예제 #1
def files_which_match_some_of_regexp_but_not_the_end_shouldnt_match():
    Because we're using re.match the regular expression has to match the start - but not necassarily the end. This
     test ensures that we have taken care of that as often the extension is the most important part.
    import cis.plugin as plugin
    from cis.data_io.products.AProduct import AProduct
    # We have to patch all of the plugin classes because get_file_type_error gets called and this file doesn't exist
    #  we are only testing the wildcard matching logic.
    product_classes = plugin.find_plugin_classes(AProduct,
    for p in product_classes:
        p.get_file_type_error = lambda self, f: None
    _ = __get_class(example_caliop_l2_filename + ".ext")
예제 #2
def check_regex_matching(cls_name, filename):
    from cis.data_io.products.AProduct import __get_class
    cls = __get_class(filename)
    eq_(cls.__name__, cls_name)
예제 #3
def check_regex_matching(cls_name, filename):
    from cis.data_io.products.AProduct import __get_class
    cls = __get_class(filename)
    eq_(cls.__name__, cls_name)
예제 #4
def can_overide_default_product():
    from cis.data_io.products.gridded_NetCDF import NetCDF_Gridded
    eq_(__get_class(example_caliop_l2_filename), Caliop_L2)
    eq_(__get_class(example_caliop_l2_filename, "NetCDF_Gridded"), NetCDF_Gridded)
예제 #5
def can_overide_default_product():
    from cis.data_io.products.gridded_NetCDF import NetCDF_Gridded
    eq_(__get_class(example_caliop_l2_filename), Caliop_L2)
    eq_(__get_class(example_caliop_l2_filename, "NetCDF_Gridded"),