예제 #1
def calc_education_level(person):
    Calculate education level for person, based on results of empirical analysis of CVFS panel data.
    levels = rcParams['education.depvar_levels']

    intercepts = [rcParams['education.coef.y>=gt0lt4'],

    prob_y_gte_j = np.zeros(len(levels) - 1) # probability y >= j
    for n in np.arange(len(prob_y_gte_j)):
        intercept = intercepts[n]
        xb_sum = 0

        # Individual-level characteristics
        if person.get_sex() == "female":
            xb_sum += rcParams['education.coef.gender=female']

        if person.get_ethnicity() == "HighHindu":
            # This was the reference class
        elif person.get_ethnicity() == "HillTibeto":
            xb_sum += rcParams['education.coef.ethnic=HillTibeto']
        elif person.get_ethnicity() == "LowHindu":
            xb_sum += rcParams['education.coef.ethnic=LowHindu']
        elif person.get_ethnicity() == "Newar":
            xb_sum += rcParams['education.coef.ethnic=Newar']
        elif person.get_ethnicity() == "TeraiTibeto":
            xb_sum += rcParams['education.coef.ethnic=TeraiTibeto']
            raise StatisticsError("No coefficient was specified for ethnicity '%s'"%person.get_ethnicity())

        # Neighborhood-level characteristics
        neighborhood = person.get_parent_agent().get_parent_agent()
        xb_sum += rcParams['education.coef.avg_yrs_services_lt15'] * \

        prob_y_gte_j[n] = 1. / (1 + np.exp(-(intercept + xb_sum)))

    prob_y_eq_j = np.zeros(4) # probability y == j
    prob_y_eq_j[0] = 1 - prob_y_gte_j[0]
    # Loop over all but the first cell of prob_y_eq_j
    for j in np.arange(1, len(prob_y_gte_j)):
        prob_y_lt_j = np.sum(prob_y_eq_j[0:j])
        prob_y_eq_j[j] = 1 - prob_y_gte_j[j] - prob_y_lt_j
    prob_cutoffs = np.cumsum(prob_y_eq_j)
    prob_cutoffs[-1]  = 1

    # Code for testing only:
    #print prob_cutoffs

    rand = np.random.rand()
    for n in np.arange(len(prob_cutoffs)):
        if rand <= prob_cutoffs[n]:
            return levels[n]
    # Should never reach the next line.
    raise StatisticsError("Check level calculation - no class predicted")
예제 #2
def calc_fuelwood_usage_probability(household, time):
    Calculates the probability of fuelwood usage (not quantity of usage, but 
    probability of using any wood at all) at the household-level.

    hhsize = household.num_members()
    if hhsize == 0:
        # Households may be empty but still in the model if they have 
        # out-migrants currently away, but that will be returning.
        return 0

    inner = rcParams['fw_usageprob.coef.intercept']

    # Household level vars
    inner += rcParams['fw_usageprob.coef.hhsize'] * hhsize

    hh_ethnicity = household.get_hh_head().get_ethnicity()
    if hh_ethnicity == "HighHindu":
        # This was the reference class
    elif hh_ethnicity == "LowHindu":
        inner += rcParams['fw_usageprob.coef.ethnicLowHindu']
    elif hh_ethnicity == "Newar":
        inner += rcParams['fw_usageprob.coef.ethnicNewar']
    elif hh_ethnicity == "HillTibeto":
        inner += rcParams['fw_usageprob.coef.ethnicHillTibeto']
    elif hh_ethnicity == "TeraiTibeto":
        inner += rcParams['fw_usageprob.coef.ethnicTeraiTibeto']
        raise StatisticsError("No coefficient was specified for ethnicity '%s'"%hh_ethnicity)

    inner += rcParams['fw_usageprob.coef.meangender'] * household.mean_gender()

    # Neighborhood level vars
    neighborhood = household.get_parent_agent()
    inner += rcParams['fw_usageprob.coef.elecavail'] * \
    inner += rcParams['fw_usageprob.coef.distnara_km'] * \
    if neighborhood._forest_closest_type == "BZ":
        # Reference level
    elif neighborhood._forest_closest_type == "CNP":
        inner += rcParams['fw_usageprob.coef.closest_typeCNP']
        raise StatisticsError("No coefficient was specified for closest forest type '%s'"%neighborhood._forest_closest_type)

    prob = 1./(1 + np.exp(-inner))
    if rcParams['log_stats_probabilities']:
        logger.debug("Household %s fuelwood usage probability %.6f (size: %s)"%(household.get_ID(), prob, household.num_members()))
    return prob
예제 #3
def calc_first_birth_prob_zvoleff(person, time):
    Calculates the probability of a first birth in a given month for an agent, 
    using the results of Zvoleff's empirical analysis, following the analysis 
    of Ghimire and Axinn (2010).
    # Intercept
    inner = rcParams['firstbirth.zv.coef.(Intercept)']

    # Adult community context
    neighborhood = person.get_parent_agent().get_parent_agent()
    # Convert nbh_area from square meters to square kilometers
    nbh_area = neighborhood._land_total / 1000000
    inner += rcParams['firstbirth.zv.coef.total_t1'] * nbh_area
    percent_agveg = (neighborhood._land_agveg / neighborhood._land_total) * 100
    inner += rcParams['firstbirth.zv.coef.percagveg_t1'] * percent_agveg
    inner += rcParams['firstbirth.zv.coef.dist_nara'] * neighborhood._distnara
    inner += rcParams['firstbirth.zv.coef.elec_avail'] * neighborhood._elec_available
    inner += rcParams['firstbirth.zv.coef.avg_yrs_services_lt15'] * neighborhood._avg_yrs_services_lt15

    # Parents characteristics
    inner += rcParams['firstbirth.zv.coef.mother_num_children'] * person.get_mother_num_children()
    if person.get_mother_years_schooling() > 1:
        inner += rcParams['firstbirth.zv.coef.mother_school']
    inner += rcParams['firstbirth.zv.coef.mother_work'] * person.get_mother_work()
    if person.get_father_years_schooling() > 1:
        inner += rcParams['firstbirth.zv.coef.father_school']
    inner += rcParams['firstbirth.zv.coef.father_work'] * person.get_father_work()
    inner += rcParams['firstbirth.zv.coef.parents_contracep_ever'] * person._parents_contracep_ever

    # Other personal controls
    ethnicity = person.get_ethnicity()
    assert ethnicity!=None, "Ethnicity must be defined"
    if ethnicity == "HighHindu":
        # This was the reference level
    elif ethnicity == "HillTibeto":
        inner += rcParams['firstbirth.zv.coef.ethnicHillTibeto']
    elif ethnicity == "LowHindu":
        inner += rcParams['firstbirth.zv.coef.ethnicLowHindu']
    elif ethnicity == "Newar":
        inner += rcParams['firstbirth.zv.coef.ethnicNewar']
    elif ethnicity == "TeraiTibeto":
        inner += rcParams['firstbirth.zv.coef.ethnicTeraiTibeto']

    inner += rcParams['firstbirth.zv.coef.age_at_first_marr'] * person.get_marriage_age_years(time)
    #inner += rcParams['firstbirth.zv.coef.mths_marr_pre_1997']
    # Hazard duration
    marriage_time = time - person._marriage_time
    if marriage_time <= 6:
        inner += rcParams['firstbirth.zv.coef.marr_duration[0,6)']
    elif marriage_time <= 12:
        inner += rcParams['firstbirth.zv.coef.marr_duration[6,12)']
    elif marriage_time <= 18:
        inner += rcParams['firstbirth.zv.coef.marr_duration[12,18)']
    elif marriage_time <= 24:
        inner += rcParams['firstbirth.zv.coef.marr_duration[18,24)']
    elif marriage_time <= 30:
        inner += rcParams['firstbirth.zv.coef.marr_duration[24,30)']
    elif marriage_time <= 36:
        inner += rcParams['firstbirth.zv.coef.marr_duration[30,36)']
    elif marriage_time > 36:
        inner += rcParams['firstbirth.zv.coef.marr_duration[36,42)']

    # Education level of individual
    assert person._schooling !=None, "schoolinging must be defined"
    if person._schooling < 4:
        # This was the reference level
    elif person._schooling < 8:
        inner += rcParams['firstbirth.zv.coef.schooling_yrs_cat[4,7)']
    elif person._schooling < 11:
        inner += rcParams['firstbirth.zv.coef.schooling_yrs_cat[7,11)']
    elif person._schooling >= 11:
        inner += rcParams['firstbirth.zv.coef.schooling_yrs_cat[11,99)']

    prob = 1./(1 + np.exp(-inner))
    if rcParams['log_stats_probabilities']:
        logger.debug("Person %s first birth probability %.6f (marriage_time: %s)"%(person.get_ID(), prob,  person._marriage_time))
    return prob
예제 #4
def calc_probability_LL_migration_zvoleff(person, time):
    Calculates the probability of local-local migration for an agent, using the 
    results of Alex Zvoleff's empirical analysis of the CVFS data, as presented 
    in chapter 3 of his dissertation.
    household = person.get_parent_agent()
    neighborhood = household.get_parent_agent()

    # Intercept
    inner = rcParams['migration.ll.zv.coef.(Intercept)']

    # Neighborhood level variables
    # Note that the EVI measures are based off 2 year mean EVI for the change, 
    # so calculate the 2 year mean EVI.
    EVI_2yr_mean = np.mean(neighborhood._EVI_ts[-2:])
    # Note that the EVI coefficients are expressed for EVI/1000 (given the need 
    # to get smaller betas for lmer to converge when estimating the model)
    inner += rcParams['migration.ll.zv.coef.mean_Sinteg_500m_24mth_2002_div_1000'] * (neighborhood._EVI_t0/1000)
    inner += rcParams['migration.ll.zv.coef.mean_Sinteg_500m_24mth_chg_2002_div_1000'] * ((EVI_2yr_mean - neighborhood._EVI_t0)/1000)
    inner += rcParams['migration.ll.zv.coef.NEAR_R_EVD_reversed'] * neighborhood._elevation_above_river
    inner += rcParams['migration.ll.zv.coef.SCHLFT_2001'] * neighborhood.NFOs['school_min_ft']
    inner += rcParams['migration.ll.zv.coef.MARFT_2001'] * neighborhood.NFOs['market_min_ft']
    inner += rcParams['migration.ll.zv.coef.EMPFT_2001'] * neighborhood.NFOs['employer_min_ft']
    inner += rcParams['migration.ll.zv.coef.num_groups_2001'] * neighborhood._num_groups

    # Household level variables
    inner += rcParams['migration.ll.zv.coef.own_total_2001'] * household._total_possessions
    inner += rcParams['migration.ll.zv.coef.any_farming_2001TRUE'] * household._any_farming
    inner += rcParams['migration.ll.zv.coef.TLU_livestock_2001'] * household._TLU_livestock

    # Individual level variables
    if person.get_sex() == "female":
        # Male is the reference class
        inner += rcParams['migration.ll.zv.coef.genderfemale']
    age_decades = person.get_age_years() / 10.
    inner += age_decades * rcParams['migration.ll.zv.coef.agedecades']
    inner += (age_decades**2) * rcParams['migration.ll.zv.coef.I(agedecades^2)']

    # Baseline hazard
    month_num = int(np.mod(np.round(time*12, 0), 12) + 1)
    if month_num in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
        # Reference class
    elif month_num in [5, 6, 7, 8]:
        inner += rcParams['migration.ll.zv.coef.SeasonMonsoon (MJJA)']
    elif month_num in [9, 10, 11, 12]:
        inner += rcParams['migration.ll.zv.coef.SeasonWinter (SOND)']
        raise StatisticsError("Month number is %s. Should not be outside range of [1, 12]"%month_num)

    ethnicity = person.get_ethnicity()
    assert ethnicity!=None, "Ethnicity must be defined"
    if ethnicity == "HighHindu":
        # This was the reference level
    elif ethnicity == "HillTibeto":
        inner += rcParams['migration.ll.zv.coef.ethnicHillTibeto']
    elif ethnicity == "LowHindu":
        inner += rcParams['migration.ll.zv.coef.ethnicLowHindu']
    elif ethnicity == "Newar":
        inner += rcParams['migration.ll.zv.coef.ethnicNewar']
    elif ethnicity == "TeraiTibeto":
        inner += rcParams['migration.ll.zv.coef.ethnicTeraiTibeto']

    prob = 1./(1 + np.exp(-inner))
    if rcParams['log_stats_probabilities']:
        logger.debug("Person %s local-local migration probability %.6f (age: %s)"%(person.get_ID(), prob, person.get_age_years()))
    return prob
예제 #5
def calc_probability_LD_migration_zvoleff(person, time):
    Calculates the probability of local-distant migration for an agent, using 
    the results of Alex Zvoleff's empirical analysis of the CVFS data, 
    following the results of the analysis conducted by Massey et al. (2010).
    # Intercept
    inner = rcParams['migration.ld.zv.coef.intercept']

    if person.is_in_school():
        inner += rcParams['migration.ld.zv.coef.in_school']

    inner += person.get_years_schooling() * rcParams['migration.ld.zv.coef.years_schooling']

    # Household level variables
    household = person.get_parent_agent()
    inner += rcParams['migration.ld.zv.coef.own_farmland'] * household._own_land

    # Neighborhood level variables
    neighborhood = household.get_parent_agent()
    inner += rcParams['migration.ld.zv.coef.log_market_min_ft'] * np.log(neighborhood.NFOs['market_min_ft'] + 1)

    # Other controls
    if person.get_sex() == "female":
        inner += rcParams['migration.ld.zv.coef.female']

    ethnicity = person.get_ethnicity()
    assert ethnicity!=None, "Ethnicity must be defined"
    if ethnicity == "HighHindu":
        # This was the reference level
    elif ethnicity == "HillTibeto":
        inner += rcParams['migration.ld.zv.coef.ethnicHillTibeto']
    elif ethnicity == "LowHindu":
        inner += rcParams['migration.ld.zv.coef.ethnicLowHindu']
    elif ethnicity == "Newar":
        inner += rcParams['migration.ld.zv.coef.ethnicNewar']
    elif ethnicity == "TeraiTibeto":
        inner += rcParams['migration.ld.zv.coef.ethnicTeraiTibeto']

    age = person.get_age_years()
    if (age >= 15) & (age <= 24):
        inner += rcParams['migration.ld.zv.coef.age15-24']
    elif (age > 24) & (age <= 34):
        inner += rcParams['migration.ld.zv.coef.age24-34']
    elif (age > 34) & (age <= 44):
        inner += rcParams['migration.ld.zv.coef.age34-44']
    elif (age > 44) & (age <= 55):
        inner += rcParams['migration.ld.zv.coef.age45-55']
    elif (age > 55):
        # Reference class

    prob = 1./(1 + np.exp(-inner))
    if rcParams['log_stats_probabilities']:
        logger.debug("Person %s local-distant migration probability %.6f (age: %s)"%(person.get_ID(), prob, person.get_age_years()))
    return prob
예제 #6
def calc_probability_marriage_zvoleff(person, time):
    Calculates the probability of marriage for an agent, using the results of 
    Alex Zvoleff's empirical analysis of the CVFS data, following the results 
    of the analysis conducted by Yabiku (2006).
    inner = rcParams['marrtime.zv.coef.(Intercept)']

    ethnicity = person.get_ethnicity()
    assert ethnicity!=None, "Ethnicity must be defined"
    if ethnicity == "HighHindu":
        # This was the reference level
    elif ethnicity == "HillTibeto":
        inner += rcParams['marrtime.zv.coef.ethnicHillTibeto']
    elif ethnicity == "LowHindu":
        inner += rcParams['marrtime.zv.coef.ethnicLowHindu']
    elif ethnicity == "Newar":
        inner += rcParams['marrtime.zv.coef.ethnicNewar']
    elif ethnicity == "TeraiTibeto":
        inner += rcParams['marrtime.zv.coef.ethnicTeraiTibeto']

    # Gender
    if person.get_sex() == "female":
        inner += rcParams['marrtime.zv.coef.genderfemale']

    age = person.get_age_years()
    inner += rcParams['marrtime.zv.coef.age'] * age
    inner += rcParams['marrtime.zv.coef.I(age^2)'] * (age ** 2)

    # Neighborhood characteristics
    neighborhood = person.get_parent_agent().get_parent_agent()
    log_percent_agveg = np.log((neighborhood._land_agveg / neighborhood._land_total)*100 + 1)
    inner += rcParams['marrtime.zv.coef.interp_logpercagveg'] * log_percent_agveg

    inner += rcParams['marrtime.zv.coef.SCHLFT'] * neighborhood.NFOs['school_min_ft']
    inner += rcParams['marrtime.zv.coef.HLTHFT'] * neighborhood.NFOs['health_min_ft']
    inner += rcParams['marrtime.zv.coef.BUSFT'] * neighborhood.NFOs['bus_min_ft']
    inner += rcParams['marrtime.zv.coef.MARFT'] * neighborhood.NFOs['market_min_ft']
    inner += rcParams['marrtime.zv.coef.EMPFT'] * neighborhood.NFOs['employer_min_ft']

    # Schooling
    inner += rcParams['marrtime.zv.coef.schooling_yrs'] * person.get_years_schooling()
    if person.is_in_school():
        inner += rcParams['marrtime.zv.coef.in_school']

    # Account for monthly differences in marriage rates - some days (and 
    # months) are more auspicious for marriage than others.
    month_num = int(np.mod(np.round(time*12, 0), 12) + 1)
    if month_num == 1:
        # This was the reference level
    elif month_num == 2:
        inner += rcParams['marrtime.zv.coef.month2']
    elif month_num == 3:
        inner += rcParams['marrtime.zv.coef.month3']
    elif month_num == 4:
        inner += rcParams['marrtime.zv.coef.month4']
    elif month_num == 5:
        inner += rcParams['marrtime.zv.coef.month5']
    elif month_num == 6:
        inner += rcParams['marrtime.zv.coef.month6']
    elif month_num == 7:
        inner += rcParams['marrtime.zv.coef.month7']
    elif month_num == 8:
        inner += rcParams['marrtime.zv.coef.month8']
    elif month_num == 9:
        inner += rcParams['marrtime.zv.coef.month9']
    elif month_num == 10:
        inner += rcParams['marrtime.zv.coef.month10']
    elif month_num == 11:
        inner += rcParams['marrtime.zv.coef.month11']
    elif month_num == 12:
        inner += rcParams['marrtime.zv.coef.month12']
    prob = 1./(1 + np.exp(-inner))
    if rcParams['log_stats_probabilities']:
        logger.debug("Person %s marriage probability %.6f (age: %s)"%(person.get_ID(), prob, person.get_age_years()))
    return prob