예제 #1
def play_chessgame(best_estimator: tf.keras.Model,
                   mutated_estimator: tf.keras.Model, training_side):

    # reset it chess game variables
    board = chesslib.ChessBoard_StartFormation()
    drawing_side = 0
    draw_history = []
    game_state = 'n'
    round = 1.0


    # play until the game is over
    while True:

        # compute all possible draws
        last_draw = draw_history[-1] if len(
            draw_history) > 0 else chesslib.ChessDraw_Null
        draws = chesslib.GenerateDraws(board, drawing_side, last_draw, True)
        possible_boards = np.array(
            [chesslib.ApplyDraw(board, draw) for draw in draws])
        fill_column = np.expand_dims(draws, axis=1)
        vector = np.append(possible_boards, fill_column, axis=1)

        # determine the best of those draws using the estimator
        model = mutated_estimator if drawing_side == training_side else best_estimator
        predictions = model.predict(vector)
        best_draw = draws[np.argmax(predictions)]

        # apply the draw to the chessboard and update the draw history
        board = chesslib.ApplyDraw(board, best_draw)

        # print the board

        # exit if the game is over
        game_state = get_game_state(board, draw_history, drawing_side)
        if game_state != 'n':

        if has_loops(draw_history):
            game_state = 't'

        drawing_side = (drawing_side + 1) % 2
        round += 0.5

    return game_state
    def generate_game(self, value_est: tf.keras.Model, epsilon: float=0.1):

        # load the start formation
        board = chesslib.ChessBoard_StartFormation()

        # intialize states and actions cache
        states = np.array([board])
        actions = np.array([])

        # perform actions until the game is over
        while chesslib.GameState(board) != chesslib.GameState_Checkmate \
            or chesslib.GameState(board) != chesslib.GameState_Tie:

            # get all possible actions
            poss_actions = chesslib.GenerateDraws(board)

            # get ratings for all possible actions
            next_states = [chesslib.ApplyDraw(draw) for draw in poss_actions]
            action_ratings = [value_est(conv_board(state)) for state in next_states]
            # state_rating = value_func(conv_board(board))
            # advantages = action_ratings - state_rating

            # choose the action to be applied (epsilon-greedy)
            explore = np.random.uniform() <= epsilon
            selected_action = np.random.choice(poss_actions) if explore \
                else poss_actions[np.argmin(action_ratings)]
            # note: argmin() is required because otherwise the AI would learn draws 
            #       that are beneficial for the opponent (argmax() -> maximize opp. reward?!)

            # write the (state, action) tuple to cache and update the board with the state
            new_state = chesslib.ApplyDraw(selected_action)
            states = np.append(states, np.array([new_state]))
            actions = np.append(actions, np.array([selected_action]))
            board = new_state


        # now that the game is over, bring the game data into SARS format
        rewards = []
        next_states = states[1:]
        states = states[:-2]

        return (states, actions, rewards, next_states)
예제 #3
    def prepare_pandas_data(self, pd_winrates: pd.DataFrame):

        # convert the dataframe into SARS data slices (state-action-reward-nextstate)
        states = [self.bitboards_from_hash(x) for x in pd_winrates['BoardBeforeHash']]
        actions = pd_winrates['DrawHashNumeric']
        rewards = pd_winrates['WinRate']

        # combine the SARS data slices to a dataframe
        pd_winrates_sars = pd.DataFrame()
        pd_winrates_sars['states'] = states
        pd_winrates_sars['actions'] = actions
        pd_winrates_sars['rewards'] = rewards

        next_states = pd_winrates_sars.apply(lambda x: chesslib.ApplyDraw(x[0], x[1]), axis=1)
        pd_winrates_sars['next_states'] = next_states

        return pd_winrates_sars
예제 #4
    def __call__(self, chessboard: np.ndarray, valid_draws: np.ndarray,
                 last_draw: int, comp_time: int):
        Determine the best draw from the list for the given chess position.
        Therefore use the negamax algorithm with alpha-beta prune and iterative deepening.

        :param chessboard: The chess board representing the current position (bitboard format).
        :param valid_draws: The valid draws to be evaluated.
        :param comp_time: The max. amount of time to compute the result (in seconds).
        :returns: The best draw on the valid_draws list.

        start_timestamp = dt.datetime.utcnow()

        # initialize all draws with neutral scores (represent the draws with the resulting chess position)
        next_boards = np.array(
            [chesslib.ApplyDraw(chessboard, draw) for draw in valid_draws])
        next_board_hashes = np.array(
            [self.board_to_str(board) for board in next_boards])
        est_scores = np.array([
            self.cache[hash] if hash in self.cache else 0.0
            for hash in next_board_hashes
        print("est. scores:", est_scores)

        # run iterative deepening as deep as possible within the given time limit
        depth = 1
        while depth <= 10:

            _ = self.negamax(chessboard, valid_draws, int(last_draw), depth,
                             float('-inf'), float('inf'))

            # update the scores (will be used when the computation time is up)
            est_scores = np.array([
                self.cache[hash] if hash in self.cache else 0.0
                for hash in next_board_hashes
            print("depth", depth, "est. scores:", est_scores)

            depth += 1

        # determine the draw with the highest score
        return [(valid_draws[i], est_scores[i])
                for i in range(len(valid_draws))]
예제 #5
    def negamax(self, bitboards: np.ndarray, valid_draws: np.ndarray,
                last_draw, depth: int, alpha: float, beta: float) -> float:

        # print('negamax depth:', depth)

        # determine the drawing side
        drawing_side = valid_draws[0] >> 23 & 1 if len(valid_draws) > 0 else 0
        # print('drawing side:', drawing_side)

        # handle recursion termination cases (max. search depth or terminal state reached)
        state = chesslib.GameState(bitboards, last_draw)
        if state == chesslib.GameState_Checkmate:
            return float('-inf')
            # elif state == chesslib.GameState_Tie: return 0.0
        elif depth == 0:
            return self.eval_chessboard(bitboards, drawing_side)

        # determine the estimated scores for each draw
        # then, order the draws by their estimated score descendingly
        # this ensures trying out promising draws first and achieving more cut-offs
        next_boards = np.array(
            [chesslib.ApplyDraw(bitboards, draw) for draw in valid_draws])
        next_board_hashes = np.array(
            [self.board_to_str(board) for board in next_boards])
        est_scores = np.array([
            self.cache[hash] if hash in self.cache else 0.0
            for hash in next_board_hashes
        sort_perm = np.argsort(est_scores * -1.0)  # sort by descending scores

        # initialize the estimated value as negative infinity
        value = float('-inf')

        # try out the draws one-by-one and estimate their outcomes recursively
        # therefore process the most promising draws first according to the score permuation
        for i in sort_perm:

            draw = int(valid_draws[i])
            next_board = next_boards[i]

            # compute the resulting chess board and the successing valid draws to be tried out
            # print('next draws:', next_board, drawing_side, draw)
            next_valid_draws = chesslib.GenerateDraws(next_board,
                                                      int(draw), True)

            # perform a recursive function call to estimate the goodness of the draw
            est_draw_score = self.negamax(next_board, next_valid_draws, draw,
                                          depth - 1, -alpha, -beta)

            # update the cache with the new estimated score
            # TODO: make sure that the score does not need to be inverted first
            self.cache[next_board_hashes[i]] = est_draw_score

            # update alpha and beta
            value = max(value, est_draw_score * -1.0)
            alpha = max(alpha, value)

            # perform cut-off (there is a good enemy reply -> stop computing!)
            if alpha >= beta: break

        # return the estimated value of the given chess position considering only best draws
        return value
예제 #6
        drawing_side = chesslib.ChessColor_White
        last_draw = chesslib.ChessDraw_Null
        board = chesslib.ChessBoard_StartFormation()

        while True:

            # determine the estimated draw scores
            draws = chesslib.GenerateDraws(board, drawing_side, int(last_draw),
            draws_x_scores = model(board, draws, last_draw, comp_time)

            # determine the best and the second best draw
            draws_desc_by_score = sorted(draws_x_scores, key=1)
            best_draw = draws_desc_by_score[0][0]
            second_best_draw = draws_desc_by_score[1][0] if len(
                draws) > 1 else best_draw

            # sometimes, use only the second best draw for a bit of variety
            draw_to_apply = best_draw if epsilon < np.random.uniform(
                1) else second_best_draw

            board = chesslib.ApplyDraw(board, draw_to_apply)

            # check whether the game is over (finalize the game in case)
            last_draw = draw_to_apply
            state = chesslib.GameState(board, last_draw)
            if state == chesslib.GameState_Checkmate or state == chesslib.GameState_Tie: