files) == 0: return [] export_includes = proto_base return self.create_conf(typ).update( libs=self.packages.Protobuf, includes=export_includes, exports=export_includes, sources=proto_files, features=[features, opa_proto_feature], install_from=proto_base, proto_base=proto_base) def auto_proto_python(self, proto_base='./proto/msg'): return self.auto_proto_base(proto_base, 'py', self.typ.PROTO_PYTHON) def auto_proto(self, proto_base='./proto/msg'): return self.auto_proto_base(proto_base, 'cxx', self.typ.PROTO) def auto_sample(self): dirlist = ['./samples', './sample'] allowed_extensions = ['.cpp', '.cc', '.c', '.py'] for dircnd in dirlist: for x in self.list_dir(dircnd): for e in allowed_extensions: if x.endswith(e): break else: continue self.create_conf(self.typ.SAMPLE, os.path.basename(x)).update(sources=x, binary=True) def auto_asm(self, base_dir='.'): base_dir = os.path.join(self.path, base_dir) srcs = opa_waf.get_asm(base_dir) if len(srcs) == 0: return [] return self.create_conf(self.typ.ASM).update( sources=srcs, includes=['./inc', './src'], features='cxx cxxshlib') def auto_swig(self): srcs = opa_waf.get_swig(self.path) #print('FIND >> ', self.path, srcs) if len(srcs) == 0: return [] def set_pattern(x): x.env.cxxshlib_PATTERN = '' return self.create_conf(self.typ.SWIG).update( sources=srcs, libs=[self.libs.SwigCommon_N], includes=['./inc', './src', './swig'], exports=['./swig'], features='cxx cxxshlib pyembed', swig_flags='-c++ -python -I/usr/include', post=set_pattern) def auto_swig_h(self): return self.create_conf(BuilderType.SWIG_H).update( includes=['./swig'], libs=[self.libs.SwigCommon_N], exports=['./swig'], sources=[], headers=[])