def can_assemble(self, node_x, node_y):
        neighbors = node_x.neighbors + [node_y]
        for idx, neighbor_node in enumerate(neighbors):
            neighbor_node.nid = idx

        # exclude nodes corresponding to "singleton-clusters"
        neighbors = [
            neighbor_node for neighbor_node in neighbors
            if neighbor_node.mol.GetNumAtoms() > 1

        # sort neighbor nodes in descending order of number of atoms
        neighbors = sorted(neighbors,
                           key=lambda x: x.mol.GetNumAtoms(),

        # obtain neighbor nodes corresponding to "singleton-clusters"
        singletons = [
            neighbor_node for neighbor_node in neighbors
            if neighbor_node.mol.GetNumAtoms() == 1

        neighbors = singletons + neighbors

        # retrieve all possible candidates molecular attachment configurations of node_x with its neighbor nodes
        candidates = enum_assemble(node_x, neighbors)
        return len(candidates) > 0
    def dfs_assemble_graph_conv(self, x_mol_vecs, all_nodes, cur_mol, global_amap, fa_amap, cur_node, fa_node):
        fa_nid = fa_node.nid if fa_node is not None else -1
        prev_nodes = [fa_node] if fa_node is not None else []

        children = [nei for nei in cur_node.neighbors if nei.nid != fa_nid]
        neighbors = [nei for nei in children if nei.mol.GetNumAtoms() > 1]
        neighbors = sorted(neighbors, key=lambda x: x.mol.GetNumAtoms(), reverse=True)
        singletons = [nei for nei in children if nei.mol.GetNumAtoms() == 1]
        neighbors = singletons + neighbors

        cur_amap = [(fa_nid, a2, a1) for nid, a1, a2 in fa_amap if nid == cur_node.nid]
        cands = enum_assemble(cur_node, neighbors, prev_nodes, cur_amap)
        if len(cands) == 0:
            return None

        cand_smiles, cand_mols, cand_amap = zip(*cands)
        cands = [(smiles, all_nodes, cur_node) for smiles in cand_smiles]

        # jtmpn_holder = JTMessPassNet.tensorize(cands, y_tree_mess[1])
        # fatoms, fbonds, agraph, bgraph, scope = jtmpn_holder
        # cand_vecs = self.jtmpn(fatoms, fbonds, agraph, bgraph, scope, y_tree_mess[0])

        jt_graph_enc_holder = MolGraphEncoder.tensorize(cand_smiles)
        cand_vecs = self.graph_enc(*jt_graph_enc_holder)

        scores =, x_mol_vecs)
        _, cand_idx = torch.sort(scores, descending=True)

        backup_mol = Chem.RWMol(cur_mol)

        for i in range(cand_idx.numel()):
            cur_mol = Chem.RWMol(backup_mol)
            pred_amap = cand_amap[cand_idx[i].item()]
            new_global_amap = copy.deepcopy(global_amap)

            for nei_id, ctr_atom, nei_atom in pred_amap:
                if nei_id == fa_nid:
                new_global_amap[nei_id][nei_atom] = new_global_amap[cur_node.nid][ctr_atom]

            cur_mol = attach_mols(cur_mol, children, [], new_global_amap)  # father is already attached
            new_mol = cur_mol.GetMol()
            new_mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(Chem.MolToSmiles(new_mol))

            if new_mol is None:

            result = True
            for nei_node in children:
                if nei_node.is_leaf:
                cur_mol = self.dfs_assemble_graph_conv(x_mol_vecs, all_nodes, cur_mol, new_global_amap, pred_amap,
                                            nei_node, cur_node)
                if cur_mol is None:
                    result = False
            if result:
                return cur_mol
예제 #3
    def dfs_assemble(self, tree_mess, mol_vec, all_nodes, cur_mol, global_amap, fa_amap, cur_node, fa_node, prob_decode):
        fa_nid = fa_node.nid if fa_node is not None else -1
        prev_nodes = [fa_node] if fa_node is not None else []

        children = [nei for nei in cur_node.neighbors if nei.nid != fa_nid]
        neighbors = [nei for nei in children if nei.mol.GetNumAtoms() > 1]
        neighbors = sorted(neighbors, key=lambda x:x.mol.GetNumAtoms(), reverse=True)
        singletons = [nei for nei in children if nei.mol.GetNumAtoms() == 1]
        neighbors = singletons + neighbors

        cur_amap = [(fa_nid,a2,a1) for nid,a1,a2 in fa_amap if nid == cur_node.nid]
        cands = enum_assemble(cur_node, neighbors, prev_nodes, cur_amap)
        if len(cands) == 0:
            return None
        cand_smiles,cand_mols,cand_amap = zip(*cands)

        cands = [(candmol, all_nodes, cur_node) for candmol in cand_mols]

        cand_vecs = self.jtmpn(cands, tree_mess)
        cand_vecs = self.G_mean(cand_vecs)
        mol_vec = mol_vec.squeeze()
        scores =, mol_vec) * 20

        if prob_decode:
            probs = nn.Softmax()(scores.view(1,-1)).squeeze() + 1e-5 #prevent prob = 0
            cand_idx = torch.multinomial(probs, probs.numel())
            _,cand_idx = torch.sort(scores, descending=True)

        backup_mol = Chem.RWMol(cur_mol)
        for i in xrange(cand_idx.numel()):
            cur_mol = Chem.RWMol(backup_mol)
            pred_amap = cand_amap[cand_idx[i].data[0]]
            new_global_amap = copy.deepcopy(global_amap)

            for nei_id,ctr_atom,nei_atom in pred_amap:
                if nei_id == fa_nid:
                new_global_amap[nei_id][nei_atom] = new_global_amap[cur_node.nid][ctr_atom]

            cur_mol = attach_mols(cur_mol, children, [], new_global_amap) #father is already attached
            new_mol = cur_mol.GetMol()
            new_mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(Chem.MolToSmiles(new_mol))

            if new_mol is None: continue
            result = True
            for nei_node in children:
                if nei_node.is_leaf: continue
                cur_mol = self.dfs_assemble(tree_mess, mol_vec, all_nodes, cur_mol, new_global_amap, pred_amap, nei_node, cur_node, prob_decode)
                if cur_mol is None: 
                    result = False
            if result: return cur_mol

        return None
예제 #4
def can_assemble(node_x, node_y):
    neis = node_x.neighbors + [node_y]
    for i,nei in enumerate(neis):
        nei.nid = i

    neighbors = [nei for nei in neis if nei.mol.GetNumAtoms() > 1]
    neighbors = sorted(neighbors, key=lambda x:x.mol.GetNumAtoms(), reverse=True)
    singletons = [nei for nei in neis if nei.mol.GetNumAtoms() == 1]
    neighbors = singletons + neighbors
    cands = enum_assemble(node_x, neighbors)
    return len(cands) > 0
예제 #5
    def assemble(self):
        neighbors = [nei for nei in self.neighbors if nei.mol.GetNumAtoms() > 1]
        neighbors = sorted(neighbors, key=lambda x:x.mol.GetNumAtoms(), reverse=True)
        singletons = [nei for nei in self.neighbors if nei.mol.GetNumAtoms() == 1]
        neighbors = singletons + neighbors

        cands = enum_assemble(self, neighbors)
        if len(cands) > 0:
            self.cands, self.cand_mols, _ = zip(*cands)
            self.cands = list(self.cands)
            self.cand_mols = list(self.cand_mols)
            self.cands = []
            self.cand_mols = []
예제 #6
    def assemble(self):
        neighbors = [nei for nei in self.neighbors if nei.mol.GetNumAtoms() > 1]
        neighbors = sorted(neighbors, key=lambda x:x.mol.GetNumAtoms(), reverse=True)
        singletons = [nei for nei in self.neighbors if nei.mol.GetNumAtoms() == 1]
        neighbors = singletons + neighbors

        cands,aroma = enum_assemble(self, neighbors)
        new_cands = [cand for i,cand in enumerate(cands) if aroma[i] >= 0]
        if len(new_cands) > 0: cands = new_cands

        if len(cands) > 0:
            self.cands, _ = zip(*cands)
            self.cands = list(self.cands)
            self.cands = []
예제 #7
def can_assemble(node_x, node_y):
    node_x.nid = 1
    node_x.is_leaf = False
    set_atommap(node_x.mol, node_x.nid)

    neis = node_x.neighbors + [node_y]
    for i,nei in enumerate(neis):
        nei.nid = i + 2
        nei.is_leaf = (len(nei.neighbors) <= 1)
        if nei.is_leaf:
            set_atommap(nei.mol, 0)
            set_atommap(nei.mol, nei.nid)

    neighbors = [nei for nei in neis if nei.mol.GetNumAtoms() > 1]
    neighbors = sorted(neighbors, key=lambda x:x.mol.GetNumAtoms(), reverse=True)
    singletons = [nei for nei in neis if nei.mol.GetNumAtoms() == 1]
    neighbors = singletons + neighbors
    cands,aroma_scores = enum_assemble(node_x, neighbors)
    return len(cands) > 0# and sum(aroma_scores) >= 0
예제 #8
    def assemble(self):
        This function, given the current "cluster-node" in the "cluster-graph" and its "neighbor cluster-nodes",
        returns all the possible molecular attachment configurations
        of this node's cluster with its neighbor nodes' clusters.
        # get the neighbors for this "cluster-node" which are not singleton clusters i.e. contain only one atom
        neighbors = [
            neighbor for neighbor in self.neighbors
            if neighbor.mol.GetNumAtoms() > 1

        # sort the neighbor nodes of the "cluster-graph" in descending order of number of atoms
        neighbors = sorted(neighbors,
                           key=lambda x: x.mol.GetNumAtoms(),

        # obtain all the singleton neighbor "cluster-nodes" of this "cluster-node", in the "cluster-graph"
        singletons = [
            neighbor for neighbor in self.neighbors
            if neighbor.mol.GetNumAtoms() == 1
        neighbors = singletons + neighbors

        # obtain all possible candidate molecular attachment configurations,
        # corresponding to all possible valid combination of this cluster
        # and its neighbors
        candidates = enum_assemble(self, neighbors)

        if len(candidates) > 0:
            # SMILES, molecules
            self.candidates, self.candidate_mols, _ = zip(*candidates)
            self.candidates = list(self.candidates)
            self.candidate_mols = list(self.candidate_mols)
            self.candidates = []
            self.candidate_mols = []
예제 #9
파일: 프로젝트: yuxwind/DIG
    def dfs_assemble(self, y_tree_mess, x_mol_vecs, all_nodes, cur_mol, global_amap, fa_amap, cur_node, fa_node, prob_decode, check_aroma):
        fa_nid = fa_node.nid if fa_node is not None else -1
        prev_nodes = [fa_node] if fa_node is not None else []

        children = [nei for nei in cur_node.neighbors if nei.nid != fa_nid]
        neighbors = [nei for nei in children if nei.mol.GetNumAtoms() > 1]
        neighbors = sorted(neighbors, key=lambda x:x.mol.GetNumAtoms(), reverse=True)
        singletons = [nei for nei in children if nei.mol.GetNumAtoms() == 1]
        neighbors = singletons + neighbors

        cur_amap = [(fa_nid,a2,a1) for nid,a1,a2 in fa_amap if nid == cur_node.nid]
        cands,aroma_score = enum_assemble(cur_node, neighbors, prev_nodes, cur_amap)
        if len(cands) == 0 or (sum(aroma_score) < 0 and check_aroma):
            return None, cur_mol

        cand_smiles,cand_amap = zip(*cands)
        aroma_score = torch.Tensor(aroma_score).cuda()
        cands = [(smiles, all_nodes, cur_node) for smiles in cand_smiles]

        if len(cands) > 1:
            jtmpn_holder = JTMPN.tensorize(cands, y_tree_mess[1])
            fatoms,fbonds,agraph,bgraph,scope = jtmpn_holder
            cand_vecs = self.jtmpn(fatoms, fbonds, agraph, bgraph, scope, y_tree_mess[0])
            scores =, x_mol_vecs) + aroma_score
            scores = torch.Tensor([1.0])

        if prob_decode:
            probs = F.softmax(scores.view(1,-1), dim=1).squeeze() + 1e-7 #prevent prob = 0
            cand_idx = torch.multinomial(probs, probs.numel())
            _,cand_idx = torch.sort(scores, descending=True)

        backup_mol = Chem.RWMol(cur_mol)
        pre_mol = cur_mol
        for i in range(cand_idx.numel()):
            cur_mol = Chem.RWMol(backup_mol)
            pred_amap = cand_amap[cand_idx[i].item()]
            new_global_amap = copy.deepcopy(global_amap)

            for nei_id,ctr_atom,nei_atom in pred_amap:
                if nei_id == fa_nid:
                new_global_amap[nei_id][nei_atom] = new_global_amap[cur_node.nid][ctr_atom]

            cur_mol = attach_mols(cur_mol, children, [], new_global_amap) #father is already attached
            new_mol = cur_mol.GetMol()
            new_mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(Chem.MolToSmiles(new_mol))

            if new_mol is None: continue
            has_error = False
            for nei_node in children:
                if nei_node.is_leaf: continue
                tmp_mol, tmp_mol2 = self.dfs_assemble(y_tree_mess, x_mol_vecs, all_nodes, cur_mol, new_global_amap, pred_amap, nei_node, cur_node, prob_decode, check_aroma)
                if tmp_mol is None: 
                    has_error = True
                    if i == 0: pre_mol = tmp_mol2
                cur_mol = tmp_mol

            if not has_error: return cur_mol, cur_mol

        return None, pre_mol