def process_default(self, event):[ "pandoc", md, "-f", "markdown", "-t", "html", "-s", "-o", html, "-c", "/css/latex-style.css", "--mathjax", ]) chrome = Chromote() Chromote(host="localhost", port=9222) tab = chrome.tabs[0] tab.set_url('http://localhost:8080') tab.reload() bash( 'pandoc {} --latex-engine=xelatex -o {}/pdf/{}.pdf --variable mainfont="CMU Serif" --variable sansfont="CMU Sans Serif" --variable monofont="CMU Typewriter Text"' .format(md, way_to_pdf_save, file_name)) bash("cp {}/md/{}.md".format(way_to_pdf_save, file_name)) bash("cp index.html {}/html/{}.html".format(way_to_pdf_save, file_name))
def get_tab(): try: chrome = Chromote() except: subprocess.Popen(["google-chrome", "--remote-debugging-port=9222"]) time.sleep(5) chrome = Chromote() for t in chrome.tabs: if t.url == args.hangouts_url: return t return chrome.tabs[0]
def connect(self): try: self.browser = Chromote(host="localhost", port=9222) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: self.browser = Chromote(host="localhost", port=9222, internet_explorer=True) kodi.log("connected to %s: %s" % (self.browser.browsertype, self.browser)) while not self.stop_event.check(): try: = next(tab for tab, title, url in self.browser.tabs if url != "about:blank" and "file://" not in url) break except StopIteration: xbmc.sleep(200) kodi.log("websocket connected: %s" %
def __init__(self, start_url=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) # TODO : actually return ports to _free_ports try: self.chromote_port = XWrapChromium._free_ports.pop() except IndexError: self.chromote_port = XWrapChromium._next_port XWrapChromium._next_port += 1 chromium_command = [ CHROMIUM_BIN, '--incognito', '--bwsi', '--kiosk', '--no-default-browser-check', '--no-first-run', '--no-session-id', '--new-window', '--user-data-dir=/tmp/chromote{}'.format(self.chromote_port), '--remote-debugging-port={}'.format(self.chromote_port), '--class=XWrap{}'.format(self.chromote_port), start_url or 'about:blank', ] print(chromium_command) self.process = subprocess.Popen(chromium_command) self.xdisplay = Display() self.xroot = self.xdisplay.screen().root # TODO : don't block everything while waiting.. also make it adaptable to non-chromium? (no probably not) self.xwindow = None # set to None first so update_window(..) doesn't break if fired early by Kivy. self.xwindow = awaitish(lambda: self.find_chromium()) self.xwindow.unmap() self.chromote = Chromote('localhost', self.chromote_port) print('Found Window: {}'.format( self.update_xwindow() self.bind(pos=self.__class__.handle_move, size=self.__class__.handle_resize) Clock.schedule_interval(self.check_visible, 1 / 10.0) print_xlib_tree(self.xdisplay.screen().root) kroot = self.parent self.kivy_root = None while kroot: if isinstance(kroot, WindowBase): self.kivy_root = kroot kroot.bind(pos=self.__class__.handle_move, size=self.__class__.handle_resize) break kroot = kroot.parent
def test_chromote(): from chromote import Chromote chrome = Chromote() tab0 = chrome.tabs[0] sites = [ '', '', ] tab0.set_url(sites[0]) print(tab0) tab1 = chrome.add_tab(sites[1]) print(tab1) chrome.close_tab(tab1) tab2 = chrome.add_tab() print(tab2)
def runJob(self): self.chromeBrowser = Chromote() = self.chromeBrowser.tabs[0] self.loadSeeds('seeds.txt')'Starting harvest') seedCount = 0 for seed in self.seedList: seedCount = seedCount + 1 print('{} of {}'.format(seedCount, self.numberOfSeeds))'{}'.format(seed)) time.sleep(10) self.shutdown()
def get_tabs(): urls = [] exclude_list = [ '', '', '', '', '' ] tabs = Chromote(host="localhost", port=9222) for tab in tabs: clean_path = urlsplit(tab.url) base_url = clean_path.netloc if base_url not in exclude_list: urls.append(tab.url) return urls
def do_somt(func, m): try: ch = Chromote() for i in ch.tabs: if i.url.startswith(''): if func == 'play': soup = BeautifulSoup(str(i.html), 'lxml') soup = soup.find(class_='head_nav_item_player') soup = soup.find(id="top_audio_player") if len(soup.get('class')) == 2: i.evaluate('getAudioPlayer().play()') send(m, 'Музыка играет') else: i.evaluate('getAudioPlayer().pause()') send(m, 'Музыка приостановлена') else: i.evaluate(func) return True return False except BaseException as e: print(str(e))
def main(argv=None): # set signal handler signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sig_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sig_handler) if argv is None: argv = sys.argv try: try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "h", ["help"]) except getopt.error, msg: raise Usage(msg) # more code, unchanged # os.system("google-chrome") proc = Popen("google-chrome", shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) sleep(1) chrome = Chromote() tab = chrome.tabs[0] tab.set_url( '' ) while True: tab.reload() sleep(9)
def main(): print( ' ______ ______ __ __ ______ __ __ ______ __ __ ______ ______ \n/\\ __ \\ /\\ == \\ /\\ "-./ \\ /\\ ___\\ /\\ \\/\\ \\ /\\ ___\\ /\\ \\/ / /\\ ___\\ /\\ == \\ \n\\ \\ __ \\ \\ \\ __< \\ \\ \\-./\\ \\ \\ \\ __\\ \\ \\ \\_\\ \\ \\ \\ \\____ \\ \\ _"-. \\ \\ __\\ \\ \\ __< \n \\ \\_\\ \\_\\ \\ \\_\\ \\_\\ \\ \\_\\ \\ \\_\\ \\ \\_\\ \\ \\_____\\ \\ \\_____\\ \\ \\_\\ \\_\\ \\ \\_____\\ \\ \\_\\ \\_\\ \n \\/_/\\/_/ \\/_/ /_/ \\/_/ \\/_/ \\/_/ \\/_____/ \\/_____/ \\/_/\\/_/ \\/_____/ \\/_/ /_/ \n ______ __ __ \n/\\ == \\ /\\ \\_\\ \\ \n\\ \\ __< \\ \\____ \\ \n \\ \\_____\\ \\/\\_____\\ \n \\/_____/ \\/_____/ \n __ __ ______ __ ______ __ __ __ __ ______ __ __ \n/\\ "-./ \\ /\\ ___\\ /\\ \\ /\\ __ \\ /\\ "-.\\ \\ /\\ \\_\\ \\ /\\ ___\\ /\\ \\ /\\ \\ \n\\ \\ \\-./\\ \\ \\ \\ __\\ \\ \\ \\____ \\ \\ \\/\\ \\ \\ \\ \\-. \\ \\ \\ __ \\ \\ \\ __\\ \\ \\ \\____ \\ \\ \\____ \n \\ \\_\\ \\ \\_\\ \\ \\_____\\ \\ \\_____\\ \\ \\_____\\ \\ \\_\\\\"\\_\\ \\ \\_\\ \\_\\ \\ \\_____\\ \\ \\_____\\ \\ \\_____\\ \n \\/_/ \\/_/ \\/_____/ \\/_____/ \\/_____/ \\/_/ \\/_/ \\/_/\\/_/ \\/_____/ \\/_____/ \\/_____/ \n') log("ARM_Fucker by MelonHell запущен") global port, chrome port = random.randint(1000, 9999) log(f"Порт дебаггера: {port}") login_data = None try: with open(configFileName, "r") as f: jsonData = json.load(f) if "login" in jsonData and "password" in jsonData: log("Обнаружен сохранёный пароль. Автоматическая авторизация") login = jsonData["login"] password = jsonData["password"] login_data = login, password except: pass use_theme = input("Хош ахуеную кастомную тему? Y/n: ") if os.path.exists("ARM_Student.exe"): subprocess.Popen(f"ARM_Student.exe --remote-debugging-port={port}") elif os.path.exists("ARM_Student/ARM_Student.exe"): subprocess.Popen(f"ARM_Student/ARM_Student.exe --remote-debugging-port={port}") else: log("Авроры нэма чёт, закинь эту хуйню в папку с авророй") time.sleep(5) return; # WAIT AVRORA isStarted = False for i in range(10): if isStarted: continue log(f"Ожидание запуска этой поеботы. Попытка {i + 1} из 10") try: chrome = Chromote(port=port) isStarted = True except: pass if not isStarted: log("ОШИБКА! Аврора не запустилась. Завершение скрипта") return log("Заебись! Вроде запустилось") global tab tab = chrome.tabs[0] for i in range(100): if login_data is not None: continue log("Ожидание входа") tab.evaluate(scripts.buttonJs) att_idUser = json.loads(tab.evaluate(scripts.getIdUser)) att_password = json.loads(tab.evaluate(scripts.getPassword)) if att_idUser['result']['result']['type'] == 'string' and att_password['result']['result']['type'] == 'string': login = att_idUser['result']['result']['value'] password = att_password['result']['result']['value'] login_data = login, password with open(configFileName, "w") as f: json.dump({"login": login, "password": password}, f) log("Пароль сохранён") log("Авторизация") tab.set_url(f"{login_data[0]}&ArmUserPassword={login_data[1]}") log("Ждем 5 сек") time.sleep(5) log("Выполнение основного скрипта") tab.evaluate(scripts.mainScript) if use_theme in ["", "Y", "y", "1"]: log("Применяем мою ахуительную тему") tab.evaluate(scripts.insertCss) log("АХУЕТЬ ОНО РАБОТАЕТ! Наверное..") log("Переход в режим консоли, если она тебе нахуй не нужна, можешь смело закрывать эту хуйню") while True: console(input("> "))
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Example script demostrating the use of Chromote to update a remote browser periodically from a list of sites """ from time import sleep from chromote import Chromote chrome = Chromote() print(chrome) tab = chrome.tabs[0] sites = [ '', '', ] for site in sites: tab.set_url(site) sleep(30)
def search(port, query, maxnum=None): """ Large images: tbs=isz:l Medium images: tbs=isz:m Icon sized images: tba=isz:i Image size larger than 400×300: tbs=isz:lt,islt:qsvga Image size larger than 640×480: tbs=isz:lt,islt:vga Image size larger than 800×600: tbs=isz:lt,islt:svga Image size larger than 1024×768: tbs=isz:lt,islt:xga Image size larger than 1600×1200: tbs=isz:lt,islt:2mp Image size larger than 2272×1704: tbs=isz:lt,islt:4mp Image sized exactly 1000×1000: tbs=isz:ex,iszw:1000,iszh:1000 Images in full color: tbs=ic:color Images in black and white: tbs=ic:gray Images that are red: tbs=ic:specific,isc:red [orange, yellow, green, teal, blue, purple, pink, white, gray, black, brown] Image type Face: tbs=itp:face Image type Photo: tbs=itp:photo Image type Clipart: tbs=itp:clipart Image type Line drawing: tbs=itp:lineart Group images by subject: tbs=isg:to Show image sizes in search results: tbs=imgo:1 """ chrome = Chromote(port=port) tab = chrome.tabs[0] flags = dict( tbm='isch', # tbs='ic:color,isz:l', tbs='isz:lt,islt:svga', ) tmpl = '{query}&{flags}' search_url = tmpl.format(query='+'.join(query.split(' ')), flags='&'.join( [k + '=' + v for k, v in flags.items()])) print('Search url:', search_url) print(tab.set_url(search_url)) time.sleep(1) # tab.reload() time.sleep(1) for i in range(5): tab.evaluate('window.scrollTo(0,document.body.scrollHeight);') print('scrolled a bit...') time.sleep(1) time.sleep(10) code = ''' document.querySelectorAll("a.rg_l") ).map( function(elem) { return elem.href; } ).join(","); ''' out = tab.evaluate(code.replace('\n', '')) print(len(out)) time.sleep(1) print(len(out)) pprint(out) urls = json.loads(out)['result']['result']['value'] pprint(urls) imgurls = [] for url in urls.split(',')[:maxnum]: try: parsed_url = urlparse(url) if not parsed_url.path: continue # print(parsed_url) opts = parse_qs(parsed_url.query) # print(opts) imgurls.append( dict(url=opts['imgurl'][0], height=opts['h'], width=opts['w'])) except Exception as e: # print('Problem with {}: {}'.format(url, e)) pass def dl(url, folder): try: path = urlparse(url).path url_fname = os.path.split(path)[-1] fname = uid().hex[:8] + '-' + url_fname with urllib.request.urlopen(url, timeout=10) as u: data = with open(os.path.join(folder, fname), 'wb') as f: f.write(data) return True except Exception as e: print('Problem with {}: {}'.format(url, e)) return False folder = slugify(query) + '-' + uid().hex[:8] if not os.path.exists(folder): os.mkdir(folder) with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=8) as exe: jobs = [exe.submit(dl, x['url'], folder) for x in imgurls] result = [j.result() for j in jobs] return imgurls, tab
def open_url(url): chrome = Chromote() tab = chrome.tabs[0] tab.set_url(url)
os.chdir(pwd) os.system("sudo fuser -k " + str(ServPort) + "/tcp") ServTh = Thread( target=HTTPServer(('', ServPort), SimpleHTTPRequestHandler).serve_forever) ServTh.start() BrowTh = Thread(target=BrowSt) BrowTh.start() launchAttempts = 0 while (launchAttempts < 20): try: sleep(1) launchAttempts = launchAttempts + 1 krom = Chromote() except: continue break if (launchAttempts == 20): WelcTh.join() ErrMes = "Maximum Attempts Reached. Your Browser Has Either Not Started Or Has Remote Debugging Disabled" print(ErrMes) os.system('espeak "' + ErrMes + '"') TabSTT = krom.tabs[0] TabSTT.set_url("http://localhost:" + str(ServPort) + "/STTTS.html") WelcTh.join() while True: sleep(1)
class Player(object): def __init__(self, stop_event): self.exceptions = (StoppedException, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, socket.error, websocket.WebSocketBadStatusException, websocket.WebSocketConnectionClosedException) self.stop_event = stop_event self.browser = None = None self.k = PyKeyboard() self.m = PyMouse() def connect(self): try: self.browser = Chromote(host="localhost", port=9222) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: self.browser = Chromote(host="localhost", port=9222, internet_explorer=True) kodi.log("connected to %s: %s" % (self.browser.browsertype, self.browser)) while not self.stop_event.check(): try: = next(tab for tab, title, url in self.browser.tabs if url != "about:blank" and "file://" not in url) break except StopIteration: xbmc.sleep(200) kodi.log("websocket connected: %s" % def disconnect(self): if self.browser and self.browser.browsertype == "ie": self.browser.close_ieadapter() kodi.log("closed ieadapter") if def wait_for_new_episode(self, starting_urlid): starting_url = while not self.stop_event.is_set: try: xbmc.sleep(1000) current_url = if current_url == starting_url: # no url change continue is_episode_page = re.match(r".*\d+).*", current_url) if not is_episode_page: continue new_urlid = if new_urlid != starting_urlid: # new episode started return new_urlid except KeyError: # loading new page continue except self.exceptions: # browser closed return None def playpause(self):"player-play-pause").click() def next(self):"player-next-episode").click() def forward(self): self.k.tap_key(self.k.right_key) def rewind(self): self.k.tap_key(self.k.left_key) def cont(self):, y=476) xbmc.sleep(100) self.m.move(**self.corner_coors) def stop(self): xbmc.Player().stop() self.stop_event.set()
def write_html (data, name = "log"): f = open (name+".htm","w") #print data f.write (data) f.close def mt_rand (low = 0, high = sys.maxint): """Generate a better random value """ return random.randint (low, high) chrome = Chromote() tab = chrome.tabs[0] tab.set_url('') time.sleep(.900) # Wait for 900 milliseconds for dotask in range(3): print 'dotask: ' + str(dotask) r = tab.evaluate('document.querySelectorAll("")[' + str(dotask) + '].click()') print r """ POP-UP """ time.sleep(mt_rand(8,9)) all_tabs = chrome._get_tabs tab_popup = chrome.tabs[0]
class Player(object): def __init__(self): self.exceptions = (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, socket.error, websocket.WebSocketBadStatusException) = None self.stopped = False self.k = PyKeyboard() self.m = PyMouse() self.player_coord = None x, y = self.m.screen_size() self.corner_coord = {'x': x, 'y': y} self.middle_coord = {"x": x // 2, "y": y // 2} def connect(self): try: self.browser = Chromote(host="localhost", port=9222) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: self.browser = Chromote(host="localhost", port=9222, internet_explorer=True) kodi.log("connected to %s: %s" % (self.browser.browsertype, self.browser)) while not self.stopped: try: = next(tab for tab, title, url in self.browser.tabs if url != "about:blank" and "file://" not in url) break except StopIteration: xbmc.sleep(50) kodi.log("websocket connected: %s" % def cleanup(self): if self.browser.browsertype == "ie": self.browser.close_ieadapter() kodi.log("closed ieadapter") if def get_player_coord(self): playerelement ="playerelement") while not playerelement.present: xbmc.sleep(100) rect = playerelement.rect self.player_coord = {"x": int((rect["left"] + rect["right"]) / 2), "y": int((rect["top"] + rect["bottom"]) / 2)} def wait_player_start(self): for _ in range(120): if "ProgressTracker" in"script")["src"]: break xbmc.sleep(500) def wait_for_url_change(self, stored_url=None): stored_url = while True: try: current_url = if current_url != stored_url: return current_url except KeyError: # loading new page continue except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, socket.error, websocket.WebSocketBadStatusException): # browser closed return None xbmc.sleep(1000) def playpause(self): self.k.tap_key(self.k.up_key) self.k.tap_key(self.k.space_key) def forward(self): self.k.tap_key(self.k.right_key) def rewind(self): self.k.tap_key(self.k.left_key) def toggle_fullscreen(self): coord = self.player_coord if self.player_coord else self.middle_coord self.m.move(**coord) xbmc.sleep(200), **coord) self.m.move(**self.corner_coord)"fullscreen toggled") def stop(self): xbmc.Player().stop() self.stopped = True