예제 #1
    def hri_build_nav_icon(menu_item, title, **kw):
        helpers.py:build_nav_icon / helpers.py:_make_menu_item - fixed version for HRI 

        Was required because the routine could not handle the changed controllers from
        organization -> ckanext.hrifi.controllers.hri_organization_controller:organization
        group -> ckanext.hrifi.controllers.hri_group_controller:group

        and the mismatch caused "Dataset" tab not to highlight. Sigh.
        import copy
        from ckan.lib.helpers import _link_to

        _menu_items = config['routes.named_routes']
        if menu_item not in _menu_items:
            raise Exception('menu item `%s` cannot be found' % menu_item)
        item = copy.copy(_menu_items[menu_item])

        # HACK Forget about the controller - just see if the action is the same.
        highlight_actions = kw.get('highlight_actions', kw.get('action',
                                                               '')).split(' ')
        active = c.action in highlight_actions

        needed = item.pop('needed')
        for need in needed:
            if need not in kw:
                raise Exception('menu item `%s` need parameter `%s`' %
                                (menu_item, need))
        link = _link_to(title, menu_item, suppress_active_class=True, **item)
        if active:
            return p.toolkit.literal(
                '<li class="active">') + link + p.toolkit.literal('</li>')
        return p.toolkit.literal('<li>') + link + p.toolkit.literal('</li>')
예제 #2
def _make_menu_item(menu_item, title, **kw):
    ''' build a navigation item used for example breadcrumbs

    outputs <li><a href="..."></i> title</a></li>

    :param menu_item: the name of the defined menu item defined in
    config/routing as the named route of the same name
    :type menu_item: string
    :param title: text used for the link
    :type title: string
    :param **kw: additional keywords needed for creating url eg id=...

    :rtype: HTML literal

    This function is called by wrapper functions.
    menu_item = h.map_pylons_to_flask_route_name(menu_item)
    _menu_items = config['routes.named_routes']
    if menu_item not in _menu_items:
        raise Exception('menu item `%s` cannot be found' % menu_item)
    item = copy.copy(_menu_items[menu_item])
    needed = item.pop('needed')
    # log.debug('Items is: {}'.format(item))
    for need in needed:
        if need not in kw:
            raise Exception('menu item `%s` need parameter `%s`' %
                            (menu_item, need))
    link = h._link_to(title, menu_item, suppress_active_class=True, **item)
    return link
    def hri_build_nav_icon(menu_item, title, **kw):
        helpers.py:build_nav_icon / helpers.py:_make_menu_item - fixed version for HRI 

        Was required because the routine could not handle the changed controllers from
        organization -> ckanext.hrifi.controllers.hri_organization_controller:organization
        group -> ckanext.hrifi.controllers.hri_group_controller:group

        and the mismatch caused "Dataset" tab not to highlight. Sigh.
        import copy
        from ckan.lib.helpers import _link_to

        _menu_items = config['routes.named_routes']
        if menu_item not in _menu_items:
            raise Exception('menu item `%s` cannot be found' % menu_item)
        item = copy.copy(_menu_items[menu_item])
        # HACK Forget about the controller - just see if the action is the same.
        highlight_actions = kw.get('highlight_actions', kw.get('action', '')).split(' ')
        active = c.action in highlight_actions

        needed = item.pop('needed')
        for need in needed:
            if need not in kw:
                raise Exception('menu item `%s` need parameter `%s`'
                                % (menu_item, need))
        link = _link_to(title, menu_item, suppress_active_class=True, **item)
        if active:
            return p.toolkit.literal('<li class="active">') + link + p.toolkit.literal('</li>')
        return p.toolkit.literal('<li>') + link + p.toolkit.literal('</li>')
예제 #4
        def _make_menu_item_handling_many_package_types(menu_item, title, **kw):
            # See ckan/lib/helpers.py:545

            _menu_items = config['routes.named_routes']
            if menu_item not in _menu_items:
                raise Exception('menu item `%s` cannot be found' % menu_item)
            item = copy.copy(_menu_items[menu_item])
            active = h._link_active(item)

            if c.controller == 'package' and len(menu_item) > 7:
                # Guess type of package
                if request.path == '/':
                    type = 'dataset'

                    parts = [x for x in request.path.split('/') if x]
                    if len(parts[0]) == 2: # is it locale? simple check
                        type = parts[1]
                        type = parts[0]

                active = type == menu_item[:-7] # assuming menu_item == '<type>_search'

            needed = item.pop('needed')
            for need in needed:
                if need not in kw:
                    raise Exception('menu item `%s` need parameter `%s`'
                                    % (menu_item, need))
            link = h._link_to(title, menu_item, suppress_active_class=True, **item)
            if active:
                return literal('<li class="active">') + link + literal('</li>')
            return literal('<li>') + link + literal('</li>')
예제 #5
def resource_link(resource_dict, package_id):
    monkey patched version of ckan.lib.helpers.resource_link which extracts the
    correct translation of the resource name
    if 'name' in resource_dict and resource_dict['name']:
        resource_dict['name'] = get_localized_value_for_display(

    text = ogdch_resource_display_name(resource_dict)
    url = url_for(controller='package',
    return _link_to(text, url)
예제 #6
def _make_menu_item_cread(menu_item, title, **kw):
    ''' build a navigation item used for example breadcrumbs

    outputs <li><a href="..."></i> title</a></li>

    :param menu_item: the name of the defined menu item defined in
    config/routing as the named route of the same name
    :type menu_item: string
    :param title: text used for the link
    :type title: string
    :param **kw: additional keywords needed for creating url eg id=...

    :rtype: HTML literal

    This function is called by wrapper functions.
    _menu_items = h.config['routes.named_routes']
    if menu_item not in _menu_items:
        raise Exception('menu item `%s` cannot be found' % menu_item)
    item = h.copy.copy(_menu_items[menu_item])
    active = h._link_active(item)
    needed = item.pop('needed')
    for need in needed:
        if need not in kw:
            raise Exception('menu item `%s` need parameter `%s`'
                            % (menu_item, need))
    link = h._link_to(title, menu_item, suppress_active_class=True, **item)
    ##log.info('::::::::::::::::::::::::::: %r', menu_item)
    if active:
        return h.literal('<li class="active_cread">') + link + h.literal('</li>')
    if menu_item == "search": 
 	return h.literal('<li class="blue_bg">') + link + h.literal('</li>')
    if menu_item == "organizations_index":
	return h.literal('<li class="blue_bg">') + link + h.literal('</li>')	

    return h.literal('<li class="green_bg">') + link + h.literal('</li>')
예제 #7
        def _make_menu_item_handling_many_package_types(
                menu_item, title, **kw):
            # See ckan/lib/helpers.py:545

            _menu_items = config['routes.named_routes']
            if menu_item not in _menu_items:
                raise Exception('menu item `%s` cannot be found' % menu_item)
            item = copy.copy(_menu_items[menu_item])
            active = h._link_active(item)

            if c.controller == 'package' and len(menu_item) > 7:
                # Guess type of package
                if request.path == '/':
                    type = 'dataset'

                    parts = [x for x in request.path.split('/') if x]
                    if len(parts[0]) == 2:  # is it locale? simple check
                        type = parts[1]
                        type = parts[0]

                active = type == menu_item[:
                                           -7]  # assuming menu_item == '<type>_search'

            needed = item.pop('needed')
            for need in needed:
                if need not in kw:
                    raise Exception('menu item `%s` need parameter `%s`' %
                                    (menu_item, need))
            link = h._link_to(title,
            if active:
                return literal('<li class="active">') + link + literal('</li>')
            return literal('<li>') + link + literal('</li>')
예제 #8
def group_link(group):
    monkey patched version of ckan.lib.helpers.group_link which extracts the
    correct translation of the group title
    url = url_for(controller='group', action='read', id=group['name'])
    title = group['title']
        # The group creation message contains str(dict), so we must parse the
        # string with literal_eval to fix it. If the title is really just a
        # string, a ValueError is thrown.
        title = ast.literal_eval(title)
        title = get_localized_value_for_display(title)
    except ValueError:

    link = _link_to(title, url)
        # Sometimes the title has special characters encoded as unicode_escape
        # (e.g. '\u00e9'). Sometimes they are already decoded (e.g. 'é').
        link = link.decode('unicode_escape')
    except UnicodeEncodeError:
    return link