예제 #1
    def __init__(self, configuration):
        Constructs the DatabaseConnector object and connects to the database
        specified by the options given in databaseSettings.

        To connect to a database give
        ``{'sqlalchemy.url': 'driver://*****:*****@host/database'``} as
        configuration. Further databases can be attached by passing a list
        of URLs or names for keyword ``'attach'``.

        .. seealso::

            documentation of sqlalchemy.create_engine()

        :type configuration: dict
        :param configuration: database connection options for SQLAlchemy
        if not configuration:
            configuration = {}
        elif isinstance(configuration, basestring):
            # backwards compatibility to option databaseUrl
            configuration = {'sqlalchemy.url': configuration}
            configuration = configuration.copy()

        # allow 'url' as parameter, but move to 'sqlalchemy.url'
        if 'url' in configuration:
            if ('sqlalchemy.url' in configuration and
                    configuration['sqlalchemy.url'] != configuration['url']):
                raise ValueError("Two different URLs specified"
                                 " for 'url' and 'sqlalchemy.url'."
                                 "Check your configuration.")
                configuration['sqlalchemy.url'] = configuration.pop('url')

        self.databaseUrl = configuration['sqlalchemy.url']
        """Database url"""
        registerUnicode = configuration.pop('registerUnicode', False)
        if isinstance(registerUnicode, basestring):
            registerUnicode = (registerUnicode.lower()
                               in ['1', 'yes', 'true', 'on'])
        self.registerUnicode = registerUnicode

        self.engine = engine_from_config(configuration, prefix='sqlalchemy.')
        """SQLAlchemy engine object"""
        self.connection = self.engine.connect()
        """SQLAlchemy database connection object"""
        self.metadata = MetaData(bind=self.connection)
        """SQLAlchemy metadata object"""

        # multi-database table access
        self.tables = LazyDict(self._tableGetter())
        """Dictionary of SQLAlchemy table objects"""

        if self.engine.name == 'sqlite':
            # Main database can be prefixed with 'main.'
            self._mainSchema = 'main'
            # MySQL uses database name for prefix
            self._mainSchema = self.engine.url.database

        # attach other databases
        self.attached = OrderedDict()
        """Mapping of attached database URLs to internal schema names"""
        attach = configuration.pop('attach', [])
        searchPaths = self.engine.name == 'sqlite'
        for url in self._findAttachableDatabases(attach, searchPaths):

        # register unicode functions
        self.compatibilityUnicodeSupport = False
        if self.registerUnicode:
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, configuration):
        Constructs the DatabaseConnector object and connects to the database
        specified by the options given in databaseSettings.

        To connect to a database give
        ``{'sqlalchemy.url': 'driver://*****:*****@host/database'``} as
        configuration. Further databases can be attached by passing a list
        of URLs or names for keyword ``'attach'``.

        .. seealso::

            documentation of sqlalchemy.create_engine()

        :type configuration: dict
        :param configuration: database connection options for SQLAlchemy
        if not configuration:
            configuration = {}
        elif isinstance(configuration, basestring):
            # backwards compatibility to option databaseUrl
            configuration = {'sqlalchemy.url': configuration}
            configuration = configuration.copy()

        # allow 'url' as parameter, but move to 'sqlalchemy.url'
        if 'url' in configuration:
            if ('sqlalchemy.url' in configuration
                and configuration['sqlalchemy.url'] != configuration['url']):
                raise ValueError("Two different URLs specified"
                    " for 'url' and 'sqlalchemy.url'."
                    "Check your configuration.")
                configuration['sqlalchemy.url'] = configuration.pop('url')

        self.databaseUrl = configuration['sqlalchemy.url']
        """Database url"""
        registerUnicode = configuration.pop('registerUnicode', False)
        if isinstance(registerUnicode, basestring):
            registerUnicode = (registerUnicode.lower()
                in ['1', 'yes', 'true', 'on'])
        self.registerUnicode = registerUnicode

        self.engine = engine_from_config(configuration, prefix='sqlalchemy.')
        """SQLAlchemy engine object"""
        self.connection = self.engine.connect()
        """SQLAlchemy database connection object"""
        self.metadata = MetaData(bind=self.connection)
        """SQLAlchemy metadata object"""

        # multi-database table access
        self.tables = LazyDict(self._tableGetter())
        """Dictionary of SQLAlchemy table objects"""

        if self.engine.name == 'sqlite':
            # Main database can be prefixed with 'main.'
            self._mainSchema = 'main'
            # MySQL uses database name for prefix
            self._mainSchema = self.engine.url.database

        # attach other databases
        self.attached = OrderedDict()
        """Mapping of attached database URLs to internal schema names"""
        attach = configuration.pop('attach', [])
        searchPaths = self.engine.name == 'sqlite'
        for url in self._findAttachableDatabases(attach, searchPaths):

        # register unicode functions
        self.compatibilityUnicodeSupport = False
        if self.registerUnicode:
예제 #3
class DatabaseConnector(object):
    Database connection object.
    def getDBConnector(cls, configuration=None, projectName='cjklib'):
        .. note:: Deprecated method, use
                  :meth:`~cjklib.dbconnector.getDBConnector` instead.
        return getDBConnector(configuration, projectName)

    def getDefaultConfiguration(cls, projectName='cjklib'):
        .. note:: Deprecated method, use
                  :meth:`~cjklib.dbconnector.getDefaultConfiguration` instead.
        return getDefaultConfiguration(projectName)

    def __init__(self, configuration):
        Constructs the DatabaseConnector object and connects to the database
        specified by the options given in databaseSettings.

        To connect to a database give
        ``{'sqlalchemy.url': 'driver://*****:*****@host/database'``} as
        configuration. Further databases can be attached by passing a list
        of URLs or names for keyword ``'attach'``.

        .. seealso::

            documentation of sqlalchemy.create_engine()

        :type configuration: dict
        :param configuration: database connection options for SQLAlchemy
        if not configuration:
            configuration = {}
        elif isinstance(configuration, basestring):
            # backwards compatibility to option databaseUrl
            configuration = {'sqlalchemy.url': configuration}
            configuration = configuration.copy()

        # allow 'url' as parameter, but move to 'sqlalchemy.url'
        if 'url' in configuration:
            if ('sqlalchemy.url' in configuration and
                    configuration['sqlalchemy.url'] != configuration['url']):
                raise ValueError("Two different URLs specified"
                                 " for 'url' and 'sqlalchemy.url'."
                                 "Check your configuration.")
                configuration['sqlalchemy.url'] = configuration.pop('url')

        self.databaseUrl = configuration['sqlalchemy.url']
        """Database url"""
        registerUnicode = configuration.pop('registerUnicode', False)
        if isinstance(registerUnicode, basestring):
            registerUnicode = (registerUnicode.lower()
                               in ['1', 'yes', 'true', 'on'])
        self.registerUnicode = registerUnicode

        self.engine = engine_from_config(configuration, prefix='sqlalchemy.')
        """SQLAlchemy engine object"""
        self.connection = self.engine.connect()
        """SQLAlchemy database connection object"""
        self.metadata = MetaData(bind=self.connection)
        """SQLAlchemy metadata object"""

        # multi-database table access
        self.tables = LazyDict(self._tableGetter())
        """Dictionary of SQLAlchemy table objects"""

        if self.engine.name == 'sqlite':
            # Main database can be prefixed with 'main.'
            self._mainSchema = 'main'
            # MySQL uses database name for prefix
            self._mainSchema = self.engine.url.database

        # attach other databases
        self.attached = OrderedDict()
        """Mapping of attached database URLs to internal schema names"""
        attach = configuration.pop('attach', [])
        searchPaths = self.engine.name == 'sqlite'
        for url in self._findAttachableDatabases(attach, searchPaths):

        # register unicode functions
        self.compatibilityUnicodeSupport = False
        if self.registerUnicode:

    def _findAttachableDatabases(self, attachList, searchPaths=False):
        Returns URLs for databases that can be attached to a given database.

        :type searchPaths: bool
        :param searchPaths: if ``True`` default search paths will be checked for
            attachable SQLite databases.
        attachable = []
        for name in attachList:
            if '://' in name:
                # database url
            elif os.path.isabs(name):
                # path
                if not os.path.exists(name):

                files = glob.glob(os.path.join(name, "*.db"))
                attachable.extend([('sqlite:///%s' % f) for f in files])

            elif '/' not in name and '\\' not in name:
                # project name
                configuration = getDefaultConfiguration(name)

                # first add main database

                # add attachables from the given project
                attach = configuration['attach']
                if name in attach:
                    # default search path
                    if searchPaths:

                    self._findAttachableDatabases(attach, searchPaths))
                raise ValueError(("Invalid database reference '%s'."
                                  " Check your 'attach' settings!") % name)

        return attachable

    def _registerUnicode(self):
        Register functions and collations to bring Unicode support to certain
        if self.engine.name == 'sqlite':
            uUmlaut = self.selectScalar(text(u"SELECT lower('Ü');"))
            if uUmlaut != u'ü':
                # register own Unicode aware functions
                con = self.connection.connection
                con.create_function("lower", 1, lambda s: s and s.lower())
                    "NOCASE", lambda a, b: cmp(

                self.compatibilityUnicodeSupport = True

    #{ Multiple database support

    def _getViews(self):
        Returns all views.

        :rtype: list of str
        :return: list of views
        :note: Currently only works for MySQL and SQLite.
        # get views that are currently not (well) supported by SQLalchemy
        #   http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/ticket/812
        schemas = [self._mainSchema] + self.attached.values()

        if self.engine.name == 'mysql':
            views = []
            for schema in schemas:
                viewList = self.execute(text(
                    "SELECT table_name FROM Information_schema.views"
                    " WHERE table_schema = :schema"),
                views.extend([view for view, in viewList if view not in views])
        elif self.engine.name == 'sqlite':
            views = []
            identifier_preparer = self.engine.dialect.identifier_preparer
            for schema in schemas:
                qschema = identifier_preparer.quote_identifier(schema)
                s = ("SELECT name FROM %s.sqlite_master "
                     "WHERE type='view' ORDER BY name") % qschema

                viewList = self.execute(text(s)).fetchall()
                views.extend([view for view, in viewList if view not in views])
                "Don't know how to get all views from database."
                " Unable to register."
                " Views will not show up in list of available tables.")
            return []

        return views

    def attachDatabase(self, databaseUrl):
        Attaches a database to the main database.

        .. versionadded:: 0.3

        :type databaseUrl: str
        :param databaseUrl: database URL
        :rtype: str
        :return: the database's schema used to access its tables, ``None`` if
            that database has been attached before
        if databaseUrl == self.databaseUrl or databaseUrl in self.attached:

        url = make_url(databaseUrl)
        if url.drivername != self.engine.name:
            raise ValueError(
                ("Unable to attach database '%s': Incompatible engines."
                 " Check your 'attach' settings!") % databaseUrl)

        if self.engine.name == 'sqlite':
            databaseFile = url.database

            _, dbName = os.path.split(databaseFile)
            if dbName.endswith('.db'): dbName = dbName[:-3]
            schema = '%s_%d' % (dbName, len(self.attached))

            self.execute(text("""ATTACH DATABASE :database AS :schema"""),
            schema = url.database

        self.attached[databaseUrl] = schema

        return schema

    def getTableNames(self):
        Gets the unique list of names of all tables (and views) from the

        .. versionadded:: 0.3

        :rtype: iterable
        :return: all tables and views
        tables = set(self._getViews())
        for schema in self.attached.values():

        return tables

    def _tableGetter(self):
        Returns a function that retrieves a SQLAlchemy Table object for a given
        table name.
        def getTable(tableName):
            schema = self._findTable(tableName)
            if schema is not None:
                return Table(tableName,

            raise KeyError("Table '%s' not found in any database" % tableName)

        return getTable

    def _findTable(self, tableName):
        Gets the schema (database name) of the database that offers the given

        The databases will be accessed in the order as attached.

        :type tableName: str
        :param tableName: name of table to be located
        :rtype: str
        :return: schema name of database including table
        def has_table(tableName, schema):
            identifier_preparer = self.engine.dialect.identifier_preparer
            qschema = identifier_preparer.quote_identifier(schema)
            tableNames = self.selectScalars(
                text("SELECT name FROM %s.sqlite_master" % qschema))
            return tableName in tableNames

        import sys
        if sys.platform == 'win32' and self.engine.name == 'sqlite':
            # work around bug http://bugs.python.org/issue8192
            hasTable = has_table
            hasTable = self.engine.has_table
        if hasTable(tableName, schema=self._mainSchema):
            return self._mainSchema
            for schema in self.attached.values():
                if hasTable(tableName, schema=schema):
                    return schema
        return None

    def hasTable(self, tableName):
        Returns ``True`` if the given table exists in one of the databases.

        .. versionadded:: 0.3

        :type tableName: str
        :param tableName: name of table to be located
        :rtype: bool
        :return: ``True`` if table is found, ``False`` otherwise
        schema = self._findTable(tableName)
        return schema is not None

    def mainHasTable(self, tableName):
        Returns ``True`` if the given table exists in the main database.

        .. versionadded:: 0.3

        :type tableName: str
        :param tableName: name of table to be located
        :rtype: bool
        :return: ``True`` if table is found, ``False`` otherwise
        return self.engine.has_table(tableName, schema=self._mainSchema)

    #{ Select commands

    def execute(self, *options, **keywords):
        Executes a request on the given database.
        return self.connection.execute(*options, **keywords)

    def _decode(self, data):
        Decodes a data row.

        MySQL will currently return utf8_bin collated values as string object
        encoded in utf8. We need to fix that here.
        :param data: a tuple or scalar value
        if hasattr(data, '__iter__'):
            newData = []
            for cell in data:
                if type(cell) == type(''):
                    cell = cell.decode('utf8')
            return tuple(newData)
            if type(data) == type(''):
                return data.decode('utf8')
                return data

    def selectScalar(self, request):
        Executes a select query and returns a single variable.

        :param request: SQL request
        :return: a scalar
        result = self.execute(request)
        assert result.rowcount <= 1
        firstRow = result.fetchone()
        assert not firstRow or len(firstRow) == 1
        if firstRow:
            return self._decode(firstRow[0])

    def selectScalars(self, request):
        Executes a select query and returns a list of scalars.

        :param request: SQL request
        :return: a list of scalars
        result = self.execute(request)
        return [self._decode(row[0]) for row in result.fetchall()]

    def iterScalars(self, request):
        Executes a select query and returns an iterator of scalars.

        .. versionadded:: 0.3

        :param request: SQL request
        :return: an iterator of scalars
        result = self.execute(request)
        return imap(self._decode, imap(operator.itemgetter(0), result))

    def selectRow(self, request):
        Executes a select query and returns a single table row.

        :param request: SQL request
        :return: a list of scalars
        result = self.execute(request)
        assert result.rowcount <= 1
        firstRow = result.fetchone()
        if firstRow:
            return self._decode(tuple(firstRow))

    def selectRows(self, request):
        Executes a select query and returns a list of table rows.

        :param request: SQL request
        :return: a list of tuples
        result = self.execute(request)
        return [self._decode(tuple(row)) for row in result.fetchall()]

    def iterRows(self, request):
        Executes a select query and returns an iterator of table rows.

        .. versionadded:: 0.3

        :param request: SQL request
        :return: an iterator of tuples
        result = self.execute(request)
        return imap(self._decode, result)
예제 #4
class DatabaseConnector(object):
    Database connection object.
    def getDBConnector(cls, configuration=None, projectName='cjklib'):
        .. note:: Deprecated method, use
                  :meth:`~cjklib.dbconnector.getDBConnector` instead.
        return getDBConnector(configuration, projectName)

    def getDefaultConfiguration(cls, projectName='cjklib'):
        .. note:: Deprecated method, use
                  :meth:`~cjklib.dbconnector.getDefaultConfiguration` instead.
        return getDefaultConfiguration(projectName)

    def __init__(self, configuration):
        Constructs the DatabaseConnector object and connects to the database
        specified by the options given in databaseSettings.

        To connect to a database give
        ``{'sqlalchemy.url': 'driver://*****:*****@host/database'``} as
        configuration. Further databases can be attached by passing a list
        of URLs or names for keyword ``'attach'``.

        .. seealso::

            documentation of sqlalchemy.create_engine()

        :type configuration: dict
        :param configuration: database connection options for SQLAlchemy
        if not configuration:
            configuration = {}
        elif isinstance(configuration, basestring):
            # backwards compatibility to option databaseUrl
            configuration = {'sqlalchemy.url': configuration}
            configuration = configuration.copy()

        # allow 'url' as parameter, but move to 'sqlalchemy.url'
        if 'url' in configuration:
            if ('sqlalchemy.url' in configuration
                and configuration['sqlalchemy.url'] != configuration['url']):
                raise ValueError("Two different URLs specified"
                    " for 'url' and 'sqlalchemy.url'."
                    "Check your configuration.")
                configuration['sqlalchemy.url'] = configuration.pop('url')

        self.databaseUrl = configuration['sqlalchemy.url']
        """Database url"""
        registerUnicode = configuration.pop('registerUnicode', False)
        if isinstance(registerUnicode, basestring):
            registerUnicode = (registerUnicode.lower()
                in ['1', 'yes', 'true', 'on'])
        self.registerUnicode = registerUnicode

        self.engine = engine_from_config(configuration, prefix='sqlalchemy.')
        """SQLAlchemy engine object"""
        self.connection = self.engine.connect()
        """SQLAlchemy database connection object"""
        self.metadata = MetaData(bind=self.connection)
        """SQLAlchemy metadata object"""

        # multi-database table access
        self.tables = LazyDict(self._tableGetter())
        """Dictionary of SQLAlchemy table objects"""

        if self.engine.name == 'sqlite':
            # Main database can be prefixed with 'main.'
            self._mainSchema = 'main'
            # MySQL uses database name for prefix
            self._mainSchema = self.engine.url.database

        # attach other databases
        self.attached = OrderedDict()
        """Mapping of attached database URLs to internal schema names"""
        attach = configuration.pop('attach', [])
        searchPaths = self.engine.name == 'sqlite'
        for url in self._findAttachableDatabases(attach, searchPaths):

        # register unicode functions
        self.compatibilityUnicodeSupport = False
        if self.registerUnicode:

    def _findAttachableDatabases(self, attachList, searchPaths=False):
        Returns URLs for databases that can be attached to a given database.

        :type searchPaths: bool
        :param searchPaths: if ``True`` default search paths will be checked for
            attachable SQLite databases.
        attachable = []
        for name in attachList:
            if '://' in name:
                # database url
            elif os.path.isabs(name):
                # path
                if not os.path.exists(name):

                files = glob.glob(os.path.join(name, "*.db"))
                attachable.extend([('sqlite:///%s' % f) for f in files])

            elif '/' not in name and '\\' not in name:
                # project name
                configuration = getDefaultConfiguration(name)

                # first add main database

                # add attachables from the given project
                attach = configuration['attach']
                if name in attach:
                    # default search path
                    if searchPaths:

                raise ValueError(("Invalid database reference '%s'."
                    " Check your 'attach' settings!")
                    % name)

        return attachable

    def _registerUnicode(self):
        Register functions and collations to bring Unicode support to certain
        if self.engine.name == 'sqlite':
            uUmlaut = self.selectScalar(text(u"SELECT lower('Ü');"))
            if uUmlaut != u'ü':
                # register own Unicode aware functions
                con = self.connection.connection
                con.create_function("lower", 1, lambda s: s and s.lower())
                    lambda a, b: cmp(a.decode('utf8').lower(),

                self.compatibilityUnicodeSupport = True

    #{ Multiple database support

    def _getViews(self):
        Returns all views.

        :rtype: list of str
        :return: list of views
        :note: Currently only works for MySQL and SQLite.
        # get views that are currently not (well) supported by SQLalchemy
        #   http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/ticket/812
        schemas = [self._mainSchema] + self.attached.values()

        if self.engine.name == 'mysql':
            views = []
            for schema in schemas:
                viewList = self.execute(
                    text("SELECT table_name FROM Information_schema.views"
                        " WHERE table_schema = :schema"),
                views.extend([view for view, in viewList if view not in views])
        elif self.engine.name == 'sqlite':
            views = []
            identifier_preparer = self.engine.dialect.identifier_preparer
            for schema in schemas:
                qschema = identifier_preparer.quote_identifier(schema)
                s = ("SELECT name FROM %s.sqlite_master "
                        "WHERE type='view' ORDER BY name") % qschema

                viewList = self.execute(text(s)).fetchall()
                views.extend([view for view, in viewList if view not in views])
            logging.warning("Don't know how to get all views from database."
                " Unable to register."
                " Views will not show up in list of available tables.")
            return []

        return views

    def attachDatabase(self, databaseUrl):
        Attaches a database to the main database.

        .. versionadded:: 0.3

        :type databaseUrl: str
        :param databaseUrl: database URL
        :rtype: str
        :return: the database's schema used to access its tables, ``None`` if
            that database has been attached before
        if databaseUrl == self.databaseUrl or databaseUrl in self.attached:

        url = make_url(databaseUrl)
        if url.drivername != self.engine.name:
            raise ValueError(
                ("Unable to attach database '%s': Incompatible engines."
                " Check your 'attach' settings!")
                    % databaseUrl)

        if self.engine.name == 'sqlite':
            databaseFile = url.database

            _, dbName = os.path.split(databaseFile)
            if dbName.endswith('.db'): dbName = dbName[:-3]
            schema = '%s_%d' % (dbName, len(self.attached))

            self.execute(text("""ATTACH DATABASE :database AS :schema"""),
                database=databaseFile, schema=schema)
            schema = url.database

        self.attached[databaseUrl] = schema

        return schema

    def getTableNames(self):
        Gets the unique list of names of all tables (and views) from the

        .. versionadded:: 0.3

        :rtype: iterable
        :return: all tables and views
        tables = set(self._getViews())
        for schema in self.attached.values():

        return tables

    def _tableGetter(self):
        Returns a function that retrieves a SQLAlchemy Table object for a given
        table name.
        def getTable(tableName):
            schema = self._findTable(tableName)
            if schema is not None:
                return Table(tableName, self.metadata, autoload=True,
                    autoload_with=self.engine, schema=schema)

            raise KeyError("Table '%s' not found in any database" % tableName)

        return getTable

    def _findTable(self, tableName):
        Gets the schema (database name) of the database that offers the given

        The databases will be accessed in the order as attached.

        :type tableName: str
        :param tableName: name of table to be located
        :rtype: str
        :return: schema name of database including table
        def has_table(tableName, schema):
            identifier_preparer = self.engine.dialect.identifier_preparer
            qschema = identifier_preparer.quote_identifier(schema)
            tableNames = self.selectScalars(
                text("SELECT name FROM %s.sqlite_master"  % qschema))
            return tableName in tableNames

        import sys
        if sys.platform == 'win32' and self.engine.name == 'sqlite':
            # work around bug http://bugs.python.org/issue8192
            hasTable = has_table
            hasTable = self.engine.has_table
        if hasTable(tableName, schema=self._mainSchema):
            return self._mainSchema
            for schema in self.attached.values():
                if hasTable(tableName, schema=schema):
                    return schema
        return None

    def hasTable(self, tableName):
        Returns ``True`` if the given table exists in one of the databases.

        .. versionadded:: 0.3

        :type tableName: str
        :param tableName: name of table to be located
        :rtype: bool
        :return: ``True`` if table is found, ``False`` otherwise
        schema = self._findTable(tableName)
        return schema is not None

    def mainHasTable(self, tableName):
        Returns ``True`` if the given table exists in the main database.

        .. versionadded:: 0.3

        :type tableName: str
        :param tableName: name of table to be located
        :rtype: bool
        :return: ``True`` if table is found, ``False`` otherwise
        return self.engine.has_table(tableName, schema=self._mainSchema)

    #{ Select commands

    def execute(self, *options, **keywords):
        Executes a request on the given database.
        return self.connection.execute(*options, **keywords)

    def _decode(self, data):
        Decodes a data row.

        MySQL will currently return utf8_bin collated values as string object
        encoded in utf8. We need to fix that here.
        :param data: a tuple or scalar value
        if hasattr(data, '__iter__'):
            newData = []
            for cell in data:
                if type(cell) == type(''):
                    cell = cell.decode('utf8')
            return tuple(newData)
            if type(data) == type(''):
                return data.decode('utf8')
                return data

    def selectScalar(self, request):
        Executes a select query and returns a single variable.

        :param request: SQL request
        :return: a scalar
        result = self.execute(request)
        assert result.rowcount <= 1
        firstRow = result.fetchone()
        assert not firstRow or len(firstRow) == 1
        if firstRow:
            return self._decode(firstRow[0])

    def selectScalars(self, request):
        Executes a select query and returns a list of scalars.

        :param request: SQL request
        :return: a list of scalars
        result = self.execute(request)
        return [self._decode(row[0]) for row in result.fetchall()]

    def iterScalars(self, request):
        Executes a select query and returns an iterator of scalars.

        .. versionadded:: 0.3

        :param request: SQL request
        :return: an iterator of scalars
        result = self.execute(request)
        return imap(self._decode, imap(operator.itemgetter(0), result))

    def selectRow(self, request):
        Executes a select query and returns a single table row.

        :param request: SQL request
        :return: a list of scalars
        result = self.execute(request)
        assert result.rowcount <= 1
        firstRow = result.fetchone()
        if firstRow:
            return self._decode(tuple(firstRow))

    def selectRows(self, request):
        Executes a select query and returns a list of table rows.

        :param request: SQL request
        :return: a list of tuples
        result = self.execute(request)
        return [self._decode(tuple(row)) for row in result.fetchall()]

    def iterRows(self, request):
        Executes a select query and returns an iterator of table rows.

        .. versionadded:: 0.3

        :param request: SQL request
        :return: an iterator of tuples
        result = self.execute(request)
        return imap(self._decode, result)