예제 #1
def get_cw_type(sn=None):
    """ Gets the scope type of the connected ChipWhisperer

    If multiple connected, sn must be specified
    from chipwhisperer.hardware.naeusb.naeusb import NAEUSB
    from chipwhisperer.capture import scopes
    possible_ids = [0xace0, 0xace2, 0xace3]

    cwusb = NAEUSB()
    possible_sn = cwusb.get_possible_devices(idProduct=possible_ids)
    name = ""
    if len(possible_sn) == 0:
        raise OSError("USB Device not found. Did you connect it first?")

    if (len(possible_sn) > 1):
        if sn is None:
            serial_numbers = []
            for d in possible_sn:
                serial_numbers.append("sn = {} ({})".format(str(d['sn']), str(d['product'])))
            raise Warning("Multiple chipwhisperers connected, but device and/or serial number not specified.\nDevices:\n{}".format(serial_numbers))
            for d in possible_sn:
                if d['sn'] == sn:
                    name = d['product']
        name = possible_sn[0]['product']

    if (name == "ChipWhisperer Lite") or (name == "ChipWhisperer CW1200"):
        return scopes.OpenADC
    elif name == "ChipWhisperer Nano":
        return scopes.CWNano
예제 #2
class CWLiteUSB(object):
    _name = "ChipWisperer-Lite USB"

    def __init__(self):
        self._cwusb = NAEUSB()

        # Connect required modules up here
        self.fpga = FPGA(self._cwusb)
        self.xmega = XMEGAPDI(self._cwusb)
        self.avr = AVRISP(self._cwusb)
        self.usart = USART(self._cwusb)
        self.serialstm32f = STM32FSerial(cwserial=self.usart, cwapi=None)

    def get_possible_devices(self, idProduct):
        return self._cwusb.get_possible_devices(idProduct=idProduct)

    def con(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._cwusb.con(*args, **kwargs)

    def dis(self):

    def usbdev(self):
        return self._cwusb
예제 #3
class CWNano(ScopeTemplate, util.DisableNewAttr):
    """CWNano scope object.

    This class contains the public API for the CWNano hardware. It includes
    specific settings for each of these devices.

    To connect to one of these devices, the easiest method is::

        import chipwhisperer as cw
        scope = cw.scope(type=scopes.CWNano)

    Some sane default settings can be set using::


    For more help about scope settings, try help() on each of the ChipWhisperer
    scope submodules (scope.adc, scope.io, scope.glitch):

      * :attr:`scope.adc <.CWNano.adc>`
      * :attr:`scope.io <.CWNano.io>`
      * :attr:`scope.glitch <.CWNano.glitch>`
      * :meth:`scope.default_setup <.CWNano.default_setup>`
      * :meth:`scope.con <.CWNano.con>`
      * :meth:`scope.dis <.CWNano.dis>`
      * :meth:`scope.get_last_trace <.CWNano.get_last_trace>`
      * :meth:`scope.arm <.CWNano.arm>`
      * :meth:`scope.capture <.CWNano.capture>`

    _name = "ChipWhisperer Nano"

    REQ_ARM = 0x29
    REQ_SAMPLES = 0x2A

    def __init__(self):
        self._is_connected = False

        self._cwusb = NAEUSB()
        self.ser = self._cwusb
        self.scopetype = self
        self.dev = self

        self.xmega = XMEGAPDI(self._cwusb)
        self.avr = AVRISP(self._cwusb)
        self.usart = USART(self._cwusb)
        self.serialstm32f = STM32FSerial(cwserial=self.usart)
        self.serialstm32f.scope = self
        self.io = GPIOSettings(self._cwusb)
        self.adc = ADCSettings(self._cwusb)
        self.glitch = GlitchSettings(self._cwusb)
        self._timeout = 2

        self._lasttrace = None


    def default_setup(self):
        """ Sets up sane capture defaults for this scope

          * 7.5MHz ADC clock
          * 7.5MHz output clock
          * 5000 capture samples
          * tio1 = serial rx
          * tio2 = serial tx
          * glitch module off

        .. versionadded:: 5.1
            Added default setup for CWNano
        self.adc.clk_freq = 7.5E6
        self.io.clkout = 7.5E6
        self.adc.samples = 5000
        self.io.tio1 = "serial_rx"
        self.io.tio2 = "serial_tx"
        self.glitch.repeat = 0

    def getCurrentScope(self):
        return self

    def _getNAEUSB(self):
        return self._cwusb

    def sn(self):
        return self._cwusb.snum

    def latest_fw(self):
        from chipwhisperer.hardware.firmware.cwnano import fwver
        return {"major": fwver[0], "minor": fwver[1]}

    def fw_version(self):
        a = self._cwusb.readFwVersion()
        return {"major": a[0], "minor": a[1], "debug": a[2]}

    def _con(self, sn=None):
            possible_sn = self._cwusb.get_possible_devices(idProduct=[0xACE0])
            serial_numbers = []
            if len(possible_sn) > 1:
                if sn is None:
                    for d in possible_sn:
                        serial_numbers.append("sn = {} ({})".format(str(d['sn']), str(d['product'])))
                    raise Warning("Multiple ChipWhisperers detected. Please specify device from the following list using cw.scope(sn=<SN>): \n{}".format(serial_numbers))
                sn = None
            found_id = self._cwusb.con(idProduct=[0xACE0], serial_number=sn)
        except (IOError, ValueError):
            raise Warning("Could not connect to cwnano. It may have been disconnected, is in an error state, or is being used by another tool.")
        self._is_connected = True
        return True

    def _dis(self):
        self._is_connected = False
        return True

    def arm(self):
        """Arm the ADC, the trigger will be GPIO4 rising edge (fixed trigger)."""
        with DelayedKeyboardInterrupt():
            if self.connectStatus is False:
                raise Warning("Scope \"" + self.getName() + "\" is not connected. Connect it first...")

            self._cwusb.sendCtrl(self.REQ_ARM, 1)

    def capture(self):
        """Raises IOError if unknown failure, returns 'True' if timeout, 'False' if no timeout"""

        with DelayedKeyboardInterrupt():
            starttime = datetime.datetime.now()
            while self._cwusb.readCtrl(self.REQ_ARM, dlen=1)[0] == 0:
                # Wait for a moment before re-running the loop
                diff = datetime.datetime.now() - starttime

                # If we've timed out, don't wait any longer for a trigger
                if (diff.total_seconds() > self._timeout):
                    logging.warning('Timeout in cwnano capture()')
                    return True

            self._lasttrace = self._cwusb.cmdReadMem(0, self.adc.samples)

            # can just keep rerunning this until it works I think
            i = 0
            while len(self._lasttrace) < self.adc.samples:
                logging.debug("couldn't read ADC data from Nano, retrying...")

                self._lasttrace = self._cwusb.cmdReadMem(0, self.adc.samples)
                i+= 1
                if i > 20:
                    logging.warning("Couldn't read trace data back from Nano")
                    return True
            self._lasttrace = np.array(self._lasttrace) / 256.0 - 0.5

            #self.newDataReceived(0, self._lasttrace, 0, self.adc.clk_freq)

            return False

    def get_last_trace(self):
        """Return the last trace captured with this scope.
        return self._lasttrace

    getLastTrace = camel_case_deprecated(get_last_trace)

    def _dict_repr(self):
        dict = OrderedDict()
        dict['fw_version'] = self.fw_version
        dict['io']    = self.io._dict_repr()
        dict['adc']   = self.adc._dict_repr()
        dict['glitch'] = self.glitch._dict_repr()
        return dict

    def __repr__(self):
        # Add some extra information about ChipWhisperer type here
        if self._is_connected:
            ret = "ChipWhisperer Nano Device\n"
            return ret + dict_to_str(self._dict_repr())
            ret = "ChipWhisperer Nano device (disconnected)"
            return ret

    def __str__(self):
        return self.__repr__()

    def get_possible_devices(self, idProduct):
        return self._cwusb.get_possible_devices(idProduct=idProduct)

    def usbdev(self):
        return self._cwusb
예제 #4
class CWLiteUSB(Parameterized):
    _name = "ChipWisperer-Lite USB"

    def __init__(self):
        self._cwusb = NAEUSB()

        # Connect required modules up here
        self.fpga = FPGA(self._cwusb)
        self.xmega = XMEGAPDI(self._cwusb)
        self.avr = AVRISP(self._cwusb)
        self.usart = USART(self._cwusb)
        self.serialstm32f = STM32FSerial(cwserial=self.usart,

            "CW-Lite XMEGA Programmer",
            "Open XMEGA Programmer (ChipWhisperer-Lite Only)",
            lambda _: self.getCwliteXMEGA().show()
        }, {
            "CW-Lite AVR Programmer",
            "Open AVR Programmer (ChipWhisperer-Lite Only)",
            lambda _: self.getCwliteAVR().show()
        }, {
            'Serial STM32F Programmer',
            "Open STM32F Programmer (Serial/ChipWhisperer)",
            lambda _: self.getSerialSTM32F().show()

    def get_possible_devices(self, idProduct):
        return self._cwusb.get_possible_devices(idProduct=idProduct)

    def con(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._cwusb.con(*args, **kwargs)

    # def __del__(self):
    #     print "here"

    def dis(self):
        if self.params is not None:
        self.params = None
        # gc.collect()
        # print sys.getrefcount(self)
        # print gc.get_referrers(self)

    def usbdev(self):
        return self._cwusb

    def getCwliteXMEGA(self):
        if not hasattr(self, 'cwliteXMEGA'):
            self.cwliteXMEGA = XMEGAProgrammerDialog()
        return self.cwliteXMEGA

    def getCwliteAVR(self):
        if not hasattr(self, 'cwliteAVR'):
            self.cwliteAVR = AVRProgrammerDialog()
        return self.cwliteAVR

    def getSerialSTM32F(self):
        if not hasattr(self, 'serialSTM32F'):
            self.serialSTM32F = STM32FProgrammerDialog()
        return self.serialSTM32F
예제 #5
class CWNano(ScopeTemplate, Plugin, util.DisableNewAttr):
    """CWNano scope object.

    This class contains the public API for the CWNano hardware. It includes
    specific settings for each of these devices.

    To connect to one of these devices, the easiest method is

    This code will automatically detect an attached ChipWhisperer device and
    connect to it.

    For more help about scope settings, try help() on each of the ChipWhisperer
    scope submodules:

    _name = "ChipWhisperer Nano"

    REQ_ARM = 0x29
    REQ_SAMPLES = 0x2A

    def __init__(self):
        self._is_connected = False


        self._cwusb = NAEUSB()
        self.ser = self._cwusb
        self.scopetype = self
        self.dev = self

        self.xmega = XMEGAPDI(self._cwusb)
        self.avr = AVRISP(self._cwusb)
        self.usart = USART(self._cwusb)
        self.serialstm32f = STM32FSerial(cwserial=self.usart)
        self.serialstm32f.scope = self
        self.io = GPIOSettings(self._cwusb)
        self.adc = ADCSettings(self._cwusb)
        self.glitch = GlitchSettings(self._cwusb)
        self._timeout = 2

        self._lasttrace = None

            {'name':"CW-Lite XMEGA Programmer", 'tip':"Open XMEGA Programmer (ChipWhisperer-Lite Only)", 'type':"menu", "action":lambda _:self.getCwliteXMEGA().show()},
            {'name':"CW-Lite AVR Programmer", 'tip':"Open AVR Programmer (ChipWhisperer-Lite Only)", 'type':"menu", "action":lambda _:self.getCwliteAVR().show()},
            {'name':'Serial STM32F Programmer', 'tip':"Open STM32F Programmer (Serial/ChipWhisperer)", 'type':"menu", "action":lambda _:self.getSerialSTM32F().show()}


    def getCurrentScope(self):
        return self

    def _con(self):
        self._is_connected = True
        return True

    def _dis(self):
        self._is_connected = False
        return True

    def arm(self):
        """Arm the ADC, the trigger will be GPIO4 rising edge (fixed trigger)."""
        if self.connectStatus.value() is False:
            raise Warning("Scope \"" + self.getName() + "\" is not connected. Connect it first...")

        self._cwusb.sendCtrl(self.REQ_ARM, 1)

    def capture(self):
        """Raises IOError if unknown failure, returns 'True' if timeout, 'False' if no timeout"""

        starttime = datetime.datetime.now()
        while self._cwusb.readCtrl(self.REQ_ARM, dlen=1)[0] == 0:
            # Wait for a moment before re-running the loop
            diff = datetime.datetime.now() - starttime

            # If we've timed out, don't wait any longer for a trigger
            if (diff.total_seconds() > self._timeout):
                logging.warning('Timeout in cwnano capture()')
                return True

        self._lasttrace = self._cwusb.cmdReadMem(0, self.adc.samples)

        self._lasttrace = np.array(self._lasttrace) / 256.0 - 0.5

        self.newDataReceived(0, self._lasttrace, 0, self.adc.clk_freq)

        return False

    def getLastTrace(self):
        """Return the last trace captured with this scope.
        return self._lasttrace

    def _dict_repr(self):
        dict = OrderedDict()
        dict['io']    = self.io._dict_repr()
        dict['adc']   = self.adc._dict_repr()
        dict['glitch'] = self.glitch._dict_repr()
        return dict

    def __repr__(self):
        # Add some extra information about ChipWhisperer type here
        if self._is_connected:
            ret = "ChipWhisperer Nano Device\n"
            return ret + dict_to_str(self._dict_repr())
            ret = "ChipWhisperer Nano device (disconnected)"
            return ret

    def __str__(self):
        return self.__repr__()

    def get_possible_devices(self, idProduct):
        return self._cwusb.get_possible_devices(idProduct=idProduct)

    def usbdev(self):
        return self._cwusb

    def getCwliteXMEGA(self):
        if not hasattr(self, 'cwliteXMEGA'):
            self.cwliteXMEGA = XMEGAProgrammerDialog()
        return self.cwliteXMEGA

    def getCwliteAVR(self):
        if not hasattr(self, 'cwliteAVR'):
            self.cwliteAVR = AVRProgrammerDialog()
        return self.cwliteAVR

    def getSerialSTM32F(self):
        if not hasattr(self, 'serialSTM32F'):
            self.serialSTM32F = STM32FProgrammerDialog()
        return self.serialSTM32F