def testSaveLoadReload(self):
        """Make sure that loading and reloading the config is a no-op."""
        site_config_str = self.site_config.SaveConfigToString()
        loaded = config_lib.LoadConfigFromString(site_config_str)

        self.longMessage = True
        for name in self.site_config:
            self.assertDictEqual(loaded[name], self.site_config[name], name)

        # This includes templates and the default build config.
        self.assertEqual(self.site_config, loaded)

        loaded_str = loaded.SaveConfigToString()

        self.assertEqual(site_config_str, loaded_str)

        # Cycle through save load again, just for completeness.
        loaded2 = config_lib.LoadConfigFromString(loaded_str)
        loaded2_str = loaded2.SaveConfigToString()
        self.assertEqual(loaded_str, loaded2_str)
    def _verifyLoadSave(self, site_config):
        """Make sure that we can save and re-load a site."""
        config_str = site_config.SaveConfigToString()
        loaded = config_lib.LoadConfigFromString(config_str)

        # assertDictEqual can correctly compare these structs for equivalence, but
        # has a bug when displaying differences on failure. The embedded
        # HWTestConfig values are correctly compared, but ALWAYS display as
        # different, if something else triggers a failure.

        # This for loop is to make differences easier to find/read.
        self.longMessage = True
        for name in site_config:
            self.assertDictEqual(loaded[name], site_config[name], name)

        # This includes templates and the default build config.
        self.assertEqual(site_config, loaded)

        loaded_str = loaded.SaveConfigToString()

        self.assertEqual(config_str, loaded_str)

        # Cycle through save load again, just for completeness.
        loaded2 = config_lib.LoadConfigFromString(loaded_str)
        loaded2_str = loaded2.SaveConfigToString()
        self.assertEqual(loaded_str, loaded2_str)

        # Make sure we can dump long content without crashing.
        self.assertNotEqual(site_config.DumpExpandedConfigToString(), '')
        self.assertNotEqual(loaded.DumpExpandedConfigToString(), '')
        self.assertNotEqual(loaded.DumpConfigCsv(), '')

        return loaded