예제 #1
 def __init__(
     mixture: Iterable[Tuple[float, np.ndarray]],
     key: Union[str, value.MeasurementKey, None] = None,
     validate: bool = False,
     mixture = list(mixture)
     if not mixture:
         raise ValueError('MixedUnitaryChannel must have at least one unitary.')
     if not protocols.approx_eq(sum(p[0] for p in mixture), 1):
         raise ValueError('Unitary probabilities must sum to 1.')
     m0 = mixture[0][1]
     num_qubits = np.log2(m0.shape[0])
     if not num_qubits.is_integer() or m0.shape[1] != m0.shape[0]:
         raise ValueError(
             f'Input mixture of shape {m0.shape} does not '
             'represent a square operator over qubits.'
     self._num_qubits = int(num_qubits)
     for i, op in enumerate(p[1] for p in mixture):
         if not op.shape == m0.shape:
             raise ValueError(
                 f'Inconsistent unitary shapes: op[0]: {m0.shape}, op[{i}]: {op.shape}'
         if validate and not linalg.is_unitary(op):
             raise ValueError(f'Element {i} of mixture is non-unitary.')
     self._mixture = mixture
     if not isinstance(key, value.MeasurementKey) and key is not None:
         key = value.MeasurementKey(key)
     self._key = key
예제 #2
    def __init__(self,
                 matrix: np.ndarray,
                 qid_shape: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None) -> None:
        """Initializes a matrix gate.
            matrix: The matrix that defines the gate.
            qid_shape: The shape of state tensor that the matrix applies to.
                If not specified, this value is inferred by assuming that the
                matrix is supposed to apply to qubits.
        if len(matrix.shape) != 2 or matrix.shape[0] != matrix.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError('`matrix` must be a square 2d numpy array.')

        if qid_shape is None:
            n = int(np.round(np.log2(matrix.shape[0] or 1)))
            if 2**n != matrix.shape[0]:
                raise ValueError(
                    f'Matrix width ({matrix.shape[0]}) is not a power of 2 and '
                    f'qid_shape is not specified.')
            qid_shape = (2, ) * n

        self._matrix = matrix
        self._qid_shape = tuple(qid_shape)
        m = int(np.prod(self._qid_shape))
        if self._matrix.shape != (m, m):
            raise ValueError('Wrong matrix shape for qid_shape.\n'
                             f'Matrix shape: {self._matrix.shape}\n'
                             f'qid_shape: {self._qid_shape}\n')

        if not linalg.is_unitary(matrix):
            raise ValueError(f'Not a unitary matrix: {self._matrix}')
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, matrix: np.ndarray) -> None:
        Initializes the 2-qubit matrix gate.

            matrix: The matrix that defines the gate.
        if matrix.shape != (2, 2) or not linalg.is_unitary(matrix):
            raise ValueError('Not a 2x2 unitary matrix: {}'.format(matrix))
        self._matrix = matrix
 def _strat_apply_mixture(self, val: Any, qubits: Sequence['cirq.Qid']) -> bool:
     mixture = protocols.mixture(val, None)
     if mixture is None:
         return NotImplemented
     if not all(linalg.is_unitary(m) for _, m in mixture):
         return NotImplemented  # coverage: ignore
     probabilities, unitaries = zip(*mixture)
     index = self.prng.choice(len(unitaries), p=probabilities)
     return self._strat_act_from_single_qubit_decompose(
         matrix_gates.MatrixGate(unitaries[index]), qubits
예제 #5
    def __init__(self, matrix: Optional[np.ndarray]) -> None:
        Initializes the 2-qubit matrix gate.

            matrix: The matrix that defines the gate. Child classes can instead
                instead implement the matrix method and pass in None.
        if matrix is not None and (matrix.shape !=
                                   (2, 2) or not linalg.is_unitary(matrix)):
            raise ValueError('Not a 2x2 unitary matrix: {}'.format(matrix))
        self._matrix = matrix
예제 #6
    def __init__(self, matrix: Optional[np.ndarray]) -> None:
        Initializes the 2-qubit matrix gate.

            matrix: The matrix that defines the gate. Child classes can instead
                instead implement the matrix method and pass in None.
        if matrix is not None and (matrix.shape != (2, 2) or
                                   not linalg.is_unitary(matrix)):
            raise ValueError('Not a 2x2 unitary matrix: {}'.format(matrix))
        self._matrix = matrix
예제 #7
    def __init__(self, matrix: np.ndarray) -> None:
        Initializes the 2-qubit matrix gate.

            matrix: The matrix that defines the gate.
        if (len(matrix.shape) != 2 or matrix.shape[0] != matrix.shape[1]
                or not linalg.is_unitary(matrix)):
            raise ValueError(
                'Not a 2x2 (or d x d) unitary matrix: {}'.format(matrix))
        self._matrix = matrix
예제 #8
    def __init__(self, matrix: np.ndarray) -> None:
        Initializes the 2-qubit matrix gate.

            matrix: The matrix that defines the gate.
        if matrix.shape not in [(cirq.QUDIT_LEVELS, cirq.QUDIT_LEVELS)
                                ] or not linalg.is_unitary(matrix):
            raise ValueError(
                'Unitary matrix has wrong dimensions: {}'.format(matrix))
        self._matrix = matrix
예제 #9
    def __init__(
        matrix: np.ndarray,
        name: str = None,
        qid_shape: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None,
        unitary_check_rtol: float = 1e-5,
        unitary_check_atol: float = 1e-8,
    ) -> None:
        """Initializes a matrix gate.

            matrix: The matrix that defines the gate.
            name: The optional name of the gate to be displayed.
            qid_shape: The shape of state tensor that the matrix applies to.
                If not specified, this value is inferred by assuming that the
                matrix is supposed to apply to qubits.
            unitary_check_rtol: The relative tolerance for checking whether the supplied matrix
                is unitary. See `cirq.is_unitary`.
            unitary_check_atol: The absolute tolerance for checking whether the supplied matrix
                is unitary. See `cirq.is_unitary`.

            ValueError: If the matrix is not a square numpy array, if the matrix does not match
                the `qid_shape`, if `qid_shape` is not supplied and the matrix dimension is
                not a power of 2, or if the matrix not unitary (to the supplied precisions).
        if len(matrix.shape) != 2 or matrix.shape[0] != matrix.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError('`matrix` must be a square 2d numpy array.')

        if qid_shape is None:
            n = int(np.round(np.log2(matrix.shape[0] or 1)))
            if 2**n != matrix.shape[0]:
                raise ValueError(
                    f'Matrix width ({matrix.shape[0]}) is not a power of 2 and '
                    f'qid_shape is not specified.')
            qid_shape = (2, ) * n

        self._matrix = matrix
        self._qid_shape = tuple(qid_shape)
        self._name = name
        m = int(np.prod(self._qid_shape, dtype=np.int64))
        if self._matrix.shape != (m, m):
            raise ValueError('Wrong matrix shape for qid_shape.\n'
                             f'Matrix shape: {self._matrix.shape}\n'
                             f'qid_shape: {self._qid_shape}\n')

        if not linalg.is_unitary(
                matrix, rtol=unitary_check_rtol, atol=unitary_check_atol):
            raise ValueError(f'Not a unitary matrix: {self._matrix}')
예제 #10
    def from_unitary(u: np.ndarray) -> Optional['SingleQubitCliffordGate']:
        """Creates Clifford gate with given unitary (up to global phase).

            u: 2x2 unitary matrix of a Clifford gate.

            SingleQubitCliffordGate, whose matrix is equal to given matrix (up
            to global phase), or `None` if `u` is not a matrix of a single-qubit
            Clifford gate.
        if u.shape != (2, 2) or not linalg.is_unitary(u):
            return None
        x = protocols.unitary(pauli_gates.X)
        z = protocols.unitary(pauli_gates.Z)
        x_to = _to_pauli_transform(u @ x @ u.conj().T)
        z_to = _to_pauli_transform(u @ z @ u.conj().T)
        if x_to is None or z_to is None:
            return None
        return SingleQubitCliffordGate.from_double_map({pauli_gates.X: x_to, pauli_gates.Z: z_to})
예제 #11
def decompose_multi_controlled_rotation(
        matrix: np.ndarray, controls: List['cirq.Qid'],
        target: 'cirq.Qid') -> List['cirq.Operation']:
    """Implements action of multi-controlled unitary gate.

    Returns a sequence of operations, which is equivalent to applying
    single-qubit gate with matrix `matrix` on `target`, controlled by

    Result is guaranteed to consist exclusively of 1-qubit, CNOT and CCNOT

    If matrix is special unitary, result has length `O(len(controls))`.
    Otherwise result has length `O(len(controls)**2)`.

        [1] Barenco, Bennett et al.
            Elementary gates for quantum computation. 1995.

        matrix - 2x2 numpy unitary matrix (of real or complex dtype).
        controls - control qubits.
        targets - target qubits.

        A list of operations which, applied in a sequence, are equivalent to
        applying `MatrixGate(matrix).on(target).controlled_by(*controls)`.
    assert is_unitary(matrix)
    assert matrix.shape == (2, 2)

    if len(controls) == 0:
        return [ops.MatrixGate(matrix).on(target)]
    elif len(controls) == 1:
        return _decompose_single_ctrl(matrix, controls[0], target)
    elif is_special_unitary(matrix):
        return _decompose_su(matrix, controls, target)
        return _decompose_recursive(matrix, 1.0, controls, target, [])
예제 #12
 def _has_unitary_(self) -> bool:
     return linalg.is_unitary(self.matrix())
예제 #13
 def _unitary_(self) -> np.ndarray:
     m = self.matrix()
     if linalg.is_unitary(m):
         return m
     raise ValueError(f'{self} is not unitary')
예제 #14
 def _has_unitary_(self) -> bool:
     m = self.matrix()
     return m is not NotImplemented and linalg.is_unitary(m)
예제 #15
def test_random_unitary():
    u1 = random_unitary(2)
    u2 = random_unitary(2)
    assert is_unitary(u1)
    assert is_unitary(u2)
    assert not np.allclose(u1, u2)
예제 #16
def test_random_unitary():
    u1 = random_unitary(2)
    u2 = random_unitary(2)
    assert is_unitary(u1)
    assert is_unitary(u2)
    assert not np.allclose(u1, u2)