def storyPicker(parent,name,value): global picklist global stories picklist = common.csplit(str(value)) title = "Stories involving %s" % name if not len(stories): stories = myStories(config.get("realmdir")) askbox = gtk.Dialog(title,parent,gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT,None) askbox.add_button("Cancel",1) askbox.add_button("Set",0) for key in sorted(stories.keys()): title = stories.get(key,"") if title and len(title) > 0: button = gtk.CheckButton(title) button.unset_flags(gtk.CAN_FOCUS) button.connect("toggled",updatePicklist,key) if not picklist: picklist = [] if key in picklist: button.set_active(True) askbox.vbox.pack_start(button,True,True,2) # OK button closes dialog, turns keys into a csv string and returns it (nondefined values, plus defined that are checked) askbox.move(config['pos'][0] + 50,config['pos'][1] + 50) value = askbox.destroy() if value == 0: output = "" for k in range(len(picklist)): if k > 0: output += ", " output += picklist[k] return output else: status.push(0,"Cancel: Stories not modified.") return None
def setStory(widget,event,key): global stories if stories.get(key) != widget.get_text(): stories[key] = widget.get_text() widget.modify_base(gtk.STATE_NORMAL,gtk.gdk.color_parse("#CCFFCC")) # change background for edited