from chirality_data_analysis.example_data import *
from chirality_image_analysis import image_analysis as chi
from chirality_image_analysis.utility import *
from chirality_data_analysis import data_analysis as chd

currentData = desiredColonies[ == 'ReplicateB']
latestDate = currentData.irow(currentData['date'].argmax())
latestPath = latestDate['path']

img =
fluor1 = img[:, :, 0]
fluor2 = img[:, :, 1]
brightfield = img[:, :, 2]

binaryEdges, center, finalRadius = chi.getBinaryData(fluor1, brightfield, showPictures=True)
filteredLabels = chi.findSectors(binaryEdges, path_to_export_binary='/home/bryan')
showImage(ski.color.label2rgb(filteredLabels, bg_label=0))

# Now that we have the labels, we need to get the position data of each label
# and filter them all down to one pixel
chiralityData = chd.getChiralityData(filteredLabels, center)

# Look at the problem data, label #5
#problemData = chiralityData[chiralityData['label'] == 5]
#print problemData.head(30)


# Overlay the sectors on the image now
from chirality_data_analysis.example_data import *
from chirality_image_analysis import image_analysis as chi
from chirality_image_analysis.utility import *
from chirality_data_analysis import data_analysis as chd

currentData = desiredColonies[ == 'ReplicateB']
latestDate = currentData.irow(currentData['date'].argmax())
latestPath = latestDate['path']

img =
fluor1 = img[:, :, 0]
fluor2 = img[:, :, 1]
brightfield = img[:, :, 2]

binaryEdges, center, finalRadius = chi.getBinaryData(fluor1, brightfield, select_center_manually=True, originalImage=img)
filteredLabels = chi.findSectors(binaryEdges, path_to_export_binary='/home/bryan')
showImage(ski.color.label2rgb(filteredLabels, bg_label=0))

# Now that we have the labels, we need to get the position data of each label
# and filter them all down to one pixel
chiralityData = chd.getChiralityData(filteredLabels, center)

# Look at the problem data, label #5
#problemData = chiralityData[chiralityData['label'] == 5]
#print problemData.head(30)


# Overlay the sectors on the image now
__author__ = 'bryan'

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from chirality_data_analysis.example_data import *
from chirality_image_analysis.utility import *
from chirality_image_analysis import image_analysis as chi
import skimage as ski
import skimage.color
import skimage.morphology

currentData = desiredColonies[ == 'ReplicateB']
latestDate = currentData.irow(currentData['date'].argmax())
latestPath = latestDate['path']

binaryEdges, center, radius = chi.getBinaryData(latestPath, showPictures=False)
labeled = ski.color.label2rgb(ski.morphology.label(binaryEdges, background=False))
#chiFinder = LassoTool.LassoTool(binaryEdges)