예제 #1
        self.name = pcp_line.split(",")[1]
        self.elev = pcp_line.split(",")[4]
        self.lon = pcp_line.split(",")[3]
        self.lat = pcp_line.split(",")[2]
        self.data_list = self.get_data()

    def get_data(self):
        self.data = cj.read_from(variables.WeatherDIR + self.name + ".txt")
        return self.data

stations_dict = {}
stations_list = []
station_nr = []

used_stations = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, "SubPcp",
                                          variables.path + "\\subpcp.tmp~")
all_stations = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, "pcp",
                                         variables.path + "\\pcp.tmp~")

count = 0
for station_line in used_stations:
    if not station_line.split(",")[4] in stations_list:
        for pcp_file_line in all_stations:
            if station_line.split(",")[4] == pcp_file_line.split(",")[1]:
                count += 1
                stations_dict[str(count)] = station(pcp_file_line)

# making header
예제 #2
import init_file as variables
import cj_function_lib as cj
from datetime import datetime

sub_table = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, "sub",
                                      variables.path + "\\sub.tmp~")

now = datetime.now()

DateAndTime = str(now.month) + "/" + str(now.day) + "/" + \
    str(now.year) + " " + str(now.time()).split(".")[0]
SWAT_Vers = "QSWAT Workflow v1.5.2"

for sub_record in sub_table:
    # Parameters
    SUBBASIN = sub_record.split(",")[1].strip("\n")
    SUB_KM = sub_record.split(",")[2].strip("\n")
    SUB_LAT = sub_record.split(",")[3].strip("\n")
    SUB_ELEV = sub_record.split(",")[4].strip("\n")
    IRGAGE = sub_record.split(",")[5].strip("\n")
    ITGAGE = sub_record.split(",")[6].strip("\n")
    ISGAGE = sub_record.split(",")[7].strip("\n")
    IHGAGE = sub_record.split(",")[8].strip("\n")
    IWGAGE = sub_record.split(",")[9].strip("\n")
    ELEVB1 = sub_record.split(",")[10].strip("\n")
    ELEVB2 = sub_record.split(",")[11].strip("\n")
    ELEVB3 = sub_record.split(",")[12].strip("\n")
    ELEVB4 = sub_record.split(",")[13].strip("\n")
    ELEVB5 = sub_record.split(",")[14].strip("\n")
    ELEVB6 = sub_record.split(",")[15].strip("\n")
    ELEVB7 = sub_record.split(",")[16].strip("\n")
예제 #3
import init_file as variables
import cj_function_lib as cj
from datetime import datetime

from sys import exit

reach_table = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, "Reach",
                                        variables.path + "\\reach.tmp~")

fig_string = ""

class reach:
    def __init__(self, reach_number):
        self.number = reach_number
        self.order_number = None
        self.connects_to_reach = None
        self.receives_from = None  # a list from which the reach receives

reaches = []
number_of_subbasins = len(reach_table)
reach_dictionary = {}
sinks = []
sink_receive_info = {}

# Here we create a list of all reaches in the watershed
for counter in range(1, number_of_subbasins + 1):

#here we obtain sinks (the reaches that take frome more than one reaches)
예제 #4
import init_file as variables
import cj_function_lib as cj
from datetime import datetime

Sol_table = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, "Sol",
                                      variables.path + "\\Sol.tmp~")

now = datetime.now()

DateAndTime = str(now.month) + "/" + str(now.day) + "/" + \
    str(now.year) + " " + str(now.time()).split(".")[0]
SWAT_Vers = "QSWAT Workflow v1.5.2"

for hru_record in Sol_table:

    # Hru ID
    WshedHRU = hru_record.split(",")[0].strip('"')
    SubBasin = hru_record.split(",")[1].strip('"')
    HRU_No = hru_record.split(",")[2].strip('"')
    Luse = hru_record.split(",")[3].strip('"')
    Soil = hru_record.split(",")[4].strip('"')
    Slope = hru_record.split(",")[5].strip('"')

    # Parameters
    SNAM = hru_record.split(",")[6].strip('"')
    NLAYERS = hru_record.split(",")[7].strip('"')
    HYDGRP = hru_record.split(",")[8].strip('"')
    SOL_ZMX = hru_record.split(",")[9].strip('"')
    ANION_EXCL = hru_record.split(",")[10].strip('"')
    SOL_CRK = hru_record.split(",")[11].strip('"')
    TEXTURE = hru_record.split(",")[12].strip('"')
예제 #5
import init_file as variables
import cj_function_lib as cj
from datetime import datetime

pnd_table = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, "pnd",
                                      variables.path + "\\pnd.tmp~")

now = datetime.now()

DateAndTime = str(now.month) + "/" + str(now.day) + "/" + \
    str(now.year) + " " + str(now.time()).split(".")[0]
SWAT_Vers = "QSWAT Workflow v1.5.2"

for hru_record in pnd_table:

    # Hru ID
    WshedHRU = hru_record.split(",")[0].strip('"')
    SubBasin = hru_record.split(",")[1].strip('"')

    # Parameters
    PND_FR = hru_record.split(",")[2].strip('"')
    PND_PSA = hru_record.split(",")[3].strip('"')
    PND_PVOL = hru_record.split(",")[4].strip('"')

    PND_ESA = hru_record.split(",")[5].strip('"')
    PND_EVOL = hru_record.split(",")[6].strip('"')
    PND_VOL = hru_record.split(",")[7].strip('"')
    PND_SED = hru_record.split(",")[8].strip('"')
    PND_NSED = hru_record.split(",")[9].strip('"')
    PND_K = hru_record.split(",")[10].strip('"')
    IFLOD1 = hru_record.split(",")[11].strip('"')
예제 #6
import init_file as variables
import cj_function_lib as cj
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd

mgt_table1 = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, "mgt1",
                                       variables.path + "\\mgt1.tmp~")
mgt_table2_unsorted = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, "mgt2",
                                                variables.path + "\\mgt2.tmp~")
now = datetime.now()

mgt_table_lol = []
for u in mgt_table2_unsorted:

df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(mgt_table_lol)
df[0] = df[0].astype(int)
df2 = df.sort_values([0], ascending=True)
mgt_table2 = df2.values.tolist()

DateAndTime = str(now.month) + "/" + str(now.day) + "/" + \
    str(now.year) + " " + str(now.time()).split(".")[0]
SWAT_Vers = "QSWAT Workflow v1.5.2"

for hru_record in mgt_table1:

    # Hru ID
    WshedHRU = hru_record.split(",")[0].strip('"')
    SubBasin = hru_record.split(",")[1].strip('"')
예제 #7
        self.lat = slr_line.split(",")[2]
        self.data_list = self.get_data()

    def get_data(self):
        self.data = cj.read_from(variables.WeatherDIR + self.name + ".txt")
        return  self.data

stations_dict = {}
stations_list = []
station_nr = []

if not os.path.isfile(variables.slr_file_txt):
    used_stations = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, "SubSlr", variables.path + "\\subslr.tmp~")
    all_stations = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, "slr", variables.path + "\\slr.tmp~")

    count = 0
    for station_line in used_stations:
        if not station_line.split(",")[4] in stations_list:
            for slr_file_line in all_stations:
                if station_line.split(",")[4] == slr_file_line.split(",")[1]:
                    count += 1
                    stations_dict[str(count)] = station(slr_file_line)

    # Header creation
    now = datetime.now()
예제 #8
import init_file as variables
import cj_function_lib as cj
from datetime import datetime

wwq_table = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, "wwq", variables.path + "\\wwq.tmp~")

wwq_params = wwq_table[0].split(",")
now = datetime.now()

DateAndTime = str(now.month) + "/" + str(now.day) + "/" + \
    str(now.year) + " " + str(now.time()).split(".")[0]
SWAT_Vers = "QSWAT Workflow v1.5.2"

# Parameters
OID = wwq_params[0].strip('"')
LAO = wwq_params[1].strip('"')
IGROPT = wwq_params[2].strip('"')
AI0 = wwq_params[3].strip('"')
AI1 = wwq_params[4].strip('"')
AI2 = wwq_params[5].strip('"')
AI3 = wwq_params[6].strip('"')
AI4 = wwq_params[7].strip('"')
AI5 = wwq_params[8].strip('"')
AI6 = wwq_params[9].strip('"')
MUMAX = wwq_params[10].strip('"')
RHOQ = wwq_params[11].strip('"')
TFACT = wwq_params[12].strip('"')
K_L = wwq_params[13].strip('"')
K_N = wwq_params[14].strip('"')
K_P = wwq_params[15].strip('"')
LAMBDA0 = wwq_params[16].strip('"')
예제 #9
import init_file as variables
import cj_function_lib as cj
from datetime import datetime

chm_table = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, "chm",
                                      variables.path + "\\chm.tmp~")

now = datetime.now()

DateAndTime = str(now.month) + "/" + str(now.day) + "/" + \
    str(now.year) + " " + str(now.time()).split(".")[0]
SWAT_Vers = "QSWAT Workflow v1.5.2"

for chm_record in chm_table:
    # Hru ID
    WshedHRU = chm_record.split(",")[0].strip('"')
    SubBasin = chm_record.split(",")[1].strip('"')
    HRU_No = chm_record.split(",")[2].strip('"')
    Luse = chm_record.split(",")[3].strip('"')
    Soil = chm_record.split(",")[4].strip('"')
    Slope = chm_record.split(",")[5].strip('"')

    # Parameters
    SOL_NO31 = chm_record.split(",")[6].strip('"')
    SOL_NO32 = chm_record.split(",")[7].strip('"')
    SOL_NO33 = chm_record.split(",")[8].strip('"')
    SOL_NO34 = chm_record.split(",")[9].strip('"')
    SOL_NO35 = chm_record.split(",")[10].strip('"')
    SOL_NO36 = chm_record.split(",")[11].strip('"')
    SOL_NO37 = chm_record.split(",")[12].strip('"')
    SOL_NO38 = chm_record.split(",")[13].strip('"')
import sys

import cj_function_lib as cj
import init_file as variables
import mdbtools as mdt

#print variables.ProjMDB
#print variables.QSWAT_MDB

hrus = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, 'hrus',
                                 variables.path + "\\hrus.tmp~")
mgt2rgn = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.QSWAT_MDB, 'mgt2rng',
                                    variables.path + "\\mgt2rgn.tmp~")
crop = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.QSWAT_MDB, 'crop',
                                 variables.path + "\\crop.tmp~")
opSchedules = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.QSWAT_MDB, 'OpSchedules',
                                        variables.path + "\\opSchedules.tmp~")

mgt2_defaults = {}
for record in mgt2rgn:  # Getting a list of parameter names for mgt2 and their defaults
    if record.split(",")[0].strip(" ") != "":
            "\]")] = record.split(",")[3]
        #if (record.split(",")[5][0:4] == "AUTO") or (record.split(",")[5][0:4] == "INTE"):
        #    if record.split(",")[3] == "na":
        #        mgt2_defaults[record.split(",")[0].strip("\[").strip("\]")] = int(1)
        #    else:
        #        mgt2_defaults[record.split(",")[0].strip("\[").strip("\]")] = int(record.split(",")[3])
        #elif (record.split(",")[5][0:4] == "FLOA"):
        #    mgt2_defaults[record.split(",")[0].strip("\[").strip("\]")] = float(record.split(",")[3])
        #elif (record.split(",")[5][0:4] == "TEXT"):
예제 #11
Author      : Celray James CHAWANDA ([email protected])
Institution : Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)

This script writes the bsn file

import init_file as variables
import cj_function_lib as cj
from datetime import datetime

bsn_table = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, "bsn",
                                      variables.path + "\\bsn.tmp~")

bsn_params = bsn_table[0].split(",")
now = datetime.now()

DateAndTime = str(now.month) + "/" + str(now.day) + "/" + \
    str(now.year) + " " + str(now.time()).split(".")[0]
SWAT_Vers = "QSWAT Workflow v1.5.2"

# Parameters
SFTMP = bsn_params[1].strip('"')
SMTMP = bsn_params[2].strip('"')
SMFMX = bsn_params[3].strip('"')
SMFMN = bsn_params[4].strip('"')
TIMP = bsn_params[5].strip('"')
SNOCOVMX = bsn_params[6].strip('"')
SNO50COV = bsn_params[7].strip('"')
IPET = bsn_params[8].strip('"')
ESCO = bsn_params[9].strip('"')
예제 #12
import sys

import cj_function_lib as cj
import init_file as variables
import mdbtools as mdt

#print variables.ProjMDB
#print variables.QSWAT_MDB

watersheds = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, 'Watershed',
                                       variables.path + "\\watershed.tmp~")
swqrgn = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.QSWAT_MDB, 'swqrng',
                                   variables.path + "\\swqrgn.tmp~")

swq_defaults = {}
for record in swqrgn:  # Getting a list of parameter names for swq and their defaults
    if record.split(",")[0].strip(" ") != "":
            "\]")] = record.split(",")[3]
# here we commit to table the parameters for the subbasin to a row in the table swq
swq = mdt.mdb_with_ops(variables.ProjMDB)

OID = 0
for watershed in watersheds:  # getting field values from from watershed table
    OID = OID + 1
    swq_defaults["OID"] = OID
    swq_defaults["SUBBASIN"] = int(watershed.split(",")[3])
예제 #13
import sys

import cj_function_lib as cj
import init_file as variables
import mdbtools as mdt

#print variables.ProjMDB
#print variables.QSWAT_MDB

wwqrng = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.QSWAT_MDB, 'wwqrng',
                                   variables.path + "\\wwqrng.tmp~")

wwq_defaults = {}
for record in wwqrng:  # Getting a list of parameter names for wwq and their defaults
    if record.split(",")[0].strip(" ") != "":
            "\]")] = record.split(",")[3]
# here we commit to table the parameters for the wwq to the row in the table wwq
wwq = mdt.mdb_with_ops(variables.ProjMDB)

wwq_defaults["OID"] = 1

wwq_defaults = cj.format_data_type(wwq_defaults, wwqrng)
wwq.insert_row("wwq", wwq_defaults, True)
예제 #14
import sys

import cj_function_lib as cj
import init_file as variables
import mdbtools as mdt

#print variables.ProjMDB
#print variables.QSWAT_MDB

hrus = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, 'hrus', variables.path + "\\hrus.tmp~")
gwrgn = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.QSWAT_MDB, 'gwrng', variables.path + "\\gwrgn.tmp~")

for record in gwrgn: # Getting a list of parameter names for gw and their defaults
    if record.split(",")[0].strip(" ") != "":
        gw_defaults[record.split(",")[0].strip("\[").strip("\]")] = record.split(",")[3]


# here we commit to table the parameters for the hru to a row in the table gw
gw = mdt.mdb_with_ops(variables.ProjMDB)
    gw.add_field("gw", "ALPHA_BF_D", "FLOAT")
예제 #15
        self.lat = hmd_line.split(",")[2]
        self.data_list = self.get_data()

    def get_data(self):
        self.data = cj.read_from(variables.WeatherDIR + self.name + ".txt")
        return self.data

stations_dict = {}
stations_list = []
station_nr = []

if not os.path.isfile(variables.hmd_file_txt):
    used_stations = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, "SubHmd",
                                              variables.path + "\\subhmd.tmp~")
    all_stations = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, "hmd",
                                             variables.path + "\\hmd.tmp~")

    count = 0
    for station_line in used_stations:
        if not station_line.split(",")[4] in stations_list:
            for hmd_file_line in all_stations:
                if station_line.split(",")[4] == hmd_file_line.split(",")[1]:
                    count += 1
                    stations_dict[str(count)] = station(hmd_file_line)

    # Header creation
    now = datetime.now()
예제 #16
import sys
import os.path

import cj_function_lib as cj
import init_file as variables
import namelist
import mdbtools as mdt

#print variables.ProjMDB
#print variables.QSWAT_MDB

ciorgn = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.QSWAT_MDB, 'ciorng',
                                   variables.path + "\\ciorgn.tmp~")
cio_configuration = cj.read_from(variables.path + "\\cio_config.tmp~")

cio_defaults = {}
defaults_list = []
for record in ciorgn:  # Getting a list of parameter names for cio and their defaults
    if record.split(",")[0].strip(" ") != "":
            "\]")] = record.split(",")[3]
# here we commit to table the parameters for the hru to a row in the table cio
cio = mdt.mdb_with_ops(variables.ProjMDB)


cio.create_table("cio", "OID", "INTEGER")
for field in defaults_list:
예제 #17
        self.lat = wnd_line.split(",")[2]
        self.data_list = self.get_data()

    def get_data(self):
        self.data = cj.read_from(variables.WeatherDIR + self.name + ".txt")
        return self.data

stations_dict = {}
stations_list = []
station_nr = []

if not os.path.isfile(variables.wnd_file_txt):
    used_stations = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, "SubWnd",
                                              variables.path + "\\subwnd.tmp~")
    all_stations = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, "wnd",
                                             variables.path + "\\wnd.tmp~")

    count = 0
    for station_line in used_stations:
        if not station_line.split(",")[4] in stations_list:
            for wnd_file_line in all_stations:
                if station_line.split(",")[4] == wnd_file_line.split(",")[1]:
                    count += 1
                    stations_dict[str(count)] = station(wnd_file_line)

    # Header creation
    now = datetime.now()
예제 #18
import init_file as variables
import cj_function_lib as cj
from datetime import datetime

sep_table = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, "sep",
                                      variables.path + "\\sep.tmp~")

now = datetime.now()

DateAndTime = str(now.month) + "/" + str(now.day) + "/" + \
    str(now.year) + " " + str(now.time()).split(".")[0]
SWAT_Vers = "QSWAT Workflow v1.5.2"

for hru_record in sep_table:

    # Hru ID
    WshedHRU = hru_record.split(",")[0].strip('"')
    SubBasin = hru_record.split(",")[1].strip('"')
    HRU_No = hru_record.split(",")[2].strip('"')
    Luse = hru_record.split(",")[3].strip('"')
    Soil = hru_record.split(",")[4].strip('"')
    Slope = hru_record.split(",")[5].strip('"')

    # Parameters
    ISEP_TYP = hru_record.split(",")[6].strip('"')
    ISEP_IYR = hru_record.split(",")[7].strip('"')
    ISEP_OPT = hru_record.split(",")[8].strip('"')
    SEP_CAP = hru_record.split(",")[9].strip('"')
    BZ_AREA = hru_record.split(",")[10].strip('"')
    ISEP_TFAIL = hru_record.split(",")[11].strip('"')
    BZ_Z = hru_record.split(",")[12].strip('"')
예제 #19
import init_file as variables
import cj_function_lib as cj
from datetime import datetime

wus_table = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(
    variables.ProjMDB, "wus", variables.path + "\\wus.tmp~")

now = datetime.now()

DateAndTime = str(now.month) + "/" + str(now.day) + "/" + str(now.year) + " " + str(now.time()).split(".")[0]
SWAT_Vers = "QSWAT Workflow v1.5.2"

for sub_record in wus_table:
    # Hru ID
    SubBasin = sub_record.split(",")[1].strip('"')

    # Parameters
    WUPND1 = cj.trailing_spaces(10, sub_record.split(",")[2].strip('"'), 1)
    WUPND2 = cj.trailing_spaces(10, sub_record.split(",")[3].strip('"'), 1)
    WUPND3 = cj.trailing_spaces(10, sub_record.split(",")[4].strip('"'), 1)
    WUPND4 = cj.trailing_spaces(10, sub_record.split(",")[5].strip('"'), 1)
    WUPND5 = cj.trailing_spaces(10, sub_record.split(",")[6].strip('"'), 1)
    WUPND6 = cj.trailing_spaces(10, sub_record.split(",")[7].strip('"'), 1)
    WUPND7 = cj.trailing_spaces(10, sub_record.split(",")[8].strip('"'), 1)
    WUPND8 = cj.trailing_spaces(10, sub_record.split(",")[9].strip('"'), 1)
    WUPND9 = cj.trailing_spaces(10, sub_record.split(",")[10].strip('"'), 1)
    WUPND10 = cj.trailing_spaces(10, sub_record.split(",")[11].strip('"'), 1)
    WUPND11 = cj.trailing_spaces(10, sub_record.split(",")[12].strip('"'), 1)
    WUPND12 = cj.trailing_spaces(10, sub_record.split(",")[13].strip('"'), 1)
    WURCH1 = cj.trailing_spaces(10, sub_record.split(",")[14].strip('"'), 1)
    WURCH2 = cj.trailing_spaces(10, sub_record.split(",")[15].strip('"'), 1)
예제 #20
import sys

import cj_function_lib as cj
import init_file as variables
import mdbtools as mdt

#print variables.ProjMDB
#print variables.QSWAT_MDB

hrus = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, 'hrus', variables.path + "\\hrus.tmp~")
hrurgn = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.QSWAT_MDB, 'hrurng', variables.path + "\\hrurgn.tmp~")
crop = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.QSWAT_MDB, 'crop', variables.path + "\\crop.tmp~")

for record in hrurgn: # Getting a list of parameter names for hru and their defaults
    if record.split(",")[0].strip(" ") != "":
        hru_defaults[record.split(",")[0].strip("\[").strip("\]")] = record.split(",")[3]

fields_to_add = ["POT_SOLP", "POT_K", "N_REDUC", "N_LAG", "N_LN", "N_LNCO", "SURLAG", "R2ADJ"] #Adding fields, that are missing from the table in this order

# here we commit to table the parameters for the hru to a row in the table hru
hru = mdt.mdb_with_ops(variables.ProjMDB)

for field in fields_to_add:
        hru.add_field("hru", field, "FLOAT")
예제 #21
import init_file as variables
import cj_function_lib as cj
from datetime import datetime

fert_table = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.QSWAT_MDB, "fert",
                                       variables.path + "\\fert.tmp~")

fert = ""

for fert_line in fert_table:
    fert += cj.trailing_spaces(
        fert_line.split(",")[1], 0) + cj.string_trailing_spaces(
            fert_line.split(",")[2]) + cj.trailing_spaces(
                fert_line.split(",")[3], 3) + cj.trailing_spaces(
                    fert_line.split(",")[4], 3) + cj.trailing_spaces(
                        fert_line.split(",")[5], 3) + cj.trailing_spaces(
                            fert_line.split(",")[6], 3) + cj.trailing_spaces(
                                3) + cj.trailing_spaces(
                                    2) + "E+00" + cj.trailing_spaces(
예제 #22
import sys

import cj_function_lib as cj
import init_file as variables
import mdbtools as mdt

#print variables.ProjMDB
#print variables.QSWAT_MDB

rtergn = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.QSWAT_MDB, 'rterng',
                                   variables.path + "\\rtergn.tmp~")
reach_data = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, 'Reach',
                                       variables.path + "\\reach_data.tmp~")

rte_defaults = {}
for record in rtergn:  # Getting a list of parameter names for rte and their defaults
    if record.split(",")[0].strip(" ") != "":
            "\]")] = record.split(",")[3]
# here we commit to table the parameters for the rte to a row in the table rte
rte = mdt.mdb_with_ops(variables.ProjMDB)

for reach in reach_data:  # getting field values from from Reach table
    rte_defaults["SUBBASIN"] = reach.split(",")[6]  #.split(".")[0]
    rte_defaults["OID"] = reach.split(",")[0]

    rte_defaults["CH_W2"] = reach.split(",")[11]
    rte_defaults["CH_D"] = reach.split(",")[12]
예제 #23
        self.name = tmp_line.split(",")[1]
        self.elev = tmp_line.split(",")[4]
        self.lon = tmp_line.split(",")[3]
        self.lat = tmp_line.split(",")[2]
        self.data_list = self.get_data()

    def get_data(self):
        self.data = cj.read_from(variables.WeatherDIR + self.name + ".txt")
        return self.data

stations_dict = {}
stations_list = []
station_nr = []

used_stations = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, "SubTmp",
                                          variables.path + "\\subtmp.tmp~")
all_stations = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, "tmp",
                                         variables.path + "\\tmp.tmp~")

count = 0
for station_line in used_stations:
    if not station_line.split(",")[4] in stations_list:
        for tmp_file_line in all_stations:
            if station_line.split(",")[4] == tmp_file_line.split(",")[1]:
                count += 1
                stations_dict[str(count)] = station(tmp_file_line)

# making header
import init_file as variables
import mdbtools as mdt

def get_distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
    distance = ((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2)**0.5
    return distance

#print variables.ProjMDB
#print variables.QSWAT_MDB

if not os.path.isfile(variables.pcp_file_txt):
    subbasins = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, 'Watershed',
                                          variables.path + "\\watershed.tmp~")
    pcp_stations = cj.read_from(variables.pcp_file_txt)

    #pcp_fields = ["ID", "NAME", "LAT", "LONG", "ELEVATION"]
    pcp_values = {}

    # initialising the dictionary
    #for field in pcp_fields:
    #    pcp_values[field] = 0

    pcp = mdt.mdb_with_ops(variables.ProjMDB)

    for i in range(
            1, len(pcp_stations)
예제 #25
import sys, os

import cj_function_lib as cj
import init_file as variables
import mdbtools as mdt

#print variables.ProjMDB
#print variables.QSWAT_MDB

hrus = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, 'hrus',
                                 variables.path + "\\hrus.tmp~")
subrgn = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.QSWAT_MDB, 'subrng',
                                   variables.path + "\\subrgn.tmp~")
basindata1 = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, 'BASINSDATA1',
                                       variables.path + "\\basindata1.tmp~")

    subpcp = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, 'SubPcp',
                                       variables.path + "\\subpcp.tmp~")
    subslr = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, 'SubSlr',
                                       variables.path + "\\subslr.tmp~")
    subtmp = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, 'SubTmp',
                                       variables.path + "\\subtmp.tmp~")
import sys

import cj_function_lib as cj
import init_file as variables
import mdbtools as mdt

#print variables.ProjMDB
#print variables.QSWAT_MDB

hrus = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, 'hrus',
                                 variables.path + "\\hrus.tmp~")
mgt1rgn = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.QSWAT_MDB, 'mgt1rng',
                                    variables.path + "\\mgt1rgn.tmp~")
crop = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.QSWAT_MDB, 'crop',
                                 variables.path + "\\crop.tmp~")
usersoil = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.QSWAT_MDB, 'usersoil',
                                     variables.path + "\\usersoil.tmp~")

mgt1_defaults = {}
for record in mgt1rgn:  # Getting a list of parameter names for mgt1 and their defaults
    if record.split(",")[0].strip(" ") != "":
        if (record.split(",")[5][0:4] == "AUTO") or (record.split(",")[5][0:4]
                                                     == "INTE"):
            if record.split(",")[3] == "na":
                mgt1_defaults[record.split(",")[0]] = int(1)
                mgt1_defaults[record.split(",")[0]] = int(record.split(",")[3])
        elif (record.split(",")[5][0:4] == "FLOA"):
            mgt1_defaults[record.split(",")[0]] = float(record.split(",")[3])
        elif (record.split(",")[5][0:4] == "TEXT"):
            mgt1_defaults[record.split(",")[0]] = record.split(",")[3]
예제 #27
import init_file as variables
import cj_function_lib as cj
from datetime import datetime

wgn_table = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, "wgn",
                                      variables.path + "\\wgn.tmp~")
now = datetime.now()

DateAndTime = str(now.month) + "/" + str(now.day) + "/" + \
    str(now.year) + " " + str(now.time()).split(".")[0]
SWAT_Vers = "QSWAT Workflow v1.5.2"

for hru_record in wgn_table:

    # Hru ID
    WshedHRU = hru_record.split(",")[0].strip('"')
    SubBasin = hru_record.split(",")[1].strip('"')

    # Parameters
    STATION = hru_record.split(",")[2].strip('"')
    WLATITUDE = hru_record.split(",")[3].strip('"')
    WLONGITUDE = hru_record.split(",")[4].strip('"')
    WELEV = hru_record.split(",")[5].strip('"')
    RAIN_YRS = hru_record.split(",")[6].strip('"')
    TMPMX1 = hru_record.split(",")[7].strip('"')
    TMPMX2 = hru_record.split(",")[8].strip('"')
    TMPMX3 = hru_record.split(",")[9].strip('"')
    TMPMX4 = hru_record.split(",")[10].strip('"')
    TMPMX5 = hru_record.split(",")[11].strip('"')
    TMPMX6 = hru_record.split(",")[12].strip('"')
    TMPMX7 = hru_record.split(",")[13].strip('"')
예제 #28
import init_file as variables
import cj_function_lib as cj
from datetime import datetime

rte_table = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, "rte",
                                      variables.path + "\\rte.tmp~")

now = datetime.now()

DateAndTime = str(now.month) + "/" + str(now.day) + "/" + \
    str(now.year) + " " + str(now.time()).split(".")[0]
SWAT_Vers = "QSWAT Workflow v1.5.2"

for sub_record in rte_table:

    # Hru ID
    WshedHRU = sub_record.split(",")[0].strip('"')
    SubBasin = sub_record.split(",")[1].strip('"')

    # Parameters
    CHW2 = sub_record.split(",")[2].strip('"')
    CHD = sub_record.split(",")[3].strip('"')
    CH_S2 = sub_record.split(",")[4].strip('"')
    CH_L2 = sub_record.split(",")[5].strip('"')
    CH_N2 = sub_record.split(",")[6].strip('"')
    CH_K2 = sub_record.split(",")[7].strip('"')
    CH_COV1 = sub_record.split(",")[8].strip('"')
    CH_COV2 = sub_record.split(",")[9].strip('"')
    CH_WDR = sub_record.split(",")[10].strip('"')
    ALPHA_BNK = sub_record.split(",")[11].strip('"')
    ICANAL = sub_record.split(",")[12].strip('"')
예제 #29
    The distance units must be the same, elevation is not used and can be removed from arguments
    x2_, y2_ = transform_point_coordinates(x2, y2, epsg_)
    x1_, y1_ = transform_point_coordinates(x1, y1, epsg_)
    #distance = ((x2_ - x1_)**2 + (y2_ - y1_)**2)**0.5
    distance = ((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2)**0.5
    return distance

#print variables.ProjMDB
#print variables.QSWAT_MDB

transform_epsg = int(cj.read_from(variables.path + "/epsg_code.tmp~")[0])

subbasins = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.ProjMDB, 'Watershed',
                                      variables.path + "\\watershed.tmp~")
wgnrgn = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.QSWAT_MDB, 'wgnrng',
                                   variables.path + "\\wgnrgn.tmp~")
WGEN_user = cj.extract_table_from_mdb(variables.QSWAT_MDB, 'WGEN_user',
                                      variables.path + "\\WGEN_user.tmp~")

wgn_defaults = {}
SubWgn_defaults = {}

for record in wgnrgn:  # Getting a list of parameter names for wgn and their defaults
    if record.split(",")[0].strip(" ") != "":
            "\]")] = record.split(",")[3]
