예제 #1
def boardToPieceFeatures(board, player = chess.WHITE):
    boardState = np.zeros((0, 8, 8))

    # Pawn = 1, King = 6
    for currPiece in range(1,7):
        pieceBits = np.array(SquareSet(board.pieces(currPiece, player)).tolist(), dtype = np.uint8).reshape(8, 8)
        pieceBits = np.flip(pieceBits)

        # If the current player is black, then rotate the board 180 degrees.
        if player == chess.BLACK:
            pieceBits = np.rot90(pieceBits, k=2)

        boardState = np.append(boardState, [pieceBits], axis = 0)

    for currPiece in range(1,7):
        pieceBits = np.array(SquareSet(board.pieces(currPiece, not player)).tolist(), dtype = np.uint8).reshape(8, 8)
        pieceBits = np.flip(pieceBits)

        # If the current player is black, then rotate the board 180 degrees.
        if player == chess.BLACK:
            pieceBits = np.rot90(pieceBits, k=2)

        boardState = np.append(boardState, [pieceBits], axis = 0)

    # Returns a 12 x 8 x 8 array of the current board state.
    return boardState
예제 #2
 def develops(self, move):
   if self.board.san(move) == 'O-O' or self.board.san(move) == 'O-O-O':
     return True
   to_move = self.board.turn
   piece_type = self.board.piece_type_at(move.from_square)
   if piece_type == chess.ROOK:
     return True
   elif piece_type == chess.PAWN or piece_type == chess.KING:
     return False
   if to_move == chess.WHITE:
     return move.from_square in SquareSet(chess.BB_RANK_1)
   elif to_move == chess.BLACK:
     return move.from_square in SquareSet(chess.BB_RANK_8)
   return False
예제 #3
def back_rank_mate(puzzle: Puzzle) -> bool:
    node = puzzle.game.end()
    board = node.board()
    king = board.king(not puzzle.pov)
    assert king is not None
    assert isinstance(node, ChildNode)
    back_rank = 7 if puzzle.pov else 0
    if board.is_checkmate() and square_rank(king) == back_rank:
        squares = SquareSet.from_square(king + (-8 if puzzle.pov else 8))
        if puzzle.pov:
            if chess.square_file(king) < 7:
                squares.add(king - 7)
            if chess.square_file(king) > 0:
                squares.add(king - 9)
            if chess.square_file(king) < 7:
                squares.add(king + 9)
            if chess.square_file(king) > 0:
                squares.add(king + 7)
        for square in squares:
            piece = board.piece_at(square)
            if piece is None or piece.color == puzzle.pov or board.attackers(
                    puzzle.pov, square):
                return False
        return any(
            square_rank(checker) == back_rank for checker in board.checkers())
    return False
예제 #4
def _generate_svg(x, y, previous_positions):
    Generate a single svg for one frame of the animation

    x: int
        the current x position of the knight starting from the top left (zero-indexed)
    y: int
        the current y position of the knight starting from the top left (zero-indexed)
    previous_positions: list
        a list of previous positions of the knight, which will be marked with an 'x' symbol in the animation

        the SVG of the current position of the knight with previous steps shown


    # represent the knight on the board
    board = Board(_convert_coord_to_fen(x, y))

    # represent the previous positions of the knight
    squares = SquareSet(
        [square(prev_x, 7 - prev_y) for prev_x, prev_y in previous_positions])

    # generate SVG
    return svg_board(board=board, squares=squares)
예제 #5
def exposed_king(puzzle: Puzzle) -> bool:
    if puzzle.pov:
        pov = puzzle.pov
        board = puzzle.mainline[0].board()
        pov = not puzzle.pov
        board = puzzle.mainline[0].board().mirror()
    king = board.king(not pov)
    assert king is not None
    if chess.square_rank(king) < 5:
        return False
    squares = SquareSet.from_square(king - 8)
    if chess.square_file(king) > 0:
        squares.add(king - 1)
        squares.add(king - 9)
    if chess.square_file(king) < 7:
        squares.add(king + 1)
        squares.add(king - 7)
    for square in squares:
        if board.piece_at(square) == Piece(PAWN, not pov):
            return False
    for node in puzzle.mainline[1::2][1:-1]:
        if node.board().is_check():
            return True
    return False
예제 #6
def dovetail_mate(puzzle: Puzzle) -> bool:
    node = puzzle.game.end()
    board = node.board()
    king = board.king(not puzzle.pov)
    assert king is not None
    assert isinstance(node, ChildNode)
    if square_file(king) in [0, 7] or square_rank(king) in [0, 7]:
        return False
    queen_square = node.move.to_square
    if (util.moved_piece_type(node) != QUEEN
            or square_file(queen_square) == square_file(king)
            or square_rank(queen_square) == square_rank(king)
            or square_distance(queen_square, king) > 1):
        return False
    for square in [
            s for s in SquareSet(chess.BB_ALL) if square_distance(s, king) == 1
        if square == queen_square:
        attackers = list(board.attackers(puzzle.pov, square))
        if attackers == [queen_square]:
            if board.piece_at(square):
                return False
        elif attackers:
            return False
    return True
예제 #7
    def get_attacked_defended(self):
        attacked = np.full(64, 0.0)
        defended = np.full(64, 0.0)

        our = self.occupied_co[self.turn]
        their = self.occupied_co[not self.turn]

        for square in SquareSet(our):
            for our_defended in SquareSet(self.attacks_mask(square)):
                defended[our_defended] = 1.0

        for square in SquareSet(their):
            for our_attacked in SquareSet(self.attacks_mask(square)):
                attacked[our_attacked] = 1.0

        return attacked, defended
예제 #8
def clearance(puzzle: Puzzle) -> bool:
    for node in puzzle.mainline[1::2][1:]:
        board = node.board()
        if not node.parent.board().piece_at(node.move.to_square):
            piece = board.piece_at(node.move.to_square)
            if piece and piece.piece_type in util.ray_piece_types:
                prev = node.parent.parent
                assert prev
                prev_move = prev.move
                assert prev_move
                assert isinstance(node.parent, ChildNode)
                if (not prev_move.promotion
                        and prev_move.to_square != node.move.from_square
                        and prev_move.to_square != node.move.to_square
                        and not node.parent.board().is_check()
                        and (not board.is_check()
                             or util.moved_piece_type(node.parent) != KING)):
                    if (prev_move.from_square == node.move.to_square
                            or prev_move.from_square in SquareSet.between(
                                node.move.from_square, node.move.to_square)):
                        if prev.parent and not prev.parent.board().piece_at(
                                prev_move.to_square) or util.is_in_bad_spot(
                                    prev.board(), prev_move.to_square):
                            return True
    return False
예제 #9
 def dims_knight(self, move):
   '''Knight on the rim is dim'''
   if self.board.piece_type_at(move.from_square) == chess.KNIGHT:
     rim = SquareSet(
         chess.BB_RANK_1 | \
         chess.BB_RANK_8 | \
         chess.BB_FILE_A | \
     return move.to_square in rim
예제 #10
 def opens_position(self, move):
   to_move = self.board.turn
   if self.board.piece_type_at(move.from_square) == chess.PAWN:
     if move.to_square not in SquareSet(chess.BB_RANK_1 | chess.BB_RANK_8):
       num_pawns_before = len(self.board.pieces(chess.PAWN, not to_move))
       analysis_board = chess.Board(self.board.fen())
       num_pawns_after = len(analysis_board.pieces(chess.PAWN, not to_move))
       return num_pawns_before != num_pawns_after
   return False
예제 #11
 def controls(self, move):
   '''Returns a set of attacked/defended squares'''
   to_move = self.board.turn
   analysis_board = chess.Board(self.board.fen())
   squares = 0
   for square in chess.SQUARES:
     if move.to_square in analysis_board.attackers(to_move, square):
       squares |= chess.BB_SQUARES[square]
   return SquareSet(squares)
예제 #12
def discovered_attack(puzzle: Puzzle) -> bool:
    if discovered_check(puzzle):
        return True
    for node in puzzle.mainline[1::2][1:]:
        if util.is_capture(node):
            between = SquareSet.between(node.move.from_square,
            if node.parent.move.to_square == node.move.to_square:
                return False
            prev = node.parent.parent
            if prev.move.from_square in between and node.move.to_square != prev.move.to_square:
                return True
    return False
예제 #13
def self_interference(puzzle: Puzzle) -> bool:
    # intereference by opponent piece
    for node in puzzle.mainline[1::2][1:]:
        prev_board = node.parent.board()
        square = node.move.to_square
        capture = prev_board.piece_at(square)
        if capture and util.is_hanging(prev_board, capture, square):
            init_board = node.parent.parent.board()
            defenders = init_board.attackers(capture.color, square)
            defender = defenders.pop() if defenders else None
            if defender and init_board.piece_at(
                    defender).piece_type in util.ray_piece_types:
                if node.parent.move.to_square in SquareSet.between(
                        square, defender):
                    return True
    return False
예제 #14
def skewer(puzzle: Puzzle) -> bool:
    for node in puzzle.mainline[1::2][1:]:
        prev = node.parent
        assert isinstance(prev, ChildNode)
        capture = prev.board().piece_at(node.move.to_square)
        if capture and util.moved_piece_type(node) in util.ray_piece_types and not node.board().is_checkmate():
            between = SquareSet.between(node.move.from_square, node.move.to_square)
            op_move = prev.move
            assert op_move
            if op_move.to_square == node.move.to_square or not op_move.from_square in between:
            if util.king_values[util.moved_piece_type(prev)] > util.king_values[capture.piece_type] and util.is_in_bad_spot(
                prev.board(), node.move.to_square
                return True
    return False
예제 #15
def x_ray(puzzle: Puzzle) -> bool:
    for node in puzzle.mainline[1::2][1:]:
        if not util.is_capture(node):
        prev_op_node = node.parent
        assert isinstance(prev_op_node, ChildNode)
        if prev_op_node.move.to_square != node.move.to_square or util.moved_piece_type(prev_op_node) == KING:
        prev_pl_node = prev_op_node.parent
        assert isinstance(prev_pl_node, ChildNode)
        if prev_pl_node.move.to_square != prev_op_node.move.to_square:
        if prev_op_node.move.from_square in SquareSet.between(node.move.from_square, node.move.to_square):
            return True

    return False
예제 #16
def boden_or_double_bishop_mate(puzzle: Puzzle):
    node = puzzle.game.end()
    board = node.board()
    king = board.king(not puzzle.pov)
    assert king is not None
    assert isinstance(node, ChildNode)
    bishop_squares = list(board.pieces(BISHOP, puzzle.pov))
    if len(bishop_squares) < 2:
        return None
    for square in [s for s in SquareSet(chess.BB_ALL) if square_distance(s, king) < 2]:
        if not all([p.piece_type == BISHOP for p in util.attacker_pieces(board, puzzle.pov, square)]):
            return None
    if (square_file(bishop_squares[0]) < square_file(king)) == (square_file(bishop_squares[1]) > square_file(king)):
        return "bodenMate"
        return "doubleBishopMate"
예제 #17
def discovered_attack(puzzle: Puzzle) -> bool:
    if discovered_check(puzzle):
        return True
    for node in puzzle.mainline[1::2][1:]:
        if util.is_capture(node):
            between = SquareSet.between(node.move.from_square,
            assert isinstance(node.parent, ChildNode)
            if node.parent.move.to_square == node.move.to_square:
                return False
            prev = node.parent.parent
            assert isinstance(prev, ChildNode)
            if (prev.move.from_square in between
                    and node.move.to_square != prev.move.to_square
                    and node.move.from_square != prev.move.to_square
                    and not util.is_castling(prev)):
                return True
    return False
예제 #18
def skewer(puzzle: Puzzle) -> bool:
    def value(pt: PieceType):
        return 10 if pt == KING else util.values[pt]

    for node in puzzle.mainline[1::2][1:]:
        prev = node.parent
        capture = prev.board().piece_at(node.move.to_square)
        if capture and util.moved_piece_type(
        ) in util.ray_piece_types and not node.board().is_checkmate():
            between = SquareSet.between(node.move.from_square,
            op_move = prev.move
            if (op_move.to_square == node.move.to_square
                    or not op_move.from_square in between):
            if value(util.moved_piece_type(prev)) > value(capture.piece_type):
                return True
    return False
예제 #19
 def closes_position(self, move):
   piece = self.board.piece_at(move.from_square)
   if piece and piece.piece_type == chess.PAWN:
     if not self.opens_position(move):
       from_bb_square = chess.BB_SQUARES[move.from_square]
       pawn_attack = 0
       if piece.color == chess.WHITE:
         pawn_attack |= chess.shift_up_left(from_bb_square)
         pawn_attack |=  chess.shift_up_right(from_bb_square)
       elif piece.color == chess.BLACK:
         pawn_attack |= chess.shift_down_left(from_bb_square)
         pawn_attack |= chess.shift_down_right(from_bb_square)
       for square in SquareSet(pawn_attack):
         passed_up_piece = self.board.piece_at(square)
         if passed_up_piece:
           if passed_up_piece.color != self.board.turn and \
               passed_up_piece.piece_type == chess.PAWN:
             return True
   return False
예제 #20
def interference(puzzle: Puzzle) -> bool:
    # intereference by player piece
    for node in puzzle.mainline[1::2][1:]:
        prev_board = node.parent.board()
        square = node.move.to_square
        capture = prev_board.piece_at(square)
        assert node.parent.move
        if capture and square != node.parent.move.to_square and util.is_hanging(prev_board, capture, square):
            assert node.parent
            assert node.parent.parent
            assert node.parent.parent.parent
            init_board = node.parent.parent.parent.board()
            defenders = init_board.attackers(capture.color, square)
            defender = defenders.pop() if defenders else None
            defender_piece = init_board.piece_at(defender) if defender else None
            if defender and defender_piece and defender_piece.piece_type in util.ray_piece_types:
                interfering = node.parent.parent
                if interfering.move and interfering.move.to_square in SquareSet.between(square, defender):
                    return True
    return False
예제 #21
def bit_set_count(square_set: chess.SquareSet):
    result = 0
    while square_set:
        result += 1
    return result
예제 #22
 def controls_center(self, move):
   center = SquareSet(chess.BB_D4 | chess.BB_D5 | chess.BB_E4 | chess.BB_E5)
   for square in self.controls(move):
     if square in center:
       return True
   return False