예제 #1
    def filter_disks(disk_names, amount, disk_type):
        Filter the available disks
        :param disk_names: Disks to filter
        :param amount: Amount to retrieve
        :param disk_type: Type of disk
        :return: Filtered disks
        grid_ip = General.get_config().get('main', 'grid_ip')
        storagerouter = GeneralStorageRouter.get_storage_router_by_ip(ip=grid_ip)
        root_client = SSHClient(storagerouter, username='******')
        hdds, ssds = GeneralDisk.get_physical_disks(client=root_client)
        count = 0
        filtered_disks = list()

        if disk_type == 'SATA':
            list_to_check = hdds.values()
        elif disk_type == 'SSD':
            list_to_check = ssds.values()
            list_to_check = hdds.values()

        for disk_name in disk_names:
            for disk in list_to_check:
                if disk_name == disk['name']:
                    count += 1
            if count == amount:

        return filtered_disks
예제 #2
    def filter_disks(disk_names, amount, disk_type):
        Filter the available disks
        :param disk_names: Disks to filter
        :param amount: Amount to retrieve
        :param disk_type: Type of disk
        :return: Filtered disks
        node_ids = []
        list_of_available_disks = {}
        filtered_disks = {}
        disk_count = 0
        # disk_names = dictionary with node_ids as keys and values as a list of uninitialised disk names
        # {u'InA44YDJTKxFGvIKqD3CxYMlK7XxryZ0': [u'ata-TOSHIBA_MK2002TSKB_52Q2KSOTF',
        #                                        u'ata-TOSHIBA_MK2002TSKB_52Q3KR6TF',
        #                                        u'ata-TOSHIBA_MK2002TSKB_52Q2KSORF',
        #                                        u'ata-TOSHIBA_MK2002TSKB_52Q2KSOVF',
        #                                        u'ata-TOSHIBA_MK2002TSKB_52Q2KSOUF']}
        for node_id in disk_names.iterkeys():
            list_of_available_disks[node_id] = []
            filtered_disks[node_id] = []
            alba_node = AlbaNodeList.get_albanode_by_node_id(node_id)
            storagerouter = GeneralStorageRouter.get_storage_router_by_ip(ip=alba_node.ip)
            root_client = SSHClient(storagerouter, username='******')
            hdds, ssds = GeneralDisk.get_physical_disks(client=root_client)
            if disk_type == 'SATA':
                for hdd in hdds.values():
                    # add it to list_of_available_disks only if it's found in the uninitialised list for that node
                    if hdd['name'] in disk_names[node_id]:
            if disk_type == 'SSD':
                for ssd in ssds.values():
                    # add it to list_of_available_disks only if it's found in the uninitialised list for that node
                    if ssd['name'] in disk_names[node_id]:
            disk_count += len(list_of_available_disks[node_id])

        count = 0
        # all disks might be on a single node so we are going with the check to max of what we need
        for disk_index in range(amount):
            for node_id in node_ids:
                # if we still need disks we will add all disks found at the count value index in the list_of_available_disks disk lists
                if count < amount:
                    if disk_index < len(list_of_available_disks[node_id]):
                        filtered_disks[node_id].append('/dev/disk/by-id/' + list_of_available_disks[node_id][disk_index]['name'])
                        count += 1
        # this should run through the whole list even if we haven't reached the amount of disks needed
        return filtered_disks