예제 #1
def ExpandNode(root, depth, player):
    #	print depth,root.store[0],"depth of root"
    if depth == 1:
        moveSet = generateCandidateMoves(root.store[0], player)

        for i in range(0, len(moveSet)):
            pseudoBoard = root.store[0][0:64]
            Move(pseudoBoard, moveSet[i][0], moveSet[i][1])
            tempRoot = tree.tree(pseudoBoard)

        root.store[0] = []
        #		print root.store[1]
        for i in range(0, len(root.store[1])):
            #		print root.store[0],"Printing Root layer"
            if player == 10:
                root.store[0] = root.store[0] + processNode(
                    root.store[1][i], depth - 1, True)
                root.store[0] = root.store[0] + processNode(
                    root.store[1][i], depth - 1, False)

    #	print root.store[0], depth,"list of moves + depth"
        return root.store[0]

    moveSet = generateCandidateMoves(root.store[0], player)

    for i in range(0, len(moveSet)):
        pseudoBoard = root.store[0][0:64]
        Move(pseudoBoard, moveSet[i][0], moveSet[i][1])
        tempRoot = tree.tree(pseudoBoard)

        if player / 10 == 1:
            ExpandNode(root.store[1][i], depth - 1, 20)
            ExpandNode(root.store[1][i], depth - 1, 10)
	for i in range(0,len(root.store[1])):
		if player/10 ==1:
    for i in range(0, len(root.store[1])):
        root.store[1][i] = root.store[1][i].store[0]

#	print root.store[1],"All the positions"
    return root.store[1]
예제 #2
def genMoveTree(board, player, depth, isMax, alpha, beta, scoreTree):
	if (depth == 0):
		state = evalBoard(board, player)
		return state
	if (player == 10):
		opponent= 20
	elif(player == 20):
		opponent = 10
		return False
	if (isMax):
		bestMove = -9999
		L = GetPlayerPositions(board, player)
		for i in L:
			legal = GetPieceLegalMoves(board, i)
			for j in legal:
				 #we only want to keep track of this record if the depth is not too high, to save memory, which is why
				#tree is only added to if depth >=2
				tmp= tree(-1)
				boardCopy = list(board)
				boardCopy[j] = boardCopy[i]
				boardCopy[i] = 0
				bestMove = max([bestMove, genMoveTree(boardCopy, player, depth - 1, False, alpha, beta, tmp)])
				if (depth >=2):
					tmp.store[0] = bestMove
				alpha = max([alpha, bestMove])
				if (beta <= alpha):
					return bestMove
		return bestMove
		bestMove = 9999
		L = GetPlayerPositions(board, opponent)
		for i in L:
			legal = GetPieceLegalMoves(board, i)
			for j in legal:
				tmp = tree(-1)
				boardCopy = list(board)
				boardCopy[j] = boardCopy[i]
				boardCopy[i] = 0
				bestMove = min([bestMove, genMoveTree(boardCopy, player, depth-1, True, alpha, beta, tmp)])
				if (depth >=2):
					tmp.store[0] = bestMove
				beta = min([beta, bestMove])
				if (beta <= alpha):
					return bestMove
		return bestMove
예제 #3
def stratLookAhead(board, depth, player):

    outMoves = []
    values = []
    Root = tree.tree(list(board))

    moveSet = generateCandidateMoves(board, player)
    Root = extend(Root, depth, player)
    #if flag is true, player is white
    if player / 10 == 1:
        flag = True
        flag = False

    if len(Root.store[1]) != 0:
        for i in range(0, len(Root.store[1])):
            temp = processNode(Root.store[1][i], depth - 1, flag)
            outMoves = outMoves + [[moveSet[i], temp.store[0]]]
            values = values + [temp.store[0]]
            Root.store[1][i] = temp
    if flag == True:

        Root.store[0] = max(values)


        Root.store[0] = min(values)

#	print Root.Get_LevelOrder()
#	raw_input()
    return [outMoves, Root.Get_LevelOrder()]
    def ConvertToTree(self):
        if self.store[2] != None:
            return [False, None]

        outTree = t.tree(self)
        outTree = self.ConvertRoot(outTree)

        return [True, outTree]
    def ConvertRoot(self, outTree):

        extender = t.tree(self.store[1])

        if self.store[1] != None:


        i = 1
        while extender.store[0] != None:
            extender = t.tree(extender.store[0].store[2])
            if extender.store[0] != None:


            i = i + 1

        return outTree
예제 #6
def stratSafeLookAhead(board, depth, player):
    outMoves = []
    Root = tree.tree(list(board))

    moveSet = safeMoves(board, player)
    Root = safeExtend(Root, depth, player)
    #if flag is true, player is white
    if player / 10 == 1:
        flag = True
        flag = False

    if len(Root.store[1]) != 0:
        for i in range(0, len(Root.store[1])):
            #			print "depth going in",depth
            temp = processNode(Root.store[1][i], depth - 1)
            #			print "First successor"
            #			raw_input()
            if len(temp) != 0:
                if flag == True:
                    #	print temp,"The nodal values"
                    Root.store[1][i] = min(temp)
#					print min(temp), "min of moves(white) want the worst white case"
#					raw_input()
                    Root.store[1][i] = max(temp)
#					print max(temp),"max of moves (black) want the worst black case"
#					raw_input()
                Root.store[1][i] = None

#	print Root.store[1],"The successors of Root"
#	raw_input()
    WorstCases = Root.store[1]
    if len(temp) != 0:
        for w in range(0, len(WorstCases)):
            outMoves = outMoves + [[moveSet[w], WorstCases[w]]]

		#for white want the best worst case
		if flag == True:
			maxIndex = WorstCases.index(max(WorstCases))
			move = moveSet[maxIndex]
			print maxIndex 
		#for black want best worst case(black is negative)
			minIndex = WorstCases.index(min(WorstCases))		
			move = moveSet[minIndex] 
			print minIndex	

    return outMoves
예제 #7
def stratLeanLookAhead(board,depth,player):

	Root = tree.tree(list(board))
	moveSet = generateCandidateMoves(board,player)
	print moveSet, "mmoves set"
	Pathways = ExpandNode(Root,depth,player)
	#if flag is true, player is white
#	print Pathways,"lean pathways"
#	print "length of pathways",len(Pathways),len(moveSet)
#	raw_input()
	if player/10 == 1:
		flag = False
	#player is white
	if flag ==True:
		for i in range(0,len(moveSet)):
			Pathways[i]= min(Pathways[i])
#		print min(temp), "min of moves(white) want the worst white case" 
#		raw_input()

	else:#player is black
		for i in range(0,len(moveSet)):
			Pathways[i]= max(Pathways[i])
#		print max(temp),"max of moves (black) want the worst black case"
#		raw_input()

	'''if len(Root.store[1])!=0:
		for i in range(0,len(Root.store[1])):
#			print "depth going in",depth
			temp = processNode(Root.store[1][i],depth-1)
#			print "First successor"
#			raw_input()
			if len(temp) != 0:
				if flag ==True:
					Root.store[1][i]= min(temp)
#					print min(temp), "min of moves(white) want the worst white case" 
#					raw_input()
					Root.store[1][i]= max(temp)
#					print max(temp),"max of moves (black) want the worst black case"
#					raw_input()
				Root.store[1][i] = None
예제 #8
def stratLookAhead(board,depth,player):

	Root = tree.tree(list(board))
	moveSet = generateCandidateMoves(board,player)
	Root = extend(Root,depth,player)
	if len(Root.store[1])!=0:
		for i in range(1,len(Root.store[1])):
			temp =  processNode(Root.store[1][i],depth)
			if len(temp) != 0:
				Root.store[1][i] =sum(temp)/len(temp)
	Sums = Root.store[1]

	minIndex = Sums.index(min(Sums))
	maxIndex = Sums.index(max(Sums))
	if player/10 == 1:
		move = moveSet[maxIndex]
		move = moveSet[minIndex] 	
	return move
예제 #9
def extend(root,depth,player):
	if depth == 0:
		return root

	pseudoBoard = root.store[0][0:64]
	moveSet = generateCandidateMoves(root.store[0],player)
	for i in moveSet:
		pseudoBoard = root.store[0][0:64]
		tempRoot =tree.tree(pseudoBoard)
	for i in range(1,len(root.store[1])):
		if player/10 ==1:

	return root	
예제 #10
def safeExtend(root, depth, player):
    #	print depth,"depth of root"
    if depth == 0:
        return root

    pseudoBoard = list(root.store[0])
    moveSet = safeMoves(root.store[0], player)

    for i in moveSet:
        pseudoBoard = root.store[0][0:64]
        Move(pseudoBoard, i[0], i[1])
        tempRoot = tree.tree(pseudoBoard)

    for i in range(0, len(root.store[1])):
        if player / 10 == 1:
            safeExtend(root.store[1][i], depth - 1, 20)
            safeExtend(root.store[1][i], depth - 1, 10)

    return root
예제 #11
from chesslib import *
from chessPlayer_tree import tree
a = initBoard(None)
root = tree(a)
# print root.store
looks = extend(root,2,10)
basket = processNode(looks,2)
weight = sum(basket)/len(basket)

print weight

예제 #12
def chessPlayer(board, player):
	if (len(board)!=64 or (player <> 10 and player <> 20)):
		return [False, [], [], []]
	for i in range(0, len(board)):
		if (not(isBlack(board, i) or  isWhite(board, i) or (board[i] ==0))):
			return [False, [], [], []]
	candidates = []
	opponent = getOpponent(player)
	root = tree(-1) #an arbitrary value. Made to be the head of the eval tree so all board moves can be represented as one tree
	kingPos = GetPos(board, player + 5)
	check = IsPositionUnderThreat(board, kingPos, player)
	if (check): #try to get out of check to not lose
		L = GetPlayerPositions(board, player)
		for i in L:
			legal = GetPieceLegalMoves(board, i)
			for j in legal: 
				boardCopy = list(board)
				boardCopy[j] = boardCopy[i]
				boardCopy[i] = 0
				kingPos = GetPos(boardCopy, player + 5)
				threat = IsPositionUnderThreat(boardCopy, kingPos, player)
				if (not threat):
					score = evalBoard(boardCopy, player)
					if(IsPositionUnderThreat(boardCopy, j, player)):
						score = score - (pieceEval(boardCopy[j], player)) #this is so we don't sacrifice a more expensive piece
					candidates = candidates + [[[i, j], score]]
		L = GetPlayerPositions(board, player)
		for i in L:
			legal = GetPieceLegalMoves(board, i)
			for j in legal:
				tmp = tree(-1)
				boardCopy = list(board)
				boardCopy[j] = boardCopy[i]
				boardCopy[i] = 0
				#we set maximizing player to false here because we are maximizing the score in this section currently. Need to 
				moveScore = genMoveTree(boardCopy, player, 2, False, -10000, 10000, tmp)
				tmp.store[0] = moveScore
				root.AddSuccessor(copy.copy(tmp)) #This tree is to keep a record of all the scores from the board states evaluated by genMove Tree
				candidates = candidates + [[[i, j], moveScore]]
	if (candidates == []):
		return [False, [], [], []]
	#Move cannot put you in check:
	for i in range(0, len(candidates)):
		fromPos = candidates[i][0][0]
		toPos = candidates[i][0][1]
		boardCopy = list(board)
		boardCopy[toPos] = boardCopy[fromPos]
		boardCopy[fromPos] = 0
		kingPos = GetPos(boardCopy, player + 5)
		if (IsPositionUnderThreat(boardCopy, kingPos, player)):
			candidates[i][1] = -100000
	cop = list(candidates)
	candidates = []
	for i in cop:
		if i[1] != -100000:
			candidates = candidates + [i]

	bestMove = candidates[0]
	rest = candidates[1:]
	for k in rest:
		if k[1] > bestMove[1]:
			bestMove = k
	#in the case where multiple pieces have the same score, we don't want to choose randomly. Choose the spots closer to the centre, and prioritieze control there
	#This also tests for if we are threatening opponents and whether we are going to a threatening spot
	repeats = []
	for i in candidates:
		if i[1] == bestMove[1]:
			repeats = repeats + [i]
	for j in repeats:
		boardCopy = list(board)
		boardCopy[j[0][1]] = boardCopy[j[0][0]]
		boardCopy[j[0][0]] = 0
		if (IsPositionUnderThreat(boardCopy, j[0][1], player)):
			j[1] = j[1] - pieceEval(board[j[0][0]], player) #minus points if the place is under threat
		if(belongsTo(board, j[0][1]) == opponent):
			j[1] = j[1] - pieceEval(board[j[0][0]], player) #add points (sinse opponent piece is negative) if we capture a piece here
		if (j[0][1] == 27 or j[0][1] == 28 or j[0][1] == 35 or j[0][1] == 36):
			j[1] = j[1] + 1
		elif(j[0][1] == 26 or j[0][1] == 29 or j[0][1] == 34 or j[0][1] == 37):
			j[1]= j[1] + 0.5

	bestMove = repeats[0]
	rest = repeats[1:]
	for k in rest:
		if k[1] > bestMove[1]:
			bestMove = k

	final = []
	for i in repeats:
		if i[1] == bestMove[1]:
			final = final + [i]

	rand = randint(0, len(final) - 1) #this is to avoid repetitive results, as taking just the first move with the best score results in no board presence, 
					  # but rather, only moves the pieces with a lower number
	bestMove = final[rand]
	evalTree = root.Get_LevelOrder()
	if (evalTree == [-1]): #this means nothing was added to the evalTree
		evalTree = None
	return [True, bestMove[0], candidates, evalTree]	
예제 #13
def stratLeanLookAhead(board, depth, player):

    Root = tree.tree(list(board))

    moveSet = generateCandidateMoves(board, player)
    #	print moveSet, "mmoves set"
    Pathways = ExpandNode(Root, depth, player)
    #if flag is true, player is white
    #	print Pathways,"lean pathways"
    #	print "length of pathways",len(Pathways),len(moveSet)
    #	raw_input()
    if player / 10 == 1:
        flag = True
        flag = False

    #player is white
    if flag == True:
        for i in range(0, len(moveSet)):
            Pathways[i] = min(Pathways[i])
#		print min(temp), "min of moves(white) want the worst white case"
#		raw_input()

    else:  #player is black
        for i in range(0, len(moveSet)):
            Pathways[i] = max(Pathways[i])

#		print max(temp),"max of moves (black) want the worst black case"
#		raw_input()
    '''if len(Root.store[1])!=0:
		for i in range(0,len(Root.store[1])):
#			print "depth going in",depth
			temp = processNode(Root.store[1][i],depth-1)
#			print "First successor"
#			raw_input()
			if len(temp) != 0:
				if flag ==True:
					Root.store[1][i]= min(temp)
#					print min(temp), "min of moves(white) want the worst white case" 
#					raw_input()
					Root.store[1][i]= max(temp)
#					print max(temp),"max of moves (black) want the worst black case"
#					raw_input()
				Root.store[1][i] = None

	print Root.store[1],"The successors of Root"
#	raw_input()
    WorstCases = Pathways
    #	print"Pathways",Pathways
    if len(Pathways) != 0:

        #for white want the best worst case
        if flag == True:
            maxIndex = WorstCases.index(max(WorstCases))
            move = moveSet[maxIndex]
        #for black want best worst case(black is negative)
            minIndex = WorstCases.index(min(WorstCases))
            move = moveSet[minIndex]

    return move