class TestCheckout(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_can_instantiate_class():
        checkout = Checkout()

    def setUp(self):
        setup instance of class for tests that follow
        self.checkout = Checkout()

    def test_item_description(self):
        Raise exception if description is empty string or not string
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            self.checkout.add_item_price("", 2, 1)

    def test_item_price(self):
        Raise exception if price is negative, not an int or float
        with self.assertRaises(CheckoutError):
            self.checkout.add_item_price('item', -2, 1)

        with self.assertRaises(CheckoutError):
            self.checkout.add_item_price('item', True, 1)

    def test_items_are_added(self):
        Should add items and prices
        # add some items
        self.checkout.add_item_price('bread', 2, 1)
        self.checkout.add_item_price('bread', 2, 1)
        self.checkout.add_item_price('milk', 1, 1)

        # check values are added
            self.checkout.products, {
                'bread': {
                    'price': 2,
                    'quantity': 2
                'milk': {
                    'price': 1,
                    'quantity': 1

    def test_remove_item_if_item_not_there(self):
        Raise an exception if item is not in basket
        with self.assertRaises(CheckoutError):
            self.checkout.remove_item('peanut butter')

    def test_remove_item(self):
        Check the correct remaining amount
        # add item
        self.checkout.add_item_price('bread', 2, 2)
        # remove item

        # check remaining amount
                         {'bread': {
                             'price': 2,
                             'quantity': 1

    def test_calculate_total_empty_basket(self):
        Raise an exception if basket is empty
        with self.assertRaises(CheckoutError):

    def calculate_total(self):
        Test total is working properly

        # add items
        self.checkout.add_item_price('bread', 2, 2)
        self.checkout.add_item_price('milk', 1, 1)
        self.checkout.add_item_price('honey', 4, 1)
        self.checkout.add_item_price('eggs', 2, 1)

        # test total
        self.assertEqual(self.calculate_total(), 11)

    def test_apply_discount_wrong_type(self):
        Raise exception if discount is not of type int
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            self.checkout.apply_discount('item', 'item')

    def test_apply_discount_to_non_existing_item(self):
        Raise exception if item not in basket
        with self.assertRaises(CheckoutError):
            self.checkout.apply_discount('toothpaste', 20)

    def test_apply_discount(self):
        Test discount is applied to items

        # add items
        self.checkout.add_item_price('bread', 2, 1)
        self.checkout.add_item_price('honey', 4, 1)

        # apply discount
        self.checkout.apply_discount('bread', 50)
        self.checkout.apply_discount('honey', 20)

        # check discount is applied correctly
                         2 - (2 * 50 / 100))
                         4 - (4 * 20 / 100))

    def test_apply_special_offer_to_item_not_in_basket(self):
        Raise exception if item has not been added to basket
        with self.assertRaises(CheckoutError):
            self.checkout.apply_special_offer('item', 2, 1)

    def test_apply_special_offer_not_enough_items(self):
        Raise exception if amount of items lower than necessary
        # add items
        self.checkout.add_item_price('bread', 2, 1)

        with self.assertRaises(CheckoutError):
            self.checkout.apply_special_offer('bread', 2, 1)

    def test_apply_special_offer_item_not_there(self):
        Raise exception if not enough items in the basket
        with self.assertRaises(CheckoutError):
            self.checkout.apply_special_offer('bread', 2, 1)

    def test_apply_special_offer_even_quantity(self):
        Testing for even quantities
        # add items
        self.checkout.add_item_price('bread', 2, 2)
        self.checkout.add_item_price('milk', 1, 4)

        # test offer is applied
        self.checkout.apply_special_offer('bread', 2, 1)
        self.checkout.apply_special_offer('milk', 2, 1)

        self.assertEqual(self.checkout.products['bread']['quantity'], 1)
        self.assertEqual(self.checkout.products['milk']['quantity'], 2)

    def test_apply_special_offer_odd_quantity(self):
       Testing for odd quantities
        # add items
        self.checkout.add_item_price('bread', 2, 3)
        self.checkout.add_item_price('milk', 1, 9)
        self.checkout.add_item_price('chewing gum', 1, 27)

        # test offer is applied
        self.checkout.apply_special_offer('bread', 2, 1)
        self.checkout.apply_special_offer('milk', 2, 1)
        self.checkout.apply_special_offer('chewing gum', 2, 1)

        self.assertEqual(self.checkout.products['bread']['quantity'], 2)
        self.assertEqual(self.checkout.products['milk']['quantity'], 5)
        self.assertEqual(self.checkout.products['chewing gum']['quantity'], 14)
예제 #2
def checkout():

    checkout = Checkout()
    checkout.add_item_price('a', 1)
    checkout.add_item_price('b', 2)
    return checkout
예제 #3
def checkout():
    checkout = Checkout()
    checkout.add_item_price("a", 1)
    checkout.add_item_price("b", 2)
    return checkout
예제 #4
def checkout():
    checkout = Checkout()
    checkout.add_item_price("banana", 0.20)
    checkout.add_item_price("milk", 1)
    checkout.add_item_price("TV", 999)
    return checkout