def config_files_check_test(): """ Verify some configuration files """ issues_found = '' config_keys = { "/ovs/framework/memcache", "/ovs/arakoon/ovsdb/config" } for key_to_check in config_keys: if not Configuration.exists(key_to_check, raw=True): issues_found += "Couldn't find {0}\n".format(key_to_check) config_files = { "rabbitmq.config": "/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config", } grid_ip = General.get_config().get('main', 'grid_ip') ssh_pass = General.get_config().get('mgmtcenter', 'password') client = SSHClient(grid_ip, username='******', password=ssh_pass) for config_file_to_check in config_files.iterkeys(): if not client.file_exists(config_files[config_file_to_check]): issues_found += "Couldn't find {0}\n".format(config_file_to_check) assert issues_found == '',\ "Found the following issues while checking for the config files:{0}\n".format(issues_found)
def system_services_check_test(): """ Verify some system services """ services_to_commands = { "nginx": """ps -efx|grep nginx|grep -v grep""", "rabbitmq-server": """ps -ef|grep rabbitmq-|grep -v grep""", "memcached": """ps -ef|grep memcached|grep -v grep""", "ovs-arakoon-ovsdb": """initctl list| grep ovsdb""", "ovs-snmp": """initctl list| grep ovs-snmp""", "ovs-support-agent": """initctl list| grep support""", "ovs-volumerouter-consumer": """initctl list| grep volumerou""", "ovs-watcher-framework": """initctl list| grep watcher-fr""" } errors = '' services_checked = 'Following services found running:\n' grid_ip = General.get_config().get('main', 'grid_ip') ssh_pass = General.get_config().get('mgmtcenter', 'password') client = SSHClient(grid_ip, username='******', password=ssh_pass) for service_to_check in services_to_commands.iterkeys(): out, err =[service_to_check], debug=True) if len(err): errors += "Error when trying to run {0}:\n{1}".format(services_to_commands[service_to_check], err) else: if len(out): services_checked += "{0}\n".format(service_to_check) else: errors += "Couldn't find {0} running process\n".format(service_to_check) print services_checked assert len(errors) == 0, "Found the following errors while checking for the system services:{0}\n".format(errors)
def system_services_check_test(): """ Verify some system services """ services_to_commands = { "nginx": """ps -efx|grep nginx|grep -v grep""", "rabbitmq-server": """ps -ef|grep rabbitmq-|grep -v grep""", "memcached": """ps -ef|grep memcached|grep -v grep""", } errors = '' services_checked = 'Following services found running:\n' grid_ip = General.get_config().get('main', 'grid_ip') ssh_pass = General.get_config().get('mgmtcenter', 'password') client = SSHClient(grid_ip, username='******', password=ssh_pass) for service_to_check in services_to_commands.iterkeys(): out, err =[service_to_check], debug=True, allow_insecure=True, return_stderr=True) if len(err): errors += "Error when trying to run {0}:\n{1}".format(services_to_commands[service_to_check], err) else: if len(out): services_checked += "{0}\n".format(service_to_check) else: errors += "Couldn't find {0} running process\n".format(service_to_check) for non_running_service in GeneralSystem.list_non_running_ovs_services(grid_ip): errors += str(non_running_service) assert len(errors) == 0,\ "Found the following errors while checking for the system services:{0}\n".format(errors)
def remove_alba_namespaces(alba_backend, namespaces=None): """ Remove ALBA namespaces :param alba_backend: ALBA backend :param namespaces: Name of namespaces to remove :return: None """ ns_to_delete = namespaces if namespaces is None: ns_to_delete = GeneralAlba.list_alba_namespaces(alba_backend=alba_backend) cmd_delete = "alba delete-namespace {0} ".format(GeneralAlba.get_abm_config(alba_backend)) fd_namespaces = [] for ns in ns_to_delete: namespace_name = str(ns['name']) if 'fd-' in namespace_name: fd_namespaces.append(ns)"Skipping vpool namespace: {0}".format(namespace_name)) continue"WARNING: Deleting leftover namespace: {0}".format(str(ns))) + namespace_name)[0].replace('true', 'True')) if namespaces is None: for ns in fd_namespaces:"WARNING: Deleting leftover vpool namespace: {0}".format(str(ns))) + str(ns['name']))[0].replace('true', 'True')) assert len(fd_namespaces) == 0,\ "Removing Alba namespaces should not be necessary!"
def list_ovs_services(host=IP): if GeneralSystem.INIT_SYSTEM == "init": return General.execute_command_on_node(host, "initctl list | grep ovs-*", allow_insecure=True).splitlines() elif GeneralSystem.INIT_SYSTEM == "systemd": return General.execute_command_on_node( host, ["systemctl", "-l", "--no-legend", "--no-pager", "list-units", "ovs-*"] ).splitlines()
def setup(): """ Setup for DiskLayout package, will be executed when any test in this package is being executed Make necessary changes before being able to run the tests :return: None """ General.validate_required_config_settings()
def unpartition_disk(disk, partitions=None, wait=True): """ Return disk to RAW state :param disk: Disk DAL object :param partitions: Partitions DAL object list :return: None """ if partitions is None: partitions = disk.partitions else: for partition in partitions: if partition not in disk.partitions: raise RuntimeError('Partition {0} does not belong to disk {1}'.format(partition.mountpoint, if len(disk.partitions) == 0: return root_client = SSHClient(disk.storagerouter, username='******') for partition in partitions: General.unmount_partition(root_client, partition)['parted', '-s', '/dev/' +, 'mklabel', 'gpt']) GeneralStorageRouter.sync_with_reality(disk.storagerouter) counter = 0 timeout = 60 while counter < timeout: time.sleep(1) disk = GeneralDisk.get_disk(guid=disk.guid) if len(disk.partitions) == 0: break counter += 1 if counter == timeout: raise RuntimeError('Removing partitions failed for disk:\n {0} '.format(
def __init__(self, ip=None, username=None, password=None, verify=False): if ip is None: ip = General.get_config().get('main', 'grid_ip') assert ip, "Please specify a valid ip in autotests.cfg for grid_ip" if username is None: username = General.get_config().get('main', 'username') assert username, "Please specify a valid username in autotests.cfg" if password is None: password = General.get_config().get('main', 'password') assert password, "Please specify a valid password in autotests.cfg" self.ip = ip self.username = username self.password = password self.verify = verify self.headers = {'Accept': 'application/json; version=3'} if os.path.exists(self.TOKEN_CACHE_FILENAME) \ and (time.time() - os.path.getmtime(self.TOKEN_CACHE_FILENAME) > 3600.0): os.remove(self.TOKEN_CACHE_FILENAME) if os.path.exists(self.TOKEN_CACHE_FILENAME): with open(self.TOKEN_CACHE_FILENAME, 'r') as token_cache_file: self.token = self.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer {0}'.format(self.token) else: self.token = '' self.authenticate() if 'Authorization' not in self.headers.keys(): self.authenticate()
def setup(): """ Setup for Virtual Machine package, will be executed when any test in this package is being executed Make necessary changes before being able to run the tests :return: None """ General.validate_required_config_settings(settings={'vpool': ['name'], 'backend': ['name']}) # Download the template cmd = '[ -d {0} ] && echo "Dir exists" || echo "Dir does not exists"'.format(GeneralVMachine.template_target_folder) out, err, _ = General.execute_command(cmd) if err: GeneralVMachine.logger.error("Error while executing command {1}: {0}".format(err, cmd)) if 'not' not in out: General.execute_command('rm -rf {0}'.format(GeneralVMachine.template_target_folder)) General.execute_command('mkdir {0}'.format(GeneralVMachine.template_target_folder)) grid_ip = General.get_config().get('main', 'grid_ip') if grid_ip.split('.')[0] == '172' and grid_ip.split('.')[1] == '20': server_location = '' else: server_location = ''"Getting template from {0}".format(server_location)) out, err, _ = General.execute_command('wget -P {0} {1}{2}{3}'.format(GeneralVMachine.template_target_folder, server_location, '/fio_debian/', GeneralVMachine.template_image)) if err: GeneralVMachine.logger.error("Error while downloading template: {0}".format(err)) out, err, _ = General.execute_command('chown root {0}{1}'.format(GeneralVMachine.template_target_folder, GeneralVMachine.template_image)) if err: GeneralVMachine.logger.error("Error while changing user owner to root for template: {0}".format(err)) GeneralAlba.prepare_alba_backend() _, vpool_params = GeneralVPool.add_vpool(vpool_parameters={'preset': GeneralAlba.ONE_DISK_PRESET}) GeneralVPool.validate_vpool_sanity(expected_settings=vpool_params)
def setup(): """ Setup for System package, will be executed when any test in this package is being executed Make necessary changes before being able to run the tests :return: None """ print "setup called " + __name__ General.cleanup()
def setup(): """ Setup for Sanity package, will be executed when any test in this package is being executed Make necessary changes before being able to run the tests :return: None """ print "Setup called " + __name__ General.validate_required_config_settings()
def setup(): """ Setup for vPool package, will be executed when any test in this package is being executed Make necessary changes before being able to run the tests :return: None """ General.validate_required_config_settings(settings={'vpool': ['name', 'type', 'readcache_size', 'writecache_size', 'integrate_mgmt', 'storage_ip', 'config_params', 'fragment_cache_on_read', 'fragment_cache_on_write'], 'backend': ['name']}) GeneralAlba.prepare_alba_backend()
def get_unused_disks(): """ Retrieve all disks not in use :return: List of disks not being used """ # @TODO: Make this call possible on all nodes, not only on node executing the tests all_disks = General.execute_command("""fdisk -l 2>/dev/null| awk '/Disk \/.*:/ {gsub(":","",$s);print $2}' | grep -v ram""")[0].splitlines() out = General.execute_command("df -h | awk '{print $1}'")[0] return [d for d in all_disks if d not in out and not 'mapper' in d and not General.execute_command("fuser {0}".format(d))[0]]
def setup(): """ Setup for VirtualDisk package, will be executed when any test in this package is being executed Make necessary changes before being able to run the tests :return: None """ General.validate_required_config_settings(settings={'vpool': ['name'], 'backend': ['name']}) GeneralAlba.prepare_alba_backend() _, vpool_params = GeneralVPool.add_vpool(vpool_parameters={'preset': GeneralAlba.ONE_DISK_PRESET}) GeneralVPool.validate_vpool_sanity(expected_settings=vpool_params)
def ovs_2493_detect_could_not_acquire_lock_events_test(): """ Verify lock errors """ errorlist = "" command = "grep -C 1 'Could not acquire lock' /var/log/ovs/lib.log" gridips = GeneralPMachine.get_all_ips() for gridip in gridips: out = General.execute_command_on_node(gridip, command + " | wc -l") if not out == '0': errorlist += "node %s \n:{0}\n\n".format(General.execute_command_on_node(gridip, command).splitlines()) % gridip assert len(errorlist) == 0, "Lock errors detected in lib logs on \n" + errorlist
def setup(): """ Setup for Backend package, will be executed when any test in this package is being executed Make necessary changes before being able to run the tests :return: None """ General.validate_required_config_settings(settings={'backend': ['name']}) my_sr = GeneralStorageRouter.get_local_storagerouter() if GeneralStorageRouter.has_roles(storagerouter=my_sr, roles='DB') is False: GeneralDisk.add_db_role(my_sr) alba_backend_name = General.get_config().get('backend', 'name') alba_backend = GeneralAlba.get_by_name(alba_backend_name) if alba_backend is None: GeneralAlba.add_alba_backend(alba_backend_name)
def teardown(): """ Teardown for VirtualMachine package, will be executed when all started tests in this package have ended Removal actions of possible things left over after the test-run :return: None """ vpool_name = General.get_config().get('vpool', 'name') vpool = GeneralVPool.get_vpool_by_name(vpool_name) assert vpool is not None, "No vpool found where one was expected""Cleaning vpool") GeneralVPool.remove_vpool(vpool) alba_backend = GeneralAlba.get_by_name(General.get_config().get('backend', 'name')) if alba_backend is not None: GeneralAlba.unclaim_disks_and_remove_alba_backend(alba_backend=alba_backend)
def load_path(source): """ Retrieve the absolute path for the logfile :param source: Source for the logfile :return: Absolute path to logfile """ log_path = General.get_config().get('logger', 'path') if not os.path.exists(log_path): os.mkdir(log_path) file_name = LogHandler.targets[source] if source in LogHandler.targets else General.get_config().get('logger', 'default_file') log_filename = '{0}/{1}.log'.format(log_path, file_name) if not os.path.exists(log_filename): open(log_filename, 'a').close() os.chmod(log_filename, 0o666) return log_filename
def get_hypervisor_type(): """ Retrieve type of hypervisor :return hypervisor type ['KVM'|'VMWARE'] """ config = General.get_config() return config.get('hypervisor', 'type')
def post_reboot_checks_test(): """ Perform service checks after reboot """ rebooted_host = os.environ.get('POST_REBOOT_HOST') if not rebooted_host:'Test not setup to run') return'Post reboot check node {0}\n'.format(rebooted_host)) wait_time = 5 * 60 sleep_time = 5 non_running_services = '' while wait_time > 0: out = General.execute_command_on_node(rebooted_host, "initctl list | grep ovs-*") statuses = out.splitlines() non_running_services = [s for s in statuses if 'start/running' not in s] if len(non_running_services) == 0: break wait_time -= sleep_time time.sleep(sleep_time) assert len(non_running_services) == 0,\ "Found non running services after reboot on node {0}\n{1}".format(rebooted_host, non_running_services)
def initialise_disks(alba_backend, nr_of_disks, disk_type): """ Initialize disks :param alba_backend: ALBA backend :param nr_of_disks: Amount of disks to initialize :param disk_type: Type of disks :return: None """ # Assume no disks are claimed by a remote environment alba_backend.invalidate_dynamics(['storage_stack']) storage_stack = alba_backend.storage_stack initialised_disks = 0 uninitialized_disk_names = [] for disks in storage_stack.values(): for disk_id, disk in disks.iteritems(): if disk['status'] == 'initialized': initialised_disks += 1 elif disk['status'] == 'uninitialized': uninitialized_disk_names.append(disk_id) nr_of_disks_to_init = nr_of_disks - initialised_disks if nr_of_disks_to_init <= 0: return True assert len(uninitialized_disk_names) >= nr_of_disks_to_init, "Not enough disks to initialize!" disks_to_init = GeneralAlba.filter_disks(uninitialized_disk_names, nr_of_disks_to_init, disk_type) assert len(disks_to_init) >= nr_of_disks_to_init, "Not enough disks to initialize!" grid_ip = General.get_config().get('main', 'grid_ip') alba_node = AlbaNodeList.get_albanode_by_ip(grid_ip) failures = AlbaNodeController.initialize_disks(alba_node.guid, dict((disk_id, 1) for disk_id in disks_to_init)) assert not failures, 'Alba disk initialization failed for (some) disks: {0}'.format(failures)
def prepare_alba_backend(name=None): """ Create an ALBA backend and claim disks :param name: Name for the backend :return: None """ # @TODO: Fix this, because backend_type should not be configurable if you always create an ALBA backend # @TODO 2: Get rid of these asserts, any test (or testsuite) should verify the required params first before starting execution autotest_config = General.get_config() if name is None: name = autotest_config.get('backend', 'name') nr_of_disks_to_claim = autotest_config.getint('backend', 'nr_of_disks_to_claim') type_of_disks_to_claim = autotest_config.get('backend', 'type_of_disks_to_claim') assert name,\ "Please fill out a valid backend name in autotest.cfg file" storage_routers = GeneralStorageRouter.get_storage_routers() for sr in storage_routers: if GeneralStorageRouter.has_roles(storagerouter=sr, roles='DB') is False: GeneralDisk.add_db_role(sr) if GeneralStorageRouter.has_roles(storagerouter=sr, roles=['SCRUB', 'WRITE']) is False: GeneralDisk.add_write_scrub_roles(sr) backend = GeneralBackend.get_by_name(name) if not backend: alba_backend = GeneralAlba.add_alba_backend(name) else: alba_backend = backend.alba_backend GeneralAlba.claim_asds(alba_backend, nr_of_disks_to_claim, type_of_disks_to_claim) if GeneralAlba.has_preset(alba_backend=alba_backend, preset_name=GeneralAlba.ONE_DISK_PRESET) is False: GeneralAlba.add_preset(alba_backend=alba_backend, name=GeneralAlba.ONE_DISK_PRESET, policies=[[1, 1, 1, 2]])
def write_to_volume(vdisk=None, vpool=None, location=None, count=1024, bs='1M', input_type='random', root_client=None): """ Write some data to a file :param vdisk: Virtual disk to write on :param vpool: vPool which hosts the Virtual Disk :param location: Absolute path to file :param count: amount of blocks to write :param bs: Size of the blocks to write :param input_type: Type of input (null, zero, random) :param root_client: SSHClient object :return: None """ if location is None and (vdisk is None or vpool is None): raise ValueError('vDisk and vPool must be provided if no location has been provided') if location is None: location = GeneralVDisk.get_filesystem_location(vpool=vpool, if root_client is None: root_client = SSHClient('', username='******') if input_type not in ('null', 'zero', 'random'): raise ValueError('Invalid input type provided') if General.check_file_is_link(location, root_client.ip, root_client.username, root_client.password): print "Writing to {0}".format(root_client.file_read_link(location)) else: if not root_client.file_exists(location): raise ValueError('File {0} does not exist on Storage Router {1}'.format(location, root_client.ip)) if not isinstance(count, int) or count < 1: raise ValueError('Count must be an integer > 0')'dd conv=notrunc if=/dev/{0} of={1} bs={2} count={3}'.format(input_type, location, bs, count))
def ovs_2053_check_for_alba_warnings_test(): """ Check ALBA warning presence """ out = General.execute_command_on_node('', 'grep "warning: syncfs" /var/log/upstart/*-asd-*.log | wc -l') assert out == '0', \ "syncfs warnings detected in asd logs\n:{0}".format(out.splitlines())
def shrink_vpool(storage_driver): """ Remove a Storage Driver from a vPool :param storage_driver: Storage Driver to remove from the vPool :return: None """ vpool = storage_driver.vpool if GeneralHypervisor.get_hypervisor_type() == "VMWARE": root_client = SSHClient(storage_driver.storagerouter, username="******") if storage_driver.mountpoint in General.get_mountpoints(root_client):["umount", "storage_driver.mountpoint"]) task_result = GeneralVPool.api.execute_post_action( component="vpools", guid=vpool.guid, action="shrink_vpool", data={"storagerouter_guid": storage_driver.storagerouter.guid}, wait=True, timeout=GeneralVPool.TIMEOUT_ADD_VPOOL, ) if task_result[0] is not True: raise RuntimeError( "Storage Driver with ID {0} was not successfully removed from vPool {1}".format( storage_driver.storagedriver_id, ), task_result, ) return GeneralVPool.get_vpool_by_name(
def list_tests(args=None, with_plugin=False): """ Lists all the tests that nose detects under TESTS_DIR :param args: Extra arguments for listing tests :param with_plugin: Use the --with-testEnum plugin """ if not args: arguments = ['--where', General.TESTS_DIR, '--verbosity', '3', '--collect-only'] else: arguments = args + ['--collect-only'] if with_plugin is True: arguments.append('--with-testEnum') fake_stdout = StringIO.StringIO() old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = fake_stdout try:, addplugins=[testEnum.TestEnum()]) except Exception: raise finally: sys.stdout = old_stdout return fake_stdout.getvalue().split() testcases = [] for line in General.execute_command(command='nosetests {0}'.format(' '.join(arguments)))[1].splitlines(): if line.startswith('ci.tests'): testcases.append(line.split(' ... ')[0]) return testcases
def execute_alba_cli_action(alba_backend, action, params=None, json_output=True): """ Execute an ALBA CLI command :param alba_backend: ALBA backend :param action: Action to execute :param params: Parameters to pass to the action :param json_output: Return JSON output :return: Output of the action """ config = GeneralAlba.get_abm_config(alba_backend) cmd = ['alba', action] cmd.extend(config) if json_output: cmd.append('--to-json') if params is None: params = [] cmd.extend(params)'Running alba cli command: {0}'.format(cmd)) output = '' try: output, error, exit_code = General.execute_command(' '.join(cmd)) if exit_code != 0: GeneralAlba.logger.error('Exit code: {0}'.format(exit_code)) GeneralAlba.logger.error('Error thrown: {0}'.format(error)) raise RuntimeError('ALBA command failed with exitcode {0} and error {1}'.format(exit_code, error)) if json_output is True: return json.loads(output)['result'] return output except (ValueError, RuntimeError): GeneralAlba.logger.error("Command {0} failed:\nOutput: {1}".format(cmd, output)) raise RuntimeError("Command {0} failed:\nOutput: {1}".format(cmd, output))
def filter_disks(disk_names, amount, disk_type): """ Filter the available disks :param disk_names: Disks to filter :param amount: Amount to retrieve :param disk_type: Type of disk :return: Filtered disks """ grid_ip = General.get_config().get('main', 'grid_ip') storagerouter = GeneralStorageRouter.get_storage_router_by_ip(ip=grid_ip) root_client = SSHClient(storagerouter, username='******') hdds, ssds = GeneralDisk.get_physical_disks(client=root_client) count = 0 filtered_disks = list() if disk_type == 'SATA': list_to_check = hdds.values() elif disk_type == 'SSD': list_to_check = ssds.values() else: hdds.update(ssds) list_to_check = hdds.values() for disk_name in disk_names: for disk in list_to_check: if disk_name == disk['name']: filtered_disks.append(disk['name']) count += 1 if count == amount: break return filtered_disks
def setup(): """ Setup for Arakoon package, will be executed when any test in this package is being executed Make necessary changes before being able to run the tests :return: None """ autotest_config = General.get_config() backend_name = autotest_config.get('backend', 'name') assert backend_name, 'Please fill out a backend name in the autotest.cfg file' backend = GeneralBackend.get_by_name(backend_name) if backend is not None: GeneralAlba.remove_alba_backend(backend.alba_backend) for storagerouter in GeneralStorageRouter.get_masters(): root_client = SSHClient(storagerouter, username='******') if GeneralService.get_service_status(name='ovs-scheduled-tasks', client=root_client) is True: GeneralService.stop_service(name='ovs-scheduled-tasks', client=root_client) storagerouters = GeneralStorageRouter.get_storage_routers() for sr in storagerouters: root_client = SSHClient(sr, username='******') GeneralDisk.add_db_role(sr) for location in TEST_CLEANUP:'rm -rf {0}'.format(location)) GeneralAlba.add_alba_backend(backend_name) GeneralArakoon.voldrv_arakoon_checkup()
def teardown(): """ Teardown for Arakoon package, will be executed when all started tests in this package have ended Removal actions of possible things left over after the test-run :return: None """ autotest_config = General.get_config() backend_name = autotest_config.get('backend', 'name') backend = GeneralBackend.get_by_name(backend_name) if backend is not None: GeneralAlba.remove_alba_backend(backend.alba_backend) for storagerouter in GeneralStorageRouter.get_masters(): root_client = SSHClient(storagerouter, username='******') if GeneralService.get_service_status(name='ovs-scheduled-tasks', client=root_client) is False: GeneralService.start_service(name='ovs-scheduled-tasks', client=root_client) for location in TEST_CLEANUP:'rm -rf {0}'.format(location)) for key in KEY_CLEANUP: if EtcdConfiguration.exists('{0}/{1}'.format(GeneralArakoon.ETCD_CONFIG_ROOT, key), raw = True): EtcdConfiguration.delete('{0}/{1}'.format(GeneralArakoon.ETCD_CONFIG_ROOT, key))