예제 #1
def assign_tasks_bulk(inputs_dict, user_task_master):
    # get arguments back from dictory. This is tedious. 
    # there should be a better way to deal with things like that
    args_ifile = inputs_dict[def_config.bulk_assign_dict.ifile]
    args_proj = inputs_dict[def_config.bulk_assign_dict.proj]
    args_exfun = inputs_dict[def_config.bulk_assign_dict.exfun] 
    args_walltime = inputs_dict[def_config.bulk_assign_dict.walltime] 
    args_tasks_id = inputs_dict[def_config.bulk_assign_dict.tasks_id] 
    # ***** initialize variables here *****
    Walltime = args_walltime 
    TasksID = args_tasks_id
    if args_exfun !=None:
        ExtnFunction = args_exfun
        ExtnFunction = 'echo'

    # initialization the task master.
    task_master = user_task_master(args_ifile,args_proj)
    # fetch servers ip from a file 
    # if serverfile is None, use localhost instead
    workers = checkIP.get_total_workers(inputs_dict[def_config.bulk_assign_dict.serverfile])
    # filter the servers, 
    workers = checkIP.check_servers(workers,args_proj)

    if len(workers) == 0:
        print('No server available for the proj %s right now. might try later'%args_proj)

    # ****** Initialization  End here ************

    # prepare a worker list to store the essential infomation
    for worker in workers:
        #worker = {}
        #worker[def_config.worker.worker_ip] = avail_ip
        #worker[def_config.worker.worker_port] = def_config.default_port
        worker[def_config.worker.client_tasks_id] = TasksID
    # ***** Actual assigning tasks here ********
    # for each avail ip assign it a task list
    for idx in range(len(workers)):
        # First, check the server again
        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        server_address = (workers[idx][def_config.worker.worker_ip]

            msg_json = PROTOC.gen_req_stat_msg(args_proj)
            reply_json = PROTOC.recv_msg(sock)
            reply = PROTOC.parse(reply_json)
            print('Received : %s'%reply)
        # Second, send tasks as request to the avail server
        if(reply[PROTOC.attr.server_stat] == SSTAT.status.ready):
            # recreate the socket 
            sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
            server_address = (workers[idx][def_config.worker.worker_ip]
                # essential fix project path and output path
                task_master.project_path = reply[PROTOC.attr.ab_projs_dir] + '/' + args_proj
                task_master.output_dir =  task_master.project_path + '/Output'
                sub_task_list = task_master.get_idx_chunk(idx,ExtnFunction)
                print('%s get %d tasks '%(workers[idx][def_config.worker.worker_ip],len( sub_task_list ) ))
                # Exchange information 
                req_json = PROTOC.gen_req_task_msg(TasksID, sub_task_list,Walltime)
                reply_json = PROTOC.recv_msg(sock)
                reply = PROTOC.parse(reply_json)
                # if the back message contain a task_log_idx that is not 0
                # means server accepted the tasks.
                if( reply[PROTOC.attr.client_tasks_id] == TasksID 
                        and reply[PROTOC.attr.task_log_idx]!= 0 ):
                    task_log_idx = reply[PROTOC.attr.task_log_idx]
                    print('%s starts doing tasks as number %d task in its log'
                    #  Record these infomation somewhere
                    workers[idx][def_config.worker.task_log_idx] = task_log_idx

                    print('%s refuse to work on sub_task_list. Tasks below need redo:'%workers[idx][def_config.worker.worker_ip])
                    logging.warning('TaskID back is wrong. %s refuse to work on these tasks. Tasks below need redo.',workers[idx][def_config.worker.worker_ip])
                    for task in sub_task_list:

            # If the server is not ready for tasks. show user the undo tasks
            print('%s is now busy. cant assign tasks'%workers[idx][def_config.worker.worker_ip])
            logging.debug('%s is busy for tasks id - %s',workers[idx][def_config.worker.worker_ip],TasksID)
            logging.warning('these tasks need redo: ')
            sub_task_list = task_master.get_idx_chunk(idx,ExtnFunction)
            for task in sub_task_list:

    return workers
예제 #2
    print 'args.serverfile is '+ args.serverfile + ' :'
    with open(args.serverfile,'r') as serverF:
        for line in serverF:
            print line
    print('The \'None\' means we will use default value.')
    tip = raw_input("\npress any key to continue;\n")
    print('Ready to run \n Workers = checkIP.fetch_workers(serverfile) ' 
            +'\n checkIP.check_servers(Workers,\'test\')' )
    print('\nIf you finished the content above and ready to run  '
            + 'the checkIP.py.')
    tip = raw_input("\npress any key to continue;\n")

    Workers = checkIP.fetch_workers(args.serverfile)
    Workers = checkIP.check_servers(Workers,'test')
    tip = raw_input("\npress any key to continue;\n")

    print('As can be seen, check_servers take two arguments, first one is servers info, second'
            + ' one is the name of project, \'test\' is a fault project that used for test')

    print('\nOK, we got the available workers now. If you didnot get any available workers,'
            +'please check if your local network blocked some ports.')
    print('Now we can assign tasks for them.\n'
            +'In this demo, we will run a demo.py in server side to process serval tasks.')
    print('demo.py will take two arguments, one is number of seconds to elapse. second one is'
            +' the location of /Output directory\n')
    print('demo.py -t runningtime -o output_directory')
    print('First, put all the tasks in a file, in this demo, tasklist is '+ args.ifile+':')
    with open(args.ifile,'r') as ifile: