def assign_to_network(self, Network_Layer: networks.NetworkLayer, max_dist: int | float): """ Once created, a [`DataLayer`](#class-datalayer) should be assigned to a [`NetworkLayer`](/metrics/networks/#class-networklayer). The `NetworkLayer` provides the backbone for the localised spatial aggregation of data points over the street network. The measures will be computed over the same distance thresholds as used for the `NetworkLayer`. The data points will be assigned to the two closest network nodes — one in either direction — based on the closest adjacent street edge. This enables a dynamic spatial aggregation method that more accurately describes distances over the network to data points, relative to the direction of approach. Parameters ---------- Network_Layer A [`NetworkLayer`](/metrics/networks/#class-networklayer). max_dist The maximum distance to consider when assigning respective data points to the nearest adjacent network nodes. Notes ----- :::tip Comment The `max_dist` parameter should not be set too small. There are two steps in the assignment process: the first, identifies the closest street node; the second, sets-out from this node and attempts to wind around the data point — akin to circling the block. It will then review the discovered graph edges from which it is able to identify the closest adjacent street-front. The `max_dist` parameter sets a crow-flies distance limit on how far the algorithm will search in its attempts to encircle the data point. If the `max_dist` is too small, then the algorithm is potentially hampered from finding a starting node; or, if a node is found, may have to terminate exploration prematurely because it can't travel far enough away from the data point to explore the surrounding network. If too many data points are not being successfully assigned to the correct street edges, then this distance should be increased. Conversely, if most of the data points are satisfactorily assigned, then it may be possible to decrease this threshold. A distance of around 400m provides a good starting point. ::: :::warning Comment The precision of assignment improves on decomposed networks (see [graphs.nX_decompose](/tools/graphs/#nx_decompose)), which offers the additional benefit of a more granular representation of variations in metrics along street-fronts. ::: ![Example assignment of data to a network](../../src/assets/plots/images/assignment.png) _Example assignment on a non-decomposed graph._ ![Example assignment of data to a network](../../src/assets/plots/images/assignment_decomposed.png) _Assignment of data to network nodes becomes more contextually precise on decomposed graphs._ """ self._Network = Network_Layer if not checks.quiet_mode: progress_proxy = ProgressBar(total=len(self.Network._node_data)) else: progress_proxy = None data.assign_to_network(self._data, self.Network._node_data, self.Network._edge_data, self.Network._node_edge_map, max_dist, progress_proxy=progress_proxy) if progress_proxy is not None: progress_proxy.close()
def assign_to_network(self, Network_Layer: networks.Network_Layer, max_dist: [int, float]): self._Network = Network_Layer data.assign_to_network(self._data, self.Network._node_data, self.Network._edge_data, self.Network._node_edge_map, max_dist, suppress_progress=checks.quiet_mode)
def test_check_data_map(): G = mock.mock_graph() G = graphs.nX_simple_geoms(G) N = networks.Network_Layer_From_nX(G, distances=[500]) data_dict = mock.mock_data_dict(G) data_uids, data_map = layers.data_map_from_dict(data_dict) # should throw error if not assigned with pytest.raises(ValueError): checks.check_data_map(data_map) # should work if flag set to False checks.check_data_map(data_map, check_assigned=False) # assign then check that it runs as intended data_map = data.assign_to_network(data_map, N._node_data, N._edge_data, N._node_edge_map, max_dist=400) checks.check_data_map(data_map) # catch zero length data arrays empty_2d_arr = np.full((0, 4), np.nan) with pytest.raises(ValueError): checks.check_data_map(empty_2d_arr) # catch invalid dimensionality with pytest.raises(ValueError): checks.check_data_map(data_map[:, :-1])
def assign_wrapper(): data.assign_to_network(data_map, node_data, edge_data, node_edge_map, 500)
def test_local_agg_time(primal_graph): """ Timing tests for landuse and stats aggregations """ if 'GITHUB_ACTIONS' in os.environ: return os.environ['CITYSEER_QUIET_MODE'] = '1' # generate node and edge maps node_uids, node_data, edge_data, node_edge_map, = graphs.graph_maps_from_nX(primal_graph) # setup data data_dict = mock.mock_data_dict(primal_graph, random_seed=13) data_uids, data_map = layers.data_map_from_dict(data_dict) data_map = data.assign_to_network(data_map, node_data, edge_data, node_edge_map, 500) # needs a large enough beta so that distance thresholds aren't encountered distances = np.array([np.inf]) betas = networks.beta_from_distance(distances) qs = np.array([0, 1, 2]) mock_categorical = mock.mock_categorical_data(len(data_map)) landuse_classes, landuse_encodings = layers.encode_categorical(mock_categorical) mock_numerical = mock.mock_numerical_data(len(data_dict), num_arrs=2, random_seed=0) def assign_wrapper(): data.assign_to_network(data_map, node_data, edge_data, node_edge_map, 500) # prime the function assign_wrapper() iters = 20000 # time and report - roughly 5.675 func_time = timeit.timeit(assign_wrapper, number=iters) print(f'node_cent_wrapper: {func_time} for {iters} iterations') assert func_time < 10 def landuse_agg_wrapper(): mu_data_hill, mu_data_other, ac_data, ac_data_wt = data.aggregate_landuses(node_data, edge_data, node_edge_map, data_map, distances, betas, mixed_use_hill_keys=np.array([0, 1]), landuse_encodings=landuse_encodings, qs=qs, angular=False) # prime the function landuse_agg_wrapper() iters = 20000 # time and report - roughly 10.10 func_time = timeit.timeit(landuse_agg_wrapper, number=iters) print(f'node_cent_wrapper: {func_time} for {iters} iterations') assert func_time < 15 def stats_agg_wrapper(): # compute data.aggregate_stats(node_data, edge_data, node_edge_map, data_map, distances, betas, numerical_arrays=mock_numerical, angular=False) # prime the function stats_agg_wrapper() iters = 20000 # time and report - roughly 4.96 func_time = timeit.timeit(stats_agg_wrapper, number=iters) print(f'segment_cent_wrapper: {func_time} for {iters} iterations') assert func_time < 10
def test_local_aggregator_numerical_components(primal_graph): # generate node and edge maps node_uids, node_data, edge_data, node_edge_map = graphs.graph_maps_from_nX(primal_graph) # setup data data_dict = mock.mock_data_dict(primal_graph, random_seed=13) data_uids, data_map = layers.data_map_from_dict(data_dict) data_map = data.assign_to_network(data_map, node_data, edge_data, node_edge_map, 500) # for debugging # from import plot # plot.plot_graph_maps(node_uids, node_data, edge_data, data_map) # set parameters - use a large enough distance such that simple non-weighted checks can be run for max, mean, variance betas = np.array([0.00125]) distances = networks.distance_from_beta(betas) mock_numerical = mock.mock_numerical_data(len(data_dict), num_arrs=2, random_seed=0) # compute stats_sum, stats_sum_wt, stats_mean, stats_mean_wt, stats_variance, stats_variance_wt, stats_max, stats_min = \ data.aggregate_stats(node_data, edge_data, node_edge_map, data_map, distances, betas, numerical_arrays=mock_numerical, angular=False) # non connected portions of the graph will have different stats # used manual data plots from test_assign_to_network() to see which nodes the data points are assigned to # connected graph is from 0 to 48 -> assigned data points are all except 5, 8, 17, 33, 48 connected_nodes_idx = list(range(49)) # and the respective data assigned to connected portion of the graph connected_data_idx = [i for i in range(len(data_dict)) if i not in [5, 8, 9, 17, 18, 29, 33, 38, 48]] # isolated node = 49 -> assigned no data points # isolated nodes = 50 & 51 -> assigned data points = 17, 33 # isolated loop = 52, 53, 54, 55 -> assigned data points = 5, 8, 9, 18, 29, 38, 48 isolated_nodes_idx = [52, 53, 54, 55] isolated_data_idx = [5, 8, 9, 18, 29, 38, 48] for stats_idx in range(len(mock_numerical)): for d_idx in range(len(distances)): # max assert np.isnan(stats_max[stats_idx, d_idx, 49]) assert np.allclose(stats_max[stats_idx, d_idx, [50, 51]], mock_numerical[stats_idx, [17, 33]].max(), atol=0.001, rtol=0) assert np.allclose(stats_max[stats_idx, d_idx, isolated_nodes_idx], mock_numerical[stats_idx, isolated_data_idx].max(), atol=0.001, rtol=0) assert np.allclose(stats_max[stats_idx, d_idx, connected_nodes_idx], mock_numerical[stats_idx, connected_data_idx].max(), atol=0.001, rtol=0) # min assert np.isnan(stats_min[stats_idx, d_idx, 49]) assert np.allclose(stats_min[stats_idx, d_idx, [50, 51]], mock_numerical[stats_idx, [17, 33]].min(), atol=0.001, rtol=0) assert np.allclose(stats_min[stats_idx, d_idx, isolated_nodes_idx], mock_numerical[stats_idx, isolated_data_idx].min(), atol=0.001, rtol=0) assert np.allclose(stats_min[stats_idx, d_idx, connected_nodes_idx], mock_numerical[stats_idx, connected_data_idx].min(), atol=0.001, rtol=0) # sum assert stats_sum[stats_idx, d_idx, 49] == 0 assert np.allclose(stats_sum[stats_idx, d_idx, [50, 51]], mock_numerical[stats_idx, [17, 33]].sum(), atol=0.001, rtol=0) assert np.allclose(stats_sum[stats_idx, d_idx, isolated_nodes_idx], mock_numerical[stats_idx, isolated_data_idx].sum(), atol=0.001, rtol=0) assert np.allclose(stats_sum[stats_idx, d_idx, connected_nodes_idx], mock_numerical[stats_idx, connected_data_idx].sum(), atol=0.001, rtol=0) # mean assert np.isnan(stats_mean[stats_idx, d_idx, 49]) assert np.allclose(stats_mean[stats_idx, d_idx, [50, 51]], mock_numerical[stats_idx, [17, 33]].mean(), atol=0.001, rtol=0) assert np.allclose(stats_mean[stats_idx, d_idx, isolated_nodes_idx], mock_numerical[stats_idx, isolated_data_idx].mean(), atol=0.001, rtol=0) assert np.allclose(stats_mean[stats_idx, d_idx, connected_nodes_idx], mock_numerical[stats_idx, connected_data_idx].mean(), atol=0.001, rtol=0) # variance assert np.isnan(stats_variance[stats_idx, d_idx, 49]) assert np.allclose(stats_variance[stats_idx, d_idx, [50, 51]], mock_numerical[stats_idx, [17, 33]].var(), atol=0.001, rtol=0) assert np.allclose(stats_variance[stats_idx, d_idx, isolated_nodes_idx], mock_numerical[stats_idx, isolated_data_idx].var(), atol=0.001, rtol=0) assert np.allclose(stats_variance[stats_idx, d_idx, connected_nodes_idx], mock_numerical[stats_idx, connected_data_idx].var(), atol=0.001, rtol=0)
def test_assign_to_network(primal_graph): # create additional dead-end scenario primal_graph.remove_edge(14, 15) primal_graph.remove_edge(15, 28) # G = graphs.nX_auto_edge_params(G) G = graphs.nX_decompose(primal_graph, 50) node_uids, node_data, edge_data, node_edge_map = graphs.graph_maps_from_nX(G) # generate data data_dict = mock.mock_data_dict(G, random_seed=25) data_uids, data_map = layers.data_map_from_dict(data_dict) # override data point locations for test cases vis-a-vis isolated nodes and isolated edges data_map[18, :2] = [701200, 5719400] data_map[39, :2] = [700750, 5720025] data_map[26, :2] = [700400, 5719525] # 500m visually confirmed in plots data_map_1600 = data_map.copy() data_map_1600 = data.assign_to_network(data_map_1600, node_data, edge_data, node_edge_map, max_dist=1600) targets = np.array([ [0, 164, 163], [1, 42, 241], [2, 236, 235], [3, 48, 262], [4, 211, 212], [5, 236, 235], [6, 58, 57], [7, 72, 5], [8, 75, 76], [9, 92, 9], [10, 61, 62], [11, 96, 13], [12, 0, 59], [13, 98, 99], [14, 203, 202], [15, 121, 120], [16, 48, 262], [17, 2, 70], [18, 182, 183], [19, 158, 157], [20, 83, 84], [21, 2, np.nan], [22, 171, 170], [23, 266, 52], [24, 83, 84], [25, 88, 11], [26, 49, np.nan], [27, 19, 138], [28, 134, 135], [29, 262, 46], [30, 78, 9], [31, 188, 189], [32, 180, 181], [33, 95, 94], [34, 226, 225], [35, 110, 111], [36, 39, 228], [37, 158, 25], [38, 88, 87], [39, 263, np.nan], [40, 120, 121], [41, 146, 21], [42, 10, 97], [43, 119, 118], [44, 82, 5], [45, 11, 88], [46, 100, 99], [47, 138, 19], [48, 14, np.nan], [49, 106, 105] ]) # for debugging # from import plot # plot.plot_graph_maps(node_data, edge_data, data_map) # assignment map includes data x, data y, nearest assigned, next nearest assigned assert np.allclose(data_map_1600[:, 2:], targets[:, 1:], equal_nan=True, atol=0, rtol=0) # max distance of 0 should return all NaN data_map_test_0 = data_map.copy() data_map_test_0 = data.assign_to_network(data_map_test_0, node_data, edge_data, node_edge_map, max_dist=0) assert np.all(np.isnan(data_map_test_0[:, 2])) assert np.all(np.isnan(data_map_test_0[:, 3])) # max distance of 2000 should return no NaN for nearest # there will be some NaN for next nearest data_map_test_2000 = data_map.copy() data_map_test_2000 = data.assign_to_network(data_map_test_2000, node_data, edge_data, node_edge_map, max_dist=2000) assert not np.any(np.isnan(data_map_test_2000[:, 2]))
def test_aggregate_landuses_categorical_components(primal_graph): # generate node and edge maps node_uids, node_data, edge_data, node_edge_map, = graphs.graph_maps_from_nX(primal_graph) # setup data data_dict = mock.mock_data_dict(primal_graph, random_seed=13) data_uids, data_map = layers.data_map_from_dict(data_dict) data_map = data.assign_to_network(data_map, node_data, edge_data, node_edge_map, 500) # set parameters betas = np.array([0.02, 0.01, 0.005, 0.0025]) distances = networks.distance_from_beta(betas) qs = np.array([0, 1, 2]) mock_categorical = mock.mock_categorical_data(len(data_map)) landuse_classes, landuse_encodings = layers.encode_categorical(mock_categorical) mock_matrix = np.full((len(landuse_classes), len(landuse_classes)), 1) # set the keys - add shuffling to be sure various orders work hill_keys = np.arange(4) np.random.shuffle(hill_keys) non_hill_keys = np.arange(3) np.random.shuffle(non_hill_keys) ac_keys = np.array([1, 2, 5]) np.random.shuffle(ac_keys) # generate mu_data_hill, mu_data_other, ac_data, ac_data_wt = data.aggregate_landuses(node_data, edge_data, node_edge_map, data_map, distances, betas, landuse_encodings=landuse_encodings, qs=qs, mixed_use_hill_keys=hill_keys, mixed_use_other_keys=non_hill_keys, accessibility_keys=ac_keys, cl_disparity_wt_matrix=mock_matrix, angular=False) # hill hill = mu_data_hill[np.where(hill_keys == 0)][0] hill_branch_wt = mu_data_hill[np.where(hill_keys == 1)][0] hill_pw_wt = mu_data_hill[np.where(hill_keys == 2)][0] hill_disp_wt = mu_data_hill[np.where(hill_keys == 3)][0] # non hill shannon = mu_data_other[np.where(non_hill_keys == 0)][0] gini = mu_data_other[np.where(non_hill_keys == 1)][0] raos = mu_data_other[np.where(non_hill_keys == 2)][0] # access non-weighted ac_1_nw = ac_data[np.where(ac_keys == 1)][0] ac_2_nw = ac_data[np.where(ac_keys == 2)][0] ac_5_nw = ac_data[np.where(ac_keys == 5)][0] # access weighted ac_1_w = ac_data_wt[np.where(ac_keys == 1)][0] ac_2_w = ac_data_wt[np.where(ac_keys == 2)][0] ac_5_w = ac_data_wt[np.where(ac_keys == 5)][0] # test manual metrics against all nodes mu_max_unique = len(landuse_classes) # test against various distances for d_idx in range(len(distances)): dist_cutoff = distances[d_idx] beta = betas[d_idx] for src_idx in range(len(primal_graph)): reachable_data, reachable_data_dist, tree_preds = data.aggregate_to_src_idx(src_idx, node_data, edge_data, node_edge_map, data_map, dist_cutoff) # counts of each class type (array length per max unique classes - not just those within max distance) cl_counts = np.full(mu_max_unique, 0) # nearest of each class type (likewise) cl_nearest = np.full(mu_max_unique, np.inf) # aggregate a_1_nw = 0 a_2_nw = 0 a_5_nw = 0 a_1_w = 0 a_2_w = 0 a_5_w = 0 # iterate reachable for data_idx, (reachable, data_dist) in enumerate(zip(reachable_data, reachable_data_dist)): if not reachable: continue cl = landuse_encodings[data_idx] # double check distance is within threshold assert data_dist <= dist_cutoff # update the class counts cl_counts[cl] += 1 # if distance is nearer, update the nearest distance array too if data_dist < cl_nearest[cl]: cl_nearest[cl] = data_dist # aggregate accessibility codes if cl == 1: a_1_nw += 1 a_1_w += np.exp(-beta * data_dist) elif cl == 2: a_2_nw += 1 a_2_w += np.exp(-beta * data_dist) elif cl == 5: a_5_nw += 1 a_5_w += np.exp(-beta * data_dist) # assertions assert ac_1_nw[d_idx, src_idx] == a_1_nw assert ac_2_nw[d_idx, src_idx] == a_2_nw assert ac_5_nw[d_idx, src_idx] == a_5_nw assert ac_1_w[d_idx, src_idx] == a_1_w assert ac_2_w[d_idx, src_idx] == a_2_w assert ac_5_w[d_idx, src_idx] == a_5_w assert hill[0, d_idx, src_idx] == diversity.hill_diversity(cl_counts, 0) assert hill[1, d_idx, src_idx] == diversity.hill_diversity(cl_counts, 1) assert hill[2, d_idx, src_idx] == diversity.hill_diversity(cl_counts, 2) assert hill_branch_wt[0, d_idx, src_idx] == \ diversity.hill_diversity_branch_distance_wt(cl_counts, cl_nearest, 0, beta) assert hill_branch_wt[1, d_idx, src_idx] == \ diversity.hill_diversity_branch_distance_wt(cl_counts, cl_nearest, 1, beta) assert hill_branch_wt[2, d_idx, src_idx] == \ diversity.hill_diversity_branch_distance_wt(cl_counts, cl_nearest, 2, beta) assert hill_pw_wt[0, d_idx, src_idx] == \ diversity.hill_diversity_pairwise_distance_wt(cl_counts, cl_nearest, 0, beta) assert hill_pw_wt[1, d_idx, src_idx] == \ diversity.hill_diversity_pairwise_distance_wt(cl_counts, cl_nearest, 1, beta) assert hill_pw_wt[2, d_idx, src_idx] == \ diversity.hill_diversity_pairwise_distance_wt(cl_counts, cl_nearest, 2, beta) assert hill_disp_wt[0, d_idx, src_idx] == \ diversity.hill_diversity_pairwise_matrix_wt(cl_counts, mock_matrix, 0) assert hill_disp_wt[1, d_idx, src_idx] == \ diversity.hill_diversity_pairwise_matrix_wt(cl_counts, mock_matrix, 1) assert hill_disp_wt[2, d_idx, src_idx] == \ diversity.hill_diversity_pairwise_matrix_wt(cl_counts, mock_matrix, 2) assert shannon[d_idx, src_idx] == diversity.shannon_diversity(cl_counts) assert gini[d_idx, src_idx] == diversity.gini_simpson_diversity(cl_counts) assert raos[d_idx, src_idx] == diversity.raos_quadratic_diversity(cl_counts, mock_matrix) # check that angular is passed-through # actual angular tests happen in test_shortest_path_tree() # here the emphasis is simply on checking that the angular instruction gets chained through # setup dual data G_dual = graphs.nX_to_dual(primal_graph) node_labels_dual, node_data_dual, edge_data_dual, node_edge_map_dual = graphs.graph_maps_from_nX(G_dual) data_dict_dual = mock.mock_data_dict(G_dual, random_seed=13) data_uids_dual, data_map_dual = layers.data_map_from_dict(data_dict_dual) data_map_dual = data.assign_to_network(data_map_dual, node_data_dual, edge_data_dual, node_edge_map_dual, 500) mock_categorical = mock.mock_categorical_data(len(data_map_dual)) landuse_classes_dual, landuse_encodings_dual = layers.encode_categorical(mock_categorical) mock_matrix = np.full((len(landuse_classes_dual), len(landuse_classes_dual)), 1) mu_hill_dual, mu_other_dual, ac_dual, ac_wt_dual = data.aggregate_landuses(node_data_dual, edge_data_dual, node_edge_map_dual, data_map_dual, distances, betas, landuse_encodings_dual, qs=qs, mixed_use_hill_keys=hill_keys, mixed_use_other_keys=non_hill_keys, accessibility_keys=ac_keys, cl_disparity_wt_matrix=mock_matrix, angular=True) mu_hill_dual_sidestep, mu_other_dual_sidestep, ac_dual_sidestep, ac_wt_dual_sidestep = \ data.aggregate_landuses(node_data_dual, edge_data_dual, node_edge_map_dual, data_map_dual, distances, betas, landuse_encodings_dual, qs=qs, mixed_use_hill_keys=hill_keys, mixed_use_other_keys=non_hill_keys, accessibility_keys=ac_keys, cl_disparity_wt_matrix=mock_matrix, angular=False) assert not np.allclose(mu_hill_dual, mu_hill_dual_sidestep, atol=0.001, rtol=0) assert not np.allclose(mu_other_dual, mu_other_dual_sidestep, atol=0.001, rtol=0) assert not np.allclose(ac_dual, ac_dual_sidestep, atol=0.001, rtol=0) assert not np.allclose(ac_wt_dual, ac_wt_dual_sidestep, atol=0.001, rtol=0)
def test_aggregate_landuses_signatures(primal_graph): # generate node and edge maps node_uids, node_data, edge_data, node_edge_map = graphs.graph_maps_from_nX(primal_graph) # setup data data_dict = mock.mock_data_dict(primal_graph, random_seed=13) data_uids, data_map = layers.data_map_from_dict(data_dict) data_map = data.assign_to_network(data_map, node_data, edge_data, node_edge_map, 500) # set parameters betas = np.array([0.02, 0.01, 0.005, 0.0025]) distances = networks.distance_from_beta(betas) qs = np.array([0, 1, 2]) mock_categorical = mock.mock_categorical_data(len(data_map)) landuse_classes, landuse_encodings = layers.encode_categorical(mock_categorical) # check that empty land_use encodings are caught with pytest.raises(ValueError): data.aggregate_landuses(node_data, edge_data, node_edge_map, data_map, distances, betas, mixed_use_hill_keys=np.array([0])) # check that unequal land_use encodings vs data map lengths are caught with pytest.raises(ValueError): data.aggregate_landuses(node_data, edge_data, node_edge_map, data_map, distances, betas, landuse_encodings=landuse_encodings[:-1], mixed_use_other_keys=np.array([0])) # check that no provided metrics flags with pytest.raises(ValueError): data.aggregate_landuses(node_data, edge_data, node_edge_map, data_map, distances, betas, landuse_encodings=landuse_encodings) # check that missing qs flags with pytest.raises(ValueError): data.aggregate_landuses(node_data, edge_data, node_edge_map, data_map, distances, betas, mixed_use_hill_keys=np.array([0]), landuse_encodings=landuse_encodings) # check that problematic mixed use and accessibility keys are caught for mu_h_key, mu_o_key, ac_key in [ # negatives ([-1], [1], [1]), ([1], [-1], [1]), ([1], [1], [-1]), # out of range ([4], [1], [1]), ([1], [3], [1]), ([1], [1], [max(landuse_encodings) + 1]), # duplicates ([1, 1], [1], [1]), ([1], [1, 1], [1]), ([1], [1], [1, 1])]: with pytest.raises(ValueError): data.aggregate_landuses(node_data, edge_data, node_edge_map, data_map, distances, betas, landuse_encodings, qs=qs, mixed_use_hill_keys=np.array(mu_h_key), mixed_use_other_keys=np.array(mu_o_key), accessibility_keys=np.array(ac_key)) for h_key, o_key in (([3], []), ([], [2])): # check that missing matrix is caught for disparity weighted indices with pytest.raises(ValueError): data.aggregate_landuses(node_data, edge_data, node_edge_map, data_map, distances, betas, landuse_encodings=landuse_encodings, qs=qs, mixed_use_hill_keys=np.array(h_key), mixed_use_other_keys=np.array(o_key)) # check that non-square disparity matrix is caught mock_matrix = np.full((len(landuse_classes), len(landuse_classes)), 1) with pytest.raises(ValueError): data.aggregate_landuses(node_data, edge_data, node_edge_map, data_map, distances, betas, landuse_encodings=landuse_encodings, qs=qs, mixed_use_hill_keys=np.array(h_key), mixed_use_other_keys=np.array(o_key), cl_disparity_wt_matrix=mock_matrix[:-1])
def test_aggregate_to_src_idx(primal_graph): node_uids, node_data, edge_data, node_edge_map = graphs.graph_maps_from_nX(primal_graph) # generate data data_dict = mock.mock_data_dict(primal_graph, random_seed=13) data_uids, data_map = layers.data_map_from_dict(data_dict) for max_dist in [400, 750]: # in this case, use same assignment max dist as search max dist data_map_temp = data_map.copy() data_map_temp = data.assign_to_network(data_map_temp, node_data, edge_data, node_edge_map, max_dist=max_dist) for angular in [True, False]: for netw_src_idx in range(len(node_data)): # aggregate to src... reachable_data, reachable_data_dist, tree_preds = data.aggregate_to_src_idx(netw_src_idx, node_data, edge_data, node_edge_map, data_map_temp, max_dist, angular=angular) # for debugging # from import plot # plot.plot_graph_maps(node_uids, node_data, edge_data, data_map) # compare to manual checks on distances: netw_x_arr = node_data[:, 0] netw_y_arr = node_data[:, 1] data_x_arr = data_map_temp[:, 0] data_y_arr = data_map_temp[:, 1] # get the network distances tree_map, tree_edges = centrality.shortest_path_tree(edge_data, node_edge_map, netw_src_idx, max_dist=max_dist, angular=angular) tree_dists = tree_map[:, 2] # verify distances vs. the max for d_idx in range(len(data_map_temp)): # check the integrity of the distances and classes reachable = reachable_data[d_idx] reachable_dist = reachable_data_dist[d_idx] # get the distance via the nearest assigned index nearest_dist = np.inf # if a nearest node has been assigned if np.isfinite(data_map_temp[d_idx, 2]): # get the index for the assigned network node netw_idx = int(data_map_temp[d_idx, 2]) # if this node is within the cutoff distance: if tree_dists[netw_idx] < max_dist: # get the distances from the data point to the assigned network node d_d = np.hypot(data_x_arr[d_idx] - netw_x_arr[netw_idx], data_y_arr[d_idx] - netw_y_arr[netw_idx]) # and add it to the network distance path from the source to the assigned node n_d = tree_dists[netw_idx] nearest_dist = d_d + n_d # also get the distance via the next nearest assigned index next_nearest_dist = np.inf # if a nearest node has been assigned if np.isfinite(data_map_temp[d_idx, 3]): # get the index for the assigned network node netw_idx = int(data_map_temp[d_idx, 3]) # if this node is within the radial cutoff distance: if tree_dists[netw_idx] < max_dist: # get the distances from the data point to the assigned network node d_d = np.hypot(data_x_arr[d_idx] - netw_x_arr[netw_idx], data_y_arr[d_idx] - netw_y_arr[netw_idx]) # and add it to the network distance path from the source to the assigned node n_d = tree_dists[netw_idx] next_nearest_dist = d_d + n_d # now check distance integrity if np.isinf(reachable_dist): assert not reachable assert nearest_dist > max_dist and next_nearest_dist > max_dist else: assert reachable assert reachable_dist <= max_dist if nearest_dist < next_nearest_dist: assert reachable_dist == nearest_dist else: assert reachable_dist == next_nearest_dist