예제 #1
def neglap2d(n):
       Returns the Chebyshev collocation approximation to -D_x^2-D_y^2 on
       the square [-1,1]^2 on the interior points only

    D, x = cheb(n + 1)
    D2 = np.dot(D, D)
    D2 = D2[1:-1, 1:-1]
    D2 = csr_matrix(D2)
    I = identity(n)
    L = -(kron(D2, I) + kron(I, D2))  # FD negative Laplacian
    return L
예제 #2
# p14 - solve nonlinear BVP U_xx = exp(u), u(-1)=u(1)=0 by iteration.
import numpy as np
from chebPy import cheb
from scipy.linalg import solve
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt


change = 0.1 # arbitrary small number
it = 0

while True:
  err = np.abs(unew-u)
  change = err.max()
  u = unew
  it += 1
  if(change < 1e-15):


예제 #3
# p35.py - Allen-Cahn eq.
# same problem as in p34.py, except BCs that are imposed explicitly
from chebPy import cheb
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import solve

import pylab as p
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d as p3
from matplotlib import cm

# Differentiation matrix and initial data:
N = 20
D, x = cheb(N)
D2 = np.dot(D, D)  # Use full size matrix
D2[0, :] = 0.  # for convenience
D2[N, :] = 0.

eps = 0.01
dt = min(.01, 50. * N**(-4.) / eps)
t = 0.
v = .53 * x + .47 * np.sin(-1.5 * np.pi * x)

# Solve PDE by Euler formula and plot results:
tmax = 100.
tplot = 2
nplots = int(round(tmax / tplot))
plotgap = int(round(tplot / dt))
dt = float(tplot) / float(plotgap)
xx = np.linspace(-1., 1., 40)
vv = np.polyval(np.polyfit(x, v, N), xx)
plotdata = np.zeros((nplots + 1, xx.size))
예제 #4
# x variable in [-A,A], Fourier - trigonometric series:
A = 3.
Nx = 50
dx = 2 * A / float(Nx)
x = -A + dx * np.arange(1, Nx + 1)
# Create entries for Derivative matrix - a Toeplitz matrix with an entry from 'entries' on each diagonal.
entries = np.zeros(Nx)
entries[0] = -1 / (3 * (dx / A)**2) - 1 / 6.
entries[1:Nx] = .5 * (-1)**np.arange(2, Nx + 1) / np.sin(
    (np.pi * dx / A) * np.arange(1, Nx) / 2)**2
# Form derivative matrix as a Toeplitz matrix using 'entries'
D2x = (np.pi / A)**2 * toeplitz(entries)

# y variable in [-1,1], Chebyshev:
Ny = 15
Dy, y = cheb(Ny)
D2y = np.dot(Dy, Dy)

# Prepare boundary conditions
Abc = -np.array([[Dy[0, 0], Dy[0, Ny]], [Dy[Ny, 0], Dy[Ny, Ny]]])
BC = np.zeros((2, Ny - 1))
Dybc = np.zeros((2, Ny - 1))
Dybc[0, 0:Ny - 1] = Dy[0, 1:Ny]
Dybc[1, 0:Ny - 1] = Dy[Ny, 1:Ny]
BC[:, 0:Ny - 1] = solve(Abc, Dybc[:, 0:Ny - 1])

# Grid and initial data:
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
vv = np.exp(-8. * ((xx + 1.5)**2 + yy**2))
dt = 5. / float(Nx + Ny**2)
vvold = np.exp(-8. * ((xx + dt + 1.5)**2 + yy**2))
예제 #5
# x variable in [-A,A], Fourier - trigonometric series:
A = 3.
Nx = 50
dx = 2*A/float(Nx)
x = -A + dx*np.arange(1,Nx+1)
# Create entries for Derivative matrix - a Toeplitz matrix with an entry from 'entries' on each diagonal.
entries = np.zeros(Nx)
entries[0] = -1/(3*(dx/A)**2)-1/6.
entries[1:Nx] = .5*(-1)**np.arange(2,Nx+1)/np.sin((np.pi*dx/A)*np.arange(1,Nx)/2)**2
# Form derivative matrix as a Toeplitz matrix using 'entries'
D2x = (np.pi/A)**2*toeplitz(entries)

# y variable in [-1,1], Chebyshev:
Ny =15
Dy,y = cheb(Ny)
D2y = np.dot(Dy,Dy)

# Prepare boundary conditions
Abc = - np.array([ [Dy[0,0],Dy[0,Ny]],
                   [Dy[Ny,0],Dy[Ny,Ny]] ])
BC = np.zeros((2,Ny-1))
Dybc = np.zeros((2,Ny-1))
Dybc[0,0:Ny-1] = Dy[0,1:Ny]
Dybc[1,0:Ny-1] = Dy[Ny,1:Ny]
BC[:,0:Ny-1] = solve(Abc,Dybc[:,0:Ny-1])

# Grid and initial data:
xx,yy = np.meshgrid(x,y)
vv = np.exp(-8.*((xx+1.5)**2+yy**2))
dt = 5./float(Nx+Ny**2)