예제 #1
파일: ROGscore.py 프로젝트: jakesyl/cing
    def __init__(self):
                         __CLASS__  = 'ROGscore',
                         __FORMAT__ = "ROGscore '%(colorLabel)s' %(colorCommentList)s"
        # Explicitly showing instance attributes here in init.
        self.colorLabel = constants.COLOR_GREEN
#        Elements in this list are tuples of (color, comment).
        self.colorCommentList = NTlist()
예제 #2
파일: talosPlus.py 프로젝트: jakesyl/cing
 def __init__( self, table, id, **kwds ):
     NTdict.__init__( self, __CLASS__  = 'NmrPipeTabRow',
                              table      = table,
                              id         = id,
                              name       = 'row'+str(id),
                              __FORMAT__ = '%(name)s',
     # set defaults to None
     for c in self.keys():
         self.setdefault( c, None )
예제 #3
파일: ROGscore.py 프로젝트: jakesyl/cing
    def __init__(self, checkID, level, modelCount ):
        NTdict.__init__( self, __CLASS__ = 'CingResult',
                         checkID = checkID,
                         alternate = None,
                         level   = level,
#                         comment = Whatif.explain(checkID),
#        # Initialize the lists
#        if Whatif.cingNameDict.has_key(checkID):
#            self.alternate = Whatif.cingNameDict[checkID]
#        for c  in  [ VALUE_LIST_STR, QUAL_LIST_STR]:
        for c  in  [ constants.VALUE_LIST_STR ]:
            self[c] = nTfill( None, modelCount)
예제 #4
파일: talosPlus.py 프로젝트: jakesyl/cing
    def __init__( self, tabFile=None, **kwds ):
        NTdict.__init__( self, __CLASS__ = 'nmrPipeTab', **kwds )

        self.setdefault('noneIndicator', '-') # character to identify the None value

        self.columnDefs = NTlist()          # list of column definitions, implemented
                                            # as NTdict
        self.rows       = NTlist()
        self.nrows      = 0
        self.remarks    = NTlist()
        self.data       = NTdict()
        self.tabFile    = tabFile

        if tabFile:
            self.readFile( tabFile  )
예제 #5
파일: classes2.py 프로젝트: jakesyl/cing
 def __init__(self, name, status = 'keep'):
     ProjectListMember.__init__(self)      # Initialized objectPath  
     self.__CLASS__ = 'ResonanceList'
     self.name = name        # Name of the list        
     self.status = status    # Status of the list; 'keep' indicates storage required
     self.currentId = 0      # Id for each element of list
     self._idDict = {}       # dictionary to look up id in case the list is sorted differently
     self._byItem = None     # if not None: list was sorted _byItem.
     self.vascoResults  = NTdict() # See applyVascoChemicalShiftCorrections # NB match with VASCO_RESULTS_STR
     self.vascoApplied  = False # VASCO_APPLIED_STR
     self.bmrb_id = None # Will be derived from name when calling rename.
     self.rogScore = ROGscore()
     self.rename(name) # Triggers setting self.bmrb_id
예제 #6
파일: reqWhatif.py 프로젝트: jakesyl/cing
#            (RES_LEVEL, 'PDBLST',  None,          'List of residues',                                          'List of residues'),
#            (RES_LEVEL, 'PL3CHK',  None,          'Side chain planarity with hydrogens attached',              'NA planarity'),
#            (RES_LEVEL, 'PLNCHK', 'planarities',  'Protein side chain planarities',                            'Protein SC planarity'),
#            (RES_LEVEL, 'PRECHK',  None,          'Missing backbone atoms.',                                   'Missing backbone atoms.'),
#            (RES_LEVEL, 'PUCCHK',  None,          'Ring puckering in Prolines',                                'Ring puckering in Prolines'),
#            (RES_LEVEL, 'QUACHK', 'packingQuality1','Directional Atomic Contact Analysis, aka 1st generation packing quality', 'Packing quality'),
#            (RES_LEVEL, 'RAMCHK', 'ramachandran', 'Ramachandran Z-score',                                      'Ramachandr.' ),
#            (RES_LEVEL, 'ROTCHK', 'rotamer',      'Rotamers',                                                  'Rotamer normality'),
#            (RES_LEVEL, 'SCOLST',  None,          'List of symmetry contacts',                                 'List of symmetry contacts'),
#            (RES_LEVEL, 'TO2CHK',  None,          'Missing C-terminal groups',                                 'Missing C-terminal groups'),
#            (RES_LEVEL, 'TOPPOS',  None,          'Ligand without know topology',                              'Ligand without know topology'),
#            (RES_LEVEL, 'TORCHK',  None,          'Unknown check',                                             'Unknown check'),
#            (RES_LEVEL, 'WIOPAC',  None,          'Water packing',                                              'Water packing')

cingNameDict  = NTdict( zip( nTzap(nameDefs,1), nTzap(nameDefs,2)) )
nameDict      = NTdict( zip( nTzap(nameDefs,1), nTzap(nameDefs,3)) )
shortNameDict = NTdict( zip( nTzap(nameDefs,1), nTzap(nameDefs,4)) )

wiPlotList = []
# GV: moved to outer level to not always call createHtmlWhatif
wiPlotList.append( ('_01_backbone_chi','QUA/RAM/BBC/C12') )
wiPlotList.append( ('_02_bond_angle','BND/ANG/NQA/PLNCHK') )
wiPlotList.append( ('_03_steric_acc_flip','BMP/ACC/FLP/CHI') )

# Whatif id's for summary; will be keys in molecule[WHATIF_STR] dict
# Make them available to 'outside world through the Whatif class
예제 #7
파일: NTutils2.py 프로젝트: VuisterLab/cing
 def __init__(self):
     self[ ERROR_ID ] =  NTlist()        
     self[ WARNING_ID ] =  NTlist()
     self[ MESSAGE_ID ] =  NTlist()
     self[ DEBUG_ID ] =  NTlist()
예제 #8
파일: database.py 프로젝트: jakesyl/cing
    "C": 1,
    "N": 1,
    "H": 1,
    "HN": 1,
    "H1": 1,
    "H2": 1,
    "H3": 1,
    "CA": 1,
    "HA": 1,
    "HA1": 1,
    "HA2": 1,
    "HA3": 1,
backBoneNucleicAtomDict = {"P": 1, "O3'": 1, "C3'": 1, "C4'": 1, "C5'": 1, "O5'": 1}  # skipping 'backbone protons'

NterminalProteinAtomDict = NTdict()
NterminalProteinAtomDict.appendFromList("H1 H2 H3 H' H''".split())  # watch out; H1 does occur in nucleic acid bases.

NterminalNucleicAtomDict = NTdict()
NterminalNucleicAtomDict.appendFromList("HOP2 HOP3".split())

def isNterminalAtom(atmDef):
    Return True if atom belongs to N-terminal category.
    Needs to be called by valid atmDef or 0 will be returned.
    if atmDef is None or atmDef.residueDef is None:  # Fixes 2ksi
        # nTdebug("%s called without atom/residue definition." % getCallerName())
        return 0
    if atmDef.residueDef.hasProperties("protein"):
예제 #9
 def __init__(self):
     self[ERROR_ID] = NTlist()
     self[WARNING_ID] = NTlist()
     self[MESSAGE_ID] = NTlist()
     self[DEBUG_ID] = NTlist()
예제 #10
파일: parameters.py 프로젝트: jakesyl/cing
directories = cdefs.directories
moleculeDirectories = cdefs.validationDirectories
validationDirectories = cdefs.validationDirectories
htmlDirectories = cdefs.htmlDirectories
cingPaths = cdefs.cingPaths

outlierColor = '#CC66FF' #  iWeb lavender

plotParameters = NTdict(
    dihedralDefault = NTdict(
        min      =    0.0,
        max      =  360.0,
        mticksize=   10,
        ticksize =   60,
#        color    = 'green',
        color    = '#990099', # iWeb plum
        outlier  = outlierColor,
        average  = 'blue',
        lower    = 'orange',
        upper    = 'orange'
plotParameters.PHI     = plotParameters.dihedralDefault.copy()
plotParameters.PHI.min = -180
plotParameters.PHI.max =  180
plotParameters.PHI.xlabelLat = '$\phi 1$' # Latex

plotParameters.PSI  = plotParameters.PHI.copy()
plotParameters.PHI.xlabelLat = '$\psi 1$' # Latex
예제 #11
config = NTdict(

    XPLOR            = xplorPath,

# (waterrefine) xplor stuff, directories, etc.
    refinePath       = refinePath,
    topparPath       = os.path.join(refinePath,'toppar'),
    protocolsPath    = os.path.join(refinePath,'explicit_solvent'),

    parameterFiles   = [ 'parallhdg5.3-merge.pro',
    topologyFiles    = [ 'topallhdg5.3-merge.pro',
    directories      = NTdict(
        converted    = 'Converted',
        analyzed     = 'Analyzed', # analyzed from refine
        annealed     = 'Annealed', # annealed from template
        template     = 'Template', # extended structure at random
        refined      = 'Refined',  # from analyzed
        tables       = 'Tables',
        jobs         = 'Jobs',
        psf          = 'PSF',
        toppar	     = 'Toppar'
예제 #12
파일: talosPlus.py 프로젝트: jakesyl/cing
class NmrPipeTable( NTdict ):
    NmrPipeTable class
    implemented as NTdict of NTdict's, i.e.

    element (row-0, INDEX) indexed as
        tab[0].INDEX   or tab[0]['INDEX']

    tab = NmrPipeTable()                # Empty table
    tab = NmrPipeTable( 'tabFile' )     # table from tabFile


    addColumn( name, fmt = "%s", default=None ):
        Add column 'name' to table; set values to 'default'

    hideColumn( *cNames )
        Hide column(s) cNames

    showColumn( *cNames )
        Show columns cNames

    addRow( **kwds ):
        Add row to table, optional kwds can be used to set values

    readFile( tabFile  ):
        Read table from tabFile

    write( stream=sys.stdout ):
        Write table to stream

    writeFile( tabFile)   :
        Open tabFile, write table and close tabFile


    def __init__( self, tabFile=None, **kwds ):
        NTdict.__init__( self, __CLASS__ = 'nmrPipeTab', **kwds )

        self.setdefault('noneIndicator', '-') # character to identify the None value

        self.columnDefs = NTlist()          # list of column definitions, implemented
                                            # as NTdict
        self.rows       = NTlist()
        self.nrows      = 0
        self.remarks    = NTlist()
        self.data       = NTdict()
        self.tabFile    = tabFile

        if tabFile:
            self.readFile( tabFile  )
        #end if
    #end def

    def format(self): # pylint: disable=W0221
        return sprintf(
'''=== NmrPipeTable "%s" ===
columns:  %s
nrows:    %d''', self.tabFile, self.columnDefs.zap('name'), self.nrows

    def addRow( self, **kwds ):
        Add row to table, optional kwds can be used to set values
        row = NmrPipeTabRow( table=self, id=self.nrows, **kwds )
        self[ self.nrows ] = row
        self.rows.append( row )
        self.nrows += 1
        return row
    #end def

    def addColumn( self, name, fmt = "%s", default=None ):
        Add column 'name' to table; set values to 'default'
        return columnDef, or None on error
        if name in self:
            nTerror('NmrPipeTable.addColumn: column "%s" already exists\n', name )
            return None
        #end if

        col = NTdict( name=name,
                        __FORMAT__ = '%(name)s'
        self.columnDefs.append( col )
        self[name] = col
        for row in self:
            row[name] = default
        #end for

        return col
    #end def

    def column( self, cName ):
        """Return list of values of column cName or None on error
        if cName not in self:
            return None

        col = NTlist()
        for row in self:
            col.append( row[cName] )
        #end for
        return col
    #end def

    def hideColumn( self, *cNames ):
        Hide column(s) cNames
        for c in cNames:
            if not c in self:
                nTerror('NmrPipeTable.hideColumn: column "%s" not defined\n', c)
                self[c].hide = True
            #end if
        #end for
    #end def

    def showColumn( self, *cNames ):
        Show column(s) cNames
        for c in cNames:
            if not c in self:
                nTerror('NmrPipeTable.showColumn: column "%s" not defined\n', c)
                self[c].hide = False
            #end if
        #end for
    #end def

    def readFile( self, tabFile  ):
        Read table from tabFile
#        nTmessage('Reading nmrPipe table file %s', tabFile )

        #end if

        for line in AwkLike( tabFile, minNF = 1, commentString = '#' ):
            if ( line.dollar[1] == 'REMARK' and line.NF > 1 ):
                self.remarks.append( line.dollar[2:] )

            elif ( line.dollar[1] == 'VARS' ):
                for v in line.dollar[2:]:
                    self.addColumn( name=v )
                #end for
            elif ( line.dollar[1] == 'FORMAT' ):
                i = 0
                for f in line.dollar[2:]:
                    i += 1
                #end for
            elif ( line.dollar[1] == 'DATA' and line.NF > 3 ):
                self.data[line.dollar[2]] = line.dollar[3:]

            elif ( line.NF == len( self.columnDefs ) ):
                row = self.addRow()
                for i in range( 0, line.NF ):
                    col = self.columnDefs[i]

                    if (line.dollar[i+1] == self.noneIndicator):
                        row[col.name] = None
                        # derive conversion function from fmt field
                        if (col.fmt[-1:] in ['f','e','E','g','G']):
                            func = float
                        elif (col.fmt[-1:] in ['d','o','x','X']):
                            func = int
                            func = str
                        #end if
                        row[ col.name ] = func( line.dollar[i+1] )
                #end for
            #end if
        #end for
        self.tabFile = tabFile
    #end def

    def write( self, stream=sys.stdout):
        Write tab to stream
        for r in self.remarks:
            fprintf( stream, 'REMARK %s\n', r )
        #end for
        fprintf( stream, '\n' )

        for d,v in self.data.iteritems():
            fprintf( stream, 'DATA %s %s\n', d, v ) # Note: only ONE space between DATA and identifier!!!
        #end for
        fprintf( stream, '\n' )

        fprintf(     stream, 'VARS    ' )
        for c in self.columnDefs:
            if not c.hide:
                fprintf( stream, '%s ', c.name )
        #end for
        fprintf( stream, '\n' )

        fprintf(     stream, 'FORMAT  ' )
        for c in self.columnDefs:
            if not c.hide:
                fprintf( stream, '%s ', c.fmt )
        #end for
        fprintf( stream, '\n' )

        fprintf( stream, '\n' )
        for row in self:
            fprintf( stream, '%s\n', row )
        #end for

    #end def

    def writeFile( self, tabFile)   :
        Write table to tabFile.
        Return True on error
        fp = open( tabFile, 'w' )
        if fp is None:
            nTerror('NmrPipeTable.writeFile: error opening "%s"', tabFile)
            return True
        self.write( fp )
#        nTdebug('==> Written nmrPipe table file "%s"', tabFile )
        return False
    #end def

    #iteration overrides: loop over row indices or rows
    def keys( self ):
        return range( 0, self.nrows )
    #end def

    def __iter__( self ):
        for row in self.rows:
            yield row
예제 #13
파일: classes2.py 프로젝트: jakesyl/cing
class ResonanceList(NTlist, ProjectListMember):
    Contains ResonanceList meta data.
    NB the name is not necessarily unique within even the molecule.
    I.e. for PDB entry 1cjg and from NMR-STAR entry 4813 will get the resonance list name bmr4813_21.str twice from CCPN.
    SML_SAVE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST = 'name status bmrb_id vascoApplied vascoResults'.split() # Used in cing.core.sml.SMLNTListWithAttrHandler
    # use the same spelling through out.

    # NB the unusual init. Differs in that arguments aren't added to the list.
    def __init__(self, name, status = 'keep'):
        ProjectListMember.__init__(self)      # Initialized objectPath  
        self.__CLASS__ = 'ResonanceList'
        self.name = name        # Name of the list        
        self.status = status    # Status of the list; 'keep' indicates storage required
        self.currentId = 0      # Id for each element of list
        self._idDict = {}       # dictionary to look up id in case the list is sorted differently
        self._byItem = None     # if not None: list was sorted _byItem.
        self.vascoResults  = NTdict() # See applyVascoChemicalShiftCorrections # NB match with VASCO_RESULTS_STR
        self.vascoApplied  = False # VASCO_APPLIED_STR
        self.bmrb_id = None # Will be derived from name when calling rename.
        self.rogScore = ROGscore()
        self.rename(name) # Triggers setting self.bmrb_id
    #end def

    def decriticize(self):
#        nTdebug("Now in ResonanceList#decriticize")
        # Restraints lists
        for dr in self:
        # end for
    #end def

    def hasVascoCorrectionsApplied(self):
        """A little bit more sophisticated routine to report no corrections of zero."""
        return self.vascoApplied and self.hasVascoCorrectionsApplicable()
    #end def

    def hasVascoCorrectionsApplicable(self):
        """A little bit more sophisticated routine to report no corrections of zero."""
        for atomId in self.vascoResults.keys():
            ntvalue =  self.vascoResults[ atomId ]
            rerefValue = ntvalue.value
            rerefError = ntvalue.error
            useCorrection = math.fabs(rerefValue) >= VASCO_CERTAINTY_FACTOR_CUTOFF * rerefError # sync with molecule code.
            if useCorrection:
                return True
            # end if
        # end for
        return False
    #end def

    def __str__(self):
        return io.sprintf('<%s "%s">' % (self.__CLASS__, self.name))
#        return self.toVascoHtmlList() # modify when needed.

    def toVascoHtmlList(self, showHeader = False):
        'If showIndividualApplication the output will be multiple lines.'
        s = ''
        if showHeader:
            s += '<h3>'
            s += self.name
            if self.vascoApplied:
                s += ' (applied)'
                s += ' (ignored)'
            s += '</h3>\n'
        s += '<ul>\n'
        for atomId in self.vascoResults.keys():
            ntvalue =  self.vascoResults[ atomId ]
            s += '<li>'
            atomClassId = getDeepByKeys(vascoMapAtomIdToHuman, atomId)
            if atomClassId == None:
                atomClassId = atomId
            s += '%s: %s' % ( atomClassId, ntvalue)
            rerefValue = ntvalue.value
            rerefError = ntvalue.error
            useCorrection = math.fabs(rerefValue) >= VASCO_CERTAINTY_FACTOR_CUTOFF * rerefError
            if useCorrection:
                s += ' applied'
                s += ' not applied'
            # end if
            s += '</li>\n'
        # end for
        s += '</ul>\n'
        return s
    #end def
    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()
    #end def
    def rename(self, newName):
        'Please use this rename instead of directly renaming so BMRB ID detection can kick in.'        
        self.name = newName
        # Detect the id from strings like: bmr4020_21.str
        pattern = re.compile( '^.*(bmr\d+).*$' )
        match = pattern.match( self.name )
        if match:
            bmrb_idStr = match.group(1)[3:]            
            self.bmrb_id = int(bmrb_idStr)
            if is_bmrb_code(self.bmrb_id):
#                nTdebug("-0- Autodetected BMRB ID %s from new name: %s" % (self.bmrb_id, self.name))
                return self
            # end if
            nTerror("Did not detect valid BMRB ID from new name: %s." % self.name)
            return self
        # end if
#        nTdebug("-2- No BMRB ID was matched from new name: %s" % self.name)
#        return self.projectList.rename(self.name, newName)
        return self
    #end def
    def append(self, item):  # pylint: disable=W0221
#        if not hasattr(self, 'currentId'): # for deepcopy
#            self.currentId = 0
        item.id = self.currentId
        item.parent = self # being able to go from restraint to restraint list is important.
        NTlist.append(self, item)
        self._idDict[item.id] = item
        self.currentId += 1
    #end def
    def save(self, path = None):
        Create a SML file
        Return self or None on error

        Sort the list on id before saving, to preserve (original) order from save to restore.
        # sort the list on id number
        NTsort( self, byItem='id', inplace=True)

        if not path: 
            path = self.objectPath
        if self.SMLhandler.toFile(self, path) != self:
            nTerror('%s.save: failed creating "%s"' % (self.__CLASS__, path))
            return None
        #end if

        # restore original sorting
        if self._byItem:
            NTsort( self, byItem=self._byItem, inplace=True)

        nTdetail('==> Saved %s to "%s"', self, path)
        return self
    #end def

    def sort(self, byItem='id' ):
        "Sort the list byItem; store the byItem "
        NTsort( self, byItem, inplace=True)
        self._byItem = byItem
        return self
    #end def

    def getId(self, id):
        """Return restraint instance with id
        Returns None on error
        if not self._idDict.has_key(id):
            nTerror('ResonanceList.getId: invalid id (%d)', id)
            return None
        #end if
        return self._idDict[id]
    #end def

    def format(self, showAll = False):
        if not showAll:
        rTxtList = []
        for r in self:
            rTxtList.append( r.format() )
        msg = '\n'
        msg += '\n'.join(rTxtList)
        return msg