def run(self, player, move, last_board, tree_level, is_max, tree_max_depth, use_memcache, alpha, beta, batch_size):
        new_board = ChessUtils.make_move(move, last_board)

        # Extract the set of possible moves for this level of the board.
        is_check, valid_moves = ChessUtils.get_valid_moves(player, new_board)
        # By default, continue recursing.
        end_recursion = False 
        # Two recursion stop conditions.
        #------- Condition #1: Recursion Depth of maximum_depth of the tree.
        #------- Condition #2: No more valid player moves.
        if tree_level >= tree_max_depth or len(valid_moves) == 0: 
            end_recursion = True
        # Ensure only one yield is generated in the case of recursions end so exit.
            yield common.Return((ChessUtils.get_state_utility(new_board, player, is_max,
		                                                      is_check, valid_moves), None))
        # If child modes will be generated, then generate them as a fan-out then fan them back in.
            best_util_so_far = alpha if is_max else beta
            best_util_and_move = (best_util_so_far, None)
            yield MakeMoveIter(player, new_board, tree_level, is_max, tree_max_depth, use_memcache, 
                               alpha, beta, batch_size, best_util_and_move, valid_moves)
    def run(self, player, board, tree_max_depth, use_memcache, alpha, beta, batch_size):
        # Extract the set of possible moves for this level of the board.
        is_check, valid_moves = ChessUtils.get_valid_moves(player, board)
        # Check that the game did not start in an invalid condition.
        if(is_check and len(valid_moves) == 0):
            raise ValueError("Game starting in checkmate.  That is now allowed...")
        # If no moves were found to be valid, return an error message.
        if(len(valid_moves) == 0):
            yield common.Return("ERROR - NO VALID MOVES")
        # If only one move is possible, return that.
        elif(len(valid_moves) == 1):
            yield common.Return((0, valid_moves[0]))
        # If there are multiple valid moves, iterate through the possible valid moves.
            # Determine whether white or black is going first.
            if(player == PlayerType.WHITE):
                is_max = True
                is_max = False 

            # Define the best move and util so far.
            best_util_so_far = alpha if is_max else beta
            best_util_and_move = (best_util_so_far, None)

            # Generate the Minimax tree.
            yield MakeMoveIter(player, board, 1, is_max, tree_max_depth, use_memcache,
                               alpha, beta, batch_size, best_util_and_move, valid_moves)
    def run(self, player, move, board, tree_level, is_max, depth_tree, batch_size, rationality_prob):
        if move:
            board = ChessUtils.make_move(move, board)

        # Extract the set of possible moves for this level of the board.
        is_check, valid_moves = ChessUtils.get_valid_moves(player, board)

        # By default, continue recursing.
        end_recursion = False
        # Two recursion stop conditions.
        # ------- Condition #1: Recursion Depth of 6
        # ------- Condition #2: No more valid player moves.
        if tree_level >= depth_tree or len(valid_moves) == 0:
            end_recursion = True

        # Ensure only one yield is generated in the case of recursions end so exit.
        if end_recursion:
            yield common.Return((ChessUtils.get_state_utility(board, player, is_max, is_check, valid_moves), None))

        if len(valid_moves) == 1:
            yield common.Return(
                (ChessUtils.get_state_utility(board, player, is_max, is_check, valid_moves), valid_moves[0])

        next_player = 1 - player
        is_next_player_max = not is_max
        utilities_and_moves = []
        for new_move in valid_moves:
            utility_and_move = yield InnerExpectiMaxMakeMove(
                tree_level + 1,
                depth_tree,  # Required as part of the player increment.
        if tree_level == 2:
            yield DetermineExpectiMaxUtilAndMove(is_max, valid_moves, rationality_prob, *utilities_and_moves)
            yield DetermineBestUtilAndMove(is_max, valid_moves, *utilities_and_moves)
def query_server(current_player, board):
    Makes a request of the server to get the computer's
    current_player : Integer - 0 for white and 1 for black.
    board - List of list of integers of the pieces on the board.
    Returns: Tuple of two integers.  Index 0 in the Tuple is the 
    current (i.e. source) location of the piece to be moved
    while index 1 is the new (i.e. destination) location of the piece.
    sys.stdout.write("The computer is thinking about its move  ")
    # Create a queue to get the computers move.
    moveQueue = Queue.Queue()

    # Use a thread to get the player's move.
    #server_thread = threading.Thread(target=execute_server_command, args=(current_player, board, moveQueue, tree_max_depth, batch_size, rationality_prob, use_expectimax))
    server_thread = threading.Thread(target=execute_server_command, args=(current_player, board, moveQueue, \
                                                                          tree_max_depth, batch_size))
    # Wait for the thread to finish
    # Handle the error case where the network communication crashed.
    computer_move = moveQueue.get(True)
    # Allow for two player debug
        _, valid_moves = ChessUtils.get_valid_moves(current_player, board)
        computer_move = make_player_move(False, valid_moves, board) # Use player make move as a placeholder.
    return computer_move
    def run(self, player, board, depth_tree, batch_size, rationality_prob):
        # Extract the set of possible moves for this level of the board.
        is_check, valid_moves = ChessUtils.get_valid_moves(player, board)

        if is_check and len(valid_moves) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Game starting in checkmate.  That is now allowed...")

        # If no moves were found to be valid, return an error message.
        if len(valid_moves) == 0:
            yield common.Return("ERROR - NO VALID MOVES")
        # If only one move is possible, return that.
        elif len(valid_moves) == 1:
            yield common.Return((0, valid_moves[0]))
        # If there are multiple valid moves, iterate through the possible valid moves.
            # Determine whether white or black is going first.
            if player == PlayerType.WHITE:
                is_max = True
                is_max = False
            yield InnerExpectiMaxMakeMove(player, None, board, 1, is_max, depth_tree, batch_size)
def play_game(current_player, human_player, board):
    current_player: Integer - 0 or 1 to indicate whether it is 
    white's or black's turn to start the game.
    human_player: Integer - 0 or 1 indicates whether the human player
    is white or black.  This value should not change.
    board: List of lists of integers.  It contains the current board.
    It will be updated at the end of each turn.
    This function runs and never returns.  The program exits directly 
    from this function.
        check, valid_moves = ChessUtils.get_valid_moves(current_player, board)
        # Check if the game is over.
        if check and len(valid_moves) == 0:
            print "\nCheckmate!"
            if current_player == human_player:
                print "The computer won!  You lose!"
                print "You win!"

        # Check if the game is over due to stalemate.
        elif(not check and len(valid_moves) == 0):
            print "\nStalemate!\n"
            print "No moves possible so its a draw!"
        # Print the current board
        print "\n\nCurrent Board:"
        # Human's turn.
        if(current_player == human_player):
            # Keep loop until the user enters a valid move.
            next_move = make_player_move(check, valid_moves, board)

        # Computer's turn.
            if check:
                print "The computer is in check.  It must enter a move to exit check:\n"
                print "Its the computer's turn.  It is deciding on its move.\n"
            next_move = query_server(current_player, board)
            # Print the computer's move.
            print "The computer's move is:  (" + str(next_move[0]) + \
                                              ", " + str(next_move[1]) + ")\n"
        board = ChessUtils.make_move(next_move, board) # Apply the move.
        current_player = 1 - current_player # update the player