def change_password(token=None): if not token and not flask.session.get("logged_in_email"): return flask.redirect("/login") if flask.request.method == "POST": form_data = flask.request.form.to_dict() new_pass = form_data["new_pass"] check_pass = form_data["check_pass"] if token: staff_member = database.find("staff", token=token) staff_member = else: old_pass = form_data["old_pass"] email = flask.session["logged_in_email"] staff_member = database.find("staff", email=email) staff_member = try: assert sugar.check_hash(old_pass, staff_member["password"]) except AssertionError: flask.flash("Wrong password.", "error") return try: assert sugar.check_hash(new_pass, sugar.make_hash(check_pass)) except AssertionError: flask.flash("New passwords do not match.", "error") return {"token": token} try: assert new_pass != u"" except AssertionError: flask.flash("Please enter a new password.", "error") else: session = database.get_session() staff_row = database.get_or_404("staff", staff_schema = StaffSchema.from_flat(staff_row) staff_schema["password"].set(sugar.make_hash(new_pass)) if staff_schema.validate(): staff_row.update(staff_schema.flatten()) session.commit() flask.flash("Password changed sucessfuly.", "success") if token: login_url = flask.url_for("auth.login", next=flask.url_for("meeting.home")) return flask.redirect(login_url) return {"token": token}
def reset_password(): email_to_reset_password = flask.request.form.get("email", "") if flask.request.method == "POST": try: staff_member = [i for i in database.find("staff", email=email_to_reset_password)] assert len(staff_member) == 1 staff_member = staff_member[0] except AssertionError: flask.flash(u"Your email does not exist in our database.", "error") else: auth_token = sugar.generate_token(email_to_reset_password) session = database.get_session() staff_row = database.get_or_404("staff", staff_schema = StaffSchema.from_flat(staff_row) staff_schema["token"].set(auth_token) if staff_schema.validate(): staff_row.update(staff_schema.flatten()) session.commit() app = flask.current_app mail = Mail(app) settings_url = app.config.get("HOSTNAME") mail_msg_link = "%s/%s/change-password" % (settings_url, auth_token) msg_subject = "Reset your Cites password" msg_sender = app.config.get("DEFAULT_MAIL_SENDER") msg_recipients = [email_to_reset_password] msg_body = str( "Forgot your password?\n\nCites received a request " "to reset the password for your account.\n" "If you want to reset your " "password, click on the link below (or copy and " "paste the URL into your browser):\n\n%s\n\nThis " "link takes you to a secure page where you can " "change your password.\nIf you don't want to " "reset your password, please ignore this " "message. Your password will not be reset." "\n\nThe Cites Team" % (mail_msg_link) ) msg = Message(msg_subject, sender=msg_sender, recipients=msg_recipients, body=msg_body) mail.send(msg) flash_message = str( "We've sent password reset instructions to your " "email address. Please also check your email's " "spam filter." ) flask.flash(flash_message, "success")