def run_in_cp_tree(app, after_start=None): cpconfig = {'engine.autoreload.on': False} if hasattr(bvconfig, 'host') and is not None: cpconfig['server.socket_host'] = if hasattr(bvconfig, 'port') and bvconfig.port is not None: cpconfig['server.socket_port'] = bvconfig.port if hasattr(bvconfig, 'log_to_screen'): cpconfig['log.screen'] = bvconfig.log_to_screen if hasattr(bvconfig, 'log_file') and bvconfig.log_file is not None: cpconfig['log.error_file'] = bvconfig.log_file cp.config.update(cpconfig) if hasattr(bvconfig, 'daemon') and bvconfig.daemon: cpconfig['log.screen'] = False cp.config.update(cpconfig) plugins.Daemonizer(cp.engine).subscribe() cp.engine.signals.subscribe() if hasattr(bvconfig, 'user') or hasattr(bvconfig, 'group'): user = bvconfig.user if hasattr(bvconfig, 'user') else None group = if hasattr(bvconfig, 'group') else None plugins.DropPrivileges(cp.engine, uid=user, gid=group).subscribe() if hasattr(bvconfig, 'pid_file') and bvconfig.pid_file is not None: plugins.PIDFile(cp.engine, bvconfig.pid_file).subscribe() cp.tree.graft(app, script_name='/') try: cp.engine.start() except: sys.exit(1) else: if after_start is not None: after_start() cp.engine.block()
def run(self, daemonize=None, pidfile=None, user=None, group=None): engine = cherrypy.engine if daemonize: # Don't print anything to stdout/sterr. cherrypy.config.update({'log.screen': False}) plugins.Daemonizer(engine).subscribe() if pidfile: plugins.PIDFile(engine, pidfile).subscribe() if user or group: plugins.DropPrivileges(engine, uid=user, gid=group).subscribe() if hasattr(engine, "signal_handler"): engine.signal_handler.subscribe() if hasattr(engine, "console_control_handler"): engine.console_control_handler.subscribe() # Always start the engine; this will start all other services try: engine.start() except: # Assume the error has been logged already via bus.log. sys.exit(1) else: engine.block()
def main(): """ Main function. """ # default config cherrypy.config.update({ 'uid': 0, 'gid': 0, 'server_name': 'localhost', 'genshi.template_dir': os.path.join(install_dir, 'templates'), 'daemonize': False, 'pidfile': None, 'host': 'localhost', 'file_host': 'localhost', }) cherrypy.config.update(CHERRYPY_CONFIG) extra_config = '' for config_filename in LOCAL_CONFIG: try: cherrypy.config.update(config_filename) extra_config = config_filename break except IOError: pass # Rotating Logs # CherryPy will already open log files if present in config error_file = access_file = '' # read the logger file locations from config file. if not cherrypy.log.error_file: error_file = cherrypy.config.get('logger.error_file', '') if not cherrypy.log.access_file: access_file = cherrypy.config.get('logger.access_file', '') # disable log file handlers cherrypy.log.error_file = "" cherrypy.log.access_file = "" # set up python logging max_bytes = getattr(cherrypy.log, "rot_max_bytes", 100 * 1024 * 1024) backup_count = getattr(cherrypy.log, "rot_backup_count", 2) if error_file: h = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(error_file, 'a', max_bytes, backup_count, 'utf-8') h.setLevel(logging.INFO) h.setFormatter(cherrypy._cplogging.logfmt) cherrypy.log.error_log.addHandler(h) if access_file: h = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(access_file, 'a', max_bytes, backup_count, 'utf-8') h.setLevel(logging.INFO) h.setFormatter(cherrypy._cplogging.logfmt) cherrypy.log.access_log.addHandler(h) if not cherrypy.config['daemonize']: ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch.setFormatter(cherrypy._cplogging.logfmt) cherrypy.log.error_log.addHandler(ch) # continue app init # cherrypy.log('*' * 80, context='ENGINE', severity=logging.INFO) cherrypy.log("Using config file '%s'." % CHERRYPY_CONFIG, context='ENGINE', severity=logging.INFO) if extra_config: cherrypy.log('extra_config: %s' % extra_config, context='ENGINE', severity=logging.INFO) # after cherrypy.config is parsed Formatters.init() cherrypy.log("Continuing App Init", context='ENGINE', severity=logging.INFO) cherrypy.log("Continuing App Init", context='ENGINE', severity=logging.INFO) = i18n_tool.I18nTool() cherrypy.log("Continuing App Init", context='ENGINE', severity=logging.INFO) # Used to bust the cache on js and css files. This should be the # files' mtime, but the files are not stored on the app server. # This is a `good enough´ replacement though. t = str(int(time.time())) cherrypy.config['css_mtime'] = t cherrypy.config['js_mtime'] = t cherrypy.config['all_hosts'] = ( cherrypy.config['host'], cherrypy.config['file_host']) cherrypy.config.update({'error_page.404': error_page_404}) if hasattr(cherrypy.engine, 'signal_handler'): cherrypy.engine.signal_handler.subscribe() GutenbergDatabase.options.update(cherrypy.config) cherrypy.engine.pool = plugins.ConnectionPool( cherrypy.engine, params=GutenbergDatabase.get_connection_params(cherrypy.config)) cherrypy.engine.pool.subscribe() plugins.Timer(cherrypy.engine).subscribe() cherrypy.log("Daemonizing", context='ENGINE', severity=logging.INFO) if cherrypy.config['daemonize']: plugins.Daemonizer(cherrypy.engine).subscribe() uid = cherrypy.config['uid'] gid = cherrypy.config['gid'] if uid > 0 or gid > 0: plugins.DropPrivileges(cherrypy.engine, uid=uid, gid=gid, umask=0o22).subscribe() if cherrypy.config['pidfile']: pid = plugins.PIDFile(cherrypy.engine, cherrypy.config['pidfile']) # Write pidfile after privileges are dropped(prio == 77) # or we will not be able to remove it. cherrypy.engine.subscribe('start', pid.start, 78) cherrypy.engine.subscribe('exit', pid.exit, 78) cherrypy.log("Setting up routes", context='ENGINE', severity=logging.INFO) # setup 'routes' dispatcher # # d = cherrypy.dispatch.RoutesDispatcher(full_result=True) d = MyRoutesDispatcher(full_result=True) cherrypy.routes_mapper = d.mapper def check_id(environ, result): """ Check if id is a valid number. """ try: return str(int(result['id'])) == result['id'] except: return False d.connect('start', r'/ebooks{.format}/', controller=StartPage.Start()) d.connect('suggest', r'/ebooks/suggest{.format}/', controller=SuggestionsPage.Suggestions()) # search pages d.connect('search', r'/ebooks/search{.format}/', controller=BookSearchPage()) d.connect('author_search', r'/ebooks/authors/search{.format}/', controller=AuthorSearchPage()) d.connect('subject_search', r'/ebooks/subjects/search{.format}/', controller=SubjectSearchPage()) d.connect('bookshelf_search', r'/ebooks/bookshelves/search{.format}/', controller=BookshelfSearchPage()) # 'id' pages d.connect('author', r'/ebooks/author/{id:\d+}{.format}', controller=AuthorPage(), conditions=dict(function=check_id)) d.connect('subject', r'/ebooks/subject/{id:\d+}{.format}', controller=SubjectPage(), conditions=dict(function=check_id)) d.connect('bookshelf', r'/ebooks/bookshelf/{id:\d+}{.format}', controller=BookshelfPage(), conditions=dict(function=check_id)) d.connect('also', r'/ebooks/{id:\d+}/also/{.format}', controller=AlsoDownloadedPage(), conditions=dict(function=check_id)) # bibrec pages d.connect('download', r'/ebooks/{id:\d+}/download{.format}', controller=Page.NullPage(), _static=True) d.connect('bibrec', r'/ebooks/{id:\d+}{.format}', controller=BibrecPage(), conditions=dict(function=check_id)) # legacy compatibility with /ebooks/123.bibrec d.connect('bibrec2', r'/ebooks/{id:\d+}.bibrec{.format}', controller=BibrecPage(), conditions=dict(function=check_id)) d.connect('cover', r'/covers/{size:small|medium}/{order:latest|popular}/{count}', controller=CoverPages.CoverPages()) d.connect('qrcode', r'/qrcode/', controller=QRCodePage.QRCodePage()) d.connect('iplimit', r'/iplimit/', controller=Page.NullPage()) d.connect('diagnostics', r'/diagnostics/', controller=diagnostics.DiagnosticsPage()) d.connect('stats', r'/stats/', controller=Page.NullPage(), _static=True) d.connect('honeypot_send', r'/ebooks/send/megaupload/{id:\d+}.{filetype}', controller=Page.NullPage(), _static=True) # /w/captcha/question/ so varnish will cache it d.connect('captcha.question', r'/w/captcha/question/', controller=Page.GoHomePage()) d.connect('captcha.answer', r'/w/captcha/answer/', controller=Page.GoHomePage()) # sitemap protocol access control requires us to place sitemaps in /ebooks/ d.connect('sitemap', r'/ebooks/sitemaps/', controller=Sitemap.SitemapIndex()) d.connect('sitemap_index', r'/ebooks/sitemaps/{page:\d+}', controller=Sitemap.Sitemap()) if 'dropbox_client_id' in cherrypy.config: import Dropbox dropbox = Dropbox.Dropbox() cherrypy.log("Dropbox Client Id: %s" % cherrypy.config['dropbox_client_id'], context='ENGINE', severity=logging.INFO) d.connect('dropbox_send', r'/ebooks/send/dropbox/{id:\d+}.{filetype}', controller=dropbox, conditions=dict(function=check_id)) d.connect('dropbox_callback', r'/ebooks/send/dropbox/', controller=dropbox) if 'gdrive_client_id' in cherrypy.config: import GDrive gdrive = GDrive.GDrive() cherrypy.log("GDrive Client Id: %s" % cherrypy.config['gdrive_client_id'], context='ENGINE', severity=logging.INFO) d.connect('gdrive_send', r'/ebooks/send/gdrive/{id:\d+}.{filetype}', controller=gdrive, conditions=dict(function=check_id)) d.connect('gdrive_callback', r'/ebooks/send/gdrive/', controller=gdrive) if 'msdrive_client_id' in cherrypy.config: import MSDrive msdrive = MSDrive.MSDrive() cherrypy.log("MSDrive Client Id: %s" % cherrypy.config['msdrive_client_id'], context='ENGINE', severity=logging.INFO) d.connect('msdrive_send', r'/ebooks/send/msdrive/{id:\d+}.{filetype}', controller=msdrive, conditions=dict(function=check_id)) d.connect('msdrive_callback', r'/ebooks/send/msdrive/', controller=msdrive) # start http server # cherrypy.log("Mounting root", context='ENGINE', severity=logging.INFO) app = cherrypy.tree.mount(root=None, config=CHERRYPY_CONFIG) app.merge({'/': {'request.dispatch': d}}) return app
def run(): MEDIA_DIR = os.path.join(DATADIR, 'Pellmonweb', 'media') argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='pellmonweb') argparser.add_argument('-D', '--DAEMONIZE', action='store_true', help='Run as daemon') argparser.add_argument('-P', '--PIDFILE', default='/tmp/', help='Full path to pidfile') argparser.add_argument('-U', '--USER', help='Run as USER') argparser.add_argument('-G', '--GROUP', default='nogroup', help='Run as GROUP') argparser.add_argument('-C', '--CONFIG', default='pellmon.conf', help='Full path to config file') argparser.add_argument('-d', '--DBUS', default='SESSION', choices=['SESSION', 'SYSTEM'], help='which bus to use, SESSION is default') argparser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s version ' + __version__) args = argparser.parse_args() global dbus dbus = Dbus_handler(args.DBUS) #Look for temlates in this directory global lookup lookup = myLookup( directories=[os.path.join(DATADIR, 'Pellmonweb', 'html')], dbus=dbus) config_file = args.CONFIG pidfile = args.PIDFILE if pidfile: plugins.PIDFile(cherrypy.engine, pidfile).subscribe() if args.USER: config_file = os.path.join(CONFDIR, 'pellmon.conf') try: except: cherrypy.log("can not parse config file") sys.exit(1) try: config_dir = parser.get('conf', 'config_dir') walk_config_dir(config_dir, parser) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: pass try: accesslog = parser.get('weblog', 'accesslog') logdir = os.path.dirname(accesslog) if not os.path.isdir(logdir): os.mkdir(logdir) uid = pwd.getpwnam(args.USER).pw_uid gid = grp.getgrnam(args.GROUP).gr_gid os.chown(logdir, uid, gid) if os.path.isfile(accesslog): os.chown(accesslog, uid, gid) except: pass try: errorlog = parser.get('weblog', 'errorlog') logdir = os.path.dirname(errorlog) if not os.path.isdir(logdir): os.mkdir(logdir) uid = pwd.getpwnam(args.USER).pw_uid gid = grp.getgrnam(args.GROUP).gr_gid os.chown(logdir, uid, gid) if os.path.isfile(errorlog): os.chown(errorlog, uid, gid) except: pass uid = pwd.getpwnam(args.USER).pw_uid gid = grp.getgrnam(args.GROUP).gr_gid plugins.DropPrivileges(cherrypy.engine, uid=uid, gid=gid, umask=033).subscribe() # Load the configuration file try: config_dir = parser.get('conf', 'config_dir') walk_config_dir(config_dir, parser) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: pass except ConfigParser.NoSectionError: cherrypy.log("can not parse config file") except: cherrypy.log("Config file not found") # The RRD database, updated by pellMon global polling, db try: polling = True db = parser.get('conf', 'database') graph_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(db), 'graph.png') except: polling = False db = '' # the colors to use when drawing the graph global colorsDict try: colors = parser.items('graphcolors') colorsDict = {} for key, value in colors: colorsDict[key] = value except: colorsDict = {} # Get the names of the polled data global polldata try: polldata = parser.items("pollvalues") # Get the names of the polled data rrd_ds_names = parser.items("rrd_ds_names") ds_names = {} for key, value in rrd_ds_names: ds_names[key] = value except: ds_names = {} polldata = [] try: # Get the optional scales scales = parser.items("scaling") scale_data = {} for key, value in scales: scale_data[key] = value except: scale_data = {} global graph_lines graph_lines = [] global logtick logtick = None for key, value in polldata: if key in colorsDict and key in ds_names: graph_lines.append({ 'name': value, 'color': colorsDict[key], 'ds_name': ds_names[key] }) if key in scale_data: graph_lines[-1]['scale'] = scale_data[key] if value == '_logtick' and key in ds_names: logtick = ds_names[key] global credentials try: credentials = parser.items('authentication') except: credentials = [('testuser', '12345')] global logfile try: logfile = parser.get('conf', 'logfile') except: logfile = None try: webroot = parser.get('conf', 'webroot') except: webroot = '/' global system_image try: system_image = os.path.join(os.path.join(MEDIA_DIR, 'img'), parser.get('conf', 'system_image')) except: system_image = os.path.join(MEDIA_DIR, 'img/system.svg') global frontpage_widgets frontpage_widgets = [] try: for row, widgets in parser.items('frontpage_widgets'): frontpage_widgets.append([s.strip() for s in widgets.split(',')]) except ConfigParser.NoSectionError: frontpage_widgets = [['systemimage', 'events'], ['graph'], ['consumption7d', 'silolevel']] global timeChoices timeChoices = ['time1h', 'time3h', 'time8h', 'time24h', 'time3d', 'time1w'] global timeNames timeNames = [ t.replace(' ', ' ') for t in ['1 hour', '3 hours', '8 hours', '24 hours', '3 days', '1 week'] ] global timeSeconds timeSeconds = [ 3600, 3600 * 3, 3600 * 8, 3600 * 24, 3600 * 24 * 3, 3600 * 24 * 7 ] ft = False fc = False for a, b in polldata: if b == 'feeder_capacity': fc = True if b == 'feeder_time': ft = True if fc and ft: consumption_graph = True consumption_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(db), 'consumption.png') else: consumption_graph = False if websockets: #make sure WebSocketPlugin runs after daemonizer plugin (priority 65) #see cherrypy plugin documentation for default plugin priorities WebSocketPlugin.start.__func__.priority = 66 WebSocketPlugin(cherrypy.engine).subscribe() = WebSocketTool() try: port = int(parser.get('conf', 'port')) except: port = 8081 global_conf = { 'global': { #w'server.environment': 'debug', 'tools.sessions.on' : True, 'tools.sessions.timeout': 7200, 'tools.auth.on': True, 'server.socket_host': '', 'server.socket_port': port, #'engine.autoreload.on': False, #'checker.on': False, #'tools.log_headers.on': False, #'request.show_tracebacks': False, 'request.show_mismatched_params': False, #'log.screen': False, 'engine.SIGHUP': None, 'engine.SIGTERM': None, } } app_conf = { '/media': { 'tools.staticdir.on': True, 'tools.staticdir.dir': MEDIA_DIR }, } if websockets: ws_conf = { '/ws': { 'tools.websocket.on': True, 'tools.websocket.handler_cls': WebSocket } } current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) cherrypy.config.update(global_conf) # Only daemonize if asked to. if args.DAEMONIZE: # Don't print anything to stdout/sterr. cherrypy.config.update({ 'log.screen': False, 'engine.autoreload.on': False }) plugins.Daemonizer(cherrypy.engine).subscribe() cherrypy.tree.mount(PellMonWeb(), webroot, config=app_conf) if websockets: cherrypy.tree.mount(WsHandler(), os.path.join(webroot, 'websocket'), config=ws_conf) try: cherrypy.config.update({'log.access_file': accesslog}) except: pass try: cherrypy.config.update({'log.error_file': errorlog}) except: pass GObject.threads_init() # Always start the engine; this will start all other services try: cherrypy.engine.start() except: # Assume the error has been logged already via bus.log. sys.exit(1) else: # Needed to be able to use threads with a glib main loop running # A main loop is needed for dbus "name watching" to work main_loop = GLib.MainLoop() # cherrypy has it's own mainloop, cherrypy.engine.block, that # regularly calls engine.publish every 100ms. The most reliable # way to run dbus and cherrypy together seems to be to use the # glib mainloop for both, ie call engine.publish from the glib # mainloop instead of calling engine.block. def publish(): try: cherrypy.engine.publish('main') if cherrypy.engine.execv: main_loop.quit() cherrypy.engine._do_execv() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass return True # Use our own signal handler to stop on ctrl-c, seems to be simpler # than subscribing to cherrypy's signal handler def signal_handler(signal, frame): cherrypy.engine.exit() main_loop.quit() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) # Handle cherrypy's main loop needs from here GLib.timeout_add(100, publish) dbus.start() try: except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
def start(cgi=False, config=None, daemon=False, debug=False, environment=None, fastcgi=False, gid=None, imports=None, logs=None, path=None, pidfile=None, quiet=False, scgi=False, uid=None): """Subscribe all engine plugins and start the engine.""" # Insert paths to the search path for p in path or []: sys.path.insert(0, p) # Import requested modules for i in imports or []: exec('import %s' % i) # SQLAlchemy plugin from bdosoa.cherrypy.plugin import SQLAlchemyPlugin SQLAlchemyPlugin(cherrypy.engine).subscribe() # SQLAlchemy tool from bdosoa.cherrypy.tool import SQLAlchemyTool = SQLAlchemyTool() # Root App from import App root_app = cherrypy.tree.mount(App) # Merge configuration files for c in config or []: cherrypy.config.update(c) # If there's only one app mounted, merge config into it. if len(cherrypy.tree.apps) == 1: for app in cherrypy.tree.apps.values(): if isinstance(app, cherrypy.Application): app.merge(c) # Else merge to the root app else: root_app.merge(c) # Set CherryPy environment if environment is not None: cherrypy.config.update({'environment': environment}) # Only daemonize if asked to. if daemon: # Don't print anything to stdout/sterr. cherrypy.config.update({'log.screen': False}) plugins.Daemonizer(cherrypy.engine).subscribe() # Write PID file if pidfile: plugins.PIDFile(cherrypy.engine, pidfile).subscribe() # Drop privileges if gid or uid: try: gid = int(gid) if gid else None except ValueError: # Get the gid from the group name import grp gid = grp.getgrnam(gid).gr_gid try: uid = int(uid) if uid else None except ValueError: # Get the uid from the user name import pwd uid = pwd.getpwnam(uid).pw_uid plugins.DropPrivileges(cherrypy.engine, uid=uid, gid=gid).subscribe() # Handle OS signals cherrypy.engine.signals.subscribe() # Start a *cgi server instead of the default HTTP server if (fastcgi and (scgi or cgi)) or (scgi and cgi): cherrypy.log.error( 'You may only specify one of the cgi, fastcgi, and scgi options.', 'ENGINE') sys.exit(1) if fastcgi or scgi or cgi: # Turn off autoreload when using *cgi. cherrypy.config.update({'engine.autoreload.on': False}) # Turn off the default HTTP server (which is subscribed by default). cherrypy.server.unsubscribe() if fastcgi: httpserver = servers.FlupFCGIServer( application=cherrypy.tree, bindAddress=cherrypy.server.bind_addr) elif scgi: httpserver = servers.FlupSCGIServer( application=cherrypy.tree, bindAddress=cherrypy.server.bind_addr) else: httpserver = servers.FlupCGIServer(application=cherrypy.tree) cherrypy.server = servers.ServerAdapter(cherrypy.engine, httpserver, cherrypy.server.bind_addr) cherrypy.server.subscribe() # Set logging level if debug and quiet: cherrypy.log.error( 'You may only specify one of the debug, quiet options', 'ENGINE', severity=50) sys.exit(1) if debug: cherrypy.log.error_log.setLevel(10) elif quiet: cherrypy.log.error_log.setLevel(30) # Setup logging for other modules for name in logs or []: # Get CherryPy builtin handlers cherrypy_log_handlers = [ cherrypy.log._get_builtin_handler(cherrypy.log.error_log, h) for h in ['screen', 'file', 'wsgi'] ] # Create logger for the module logger = getLogger(name) logger.setLevel(cherrypy.log.error_log.getEffectiveLevel()) for handler in cherrypy_log_handlers: if handler is not None: logger.addHandler(handler) # Always start the engine; this will start all other services try: cherrypy.engine.start() except: # Assume the error has been logged already via bus.log. sys.exit(1) else: cherrypy.engine.block()