예제 #1
 def as_cubic_splines(self, duration, dt):
     Return as cubic Hermite splines after checking stimulus bounds.
     self._get_times(duration, dt)
     stim_input = self._trim_stim_input(self.generate_input(duration, dt))
     return CubicHermiteSpline.from_data(self.times, stim_input)
예제 #2
 def as_cubic_splines(self):
     Return as cubic Hermite splines after checking stimulus bounds.
     stim_input = self.generate_input()
     stim_input[self.times < self.stim_start] = 0.0
     stim_input[self.times > self.stim_end] = 0.0
     return CubicHermiteSpline.from_data(self.times, stim_input)
예제 #3
    def as_cubic_splines(self, duration, dt):
        Return as cubic Hermite splines.

        :param duration: duration of the input, in miliseconds
        :type duration: float
        :param dt: some reasonable "speed" of input, in miliseconds
        :type dt: float
        self._get_times(duration, dt)
        return CubicHermiteSpline.from_data(self.times, self.generate_input(duration, dt))
예제 #4
 def as_cubic_splines(self):
     Return as cubic Hermite splines.
     return CubicHermiteSpline.from_data(self.times, self.generate_input())