예제 #1
def test_gate_compilation_matches_expected_max_infidelity(tabulation, target):
    result = tabulation.compile_two_qubit_gate(target)

    assert result.success
    max_error = tabulation.max_expected_infidelity
    assert 1 - unitary_entanglement_fidelity(target,
                                             result.actual_gate) < max_error
예제 #2
def test_gate_compilation_on_base_gate_standard(tabulation):
    base_gate = tabulation.base_gate

    result = tabulation.compile_two_qubit_gate(base_gate)

    assert len(result.local_unitaries) == 2
    assert result.success
    fidelity = unitary_entanglement_fidelity(result.actual_gate, base_gate)
    assert fidelity > 0.99999
예제 #3
def test_gate_compilation_on_base_gate_identity():
    tabulation = gate_product_tabulation(np.eye(4), 0.25)
    base_gate = tabulation.base_gate

    result = tabulation.compile_two_qubit_gate(base_gate)

    assert len(result.local_unitaries) == 2
    assert result.success
    fidelity = unitary_entanglement_fidelity(result.actual_gate, base_gate)
    assert fidelity > 0.99999
예제 #4
def main(samples: int = 1000, max_infidelity: float = 0.01):
    """Demonstration of the usage of the GateTabulation gate compiler.

        samples: Number of random 2-qubit unitary samples to compile.
        max_infidelity: Maximum allowed infidelity between randomly generated
            gate and the gate compilation used to generate it. The example
            runtime scales as max_infidelity^{-2}.
    # Define a base gate for compilation
    theta = np.pi / 4
    phi = np.pi / 24
    base = unitary(FSimGate(theta, phi))

    # The GateTabulation object is essentially a tabulation of many randomly
    # generated gate products (of the form A k A or A k A k A), along with their
    # associate KAK vectors. The parameter max_infidelity determines the
    # approximate "density" of the tabulated gates. Specifically, it bounds the
    # typical distance between an arbitrary two-qubit gate and the nearest
    # tabulated gate.
    start = time()
    tabulation = gate_product_tabulation(base, max_infidelity)

    print(f'Gate tabulation time : {time() - start} seconds.')

    # Generate many random two-qubit gates, then attempt to compile them using
    # the tabulation.
    unitaries = [random_special_unitary(4) for _ in range(samples)]

    infidelities = []
    failed_infidelities = []
    start = time()
    for target in unitaries:
        # result.actual_gate is the compiled gate product intended to match the
        # target. result.success denotes is the actual gate is expected to be
        # within the desired fidelity to the target. It can be False if the
        # base gate cannot "fill" the Weyl chamber using at most 3 products.
        # result.local_unitaries stores the local unitaries required to
        # compile the target unitary from the base unitary.
        result = tabulation.compile_two_qubit_gate(target)
        infidelity = 1 - unitary_entanglement_fidelity(target,
        if result.success:
            failed_infidelities.append(infidelity)  # coverage: ignore
    t_comp = time() - start

        f'Gate compilation time : {t_comp:.3f} seconds ({t_comp / samples:.4f} s per gate)'

    infidelities = np.array(infidelities)
    failed_infidelities = np.array(failed_infidelities)

    if np.size(failed_infidelities):
        # coverage: ignore
            f'Number of "failed" compilations: {np.size(failed_infidelities)}.'
            f'Maximum infidelity of "failed" compilation: {np.max(failed_infidelities)}'

    plt.hist(infidelities, bins=25, range=[0, max_infidelity * 1.1])
    ylim = plt.ylim()
    plt.plot([max_infidelity] * 2,
             label='Maximum tabulation infidelity')
    plt.xlabel('Compiled gate infidelity vs target')
    plt.title(f'Base FSim(theta={theta:.4f}, phi={phi:.4f})')
