예제 #1
def test_to_sweep_resolver_list(r_list_gen):
    sweep = cirq.to_sweep(r_list_gen())
    assert isinstance(sweep, cirq.Sweep)
    assert list(sweep) == [
        cirq.ParamResolver({'a': 1}),
        cirq.ParamResolver({'a': 1.5})
예제 #2
def test_to_sweep_type_error():
    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='Unexpected sweep'):
예제 #3
def test_to_sweep_sweep():
    sweep = cirq.Linspace('a', 0, 1, 10)
    assert cirq.to_sweep(sweep) is sweep
예제 #4
def timeit_n_rounds_k_updates(qubits, depth, sim_trials, n_param_updates):
            qubits: QubitId representation of circuit qubits
            depth (int): Circuit depth.
            sim_trials (int): Number of trials to run each simulation for the
                purpose of averaging
            n_param_updates (int): Number of updates to invoke per trial.

            Array of shape (sim_trials, ) containing times for each trial

    Op placeholder resolution: Each trial consists of the time to run all of:
      1. call to TFWaveFunctionSimulator().simulate with feed_dict kwarg
      2. put a random wavefunction element to outcomes[v_ind]

    note that the feed dicts are constructed ahead of time, which
    is actually generous to the timing.

    circuit reconstructions: Each trial consists of the time to run all of:
      1. Iteratively copy the existing circuit op-wise, inserting new
           angles according to randomly generated params
      2. call to cirq.Simulator() using this new state
      3. put a random wavefunction element to outcomes[v_ind]
    tfcirq_times = []
    float_times = []
    n_qubits = len(qubits)
    for k in range(sim_trials):
        Results between two resolved circuits will be compared
        according to the amplitude of the wavefunction at a random index
        `v_ind`, for every trial, for every parameter in the param updates.
        tfcirq_outcomes = np.zeros(n_param_updates).astype(np.complex64)
        float_outcomes = np.zeros(n_param_updates).astype(np.complex64)
        v_ind = np.random.randint(2**n_qubits - 1)

        # precompute all parameter updates to apply to both circuits
        all_params = np.random.rand(n_param_updates, n_qubits*depth)
        all_params = np.ones((n_param_updates, n_qubits*depth))
        # initialize a persistent sympy-parametrized circuit
        symbol_strings = []
        for i in range(n_qubits*depth):
            symbol_strings.append("{}".format(i) )
        layer_symbols = [sympy.Symbol(s) for s in symbol_strings]
        global trial
        layers = trial(depth, qubits, layer_symbols)
        base_circuit = cirq.Circuit.from_ops([g for l in layers for g in l])

        # consistent initial state prep
        x = np.ones(2**n_qubits, dtype=np.complex64) / np.sqrt(2**n_qubits)

        # Convert circuit parameters over to placeholders
        placeholders = [tf.placeholder(tf.complex64, shape=(), name=s) for s in symbol_strings]
        placeholder_names = ["{}:0".format(s) for s in symbol_strings]
        tfcirq_circuit = update_params(base_circuit, placeholders)
        feed_dicts = [dict(zip(placeholder_names, all_params[j][:])) for j in range(n_param_updates)]

        start = timer()
        for j in range(n_param_updates):
            final_state = TFWaveFunctionSimulator(dtype=tf.complex64).simulate(
                tfcirq_circuit, initial_state=np.copy(x))
            tfcirq_outcomes[j] = final_state[v_ind]

        tfcirq_times_trial_time = timer() - start

        # TODO: need to port everything over to tf2
        # initialize a copy of the circuit, this time using hard-coded angles
        # the symbols will be overwritten with the first update.
        float_circuit = base_circuit.copy()
        resolver = cirq.to_sweep({})
        start = timer()
        for j in range(n_param_updates):
            # Regenerate _entire_ circuit with updates to float values
            # each time includes the circuit construction time
            float_circuit = update_params(float_circuit, all_params[j][:])
            float_outcomes[j] = cirq.Simulator().simulate_sweep(float_circuit, initial_state=np.copy(x), params=resolver).final_state[v_ind]

        float_trial_time = timer() - start

        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(float_outcomes, sympy_outcomes)
        print("trial {}:")
        print("  cirq-tf: ", sympy_trial_time)
        print("  float: ", float_trial_time)

    return np.asarray(sympy_times), np.asarray(float_times)