def analyze(config, project, parameters, doPrint=0): '''Analyze a run Returns True on failure. ''' nTmessage("\n-- analyze --") inPath = config.directories.converted modelList = asci2list(parameters.models) if getDeepByKeysOrAttributes(parameters, USE_ANNEALED_STR): inPath = config.directories.annealed modelList = asci2list(parameters.modelsAnneal) nTdebug('inPath: %s' % inPath) nTdebug('modelList: %s' % modelList) # first create the jobs, run later analyzeJobs = [] for i in modelList: job = Analyze( config, parameters, project=project, fileNum=i, molecules=[ NTdict(psfFile=parameters.psfFile, pdbFile=parameters.baseName % i, selectionCode='(not resn TIP3 and not resn ANI)'), ], inPath=inPath, outPath=config.directories.analyzed, jobName='analyze_%d' % i, ) analyzeJobs.append(job) #end for job_list = [] for job in analyzeJobs: if job.createScript(): nTerror( "In refine#analyze failed to create at least one job's script." ) return True if doPrint: job.printScript() #end if # job.runScript() job_list.append((job.runScript, )) #end for f = ForkOff(processes_max=cing.ncpus, max_time_to_wait=600, verbosity=cing.verbosity) done_list = f.forkoff_start(job_list, 0) # delay 0 second between jobs. nTmessage("Finished ids: %s", done_list) if not done_list: notDone = parameters.modelCountAnneal - len(done_list) nTerror("Failed to analyze %s", notDone) return True
def anneal(config, project, parameters, doPrint=0): nTmessage("\n-- anneal --") # first create the jobs, run later annealJobs = [] for i in range(parameters.modelCountAnneal): annealJobs.append( Anneal( config, parameters, project = project, fileNum=i, molecules=[ NTdict( psfFile=parameters.psfFile, pdbFile=parameters.baseName % i, selectionCode='(all)' ), ], inPath = config.directories.template, outPath = config.directories.annealed, templateFile = TEMPLATE_FILE_NAME, jobName='anneal_%d' % i, ) ) job_list = [] for job in annealJobs: job.createScript() if doPrint: job.printScript() job_list.append((job.runScript,) ) # job.runScript() #end for f = ForkOff( processes_max=cing.ncpus, max_time_to_wait=600, verbosity=cing.verbosity ) done_list = f.forkoff_start(job_list, 0) # delay 0 second between jobs. nTmessage("Finished ids: %s", done_list) notDone = parameters.modelCountAnneal - len(done_list) if notDone > 0: nTwarning("Failed to anneal %s", notDone) # We print how many models failed to anneal, and try to continue without them nTdebug("Only finished ids will be kept") parameters.modelsAnneal = list2asci(done_list) # Only if the list is empty, we want to return True if not done_list: return True
def anneal(config, project, parameters, doPrint=0): nTmessage("\n-- anneal --") # first create the jobs, run later annealJobs = [] for i in range(parameters.modelCountAnneal): annealJobs.append( Anneal( config, parameters, project=project, fileNum=i, molecules=[ NTdict(psfFile=parameters.psfFile, pdbFile=parameters.baseName % i, selectionCode='(all)'), ], inPath=config.directories.template, outPath=config.directories.annealed, templateFile=TEMPLATE_FILE_NAME, jobName='anneal_%d' % i, )) job_list = [] for job in annealJobs: job.createScript() if doPrint: job.printScript() job_list.append((job.runScript, )) # job.runScript() #end for f = ForkOff(processes_max=cing.ncpus, max_time_to_wait=600, verbosity=cing.verbosity) done_list = f.forkoff_start(job_list, 0) # delay 0 second between jobs. nTmessage("Finished ids: %s", done_list) notDone = parameters.modelCountAnneal - len(done_list) if notDone > 0: nTwarning( "Failed to anneal %s", notDone ) # We print how many models failed to anneal, and try to continue without them nTdebug("Only finished ids will be kept") parameters.modelsAnneal = list2asci(done_list) # Only if the list is empty, we want to return True if not done_list: return True
def testOverall(namepattern): 'Use silent testing from top level.' # cing.verbosity = verbosityError # Add the ones you don't want to test (perhaps you know they don't work yet) excludedModuleList = [ # cingPythonDir + "/Cython*", cingPythonDir + "/cyana2cing*", # cingPythonDir + "/cing.PluginCode", # cingPythonDir + "/cing.PluginCode.test.test_Whatif", # cingPythonDir + "/cing.Scripts.test.test_cyana2cing", # cingPythonDir + "/cing.STAR.FileTest", ] startdir = cingPythonDir nameList = findFiles(namepattern, startdir, exclude=excludedModuleList) # enable next line(s) to do a single check only. # nameList = ['/Users/jd/workspace35/cing/python/cing/Libs/test/'] # nameList = [ # '/Users/jd/workspace35/cing/python/cing/PluginCode/test/', # '/Users/jd/workspace35/cing/python/cing/PluginCode/test/' # ] nTdebug('Will unit check: ' + repr(nameList)) # nameList = nameList[0:5] # namepattern = "*" # nameList2 = findFiles(namepattern, startdir) # for name in nameList2: # nameList.append(name) # translate: '/Users/jd/workspace/cing/python/cing/Libs/test/' # to: cing.Libs.test.test_NTplot f = ForkOff( # processes_max=1, # use 1 if you really want to read it line by line. processes_max=cing.ncpus, max_time_to_wait=600, # on a very slow setup verbosity=cing.verbosity ) job_list = [] for name in nameList: job_list.append( (testByName, (name, excludedModuleList)) ) done_list = f.forkoff_start(job_list, 0) nTmessage("Finished ids: %s", done_list) # Exit with timer info anywho. After this CING should exit so the tweak shouldn't break anything. if cing.verbosity <= cing.verbosityError: cing.verbosity = cing.verbosityOutput
def testOverall(namepattern): 'Use silent testing from top level.' # cing.verbosity = verbosityError # Add the ones you don't want to test (perhaps you know they don't work yet) excludedModuleList = [ # cingPythonDir + "/Cython*", cingPythonDir + "/cyana2cing*", # cingPythonDir + "/cing.PluginCode", # cingPythonDir + "/cing.PluginCode.test.test_Whatif", # cingPythonDir + "/cing.Scripts.test.test_cyana2cing", # cingPythonDir + "/cing.STAR.FileTest", ] startdir = cingPythonDir nameList = findFiles(namepattern, startdir, exclude=excludedModuleList) # enable next line(s) to do a single check only. # nameList = ['/Users/jd/workspace35/cing/python/cing/Libs/test/'] # nameList = [ # '/Users/jd/workspace35/cing/python/cing/PluginCode/test/', # '/Users/jd/workspace35/cing/python/cing/PluginCode/test/' # ] nTdebug('Will unit check: ' + repr(nameList)) # nameList = nameList[0:5] # namepattern = "*" # nameList2 = findFiles(namepattern, startdir) # for name in nameList2: # nameList.append(name) # translate: '/Users/jd/workspace/cing/python/cing/Libs/test/' # to: cing.Libs.test.test_NTplot f = ForkOff( # processes_max=1, # use 1 if you really want to read it line by line. processes_max=cing.ncpus, max_time_to_wait=600, # on a very slow setup verbosity=cing.verbosity) job_list = [] for name in nameList: job_list.append((testByName, (name, excludedModuleList))) done_list = f.forkoff_start(job_list, 0) nTmessage("Finished ids: %s", done_list) # Exit with timer info anywho. After this CING should exit so the tweak shouldn't break anything. if cing.verbosity <= cing.verbosityError: cing.verbosity = cing.verbosityOutput
def refine(config, project, parameters, doPrint=0): nTmessage("\n-- refine --") # first create the jobs, run later refineJobs = [] for i in asci2list(parameters.models): refineJobs.append( WaterRefine( config, parameters, project = project, fileNum=i, molecules=[ NTdict( psfFile=parameters.psfFile, pdbFile=parameters.baseName % i, selectionCode='(not resn TIP3 and not resn ANI)' ), ], inPath = config.directories.analyzed, outPath = config.directories.refined, jobName='refine_%d' % i, ) ) job_list = [] for job in refineJobs: job.createScript() if doPrint: job.printScript() # job.runScript() job_list.append((job.runScript,) ) #end for f = ForkOff( processes_max=cing.ncpus, max_time_to_wait=6000, verbosity=cing.verbosity ) done_list = f.forkoff_start(job_list, 0) # delay 0 second between jobs. nTmessage("Finished ids: %s", done_list) if not done_list: notDone = parameters.modelCountAnneal - len(done_list) nTerror("Failed to refine %s", notDone) return True
def refine(config, project, parameters, doPrint=0): nTmessage("\n-- refine --") # first create the jobs, run later refineJobs = [] for i in asci2list(parameters.models): refineJobs.append( WaterRefine( config, parameters, project=project, fileNum=i, molecules=[ NTdict(psfFile=parameters.psfFile, pdbFile=parameters.baseName % i, selectionCode='(not resn TIP3 and not resn ANI)'), ], inPath=config.directories.analyzed, outPath=config.directories.refined, jobName='refine_%d' % i, )) job_list = [] for job in refineJobs: job.createScript() if doPrint: job.printScript() # job.runScript() job_list.append((job.runScript, )) #end for f = ForkOff(processes_max=cing.ncpus, max_time_to_wait=6000, verbosity=cing.verbosity) done_list = f.forkoff_start(job_list, 0) # delay 0 second between jobs. nTmessage("Finished ids: %s", done_list) if not done_list: notDone = parameters.modelCountAnneal - len(done_list) nTerror("Failed to refine %s", notDone) return True
def doPylintOverall(pylintFileName='pylint.txt'): "Add the ones you don't want to pylint (perhaps you know they don't work yet)" namepattern = "*.py" pylintDir = os.path.join(cingDirTmp, 'pylint') # pylintFileName = os.path.join( pylintDir, 'pylint.log') if os.path.exists(pylintDir): rmdir(pylintDir) mkdirs(pylintDir) if os.path.exists(pylintFileName): os.unlink(pylintFileName) excludedModuleList = [ # enable exclusions for quick testing. # cingPythonDir + "/cing/core*", # cingPythonDir + "/cing/Database*", # cingPythonDir + "/cing/Libs*", # cingPythonDir + "/cing/NRG*", # cingPythonDir + "/cing/PluginCode*", # cingPythonDir + "/cing/Scripts*", # cingPythonDir + "/cing/STAR*", # cingPythonDir + "/cing/Talos*", # Normal set: cingPythonDir + "/cing/Database/CCPN*", cingPythonDir + "/cyana2cing*", cingPythonDir + "/pdbe2*", cingPythonDir + "/queen*", cingPythonDir + "/Refine*", cingPythonDir + "/UtilsAnalysis*", cingPythonDir + "/xplorcing*" ] startdir = cingPythonDir nameList = findFiles(namepattern, startdir, exclude=excludedModuleList) # enable next line(s) to do a couple of checks only. # nameList = ['/Users/jd/workspace35/cing/python/cing/PluginCode/test/', # '/Users/jd/workspace35/cing/python/cing/PluginCode/test/', # '/Users/jd/workspace35/cing/python/cing/PluginCode/test/'] nTdebug('Will unit check: ' + repr(nameList)) f = ForkOff( processes_max=cing.ncpus, max_time_to_wait=600, # on a very slow setup verbosity=2) job_list = [] for name in nameList: job_list.append((doPylintByName, (name, excludedModuleList))) done_list = f.forkoff_start(job_list, 0) nTmessage("Finished ids: %s", done_list) for name in nameList: mod_name = pathToModuleName(name) if mod_name in excludedModuleList: print "Skipping module: " + mod_name return pylintOutputFileName = os.path.join(pylintDir, mod_name + '.log') if not os.path.exists(pylintDir): nTerror("Failed to find pylint output: " + pylintOutputFileName) continue if appendTextFileToFile(pylintOutputFileName, pylintFileName): nTerror("Failed to appendTextFileToFile") # nTdebug("Done appending from: %s" % pylintOutputFileName) # end for doPylintOverallSummary(pylintFileName=pylintFileName) nTmessage("Done with pylint")
def doPylintOverall(pylintFileName='pylint.txt'): "Add the ones you don't want to pylint (perhaps you know they don't work yet)" namepattern = "*.py" pylintDir = os.path.join( cingDirTmp, 'pylint' ) # pylintFileName = os.path.join( pylintDir, 'pylint.log') if os.path.exists( pylintDir ): rmdir( pylintDir ) mkdirs( pylintDir ) if os.path.exists( pylintFileName ): os.unlink(pylintFileName) excludedModuleList = [ # enable exclusions for quick testing. # cingPythonDir + "/cing/core*", # cingPythonDir + "/cing/Database*", # cingPythonDir + "/cing/Libs*", # cingPythonDir + "/cing/NRG*", # cingPythonDir + "/cing/PluginCode*", # cingPythonDir + "/cing/Scripts*", # cingPythonDir + "/cing/STAR*", # cingPythonDir + "/cing/Talos*", # Normal set: cingPythonDir + "/cing/Database/CCPN*", cingPythonDir + "/cyana2cing*", cingPythonDir + "/pdbe2*", cingPythonDir + "/queen*", cingPythonDir + "/Refine*", cingPythonDir + "/UtilsAnalysis*", cingPythonDir + "/xplorcing*" ] startdir = cingPythonDir nameList = findFiles(namepattern, startdir, exclude=excludedModuleList) # enable next line(s) to do a couple of checks only. # nameList = ['/Users/jd/workspace35/cing/python/cing/PluginCode/test/', # '/Users/jd/workspace35/cing/python/cing/PluginCode/test/', # '/Users/jd/workspace35/cing/python/cing/PluginCode/test/'] nTdebug('Will unit check: ' + repr(nameList)) f = ForkOff( processes_max=cing.ncpus, max_time_to_wait=600, # on a very slow setup verbosity=2 ) job_list = [] for name in nameList: job_list.append( (doPylintByName, (name, excludedModuleList)) ) done_list = f.forkoff_start(job_list, 0) nTmessage("Finished ids: %s", done_list) for name in nameList: mod_name = pathToModuleName( name ) if mod_name in excludedModuleList: print "Skipping module: " + mod_name return pylintOutputFileName = os.path.join( pylintDir, mod_name + '.log') if not os.path.exists( pylintDir ): nTerror("Failed to find pylint output: " + pylintOutputFileName) continue if appendTextFileToFile( pylintOutputFileName, pylintFileName): nTerror("Failed to appendTextFileToFile") # nTdebug("Done appending from: %s" % pylintOutputFileName) # end for doPylintOverallSummary(pylintFileName=pylintFileName) nTmessage("Done with pylint")
def doScriptOnEntryList(pythonScriptFileName, entryListFileName, startDir ='.', processes_max = 3, # default 3 max_time_to_wait = 600, delay_between_submitting_jobs = 1, extraArgList = None, start_entry_id = start_entry_id, max_entries_todo = max_entries_todo, expectPdbEntryList = True, shuffleBeforeSelecting = False, # fails for chain ids when included. entryList = () # as an alternative to a file. ): """Return True on error""" if True: # DEFAULT: True pid = os.getpid() nTmessage("Use kill -2 %s (sending a INT (interrupt) to this Process ID) twice to kill all child processes." % pid) nTmessage("entryListFileName : %s" % entryListFileName) nTmessage("startDir : %s" % startDir ) nTmessage("processes_max : %s" % processes_max ) nTmessage("max_time_to_wait : %s" % max_time_to_wait ) nTmessage("delay_between_submitting_jobs: %s" % delay_between_submitting_jobs) nTmessage("extraArgList : %s" % str(extraArgList )) nTmessage("start_entry_id : %s" % start_entry_id ) nTmessage("max_entries_todo : %s" % max_entries_todo ) nTmessage("expectPdbEntryList : %s" % expectPdbEntryList ) nTmessage("shuffleBeforeSelecting : %s" % shuffleBeforeSelecting ) # end if # if os.chdir(cingDirTmp): # raise SetupError("Failed to change to directory for temporary test files: "+cingDirTmp) # Empty list means no filtering done. entryCodeListFilter = [] # entryCodeListFilter = string.split("1n62") if entryListFileName: entryList = [line.strip() for line in open(entryListFileName)] entryList = [x for x in entryList if x] entryCountTotal = len(entryList) if expectPdbEntryList: chainCodeList = [] entryCodeList = [] for ss in entryList: entryCode = ss[:4].lower() if entryCode not in entryCodeListFilter: if len(ss) > 4: chainCode = ss[4].upper() else: chainCode = '' entryCodeList.append(entryCode) chainCodeList.append(chainCode) entryCountSelected = len(entryCodeList) else: #Non-PDB entryCodeList = [x for x in entryList if x not in entryCodeListFilter] entryCountSelected = len(entryCodeList) chainCodeList = [''] * entryCountSelected # lastEntryId is id of last entry excluding the entry itself. lastEntryId = min(len(entryCodeList), start_entry_id+max_entries_todo) if shuffleBeforeSelecting: nTmessage("Shuffling entry list before selecting entries.") entryCodeListCopy = entryCodeList[:] shuffle(entryCodeListCopy) entryCodeList = entryCodeListCopy[start_entry_id:lastEntryId] # no sense in starting at zero here; they're random. else: entryCodeList = entryCodeList[start_entry_id:lastEntryId] # no sense in starting at zero here; they're random. entryCodeList.sort() chainCodeList = chainCodeList[start_entry_id:lastEntryId] nTmessage('Read %05d entries ' % entryCountTotal) nTmessage('Selected %05d entries ' % entryCountSelected) nTmessage('Sliced %05d entries: %s' % (len(entryCodeList), entryCodeList )) # nTmessage('Sliced %05d chains: %s' % (len(chainCodeList), chainCodeList )) useAnyCmd = False if pythonScriptFileName.endswith('.py'): (_directory, pythonScriptFileNameRoot, _ext) = nTpath(pythonScriptFileName) else: useAnyCmd = True pythonScriptFileNameRoot = pythonScriptFileName.split()[0] # get first word of eg. if pythonScriptFileNameRoot.count('/'): pythonScriptFileNameRoot = pythonScriptFileNameRoot.split('/')[-1] if pythonScriptFileNameRoot.count('.'): pythonScriptFileNameRoot = pythonScriptFileNameRoot.split('.')[0] # 'cing -v 9 -n $x --initPDB $PDB/pdb$x.ent.gz --validateFastest --ranges cv') mkSubDirStructure( startDir, entryCodeList, pythonScriptFileNameRoot ) logScriptFileNameRoot = 'log_'+pythonScriptFileNameRoot job_list = [] for i, entry_code in enumerate(entryCodeList): extraArgListStr = '' if extraArgList: extraArgListStr = ' '.join( extraArgList ) chain_code = chainCodeList[i] entryCodeChar2and3 = entry_code[1:3] entryDir = os.path.join( startDir, DATA_STR, entryCodeChar2and3, entry_code ) date_stamp = getDateTimeStampForFileName() cmd = 'cd %s; python -u %s %s %s %s > %s/%s_%s%s.log 2>&1 ' % ( entryDir, pythonScriptFileName, entry_code, chain_code, extraArgListStr, logScriptFileNameRoot, entry_code, chain_code, date_stamp ) if useAnyCmd: cmdBase = pythonScriptFileName cmdBase = cmdBase.replace("$x", entry_code) cmdBase = cmdBase.replace("$c", chain_code) cmd = 'cd %s; %s %s %s > %s/%s_%s%s.log 2>&1 ' % ( entryDir, cmdBase, entry_code, chain_code, logScriptFileNameRoot, entry_code, chain_code, date_stamp ) job = ( do_cmd, (cmd,) ) # nTdebug("Will schedule job cmd: %s" % cmd) job_list.append( job ) f = ForkOff( processes_max = processes_max, max_time_to_wait = max_time_to_wait) done_entry_list = f.forkoff_start( job_list, delay_between_submitting_jobs ) done_entry_list.sort() not_done_entry_list = range(len(job_list)) for id in done_entry_list: idx = not_done_entry_list.index(id) if idx >= 0: del(not_done_entry_list[idx]) nTmessage("In doScriptOnEntryList Finished list : %s" % done_entry_list) nTmessage("In doScriptOnEntryList Unfinished list: %s" % not_done_entry_list) for id in not_done_entry_list: job = job_list[id] _do_cmd, cmdTuple = job cmd = cmdTuple[0] nTerror("In doScriptOnEntryList failed forked: %s" % cmd)
def doFunctionOnEntryList( f, entryListFileName, processes_max = 3, # default 3 max_time_to_wait = 600, delay_between_submitting_jobs = 0, extraArgList = None, start_entry_id = start_entry_id, max_entries_todo = max_entries_todo, shuffleBeforeSelecting = False, # fails for chain ids when included. entryList = None # as an alternative to a file. ): """Return True on error""" if True: # DEFAULT: True pid = os.getpid() nTmessage("Use kill -2 %s (sending a INT (interrupt) to this Process ID) twice to kill all child processes." % pid) nTmessage("entryListFileName : %s" % entryListFileName) nTmessage("processes_max : %s" % processes_max ) nTmessage("max_time_to_wait : %s" % max_time_to_wait ) nTmessage("delay_between_submitting_jobs: %s" % delay_between_submitting_jobs) nTmessage("extraArgList : %s" % str(extraArgList )) nTmessage("start_entry_id : %s" % start_entry_id ) nTmessage("max_entries_todo : %s" % max_entries_todo ) nTmessage("shuffleBeforeSelecting : %s" % shuffleBeforeSelecting ) nTmessage("entryList : %s" % entryList) # end if # if os.chdir(cingDirTmp): # raise SetupError("Failed to change to directory for temporary test files: "+cingDirTmp) # Empty list means no filtering done. entryCodeListFilter = [] # entryCodeListFilter = string.split("1n62") if entryListFileName: entryListFile = file(entryListFileName, 'r') entryCodeList = [] entryCountTotal = 0 for line in entryListFile.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line == '': # skip empty lines. continue entryCountTotal += 1 entryCode = line if entryCode in entryCodeListFilter: continue entryCodeList.append( entryCode ) entryListFile.close() else: entryCodeList = entryList entryCountTotal = len( entryList ) # end if entryCountSelected = len( entryCodeList ) # lastEntryId is id of last entry excluding the entry itself. lastEntryId = min(len(entryCodeList), start_entry_id+max_entries_todo) if shuffleBeforeSelecting: nTmessage("Shuffling entry list before selecting entries.") entryCodeListCopy = entryCodeList[:] shuffle(entryCodeListCopy) entryCodeList = entryCodeListCopy[start_entry_id:lastEntryId] # no sense in starting at zero here; they're random. else: entryCodeList = entryCodeList[start_entry_id:lastEntryId] # no sense in starting at zero here; they're random. entryCodeList.sort() nTmessage('Read %05d entries ' % entryCountTotal) nTmessage('Selected %05d entries ' % entryCountSelected) nTmessage('Sliced %05d entries: %s' % (len(entryCodeList), entryCodeList )) # nTmessage('Sliced %05d chains: %s' % (len(chainCodeList), chainCodeList )) job_list = [] for _i, entry_code in enumerate(entryCodeList): # extraArgListStr = '' # if extraArgList: # extraArgListStr = ' '.join( extraArgList ) argList = [entry_code] if isinstance(extraArgList, list) or isinstance(extraArgList, tuple): argList += extraArgList # else: # nTdebug("Skipping non-List/Tuple extraArgList: %s" % str(extraArgList)) # end if job = ( f, tuple( argList ) ) job_list.append( job ) # end for f = ForkOff( processes_max = processes_max, max_time_to_wait = max_time_to_wait) done_entry_list = f.forkoff_start( job_list, delay_between_submitting_jobs ) done_entry_list.sort() not_done_entry_list = range(len(job_list)) for id in done_entry_list: idx = not_done_entry_list.index(id) if idx >= 0: del(not_done_entry_list[idx]) # end if # end for nTmessage("In doScriptOnEntryList Finished list : %s" % done_entry_list) nTmessage("In doScriptOnEntryList Unfinished list: %s" % not_done_entry_list) for id in not_done_entry_list: job = job_list[id] _do_cmd, cmdTuple = job cmd = cmdTuple[0] nTerror("In doFunctionOnEntryList failed forked: %s" % cmd)
def analyze(config, project, parameters, doPrint=0 ): '''Analyze a run Returns True on failure. ''' nTmessage("\n-- analyze --") inPath = config.directories.converted modelList = asci2list(parameters.models) if getDeepByKeysOrAttributes( parameters, USE_ANNEALED_STR): inPath = config.directories.annealed modelList = asci2list(parameters.modelsAnneal) nTdebug( 'inPath: %s' % inPath) nTdebug( 'modelList: %s' % modelList) # first create the jobs, run later analyzeJobs = [] for i in modelList: job = Analyze( config, parameters, project = project, fileNum=i, molecules=[ NTdict( psfFile=parameters.psfFile, pdbFile=parameters.baseName % i, selectionCode='(not resn TIP3 and not resn ANI)' ), ], inPath = inPath, outPath = config.directories.analyzed, jobName='analyze_%d' % i, ) analyzeJobs.append(job) #end for job_list = [] for job in analyzeJobs: if job.createScript(): nTerror("In refine#analyze failed to create at least one job's script.") return True if doPrint: job.printScript() #end if # job.runScript() job_list.append((job.runScript,) ) #end for f = ForkOff( processes_max=cing.ncpus, max_time_to_wait=600, verbosity=cing.verbosity ) done_list = f.forkoff_start(job_list, 0) # delay 0 second between jobs. nTmessage("Finished ids: %s", done_list) if not done_list: notDone = parameters.modelCountAnneal - len(done_list) nTerror("Failed to analyze %s", notDone) return True
def doScriptOnEntryList( pythonScriptFileName, entryListFileName, startDir='.', processes_max=3, # default 3 max_time_to_wait=600, delay_between_submitting_jobs=1, extraArgList=None, start_entry_id=start_entry_id, max_entries_todo=max_entries_todo, expectPdbEntryList=True, shuffleBeforeSelecting=False, # fails for chain ids when included. entryList=() # as an alternative to a file. ): """Return True on error""" if True: # DEFAULT: True pid = os.getpid() nTmessage( "Use kill -2 %s (sending a INT (interrupt) to this Process ID) twice to kill all child processes." % pid) nTmessage("entryListFileName : %s" % entryListFileName) nTmessage("startDir : %s" % startDir) nTmessage("processes_max : %s" % processes_max) nTmessage("max_time_to_wait : %s" % max_time_to_wait) nTmessage("delay_between_submitting_jobs: %s" % delay_between_submitting_jobs) nTmessage("extraArgList : %s" % str(extraArgList)) nTmessage("start_entry_id : %s" % start_entry_id) nTmessage("max_entries_todo : %s" % max_entries_todo) nTmessage("expectPdbEntryList : %s" % expectPdbEntryList) nTmessage("shuffleBeforeSelecting : %s" % shuffleBeforeSelecting) # end if # if os.chdir(cingDirTmp): # raise SetupError("Failed to change to directory for temporary test files: "+cingDirTmp) # Empty list means no filtering done. entryCodeListFilter = [] # entryCodeListFilter = string.split("1n62") if entryListFileName: entryList = [line.strip() for line in open(entryListFileName)] entryList = [x for x in entryList if x] entryCountTotal = len(entryList) if expectPdbEntryList: chainCodeList = [] entryCodeList = [] for ss in entryList: entryCode = ss[:4].lower() if entryCode not in entryCodeListFilter: if len(ss) > 4: chainCode = ss[4].upper() else: chainCode = '' entryCodeList.append(entryCode) chainCodeList.append(chainCode) entryCountSelected = len(entryCodeList) else: #Non-PDB entryCodeList = [x for x in entryList if x not in entryCodeListFilter] entryCountSelected = len(entryCodeList) chainCodeList = [''] * entryCountSelected # lastEntryId is id of last entry excluding the entry itself. lastEntryId = min(len(entryCodeList), start_entry_id + max_entries_todo) if shuffleBeforeSelecting: nTmessage("Shuffling entry list before selecting entries.") entryCodeListCopy = entryCodeList[:] shuffle(entryCodeListCopy) entryCodeList = entryCodeListCopy[ start_entry_id: lastEntryId] # no sense in starting at zero here; they're random. else: entryCodeList = entryCodeList[ start_entry_id: lastEntryId] # no sense in starting at zero here; they're random. entryCodeList.sort() chainCodeList = chainCodeList[start_entry_id:lastEntryId] nTmessage('Read %05d entries ' % entryCountTotal) nTmessage('Selected %05d entries ' % entryCountSelected) nTmessage('Sliced %05d entries: %s' % (len(entryCodeList), entryCodeList)) # nTmessage('Sliced %05d chains: %s' % (len(chainCodeList), chainCodeList )) useAnyCmd = False if pythonScriptFileName.endswith('.py'): (_directory, pythonScriptFileNameRoot, _ext) = nTpath(pythonScriptFileName) else: useAnyCmd = True pythonScriptFileNameRoot = pythonScriptFileName.split()[ 0] # get first word of eg. if pythonScriptFileNameRoot.count('/'): pythonScriptFileNameRoot = pythonScriptFileNameRoot.split('/')[-1] if pythonScriptFileNameRoot.count('.'): pythonScriptFileNameRoot = pythonScriptFileNameRoot.split('.')[0] # 'cing -v 9 -n $x --initPDB $PDB/pdb$x.ent.gz --validateFastest --ranges cv') mkSubDirStructure(startDir, entryCodeList, pythonScriptFileNameRoot) logScriptFileNameRoot = 'log_' + pythonScriptFileNameRoot job_list = [] for i, entry_code in enumerate(entryCodeList): extraArgListStr = '' if extraArgList: extraArgListStr = ' '.join(extraArgList) chain_code = chainCodeList[i] entryCodeChar2and3 = entry_code[1:3] entryDir = os.path.join(startDir, DATA_STR, entryCodeChar2and3, entry_code) date_stamp = getDateTimeStampForFileName() cmd = 'cd %s; python -u %s %s %s %s > %s/%s_%s%s.log 2>&1 ' % ( entryDir, pythonScriptFileName, entry_code, chain_code, extraArgListStr, logScriptFileNameRoot, entry_code, chain_code, date_stamp) if useAnyCmd: cmdBase = pythonScriptFileName cmdBase = cmdBase.replace("$x", entry_code) cmdBase = cmdBase.replace("$c", chain_code) cmd = 'cd %s; %s %s %s > %s/%s_%s%s.log 2>&1 ' % ( entryDir, cmdBase, entry_code, chain_code, logScriptFileNameRoot, entry_code, chain_code, date_stamp) job = (do_cmd, (cmd, )) # nTdebug("Will schedule job cmd: %s" % cmd) job_list.append(job) f = ForkOff(processes_max=processes_max, max_time_to_wait=max_time_to_wait) done_entry_list = f.forkoff_start(job_list, delay_between_submitting_jobs) done_entry_list.sort() not_done_entry_list = range(len(job_list)) for id in done_entry_list: idx = not_done_entry_list.index(id) if idx >= 0: del (not_done_entry_list[idx]) nTmessage("In doScriptOnEntryList Finished list : %s" % done_entry_list) nTmessage("In doScriptOnEntryList Unfinished list: %s" % not_done_entry_list) for id in not_done_entry_list: job = job_list[id] _do_cmd, cmdTuple = job cmd = cmdTuple[0] nTerror("In doScriptOnEntryList failed forked: %s" % cmd)
def doFunctionOnEntryList( f, entryListFileName, processes_max=3, # default 3 max_time_to_wait=600, delay_between_submitting_jobs=0, extraArgList=None, start_entry_id=start_entry_id, max_entries_todo=max_entries_todo, shuffleBeforeSelecting=False, # fails for chain ids when included. entryList=None # as an alternative to a file. ): """Return True on error""" if True: # DEFAULT: True pid = os.getpid() nTmessage( "Use kill -2 %s (sending a INT (interrupt) to this Process ID) twice to kill all child processes." % pid) nTmessage("entryListFileName : %s" % entryListFileName) nTmessage("processes_max : %s" % processes_max) nTmessage("max_time_to_wait : %s" % max_time_to_wait) nTmessage("delay_between_submitting_jobs: %s" % delay_between_submitting_jobs) nTmessage("extraArgList : %s" % str(extraArgList)) nTmessage("start_entry_id : %s" % start_entry_id) nTmessage("max_entries_todo : %s" % max_entries_todo) nTmessage("shuffleBeforeSelecting : %s" % shuffleBeforeSelecting) nTmessage("entryList : %s" % entryList) # end if # if os.chdir(cingDirTmp): # raise SetupError("Failed to change to directory for temporary test files: "+cingDirTmp) # Empty list means no filtering done. entryCodeListFilter = [] # entryCodeListFilter = string.split("1n62") if entryListFileName: entryListFile = file(entryListFileName, 'r') entryCodeList = [] entryCountTotal = 0 for line in entryListFile.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line == '': # skip empty lines. continue entryCountTotal += 1 entryCode = line if entryCode in entryCodeListFilter: continue entryCodeList.append(entryCode) entryListFile.close() else: entryCodeList = entryList entryCountTotal = len(entryList) # end if entryCountSelected = len(entryCodeList) # lastEntryId is id of last entry excluding the entry itself. lastEntryId = min(len(entryCodeList), start_entry_id + max_entries_todo) if shuffleBeforeSelecting: nTmessage("Shuffling entry list before selecting entries.") entryCodeListCopy = entryCodeList[:] shuffle(entryCodeListCopy) entryCodeList = entryCodeListCopy[ start_entry_id: lastEntryId] # no sense in starting at zero here; they're random. else: entryCodeList = entryCodeList[ start_entry_id: lastEntryId] # no sense in starting at zero here; they're random. entryCodeList.sort() nTmessage('Read %05d entries ' % entryCountTotal) nTmessage('Selected %05d entries ' % entryCountSelected) nTmessage('Sliced %05d entries: %s' % (len(entryCodeList), entryCodeList)) # nTmessage('Sliced %05d chains: %s' % (len(chainCodeList), chainCodeList )) job_list = [] for _i, entry_code in enumerate(entryCodeList): # extraArgListStr = '' # if extraArgList: # extraArgListStr = ' '.join( extraArgList ) argList = [entry_code] if isinstance(extraArgList, list) or isinstance(extraArgList, tuple): argList += extraArgList # else: # nTdebug("Skipping non-List/Tuple extraArgList: %s" % str(extraArgList)) # end if job = (f, tuple(argList)) job_list.append(job) # end for f = ForkOff(processes_max=processes_max, max_time_to_wait=max_time_to_wait) done_entry_list = f.forkoff_start(job_list, delay_between_submitting_jobs) done_entry_list.sort() not_done_entry_list = range(len(job_list)) for id in done_entry_list: idx = not_done_entry_list.index(id) if idx >= 0: del (not_done_entry_list[idx]) # end if # end for nTmessage("In doScriptOnEntryList Finished list : %s" % done_entry_list) nTmessage("In doScriptOnEntryList Unfinished list: %s" % not_done_entry_list) for id in not_done_entry_list: job = job_list[id] _do_cmd, cmdTuple = job cmd = cmdTuple[0] nTerror("In doFunctionOnEntryList failed forked: %s" % cmd)