예제 #1
    def test_mod_string_parsing(self):
        # one normal, one "special" (nc and pf), and one multimod mod
        self.assertEqual(Mod("HD"), Mod.HD)
        self.assertEqual(Mod("NC"), Mod.NC)
        self.assertEqual(Mod("SOHDDT"), Mod.HD + Mod.DT + Mod.SO)

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: Mod("DTH"))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: Mod("DH"))
예제 #2
    def test_mod_ordering(self):
        self.assertEqual(Mod("DTHDSO"), Mod("SOHDDT"), "Identical mods ordered differently were not equal")
        self.assertEqual(Mod("DTHR").long_name(), Mod("HRDT").long_name(), "Long name of identical mods ordered differently were not equal")
        self.assertEqual(Mod("SOAPFLEZ").short_name(), Mod("EZSOFLAP").short_name(), "Short name of identical mods ordered differently were not equal")

        self.assertEqual(Mod("HD").short_name(), "HD")
        self.assertEqual(Mod("HR").long_name(), "HardRock")
        self.assertEqual(Mod("DTHR").long_name(), "DoubleTime HardRock")
        self.assertEqual(Mod("HRDT").long_name(), "DoubleTime HardRock")
예제 #3
    def url_scheme_called(self, url):
        from circleguard import ReplayMap, Circleguard, Mod
        # url is bytes, so decode back to str
        url = url.decode()
        # windows appends an extra slash even if the original url didn't have
        # it, so remove it
        url = url.strip("/")
        # all urls can have any of the following parameters:
        # * m - the map id
        # * u - the first user's id
        # * u2 - the second user's id
        # * t - the timestamp to start at
        # * m1 - the mods the first replay was played with
        # * m2 - the mods the second replay was played with
        # For example, a url might look like
        # circleguard://m=221777&u=2757689&m1=HDHRu2=3219026&m2=HDHR
        map_id = int(re.compile(r"m=(.*?)(&|$)").search(url).group(1))
        user_id = int(re.compile(r"u=(.*?)(&|$)").search(url).group(1))
        timestamp_match = re.compile(r"t=(.*?)(&|$)").search(url)
        # start at the beginning if timestamp isn't specified
        timestamp = int(timestamp_match.group(1)) if timestamp_match else 0

        # mods is optional, will take the user's highest play on the map if not
        # specified
        mods1_match = re.compile(r"m1=(.*?)(&|$)").search(url)
        mods1 = None
        if mods1_match:
            mods1 = mods1_match.group(1)

        user_id_2_match = re.compile(r"u2=(.*?)(&|$)").search(url)
        user_id_2 = None
        if user_id_2_match:
            user_id_2 = int(user_id_2_match.group(1))

        mods2_match = re.compile(r"m2=(.*?)(&|$)").search(url)
        mods2 = None
        if mods2_match:
            mods2 = mods2_match.group(1)

        # convert the string into an actual mods object if we received it
        mods1 = Mod(mods1) if mods1 else None
        r = ReplayMap(map_id, user_id, mods1)
        cg = Circleguard(get_setting("api_key"))
        replays = [r]

        if user_id_2:
            mods2 = Mod(mods2) if mods2 else None
            r2 = ReplayMap(map_id, user_id_2, mods2)
        # open visualizer for the given map and user, and jump to the timestamp
        result = URLAnalysisResult(replays, timestamp)
예제 #4
    def test_mod_str_list_parsing(self):
        self.assertEqual(Mod(["HD"]), Mod.HD)
        self.assertEqual(Mod(["NC"]), Mod.NC)
        self.assertEqual(Mod(["SO", "HD", "DT"]), Mod.HD + Mod.DT + Mod.SO)
        self.assertEqual(Mod(["SOHD", "DT"]), Mod.HD + Mod.DT + Mod.SO)
        self.assertEqual(Mod(["SOHDDT"]), Mod.HD + Mod.DT + Mod.SO)
        self.assertEqual(Mod(["HD", "SODT"]), Mod.HD + Mod.DT + Mod.SO)

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: Mod(["DTH"]))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: Mod(["DH"]))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: Mod(["DH", int()]))
예제 #5
 def test_equality_reflexivity(self):
     # reflexivity test
     self.assertEqual(Mod("NC"), Mod("NC"))