예제 #1
def omega2coords(start, TG, sc_omega_plus, uc_params, num_vertices, template, g, CHECK):

	sc_a,sc_b,sc_c,sc_alpha,sc_beta,sc_gamma = uc_params
	path = os.path.join('templates', template)
	shortest_path_dict = nx.shortest_path(TG)
	SN = sorted(TG.nodes(), key = lambda x : int(re.sub('[A-Za-z]','',x)))
	sequential_paths = [(SN[i],SN[i+1]) for i in range(num_vertices) if i+1 < num_vertices]
	start = np.asarray(start)

	cnd = nx.get_node_attributes(TG, 'cifname')
	coords = [[sequential_paths[0][0], cnd[sequential_paths[0][0]], start, [(e[2]['index'],e[2]['pd'],e[2]['cifname']) for e in TG.edges(data=True) if sequential_paths[0][0] in e]]]
	coords_append = coords.append
	already_placed = [sequential_paths[0][0]]
	already_placed_append = already_placed.append

	for st in sequential_paths:

		path = shortest_path_dict[st[0]][st[1]]
		lp = len(path)
		traverse = [(path[i],path[i+1]) for i in range(lp) if i+1 < lp]

		for e0 in traverse:

			s,e = e0
			edict = TG[s][e]
			key = [k for k in edict][0]
			ind = key[0]
			positive_direction = edict[key]['pd']

			if (s,e) == positive_direction:
				direction = 1
			elif (e,s) == positive_direction:
				direction = -1
				raise ValueError('Error in defining an edge traversal in omega_to_coords.py')
			start = start + direction * sc_omega_plus[ind - 1]

			if e0[1] not in already_placed:
				coords_append([e0[1], cnd[e0[1]], start, [(e[2]['index'], e[2]['pd'],e[2]['cifname']) for e in TG.edges(data=True) if e0[1] in e]])
	norm_coords = []
	norm_coords_append = norm_coords.append
	for line in coords:
		vec = []
		vec_append = vec.append
		v = line[0]
		for dim in line[2]:
			if dim < 0.0:
				while dim < 0:
					dim = dim + 1.0
			elif dim >= 1.0:
				while dim >= 1.0:
					dim = dim - 1.0

	norm_coords = sorted(norm_coords, key = lambda x : int(re.sub('[A-Za-z]','',x[0])))

	path = os.path.join('templates', template)

	with open(path, 'r') as tcif:

		tcif = tcif.read()
		tcif = filter(None, tcif.split('\n'))

	if CHECK:

		cpath = os.path.join('check_cifs', str(g) + '_check_scaled_' + template)

		with open(cpath, 'w') as check:
			for line in tcif:
				s = line.split()
				if not isvert(s):
					if '_cell_length_a' in line:
						check.write('_cell_length_a   ' + str(sc_a))
					elif '_cell_length_b' in line:
						check.write('_cell_length_b   ' + str(sc_b))
					elif '_cell_length_c' in line:
						check.write('_cell_length_c   ' + str(sc_c))
					elif '_cell_angle_alpha' in line:
						check.write('_cell_angle_alpha   ' + str(sc_alpha))
					elif '_cell_angle_beta' in line:
						check.write('_cell_angle_beta   ' + str(sc_beta))
					elif '_cell_angle_gamma' in line:
						check.write('_cell_angle_gamma   ' + str(sc_gamma))
					for n in norm_coords:
						name = re.sub('[0-9]','',n[0])
						v = n[2]

	return norm_coords
예제 #2
def write_check_cif(template, placed_nodes, placed_edges, g, sp, sc_unit_cell):

    sc_a, sc_b, sc_c, sc_alpha, sc_beta, sc_gamma = sp
    q = 0

    tpath = os.join('templates', template)

    with open(tpath, 'r') as tcif:

        tcif = tcif.read()
        tcif = filter(None, tcif.split('\n'))

    cpath = os.path.join('check_cifs',
                         str(g) + '_check_scaled_placed_' + template)

    with open(cpath, 'w') as check:
        for line in tcif:
            s = line.split()
            if not isvert(s):
                if '_cell_length_a' in line:
                    check.write('_cell_length_a   ' + str(sc_a))
                elif '_cell_length_b' in line:
                    check.write('_cell_length_b   ' + str(sc_b))
                elif '_cell_length_c' in line:
                    check.write('_cell_length_c   ' + str(sc_c))
                elif '_cell_angle_alpha' in line:
                    check.write('_cell_angle_alpha   ' + str(sc_alpha))
                elif '_cell_angle_beta' in line:
                    check.write('_cell_angle_beta   ' + str(sc_beta))
                elif '_cell_angle_gamma' in line:
                    check.write('_cell_angle_gamma   ' + str(sc_gamma))
                for n in placed_edges:

                    q += 1
                    name = re.sub('[0-9]', '', n[0])
                    if name == 'X':
                        name = 'C'
                    index = name + str(q)
                    vec = np.array(list(map(float, [n[1], n[2], n[3]])))
                    v = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(sc_unit_cell), vec)
                            index, name, v[0], v[1], v[2], '0.00000', 'Uiso',

                for n in placed_nodes:

                    q += 1
                    name = re.sub('[0-9]', '', n[0])
                    if name == 'X':
                        name = 'C'
                    index = name + str(q)
                    vec = np.array(list(map(float, [n[1], n[2], n[3]])))
                    v = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(sc_unit_cell), vec)
                            index, name, v[0], v[1], v[2], '0.00000', 'Uiso',

def omega2coords(augTG, sc_omega_plus, uc_params, num_vertices, template, g,

    pi = np.pi
    sc_a, sc_b, sc_c, sc_alpha, sc_beta, sc_gamma = uc_params
    ax = sc_a
    ay = 0.0
    az = 0.0
    bx = sc_b * np.cos(sc_gamma * pi / 180.0)
    by = sc_b * np.sin(sc_gamma * pi / 180.0)
    bz = 0.0
    cx = sc_c * np.cos(sc_beta * pi / 180.0)
    cy = (sc_c * sc_b * np.cos(sc_alpha * pi / 180.0) - bx * cx) / by
    cz = (sc_c**2.0 - cx**2.0 - cy**2.0)**0.5
    sc_unit_cell = np.asarray([[ax, ay, az], [bx, by, bz], [cx, cy, cz]]).T

    path = os.path.join('templates', template)

    with open(path, 'r') as cif:

        cif = cif.read()
        cif = filter(None, cif.split('\n'))

    discard_coords = []
    discard_coords_append = discard_coords.append
    for line in cif:
        s = line.split()
        if isvert(s):

    start = np.asarray(map(float, discard_coords[0][2:5]))

    shortest_path_dict = nx.shortest_path(augTG)
    SN = sorted(augTG.nodes(), key=lambda x: int(re.sub('[A-Za-z]', '', x)))
    sequential_paths = [(SN[i], SN[i + 1]) for i in range(num_vertices)
                        if i + 1 < num_vertices]
    start = np.asarray(start)

    cnd = nx.get_node_attributes(augTG, 'cifname')
    coords = [[
        sequential_paths[0][0], cnd[sequential_paths[0][0]], start,
        [(e[2]['index'], e[2]['pd'], e[2]['cifname'])
         for e in augTG.edges(data=True) if sequential_paths[0][0] in e]
    coords_append = coords.append
    already_placed = [sequential_paths[0][0]]
    already_placed_append = already_placed.append

    for st in sequential_paths:
        path = shortest_path_dict[st[0]][st[1]]
        lp = len(path)
        traverse = [(path[i], path[i + 1]) for i in range(lp) if i + 1 < lp]
        for e0 in traverse:
            s, e = e0
            edict = augTG[s][e]
            key = [k for k in edict][0]
            ind = k[0]
            positive_direction = edict[key]['pd']

            if (s, e) == positive_direction:
                direction = 1
            elif (e, s) == positive_direction:
                direction = -1
                print 'Error in defining an edge traversal in omega_to_coords.py'
                print 'Exiting'
            start = start + direction * sc_omega_plus[ind - 1]

            if e0[1] not in already_placed:
                    e0[1], cnd[e0[1]], start,
                    [(e[2]['index'], e[2]['pd'], e[2]['cifname'])
                     for e in augTG.edges(data=True) if e0[1] in e]

    norm_coords = []
    norm_coords_append = norm_coords.append
    for line in coords:
        vec = []
        vec_append = vec.append
        v = line[0]
        for dim in line[2]:
            if dim < 0.0:
                while dim < 0:
                    dim = dim + 1.0
            elif dim >= 1.0:
                while dim >= 1.0:
                    dim = dim - 1.0
        norm_coords_append([line[0], line[1], vec, line[3]])

    norm_coords = sorted(norm_coords,
                         key=lambda x: int(re.sub('[A-Za-z]', '', x[0])))

    path = os.path.join('templates', template)

    with open(path, 'r') as tcif:

        tcif = tcif.read()
        tcif = filter(None, tcif.split('\n'))

    if CHECK:

        q = num_vertices
        cpath = os.path.join('check_cifs',
                             str(g) + '_check_scaled_' + template)

        with open(cpath, 'w') as check:
            for line in tcif:
                s = line.split()
                if not isvert(s):
                    if '_cell_length_a' in line:
                        check.write('_cell_length_a   ' + str(sc_a))
                    elif '_cell_length_b' in line:
                        check.write('_cell_length_b   ' + str(sc_b))
                    elif '_cell_length_c' in line:
                        check.write('_cell_length_c   ' + str(sc_c))
                    elif '_cell_angle_alpha' in line:
                        check.write('_cell_angle_alpha   ' + str(sc_alpha))
                    elif '_cell_angle_beta' in line:
                        check.write('_cell_angle_beta   ' + str(sc_beta))
                    elif '_cell_angle_gamma' in line:
                        check.write('_cell_angle_gamma   ' + str(sc_gamma))
                    for n in norm_coords:
                        name = re.sub('[0-9]', '', n[0])
                        v = n[2]
                            format(n[0], name, v[0], v[1], v[2], '0.00000',
                                   'Uiso', '1.00'))

    return norm_coords