예제 #1
    def distance(self, *, to):
        The distance from this hit to either the center or edge of its

        to: {"center", "edge"}
            If ``center``, the distance from this hit to the center of its
            hitobject is calculated. If ``edge``, the distance from this hit to
            the edge of its hitobject is calculated.
            The distance from this hit to either the center or edge of its
        check_param(to, ["center", "edge"])

        hitobj_xy = self.hitobject.xy

        if to == "edge":
            dist = np.linalg.norm(self.xy - hitobj_xy) - self.hitobject.radius
            # value is negative since we're inside the hitobject, so take abs
            return abs(dist)

        if to == "center":
            return np.linalg.norm(self.xy - hitobj_xy)
예제 #2
    def frametime(self, replay, cv=True, mods_unknown="raise") -> float:
        The median frametime (in ms) of ``replay``.

        replay: :class:`~circleguard.loadables.Replay`
            The replay to calculate the median frametime of.
        cv: bool
            Whether to return the converted or unconverted frametime. The
            converted frametime is returned by default.
        mods_unknown: {"raise", "dt", "nm", "ht"}
            What to do if ``replay`` does not know what mods it was played with,
            and ``cv`` is ``True``.
            If ``raise``, a ValueError will be raised.
            If ``dt``, the frametime will be converted as if the replay was
            played with ``Mod.DT``.
            If ``nm``, the frametime will be converted as if the replay was
            played  with ``Mod.NM`` (that is, not converted at all).
            If ``ht``, the frametime will be converted as if the replay was
            played with ``Mod.HT``.

            The median frametime (in ms) of the replay.
        check_param(mods_unknown, ["raise", "dt", "nm", "ht"])

        frametime = Investigator.frametime(replay)
        if cv:
            if replay.mods:
                mods = replay.mods
            elif mods_unknown == "dt":
                mods = Mod.DT
            elif mods_unknown == "nm":
                mods = Mod.NM
            elif mods_unknown == "ht":
                mods = Mod.HT
                raise ValueError("The frametime of a replay that does not know "
                    "with what mods it was set with cannot be converted. Pass "
                    "a different option to frametime(..., mods_unknown=) if "
                    "you would like to provide a default mod for conversion.")
            frametime = convert_statistic(frametime, mods, to="cv")

        return frametime
예제 #3
    def similarity(self, replay1, replay2, method="similarity", \
        num_chunks=DEFAULT_CHUNKS, mods_unknown="best") -> \
        Union[float, Tuple[float]]:
        The similarity between ``replay1`` and ``replay2``.

        replay1: :class:`~circleguard.loadables.Replay`
            The replay to compare against ``replay2``.
        replay2: :class:`~circleguard.loadables.Replay`
            The replay to compare against ``replay1``.
        method: {"similarity", "correlation"}
            What method to use to calculate the similarity between the replays.
            ``similarity`` is (roughly speaking) the average distance
            between the two replays in pixels. A replay compared to itself (or
            an exact copy) has a similarity of 0. See
            :data:`~circleguard.Circleguard.SIM_LIMIT` for a suggested number
            where similarities below this number indicate a stolen replay.
            ``correlation`` is a signal-processing metric which measures how
            similar two signals (or replays, in our case) are. Correlation also
            takes into account time shifts, so a replay which is a perfect copy
            of another replay but consistently lags 10 ms behind will still have
            a perfect correltion of ``1``. The higher correlation, the more
            correlated (or similar) the two replays are. See
            :data:`~circleguard.Circleguard.CORR_LIMIT` for a suggested number
            where correlations above this number indicate a stolen replay.
        num_chunks: int
            How many chunks to split the replay into when comparing. This
            parameter only has an affect if ``method`` is ``correlation``.
            Note that runtime increases linearly with the number of chunks.
        mods_unknown: {"best", "both"}
            What to do if one or both of ``replay1`` and ``replay2`` do not
            know what mods they were played with. In this case, the similarity
            will be computed twice, both with no modifications and with
            ``Mod.HR`` applied to ``replay1``.
            If ``best`` is passed, the best (that is, lowest if ``method`` is
            ``similarity`` and highest if ``method`` is ``correlation``)
            similarity of these two calculations is returned.
            If ``both`` is passed, a tuple with two floats is returned. The
            first element is the similarity with no modifications, and the
            second element is the similarity with ``Mod.HR`` applied to

            If ``method`` is ``similarity``, this is the similarity of the two
            replays. If ``method`` is ``correlation``, this is the correlation
            between the two replays.
        (float, float)
            If ``mods_unknown`` is ``both``, a tuple with two floats
            is returned. The first element is the similarity with no
            modifications, and the second element is the similarity with
            ``Mod.HR`` applied to ``replay1``. See the documentation for the
            ``mods_unknown`` parameter for more information.
        check_param(method, ["similarity", "correlation"])
        check_param(mods_unknown, ["best", "both"])

        return Comparer.similarity(replay1, replay2, method, num_chunks,