예제 #1
    def random_with_first_level_search(self, board: chess.Board):
        moves = list(board.legal_moves)

        best_move = random.sample(moves, 1)[0]
        best_move_value = 0

        for move in moves:
            if board.is_checkmate():
                move_value = 100
                if move_value > best_move_value:
                    best_move = move

            if board.is_into_check(move):
                move_value = 90
                if move_value > best_move_value:
                    best_move = move

            if board.is_capture(move):
                move_value = 80
                if move_value > best_move_value:
                    best_move = move

            if board.is_castling(move):
                move_value = 70
                if move_value > best_move_value:
                    best_move = move

        return best_move
def is_illegal_castle(board: chess.Board, move: chess.Move) -> bool:
    if not board.is_castling(move):
        return False

    # illegal without kingside rights
    if board.is_kingside_castling(move) and not board.has_kingside_castling_rights(board.turn):
        return True

    # illegal without queenside rights
    if board.is_queenside_castling(move) and not board.has_queenside_castling_rights(board.turn):
        return True

    # illegal if any pieces are between king & rook
    rook_square = chess.square(7 if board.is_kingside_castling(move) else 0, chess.square_rank(move.from_square))
    between_squares = chess.SquareSet(chess.between(move.from_square, rook_square))
    if any(map(lambda s: board.piece_at(s), between_squares)):
        return True

    # its legal
    return False
예제 #3
def is_psuedo_legal_castle(board: chess.Board, move: chess.Move):
    return board.is_castling(move) and not is_illegal_castle(board, move)