def min(a, gridwidth, eff, phi, epsilon, detections):
    def f(x, y, Z, Epn, height):
        sum = 0
        for detection in a:
            x0 = float(detection[0])
            y0 = float(detection[1])
            count = float(detection[2])
            bkgcount = float(detection[3])
            category = detection[4]
            sum +=, y, Epn, Z, height, x0, y0, count, bkgcount,
                          category, eff, phi, epsilon)
        return sum

    #Runs Minimisation and outputs results

    startpos = [0, 0, 26.0, 1000, 30000]
    argumentx = "limit_x = (-300, 300), error_x = 100000, "
    argumenty = "limit_y = (-300, 300), error_y = 100000, "
    argumentZ = "fix_Z=True, "
    argumentE = "limit_Epn = (232, 4000), error_Epn=1000, "
    argumentheight = "limit_height = (17500, 70000), error_height=(100000), "
    argumenterror = "print_level=0, errordef = 100"

    m = eval("Minuit(f, x=" + str(startpos[0]) + ", " + argumentx + "y=" +
             str(startpos[1]) + ", " + argumenty + "Epn = " +
             str(startpos[3]) + ", " + argumentE + "Z=" + str(startpos[2]) +
             "," + argumentZ + "height = " + str(startpos[4]) + ", " +
             argumentheight + argumenterror + ")")
    params = m.values
    guess = [
        params['x'], params['y'], params['Epn'], params['Z'], params['height']
    guessfval = m.fval

    xsites = np.linspace(-150, 150, int(gridwidth))
    ysites = np.linspace(-150, 150, int(gridwidth))

    eraw = np.linspace(0, 1, num=3)
    R = eraw * 0.0178
    evals = ((1.7 * R / 321) + (3571**-1.7))**(-1 / 1.7)
    hvals = np.linspace(20000, 30000, num=3)
    hvals = [25000]

    zvalues = np.arange(20., 33.)

    minangle = 0.0
    j = 0

    while j < 5:
        coordinates = []
        j = 0
        minangle += 0.1
        for x in xsites:
            for y in ysites:
                n = 0

                for detection in a:
                    x0 = float(detection[0])
                    y0 = float(detection[1])
                    recordeddangle = float(detection[5])

                    dangle = ce.dangle(x0, y0, x, y)

                    if math.fabs(dangle -
                                 recordeddangle) < math.radians(minangle):
                        n += 1

                if n > (len(a) - 1):
                    coordinates.append([x, y])
                    j += 1
        if minangle > 20:
            j = 10

    ehvals = []
    for height in hvals:
        for Epn in evals:
            ri = atm.runindex(height)
            Ethreshold = float(cr.runemin(ri))
            if float(Epn) > float(Ethreshold):
                ehvals.append([Epn, height])

    xycount = len(coordinates)
    ehcount = len(ehvals)
    zcount = len(zvalues)
    line = [0, 0]

    #~ rg = guess
    #~ rf = guessfval

    print detections, "Detections -> ", xycount, "Valid Core Positions (", minangle, "Degrees from recorded axis)", ehcount, "Valid Height/Epn Combinations", zcount, "Charge Values", xycount * ehcount * zcount, "Total Minimisations"

    for z in zvalues:

        m = eval("Minuit(f, x=" + str(startpos[0]) + ", " + argumentx + "y=" +
                 str(startpos[1]) + ", " + argumenty + "Epn = " +
                 str(startpos[3]) + ", " + argumentE + "Z=" + str(z) + "," +
                 argumentZ + "height = " + str(startpos[4]) + ", " +
                 argumentheight + argumenterror + ")")
        params = m.values
        zguess = [
            params['x'], params['y'], params['Epn'], params['Z'],
        zguessfval = m.fval

        for [x, y] in coordinates:
            for [e, h] in ehvals:
                m = eval("Minuit(f,  " + "Epn=" + str(e) + ", " + argumentE +
                         "height = " + str(h) + ", " + argumentheight + "Z=" +
                         str(z) + "," + argumentZ + "x=" + str(x) + ", " +
                         argumentx + "y=" + str(y) + ", " + argumenty +
                         argumenterror + ")")
                params = m.values
                fval = m.fval
                values = m.get_fmin()
                if fval < zguessfval:
                    if values.is_valid:
                        zguess = [
                            params['x'], params['y'], params['Epn'],
                            params['Z'], params['height']
                        zguessfval = fval
                        #~ print zguess, "(", zguessfval, ") Valid!"
                    #~ elif fval < rf:
                    #~ rf = fval
                    #~ rg = [params['x'], params['y'], params['Epn'], params['Z'], params['height']]
                    #~ print rg, "(", rf, ") Rejected!"

        print time.asctime(time.localtime()), zguess, "(", zguessfval, ")"
        #~ print rg, "(", rf, ") Rejected!"

        if zguessfval < guessfval:
            guess = zguess
            guessfval = zguessfval

    print "Final guess is", guess, math.degrees(phi), math.degrees(
        epsilon), "(", guessfval, ")"
    return guess[0], guess[1], guess[2], guess[3], guess[4], guessfval
예제 #2
def run(eff,

    #~ #Create a subplot for the fractional abundance
    #~ ax1 = plt.subplot(211)
    #~ #Define number of bins, maximum Epn
    #~ bincount = 20
    #~ nmax = 1
    #~ emax = 35720
    #~ Rrange = np.linspace(0, nmax, bincount)
    #~ k = math.log(emax/232)/float(nmax)
    #~ Erange=[]
    #~ fullcount = []
    #~ nDC = []
    #~ wnDC = []
    #~ bT = []
    #~ wbT = []
    #~ mT = []
    #~ wmT = []
    #~ #Iterate over Energies
    #~ for R in Rrange:
    #~ Epn = 232*(math.e**(k*R))
    #~ Erange.append(Epn)
    #~ weight = Epn ** (-2.7)
    #~ #For a given Energy, iterate over n randomly simulated events
    #~ for i in range (0, int(number)):
    #~ #As in, randomly generate all variables (expect Epn)
    #~ xpos = (random.random()*300)-150
    #~ ypos = (random.random()*300)-150
    #~ Z= 26
    #~ hprob = random.random()
    #~ height = atm.runheight(hprob, text)
    #~ zenith = random.random()*44
    #~ phi = math.radians(68+zenith)
    #~ epsilon = math.pi*random.random()*2
    #~ radius, theta =, height, math.sin(phi), text=text)
    #~ #Determine what category the event was
    #~ entry, entrytype =, xpos, ypos, epsilon, radius, Epn, Z, height, phi, theta, mincount, eff, 1, graph=False, text=False)
    #~ #append the energy value to the appropriate category
    #~ if entrytype == "metThreshold":
    #~ mT.append(Epn)
    #~ wmT.append(weight)
    #~ elif entrytype == "belowThreshold":
    #~ bT.append(Epn)
    #~ wbT.append(weight)
    #~ elif entrytype == "nonDC":
    #~ nDC.append(Epn)
    #~ wnDC.append(weight)
    #~ else:
    #~ print "ERROR OVER HERE!!!!"
    #~ #Create labels for each bin
    #~ labels = ["metThreshold", "belowThreshold", "nonDC"]
    #~ xlabels=[]
    #~ for i in Erange:
    #~ xlabels.append(int(i))
    #~ Erange.append(emax + 1)
    #~ bin_centers = 0.5 * np.diff(Erange) + Erange[:-1]
    #~ limits = [Erange[0], Erange[bincount]]
    #~ mweights = np.ones_like(mT)/len(mT)
    #~ bweights=np.ones_like(bT)/len(bT)
    #~ nDCweights=np.ones_like(nDC)/len(nDC)
    #~ #Plot the histogram
    #~ plt.hist([mT, bT, nDC], bins=Erange, log=True, histtype='bar',range=limits, label=labels)
    #~ plt.xlim(limits)
    #~ plt.xscale('log')
    #~ plt.xticks(bin_centers, xlabels, rotation=90)
    #~ plt.xlabel('Epn', labelpad=0)
    #~ plt.ylabel('Abundance')
    #~ plt.gca().set_ylim(bottom=0.1)
    #~ #plot the histogram scaled with E^-2.7 distribution to the second subplot
    #~ ax2 = plt.subplot(212)
    #~ plt.hist([mT, bT, nDC], weights=[wmT, wbT, wnDC], log=True, bins=Erange, histtype='bar',range=limits, label=labels)
    #~ plt.xlim(limits)
    #~ plt.xscale('log')
    #~ plt.xticks(bin_centers, xlabels, rotation=90)
    #~ plt.xlabel('Epn', labelpad=0)
    #~ plt.ylabel('Scaled Count')
    #~ plt.legend()
    #~ fig = plt.gcf() # get current figure
    #~ title = 'Epn Statistics for ' + str(float(nh)*float(bincount)) + " hours"
    #~ st = plt.suptitle(title, fontsize=20)
    #~ st.set_y(0.98)
    #~ fig.set_size_inches(10, 15)
    #~ fig.tight_layout()
    #~ fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.95)
    #~ plt.savefig('/d6/rstein/Hamburg-Cosmic-Rays/report/graphs/energystats.png')
    #~ plt.savefig('/d6/rstein/Hamburg-Cosmic-Rays/positioning/graphs/stats/energystats.pdf')
    #~ plt.close()

    #Plot variables Etheshold and Ring Radius againist height

    ax3 = plt.subplot(111)

    rawheights = []
    emin = []
    rmax = []

    Erange = [3521, 750, 232]

    labels = [" = Infinity "]
    for e in Erange:
        labels.append(" = " + str(e))

    colors = ["k", "r", "g", "m", "c", "b"]

    nucleonmass = 0.93827

    betarange = [1.0]
    for E in Erange:
        gamma = float(E) / nucleonmass
        betarange.append(math.sqrt(1 - (float(1) / (gamma**2))))

    print Erange
    print betarange

    curves = []
    for j in range(0, len(betarange)):

    #Look up values from atmprofile10.csv

    with open(
            'rb') as csvfile:
        reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|')
        i = 0
        for row in reader:
            i += 1

            #Skip the first three rows

            if i > 3:

                #Loads the height and Refractive Index

                height = float(row[0]) * 1000
                ri = float(row[3]) + float(1)

                #Calculate the maximum Cherenkov Angle as 1/eta

                for j in range(0, len(betarange)):
                    beta = betarange[j]
                    costheta = float(1) / ((float(ri)) * float(beta))
                    if costheta < 1:
                        theta = math.acos(
                            float(1) / ((float(ri)) * float(beta)))
                        r = theta * (height - altitude)

                #Calculates the Threshold Energy using Refractive Index

                Ethreshold = float(cr.runemin(ri)) * (10**-3)

                #Calculate the Maximum Ring Size, and appends these values to arrays


    for j in range(0, len(betarange)):
        print j, len(curves[j]), len(rawheights[j])
        label = "Radius (m) for Epn" + str(labels[j])
        ax3.plot(curves[j], rawheights[j], color=colors[j], label=label)
    #~ plt.axhspan(19000, 26000, color='m', alpha=0.5)
             label="Threshold Energy (TeV per Nucleon)")


    plt.ylabel('Height', labelpad=0)

    print "Maximum Radius is", max(curves[0])

    #~ ax4 = plt.subplot(212)
    #~ plots = []
    #~ weighting = []
    #~ labels = []
    #~ requiredfracs=np.linspace(0.6, 0.9, 3)
    #~ for requiredfrac in requiredfracs:
    #~ heights = []
    #~ probrange = []
    #~ normweight = []
    #~ stepcount = 1000
    #~ lower = float(1)/float(stepcount)
    #~ upper = float(1-lower)
    #~ Rrange = np.linspace(lower, upper, stepcount)
    #~ for R in Rrange:
    #~ h = atm.runheight(1-R)
    #~ ri = atm.runindex(h)
    #~ thetamax = math.acos(float(1)/(float(ri)))
    #~ rmax = thetamax * (h - altitude)
    #~ if rmax > 60:
    #~ rthreshold = 0.5*rmax
    #~ hthreshold = 20000
    #~ r = 120000
    #~ while r > rthreshold:
    #~ ri = atm.runindex(hthreshold)
    #~ thetamax = math.acos(float(1)/(float(ri)))
    #~ r = thetamax * (hthreshold - altitude)
    #~ hthreshold += 1000
    #~ requiredr = (requiredfrac*rthreshold)
    #~ etrial = 250
    #~ r = 0
    #~ ri = atm.runindex(hthreshold)
    #~ while r < requiredr:
    #~ gamma = float(etrial)/nucleonmass
    #~ beta = math.sqrt(1-(float(1)/(gamma**2)))
    #~ costheta = float(1)/((float(ri))*beta)
    #~ if costheta < 1:
    #~ theta = math.acos(costheta)
    #~ r = theta * (hthreshold - altitude)
    #~ etrial += 100
    #~ N = ((etrial**(-1.7)))*(float(321)/1.7)
    #~ print "For the Saturation Threshold of", etrial, "we have a probability of", N, "that an event will meet this"
    #~ print "For a height", h, "rmax is", rmax, "our threshold is", rthreshold, "(and the an angle is", thetamax, ")"
    #~ print "We examine", hthreshold, "where the max radius is", r, "and the threshold was", rthreshold
    #~ print "For beta = 1, we have", rthreshold, "we require",  requiredr, "at an energy", etrial, "we have", r
    #~ print "For a height", h, "Our Probability is", R, "that an event will reach this height or further"
    #~ heights.append(h)
    #~ normweight.append(N)

    #~ label = "For half Rmax, we require r=" + str(round(requiredfrac, 2))
    #~ labels.append(label)
    #~ plots.append(heights)
    #~ weighting.append(normweight/np.sum(normweight))
    #~ plots.append(heights)
    #~ weighting.append(np.ones(len(heights))/len(heights))
    #~ labels.append("All Events")
    #~ print len(plots), len(weighting), len(labels)
    #~ plt.hist(plots, bins=20, weights=weighting, histtype='bar', label=labels)
    #~ plt.xlabel('Height', labelpad=0)
    #~ plt.ylabel('Normalised Fraction of Events', labelpad=0)

    fig = plt.gcf()  # get current figure

    st = fig.suptitle("Threshold Energy and Cherenkov Ring Radii", fontsize=20)
    fig.set_size_inches(10, 15)
    #~ title = 'Epn Statistics for ' + str(float(nh)*float(bincount)) + " hours"
    #~ plt.suptitle(title, fontsize=20)


    if graph:
def min(a, gridwidth, eff, phi, epsilon, detections):
	def f(x,y,Z,Epn, height):
		sum = 0
		for detection in a:
			x0 = float(detection[0])
			y0 = float(detection[1])
			count = float(detection[2])
			bkgcount = float(detection[3])
			category = detection[4]
			sum +=,y,Epn,Z, height, x0,y0, count, bkgcount, category, eff, phi, epsilon)
		return sum

	#Runs Minimisation and outputs results
	startpos=[0, 0, 26.0, 1000, 30000]
	argumentx = "limit_x = (-300, 300), error_x = 100000, "
	argumenty = "limit_y = (-300, 300), error_y = 100000, "
	argumentZ = "fix_Z=True, "
	argumentE = "limit_Epn = (232, 4000), error_Epn=1000, "
	argumentheight = "limit_height = (17500, 70000), error_height=(100000), "
	argumenterror = "print_level=0, errordef = 100"

	m = eval("Minuit(f, x="+ str(startpos[0]) + ", " + argumentx + "y="+ str(startpos[1]) + ", " + argumenty+ "Epn = "+ str(startpos[3]) + ", " + argumentE + "Z=" + str(startpos[2]) + "," +argumentZ + "height = " + str(startpos[4]) + ", " + argumentheight + argumenterror + ")")
	params = m.values
	guess = [params['x'], params['y'], params['Epn'], params['Z'], params['height']]
	guessfval = m.fval

	xsites = np.linspace(-150, 150, int(gridwidth))
	ysites = np.linspace(-150, 150, int(gridwidth))
	eraw = np.linspace(0, 1, num=3)
	R = eraw*0.0178
	evals = ((1.7*R/321)+(3571**-1.7))**(-1/1.7)
	hvals = np.linspace(20000, 30000, num=3)
	hvals = [25000]
	zvalues = np.arange(20.,33.)
	minangle = 0.0
	j = 0
	while j < 5:
		coordinates = []
		j = 0
		minangle += 0.1
		for x in xsites:
				for y in ysites:
						for detection in a:
							x0 = float(detection[0])
							y0 = float(detection[1])
							recordeddangle = float(detection[5])
							dangle = ce.dangle(x0, y0, x, y)
							if math.fabs(dangle - recordeddangle) < math.radians(minangle):
						if n > (len(a)-1):
		if minangle > 20:
	for height in hvals:
		for Epn in evals:
			ri = atm.runindex(height)
			Ethreshold = float(cr.runemin(ri))
			if float(Epn) > float(Ethreshold):
				ehvals.append([Epn, height])
	xycount = len(coordinates)			
	ehcount = len(ehvals)
	zcount = len(zvalues)
	line = [0,0]
	#~ rg = guess
	#~ rf = guessfval
	print detections, "Detections -> ", xycount, "Valid Core Positions (", minangle, "Degrees from recorded axis)", ehcount, "Valid Height/Epn Combinations", zcount, "Charge Values", xycount*ehcount*zcount, "Total Minimisations"
	for z in zvalues:
		m = eval("Minuit(f, x="+ str(startpos[0]) + ", " + argumentx + "y="+ str(startpos[1]) + ", " + argumenty+ "Epn = "+ str(startpos[3]) + ", " + argumentE + "Z=" + str(z) + "," +argumentZ + "height = " + str(startpos[4]) + ", " + argumentheight + argumenterror + ")")
		params = m.values
		zguess = [params['x'], params['y'], params['Epn'], params['Z'], params['height']]
		zguessfval = m.fval
		for [x, y] in coordinates:							
				for [e, h] in ehvals:
					m = eval("Minuit(f,  " + "Epn=" + str(e) + ", " + argumentE + "height = " + str(h) + ", " + argumentheight + "Z=" + str(z) + "," +argumentZ + "x="+ str(x) + ", " + argumentx + "y="+ str(y) + ", " + argumenty+ argumenterror + ")")
					params = m.values
					fval = m.fval
					values = m.get_fmin()
					if fval < zguessfval:
						if values.is_valid:
							zguess = [params['x'], params['y'], params['Epn'], params['Z'], params['height']]
							zguessfval = fval
							#~ print zguess, "(", zguessfval, ") Valid!" 
						#~ elif fval < rf:
							#~ rf = fval
							#~ rg = [params['x'], params['y'], params['Epn'], params['Z'], params['height']]
							#~ print rg, "(", rf, ") Rejected!"
		print time.asctime(time.localtime()), zguess, "(", zguessfval, ")"
		#~ print rg, "(", rf, ") Rejected!"
		if zguessfval < guessfval:
			guess = zguess
			guessfval = zguessfval
	print "Final guess is", guess, math.degrees(phi), math.degrees(epsilon), "(", guessfval, ")"
	return guess[0], guess[1], guess[2], guess[3], guess[4], guessfval
예제 #4
def min(fullsimulation, layout, gridwidth, raweff):
	measured = fullsimulation.detected
	true = fullsimulation.true

	def full(x,y, Epn):
		energy = 56*Epn
		testevent = event(x, y, measured.epsilon, energy, 26, 25000, measured.phi, N=56, layout=layout, smear=False)
		ll = testevent.minusllfull
		#~ print "x", x, "y", y, "Epn", Epn, "ll", ll
		return ll

	#Runs Minimisation and outputs results
	fullstartpos=[0, 0, 1000, 20000]
	argumentx = "limit_x = (-300, 300), error_x = 100000, "
	argumenty = "limit_y = (-300, 300), error_y = 100000, "
	argumentZ = "limit_Z = (16,36), error_Z = 2, "
	argumentheight = "limit_height = (15000, 65000), error_height=(100000), "
	argumentE = "limit_Epn = (232, 4000), error_Epn=1000, "
	argumenterror = "print_level=0, errordef = 100"

	m = eval("Minuit(full, x="+ str(fullstartpos[0]) + ", " + argumentx + "y="+ str(fullstartpos[1]) + ", " + argumenty+ "Epn = "+ str(fullstartpos[2]) + ", " + argumentE + argumenterror + ")")
	guessparams = m.values
	guessfval = m.fval

	xsites = np.linspace(-150, 150, 300)
	ysites = np.linspace(-150, 150, 300)
	eraw = np.linspace(0, 1, num=50)
	R = eraw**3.01*(10**-3)
	evals =	((1.7*R/321)+(2411**-1.7))**(-1/1.7)
	minangle = 0.0
	j = 0
	while j < 20:
		coordinates = []
		j = 0
		minangle += 0.1
		for x in xsites:
				for y in ysites:
						for tel in measured.telescopes:
							newdangle = ce.dangle(tel.x,tel.y, x, y)
							if math.fabs(newdangle - tel.dangle) < math.radians(minangle):
						if n > (len(measured.telescopes)-1):
		if minangle > 20:
	for [x, y] in coordinates:							
			for e in evals:
				m = eval("Minuit(full,  " + "Epn=" + str(e) + ", " + argumentE + "x="+ str(x) + ", " + argumentx + "y="+ str(y) + ", " + argumenty+ argumenterror + ")")
				params = m.values
				fval = m.fval
				values = m.get_fmin()
				if fval < guessfval:
					if values.is_valid:
						guessparams = params
						guessfval = fval						
	print "Final guess is", guessparams, "(", guessfval, ")"
	print "Measured values are", [measured.rayxpos, measured.rayypos, measured.epn], "(", true.minusllfull, ")", true.fullmultiplicity
	fullreconx = guessparams['x']
	fullrecony = guessparams['y']
	reconEpn = guessparams['Epn']
	def dc(Z,height, x, y):
		energy = 56*reconEpn
		testevent = event(x, y, measured.epsilon, energy, Z, height, measured.phi, N=56, layout=layout, smear=False)
		if math.fabs(Z-26) > 10:
			print "x", x, "y", y, "Height", height, "Z", Z,   
		ll = testevent.minuslldc
		if math.fabs(Z-26) > 10:
			print "ll1",ll, 
		ll += testevent.minusllfull
		if math.fabs(Z-26) > 10:
			print "ll2", ll
		return ll

	xsites = np.linspace(-150, 150, int(gridwidth))
	ysites = np.linspace(-150, 150, int(gridwidth))
	eraw = np.linspace(0, 1, num=3)
	R = eraw*0.0178
	evals = ((1.7*R/321)+(3571**-1.7))**(-1/1.7)
	hvals = np.linspace(20000, 30000, num=3)
	zvalues = np.arange(20.,33.)
	minangle = 0.0
	j = 0
	for height in hvals:
		for Epn in evals:
			ri = atm.runindex(height)
			Ethreshold = float(cr.runemin(ri))
			if float(Epn) > float(Ethreshold):
				ehvals.append([Epn, height])
	xycount = len(coordinates)			
	ehcount = len(ehvals)
	zcount = len(zvalues)
	line = [0,0]
	print ehvals
	print measured.DCmultiplicity, "Detections -> "
	print xycount, "Valid Core Positions (", minangle, "Degrees from recorded axis)", ehcount, "Valid Height/Epn Combinations", zcount, "Charge Values", xycount*ehcount*zcount, "Total Minimisations"
	m = eval("Minuit(dc, x="+ str(fullreconx) + ", " + argumentx + "y="+ str(fullrecony) + ", " + argumenty+  "Z=26," +argumentZ + "height = 20000, " + argumentheight + argumenterror + ")")
	params = m.values
	guessparams = params
	guessfval = m.fval
	for z in zvalues:					
		for h in hvals:
			for [x, y] in coordinates:
				m = eval("Minuit(dc,  x="+ str(x) + ", " + argumentx + "y="+ str(y) + ", " + argumenty+  "height = " + str(h) + ", " + argumentheight + "Z=" + str(z) + "," +argumentZ + argumenterror + ")")
				params = m.values
				fval = m.fval
				values = m.get_fmin()
				if fval < guessfval:
					if values.is_valid:							
						if fval < guessfval:
							guessparams = params
							guessfval = fval
	print "Final guess is", guessparams, math.degrees(measured.phi), math.degrees(measured.epsilon), "(", guessfval, ")"
	reconZ = guessparams["Z"]
	reconheight = guessparams["height"]
	reconx = guessparams["x"]
	recony = guessparams["y"]
	energy = reconEpn*56
	print "Recon", [reconx, recony, reconEpn, reconZ, reconheight]
	print "True", [true.rayxpos, true.rayypos, true.epn, true.Z, true.height]
	fullsimulation.reconstructed = event(reconx, recony, measured.epsilon, energy, reconZ, reconheight, measured.phi, N=56, layout=layout, smear=False)
	fullsimulation.reconstructed.fullrayxpos = fullreconx
	fullsimulation.reconstructed.fullrayypos = fullrecony
예제 #5
def min(fullsimulation, layout, gridwidth, raweff):
    measured = fullsimulation.detected
    true = fullsimulation.true

    def full(x, y, Epn):
        energy = 56 * Epn
        testevent = event(x, y, measured.epsilon, energy, 26, 25000, measured.phi, N=56, layout=layout, smear=False)
        ll = testevent.minusllfull
        # ~ print "x", x, "y", y, "Epn", Epn, "ll", ll
        return ll

        # Runs Minimisation and outputs results

    fullstartpos = [0, 0, 1000, 20000]
    argumentx = "limit_x = (-300, 300), error_x = 100000, "
    argumenty = "limit_y = (-300, 300), error_y = 100000, "
    argumentZ = "limit_Z = (16,36), error_Z = 2, "
    argumentheight = "limit_height = (15000, 65000), error_height=(100000), "
    argumentE = "limit_Epn = (232, 4000), error_Epn=1000, "
    argumenterror = "print_level=0, errordef = 100"

    m = eval(
        "Minuit(full, x="
        + str(fullstartpos[0])
        + ", "
        + argumentx
        + "y="
        + str(fullstartpos[1])
        + ", "
        + argumenty
        + "Epn = "
        + str(fullstartpos[2])
        + ", "
        + argumentE
        + argumenterror
        + ")"
    guessparams = m.values
    guessfval = m.fval

    xsites = np.linspace(-150, 150, 300)
    ysites = np.linspace(-150, 150, 300)

    eraw = np.linspace(0, 1, num=50)
    R = eraw ** 3.01 * (10 ** -3)
    evals = ((1.7 * R / 321) + (2411 ** -1.7)) ** (-1 / 1.7)

    minangle = 0.0
    j = 0
    # ~
    while j < 20:
        coordinates = []
        j = 0
        minangle += 0.1
        for x in xsites:
            for y in ysites:
                n = 0
                for tel in measured.telescopes:
                    newdangle = ce.dangle(tel.x, tel.y, x, y)

                    if math.fabs(newdangle - tel.dangle) < math.radians(minangle):
                        n += 1

                if n > (len(measured.telescopes) - 1):
                    coordinates.append([x, y])
                    j += 1
        if minangle > 20:
            j = 200
            # ~
    for [x, y] in coordinates:
        for e in evals:
            m = eval(
                "Minuit(full,  "
                + "Epn="
                + str(e)
                + ", "
                + argumentE
                + "x="
                + str(x)
                + ", "
                + argumentx
                + "y="
                + str(y)
                + ", "
                + argumenty
                + argumenterror
                + ")"
            params = m.values
            fval = m.fval
            values = m.get_fmin()
            if fval < guessfval:
                if values.is_valid:
                    guessparams = params
                    guessfval = fval

    print "Final guess is", guessparams, "(", guessfval, ")"
    print "Measured values are", [
    ], "(", true.minusllfull, ")", true.fullmultiplicity

    fullreconx = guessparams["x"]
    fullrecony = guessparams["y"]
    reconEpn = guessparams["Epn"]

    def dc(Z, height, x, y):
        energy = 56 * reconEpn
        testevent = event(x, y, measured.epsilon, energy, Z, height, measured.phi, N=56, layout=layout, smear=False)
        if math.fabs(Z - 26) > 10:
            print "x", x, "y", y, "Height", height, "Z", Z,
        ll = testevent.minuslldc
        if math.fabs(Z - 26) > 10:
            print "ll1", ll,
        ll += testevent.minusllfull
        if math.fabs(Z - 26) > 10:
            print "ll2", ll
        return ll

    xsites = np.linspace(-150, 150, int(gridwidth))
    ysites = np.linspace(-150, 150, int(gridwidth))

    eraw = np.linspace(0, 1, num=3)
    R = eraw * 0.0178
    evals = ((1.7 * R / 321) + (3571 ** -1.7)) ** (-1 / 1.7)
    hvals = np.linspace(20000, 30000, num=3)

    zvalues = np.arange(20.0, 33.0)

    minangle = 0.0
    j = 0

    ehvals = []
    for height in hvals:
        for Epn in evals:
            ri = atm.runindex(height)
            Ethreshold = float(cr.runemin(ri))
            if float(Epn) > float(Ethreshold):
                ehvals.append([Epn, height])
                # ~
    xycount = len(coordinates)
    ehcount = len(ehvals)
    zcount = len(zvalues)
    line = [0, 0]

    print ehvals

    print measured.DCmultiplicity, "Detections -> "
    print xycount, "Valid Core Positions (", minangle, "Degrees from recorded axis)", ehcount, "Valid Height/Epn Combinations", zcount, "Charge Values", xycount * ehcount * zcount, "Total Minimisations"

    m = eval(
        "Minuit(dc, x="
        + str(fullreconx)
        + ", "
        + argumentx
        + "y="
        + str(fullrecony)
        + ", "
        + argumenty
        + "Z=26,"
        + argumentZ
        + "height = 20000, "
        + argumentheight
        + argumenterror
        + ")"
    params = m.values
    guessparams = params
    guessfval = m.fval

    for z in zvalues:
        for h in hvals:
            for [x, y] in coordinates:
                m = eval(
                    "Minuit(dc,  x="
                    + str(x)
                    + ", "
                    + argumentx
                    + "y="
                    + str(y)
                    + ", "
                    + argumenty
                    + "height = "
                    + str(h)
                    + ", "
                    + argumentheight
                    + "Z="
                    + str(z)
                    + ","
                    + argumentZ
                    + argumenterror
                    + ")"
                params = m.values
                fval = m.fval
                values = m.get_fmin()
                if fval < guessfval:
                    if values.is_valid:
                        if fval < guessfval:
                            guessparams = params
                            guessfval = fval

    print "Final guess is", guessparams, math.degrees(measured.phi), math.degrees(measured.epsilon), "(", guessfval, ")"

    reconZ = guessparams["Z"]
    reconheight = guessparams["height"]
    reconx = guessparams["x"]
    recony = guessparams["y"]

    energy = reconEpn * 56
    print "Recon", [reconx, recony, reconEpn, reconZ, reconheight]
    print "True", [true.rayxpos, true.rayypos, true.epn, true.Z, true.height]
    fullsimulation.reconstructed = event(
        reconx, recony, measured.epsilon, energy, reconZ, reconheight, measured.phi, N=56, layout=layout, smear=False
    fullsimulation.reconstructed.fullrayxpos = fullreconx
    fullsimulation.reconstructed.fullrayypos = fullrecony
def run(eff, rowcount, mincount=4, text=False, graph=False, layout="five", number=1, nh=1):
	#~ #Create a subplot for the fractional abundance
	#~ ax1 = plt.subplot(211)
	#~ #Define number of bins, maximum Epn
	#~ bincount = 20
	#~ nmax = 1
	#~ emax = 35720
	#~ Rrange = np.linspace(0, nmax, bincount)
	#~ k = math.log(emax/232)/float(nmax)
	#~ Erange=[]
	#~ fullcount = []
	#~ nDC = []
	#~ wnDC = []
	#~ bT = []
	#~ wbT = []
	#~ mT = []
	#~ wmT = []
	#~ #Iterate over Energies
	#~ for R in Rrange:
		#~ Epn = 232*(math.e**(k*R))
		#~ Erange.append(Epn)
		#~ weight = Epn ** (-2.7)
		#~ #For a given Energy, iterate over n randomly simulated events
		#~ for i in range (0, int(number)):
			#~ #As in, randomly generate all variables (expect Epn)
			#~ xpos = (random.random()*300)-150
			#~ ypos = (random.random()*300)-150
			#~ Z= 26
			#~ hprob = random.random()
			#~ height = atm.runheight(hprob, text)
			#~ zenith = random.random()*44
			#~ phi = math.radians(68+zenith)
			#~ epsilon = math.pi*random.random()*2
			#~ radius, theta =, height, math.sin(phi), text=text)
			#~ #Determine what category the event was
			#~ entry, entrytype =, xpos, ypos, epsilon, radius, Epn, Z, height, phi, theta, mincount, eff, 1, graph=False, text=False)
			#~ #append the energy value to the appropriate category
			#~ if entrytype == "metThreshold":
				#~ mT.append(Epn)
				#~ wmT.append(weight)
			#~ elif entrytype == "belowThreshold":
				#~ bT.append(Epn)
				#~ wbT.append(weight)
			#~ elif entrytype == "nonDC":
				#~ nDC.append(Epn)
				#~ wnDC.append(weight)
			#~ else:
				#~ print "ERROR OVER HERE!!!!"
	#~ #Create labels for each bin
	#~ labels = ["metThreshold", "belowThreshold", "nonDC"]
	#~ xlabels=[]
	#~ for i in Erange:
		#~ xlabels.append(int(i))
	#~ Erange.append(emax + 1)
	#~ bin_centers = 0.5 * np.diff(Erange) + Erange[:-1]
	#~ limits = [Erange[0], Erange[bincount]]
	#~ mweights = np.ones_like(mT)/len(mT)
	#~ bweights=np.ones_like(bT)/len(bT)
	#~ nDCweights=np.ones_like(nDC)/len(nDC)
	#~ #Plot the histogram
	#~ plt.hist([mT, bT, nDC], bins=Erange, log=True, histtype='bar',range=limits, label=labels)
	#~ plt.xlim(limits)
	#~ plt.xscale('log')
	#~ plt.xticks(bin_centers, xlabels, rotation=90)
	#~ plt.xlabel('Epn', labelpad=0)
	#~ plt.ylabel('Abundance')
	#~ plt.gca().set_ylim(bottom=0.1)
	#~ #plot the histogram scaled with E^-2.7 distribution to the second subplot
	#~ ax2 = plt.subplot(212)
	#~ plt.hist([mT, bT, nDC], weights=[wmT, wbT, wnDC], log=True, bins=Erange, histtype='bar',range=limits, label=labels)
	#~ plt.xlim(limits)
	#~ plt.xscale('log')
	#~ plt.xticks(bin_centers, xlabels, rotation=90)
	#~ plt.xlabel('Epn', labelpad=0)
	#~ plt.ylabel('Scaled Count')
	#~ plt.legend()
	#~ fig = plt.gcf() # get current figure
	#~ title = 'Epn Statistics for ' + str(float(nh)*float(bincount)) + " hours"
	#~ st = plt.suptitle(title, fontsize=20)
	#~ st.set_y(0.98)
	#~ fig.set_size_inches(10, 15)
	#~ fig.tight_layout()
	#~ fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.95)
	#~ plt.savefig('/d6/rstein/Hamburg-Cosmic-Rays/report/graphs/energystats.png')
	#~ plt.savefig('/d6/rstein/Hamburg-Cosmic-Rays/positioning/graphs/stats/energystats.pdf')
	#~ plt.close()

	#Plot variables Etheshold and Ring Radius againist height
	ax3 = plt.subplot(111)
	rmax = []
	Erange = [3521, 750, 232]
	labels = [" = Infinity "]
	for e in Erange:
		labels.append(" = " + str(e))
	colors=["k", "r", "g", "m", "c", "b"]
	nucleonmass = 0.93827 
	betarange = [1.0]
	for E in Erange:
		gamma = float(E)/nucleonmass
	print Erange
	print betarange
	for j in range (0, len(betarange)):

	#Look up values from atmprofile10.csv
	with open('/d6/rstein/Hamburg-Cosmic-Rays/positioning/atmospheredata/atmprofile.csv', 'rb') as csvfile:
		reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|')
		for row in reader:
			i +=1
			#Skip the first three rows
			if i > 3:
				#Loads the height and Refractive Index
				height = float(row[0])*1000
				ri = float(row[3]) + float(1)
				#Calculate the maximum Cherenkov Angle as 1/eta
				for j in range (0, len(betarange)):
					beta = betarange[j]
					costheta = float(1)/((float(ri))*float(beta))
					if costheta < 1:
						theta = math.acos(float(1)/((float(ri))*float(beta)))
						r = theta*(height-altitude)
				#Calculates the Threshold Energy using Refractive Index
				Ethreshold = float(cr.runemin(ri))*(10**-3)
				#Calculate the Maximum Ring Size, and appends these values to arrays

	for j in range (0, len(betarange)):
		print j, len(curves[j]), len(rawheights[j])
		label = "Radius (m) for Epn" + str(labels[j])
		ax3.plot(curves[j], rawheights[j], color = colors[j], label=label)
	#~ plt.axhspan(19000, 26000, color='m', alpha=0.5)
	ax3.plot(emin,rawheights[0],  color='b', label="Threshold Energy (TeV per Nucleon)")	
	plt.ylabel('Height', labelpad=0)
	print "Maximum Radius is", max(curves[0])
	#~ ax4 = plt.subplot(212)
	#~ plots = []
	#~ weighting = []
	#~ labels = []
	#~ requiredfracs=np.linspace(0.6, 0.9, 3)
	#~ for requiredfrac in requiredfracs:
		#~ heights = []	
		#~ probrange = []
		#~ normweight = []
		#~ stepcount = 1000
		#~ lower = float(1)/float(stepcount)
		#~ upper = float(1-lower)
		#~ Rrange = np.linspace(lower, upper, stepcount)
		#~ for R in Rrange:
			#~ h = atm.runheight(1-R)
			#~ ri = atm.runindex(h)
			#~ thetamax = math.acos(float(1)/(float(ri)))
			#~ rmax = thetamax * (h - altitude)
			#~ if rmax > 60:
				#~ rthreshold = 0.5*rmax
				#~ hthreshold = 20000
				#~ r = 120000
				#~ while r > rthreshold:
					#~ ri = atm.runindex(hthreshold)
					#~ thetamax = math.acos(float(1)/(float(ri)))
					#~ r = thetamax * (hthreshold - altitude)
					#~ hthreshold += 1000
				#~ requiredr = (requiredfrac*rthreshold)
				#~ etrial = 250
				#~ r = 0
				#~ ri = atm.runindex(hthreshold)
				#~ while r < requiredr:
					#~ gamma = float(etrial)/nucleonmass
					#~ beta = math.sqrt(1-(float(1)/(gamma**2)))
					#~ costheta = float(1)/((float(ri))*beta)
					#~ if costheta < 1:
						#~ theta = math.acos(costheta)
						#~ r = theta * (hthreshold - altitude)
					#~ etrial += 100
				#~ N = ((etrial**(-1.7)))*(float(321)/1.7)
				#~ print "For the Saturation Threshold of", etrial, "we have a probability of", N, "that an event will meet this" 
				#~ print "For a height", h, "rmax is", rmax, "our threshold is", rthreshold, "(and the an angle is", thetamax, ")" 
				#~ print "We examine", hthreshold, "where the max radius is", r, "and the threshold was", rthreshold
				#~ print "For beta = 1, we have", rthreshold, "we require",  requiredr, "at an energy", etrial, "we have", r
				#~ print "For a height", h, "Our Probability is", R, "that an event will reach this height or further"
				#~ heights.append(h)
				#~ normweight.append(N)
		#~ label = "For half Rmax, we require r=" + str(round(requiredfrac, 2))
		#~ labels.append(label)
		#~ plots.append(heights)
		#~ weighting.append(normweight/np.sum(normweight))
	#~ plots.append(heights)
	#~ weighting.append(np.ones(len(heights))/len(heights))
	#~ labels.append("All Events")
	#~ print len(plots), len(weighting), len(labels)	
	#~ plt.hist(plots, bins=20, weights=weighting, histtype='bar', label=labels)
	#~ plt.xlabel('Height', labelpad=0)
	#~ plt.ylabel('Normalised Fraction of Events', labelpad=0)
	fig = plt.gcf() # get current figure
	st = fig.suptitle("Threshold Energy and Cherenkov Ring Radii", fontsize=20)
	fig.set_size_inches(10, 15)
	#~ title = 'Epn Statistics for ' + str(float(nh)*float(bincount)) + " hours"
	#~ plt.suptitle(title, fontsize=20)
	if graph: