def test_dataset_was_harvested(self): fb_dataset_dict, source, job = self._harvester_setup( FISBROKER_HARVESTER_CONFIG) fb_dataset = Package.get(fb_dataset_dict.get('name')) assert dataset_was_harvested(fb_dataset) non_fb_dataset_dict = ckan_factories.Dataset() non_fb_dataset = Package.get(non_fb_dataset_dict.get('name')) assert not dataset_was_harvested(non_fb_dataset)
def test_harvester_for_package(self): fb_dataset_dict, source, job = self._harvester_setup( FISBROKER_HARVESTER_CONFIG) fb_dataset = Package.get(fb_dataset_dict.get('name')) assert harvester_for_package(fb_dataset) is source non_fb_dataset_dict = ckan_factories.Dataset() non_fb_dataset = Package.get(non_fb_dataset_dict.get('name')) assert harvester_for_package(non_fb_dataset) is None
def test_reimport_invalid_dataset_triggers_deletion(self): """If a previously harvested dataset is reimported, and the reimport results in an ERROR_DURING_IMPORT, the package should have its state changed to deleted.""" fb_dataset_dict, source, job = self._harvester_setup( FISBROKER_HARVESTER_CONFIG, fb_guid=INVALID_GUID) job.status = u'Finished' package_update(self.context, fb_dataset_dict) package_id = fb_dataset_dict['id'] response = url="/api/harvest/reimport?id={}".format(package_id), headers={'Accept': 'application/json'}, extra_environ={ 'REMOTE_USER': self.context['user'].encode('ascii') }) # assert successful HTTP response _assert_equal(response.status_int, 200) content = json.loads(response.body) # assert failure marker in response JSON assert not content['success'] _assert_equal(content['error']['code'], ERROR_DURING_IMPORT) package = Package.get(package_id) _assert_equal(package.state, 'deleted')
def test_api_create_dataset(self): tests.call_action_api(, 'package_create', status=409, name='test-name-1', title="test-title-1", content_type="test1,test2", license_id="other", notes="test notes", tag_string="tag1,tag2", apikey=self.sysadmin.apikey) tests.call_action_api(, 'package_create', status=200, name='test-name-2', title="test-title-2", content_type="test1,test2", license_id="other", notes="test notes", tag_string="tag1,tag2", collection_type="Open Data", apikey=self.sysadmin.apikey) test_dataset = Package.get('test-name-2') self.assert_equal(test_dataset.maintainer, "") self.assert_equal(test_dataset.maintainer_email, "") if not asbool(config.get('ckanext.ytp.auto_author', False)): self.assert_equal(, "") self.assert_equal(test_dataset.author_email, "")
def test_successful_reimport(self): '''If all is good and the FIS-Broker service returns a record, return an HTTP 200.''' fb_dataset_dict, source, job = self._harvester_setup( FISBROKER_HARVESTER_CONFIG) job.status = u'Finished' package_update(self.context, fb_dataset_dict) package_id = fb_dataset_dict['id'] package = Package.get(package_id) old_title = package.title response = url="/api/harvest/reimport?id={}".format(package_id), headers={'Accept': 'application/json'}, extra_environ={ 'REMOTE_USER': self.context['user'].encode('ascii') }) # assert successful HTTP response _assert_equal(response.status_int, 200) content = json.loads(response.body) # assert success marker in resonse JSON assert content['success'] # assert that title has changed to the correct value (i.e., the reimport has actually happened) _assert_equal( package.title, u"Nährstoffversorgung des Oberbodens 2015 (Umweltatlas) - [WFS]") _assert_not_equal(package.title, old_title)
def fill_license_value(key, data, errors, context): license_id = data.get(('license_id', )) value = None if license_id: license = Package.get_license_register().get(license_id) if license: value = license[name] data[key] = value
def fill_license_value(key, data, errors, context): license_id = data.get(('license_id',)) value = None if license_id: license = Package.get_license_register().get(license_id) if license: value = license[name] data[key] = value
def package_show(context, data_dict): package_dict = get.package_show(context, data_dict) package = Package.get(package_dict['id']) package_dict['ratings'] = package.get_average_rating() # if package_dict['type'] == 'dataset': # send_log(context, package_dict, 'Dataset metadata accessed', # 'DatasetMetadataAccessed') return package_dict
def package_delete(context, data_dict): model = context['model'] delete.package_delete(context, data_dict) package = Package.get(data_dict['id']) package.purge() model.repo.commit_and_remove() send_dataset_log(context, data_dict, 'Dataset removed', 'DatasetRemoved') delete_de(data_dict) return None
def test_create_dataset(self): context = self._create_context() data_dict = {'name': 'test_dataset_1', 'title': 'test_title', 'notes': "test_notes", 'license_id': "licence_id", 'content_type': "content_type_test", 'tag_string': "tag1,tag2", 'collection_type': 'Open Data', 'copyright_notice': 'test_notice'} result = toolkit.get_action('package_create')(context, data_dict) self.assert_equal(result['name'], 'test_dataset_1') test_dataset = Package.get('test_dataset_1') self.assert_equal(test_dataset.extras['copyright_notice'], 'test_notice')
def get_package_groups(package_id): context = { 'model': model, 'session': model.Session, 'for_view': True, 'use_cache': False } data_dict = {'all_fields': True, 'include_extras': True} groups = get_action('group_list')(context, data_dict) group_list = [] try: pkg_obj = Package.get(package_id) pkg_group_ids = set(group['id'] for group in group_list_dictize( pkg_obj.get_groups('group', None), context)) group_list = [ group for group in groups if group['id'] in pkg_group_ids ] if c.user: context = { 'model': model, 'session': model.Session, 'user': c.user, 'for_view': True, 'auth_user_obj': c.userobj, 'use_cache': False, 'is_member': True } data_dict = {'id': package_id} users_groups = get_action('group_list_authz')(context, data_dict) user_group_ids = set(group['id'] for group in users_groups) for group in group_list: group['user_member'] = (group['id'] in user_group_ids) except (NotFound): abort(404, _('Dataset not found')) return group_list
def get_package_dict(id, use_get_action=True): """ Return package dict. """ if len(id) == 0: id = data_qld_helpers.get_request_path().split('/')[-1] try: if use_get_action: return get_action('package_show')({}, {'name_or_id': id}) else: pkg = Package.get(id) if pkg: return pkg.as_dict() except Exception as e: log.error(str(e)) return {}
def resolve_package(self, info, id): # if limit > 500: # raise GraphQLError('The max limit value is 500') pkg_dict = logic.get_action('package_show')(None, {'id': id}) if not pkg_dict: raise GraphQLError(f"The package with id '{id}' doesn't exists") if pkg_dict['relationships_as_object']: as_object = [ pkg['__extras']['subject_package_id'] for pkg in pkg_dict['relationships_as_object'] ] if pkg_dict['relationships_as_subject']: as_subject = [ pkg['__extras']['object_package_id'] for pkg in pkg_dict['relationships_as_subject'] ] sub_pkgs = {} if as_object: for id in as_object: sub_pkgs[id] = logic.get_action('package_show')(None, { 'id': id }) return [ Package(id=pkg_dict['id'], name=pkg_dict['name'], title=pkg_dict['title'], url=pkg_dict['url'], description=pkg_dict['notes'], private=pkg_dict['private'], pkg_type=pkg_dict['type'], state=pkg_dict['state'], created_date=pkg_dict['metadata_created'], modified_date=pkg_dict['metadata_modified'], license_id=pkg_dict['license_id'], owner_org=pkg_dict['owner_org'], child=graphene.Field(Child, default_value=sub_pkgs)) ]
def test_create_dataset(self): context = self._create_context() data_dict = { 'name': 'test_dataset_1', 'title': 'test_title', 'notes': "test_notes", 'license_id': "licence_id", 'content_type': "content_type_test", 'tag_string': "tag1,tag2", 'collection_type': 'Open Data', 'copyright_notice': 'test_notice' } result = toolkit.get_action('package_create')(context, data_dict) self.assert_equal(result['name'], 'test_dataset_1') test_dataset = Package.get('test_dataset_1') self.assert_equal(test_dataset.extras['copyright_notice'], 'test_notice')
def get_package_groups_by_type(package_id, group_type): context = {'model': model, 'session': model.Session, 'for_view': True, 'use_cache': False} group_list = [] data_dict = { 'all_fields': True, 'include_extras': True, 'type': group_type } groups = logic.get_action('group_list')(context, data_dict) try: pkg_obj = Package.get(package_id) pkg_group_ids = set(group['id'] for group in group_list_dictize(pkg_obj.get_groups(group_type, None), context)) group_list = [group for group in groups if group['id'] in pkg_group_ids] except (NotFound): abort(404, _('Dataset not found')) return group_list
def test_mapping(self): # multilang requires lang to be set from pylons.i18n.translation import set_lang, get_lang import pylons class dummyreq(object): class p(object): translator = object() environ = {'pylons.pylons': p()} pylons.request = dummyreq() pylons.translator.pylons_lang = ['en_GB'] set_lang('en_GB') assert get_lang() == ['en_GB'] assert 'dcatapit_theme_group_mapper' in config['ckan.plugins'], "No dcatapit_theme_group_mapper plugin in config" contents = self._get_file_contents('dataset.rdf') p = RDFParser(profiles=['it_dcat_ap']) p.parse(contents) datasets = [d for d in p.datasets()] eq_(len(datasets), 1) package_dict = datasets[0] user = User.get('dummy') if not user: user = call_action('user_create', name='dummy', password='******', email='*****@*****.**') user_name = user['name'] else: user_name = org = Group.by_name('dummy') if org is None: org = call_action('organization_create', context={'user': user_name}, name='dummy', identifier='aaaaaa') existing_g = Group.by_name('existing-group') if existing_g is None: existing_g = call_action('group_create', context={'user': user_name}, name='existing-group') context = {'user': '******', 'ignore_auth': True, 'defer_commit': False} package_schema = schema.default_create_package_schema() context['schema'] = package_schema _p = {'frequency': 'manual', 'publisher_name': 'dummy', 'extras': [{'key':'theme', 'value':['non-mappable', 'thememap1']}], 'groups': [], 'title': 'dummy', 'holder_name': 'dummy', 'holder_identifier': 'dummy', 'name': 'dummy', 'notes': 'dummy', 'owner_org': 'dummy', 'modified':, 'publisher_identifier': 'dummy', 'metadata_created' :, 'metadata_modified':, 'guid': unicode(uuid.uuid4), 'identifier': 'dummy'} package_dict.update(_p) config[DCATAPIT_THEME_TO_MAPPING_SOURCE] = '' package_data = call_action('package_create', context=context, **package_dict) p = Package.get(package_data['id']) # no groups should be assigned at this point (no map applied) assert {'theme': ['non-mappable', 'thememap1']} == p.extras, '{} vs {}'.format(_p['extras'], p.extras) assert [] == p.get_groups(group_type='group'), 'should be {}, got {}'.format([], p.get_groups(group_type='group')) package_data = call_action('package_show', context=context, id=package_data['id']) # use test mapping, which replaces thememap1 to thememap2 and thememap3 test_map_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..', 'examples', 'test_map.ini') config[DCATAPIT_THEME_TO_MAPPING_SOURCE] = test_map_file package_dict['theme'] = ['non-mappable', 'thememap1'] expected_groups_existing = ['existing-group'] expected_groups_new = expected_groups_existing + ['somegroup1', 'somegroup2'] expected_groups_multi = expected_groups_new + ['othergroup'] package_dict.pop('extras', None) p = Package.get(package_data['id']) context['package'] = p package_data = call_action('package_update', context=context, **package_dict) #meta.Session.flush() #meta.Session.revision = repo.new_revision() # check - only existing group should be assigned p = Package.get(package_data['id']) groups = [ for g in p.get_groups(group_type='group')] assert expected_groups_existing == groups, (expected_groups_existing, 'vs', groups,) config[DCATAPIT_THEME_TO_MAPPING_ADD_NEW_GROUPS] = 'true' package_dict['theme'] = ['non-mappable', 'thememap1'] package_data = call_action('package_update', context=context, **package_dict) meta.Session.flush() meta.Session.revision = repo.new_revision() # recheck - this time, new groups should appear p = Package.get(package_data['id']) groups = [ for g in p.get_groups(group_type='group')] assert len(expected_groups_new) == len(groups), (expected_groups_new, 'vs', groups,) assert set(expected_groups_new) == set(groups), (expected_groups_new, 'vs', groups,) package_dict['theme'] = ['non-mappable', 'thememap1', 'thememap-multi'] package_data = call_action('package_update', context=context, **package_dict) meta.Session.flush() meta.Session.revision = repo.new_revision() # recheck - there should be no duplicates p = Package.get(package_data['id']) groups = [ for g in p.get_groups(group_type='group')] assert len(expected_groups_multi) == len(groups), (expected_groups_multi, 'vs', groups,) assert set(expected_groups_multi) == set(groups), (expected_groups_multi, 'vs', groups,) package_data = call_action('package_update', context=context, **package_dict) meta.Session.flush() meta.Session.revision = repo.new_revision() # recheck - there still should be no duplicates p = Package.get(package_data['id']) groups = [ for g in p.get_groups(group_type='group')] assert len(expected_groups_multi) == len(groups), (expected_groups_multi, 'vs', groups,) assert set(expected_groups_multi) == set(groups), (expected_groups_multi, 'vs', groups,) meta.Session.rollback()
def dataset_collection_list(self, id): ''' Display a list of collections a dataset is associated with, with an option to add to collection from a list. ''' context = { 'model': model, 'session': model.Session, 'user': c.user, 'for_view': True, 'auth_user_obj': c.userobj, 'use_cache': False } data_dict = { 'id': id, 'type': 'collection', 'all_fields': True, 'include_extras': True } c.collection_list = [] try: c.pkg_dict = get_action('package_show')(context, data_dict) pkg_obj = Package.get(data_dict['id']) c.collection_list = group_list_dictize( pkg_obj.get_groups('collection', None), context) dataset_type = c.pkg_dict['type'] or 'dataset' except (NotFound, NotAuthorized): abort(404, _('Dataset not found')) if request.method == 'POST': # Adding package to collection new_collection = request.POST.get('collection_added') if new_collection: data_dict = { "id": new_collection, "object": id, "object_type": 'package', "capacity": 'public' } try: get_action('member_create')(context, data_dict) except NotFound: abort(404, _('Collection not found')) removed_group = None for param in request.POST: if param.startswith('collection_remove'): removed_group = param.split('.')[-1] break if removed_group: data_dict = { "id": removed_group, "object": id, "object_type": 'package' } try: get_action('member_delete')(context, data_dict) except NotFound: abort(404, _('Collection not found')) h.redirect_to( controller='ckanext.collection.controller:CollectionController', action='dataset_collection_list', id=id) context['am_member'] = True # Every collection will get listed here instead of using group_list_authz as implemented in CKAN core groups, # since group_list_authz does not support group type collections = get_action('group_list')(context, data_dict) pkg_group_ids = set(group['id'] for group in c.collection_list) context['am_member'] = True users_collections = get_action('group_list_authz')(context, data_dict) user_collection_ids = set(group['id'] for group in users_collections) cols = [ collection for collection in collections if collection['id'] in user_collection_ids ] c.collection_list = [ collection for collection in collections if collection['id'] in pkg_group_ids ] c.collection_dropdown = [[group['id'], group] for group in cols if group['id'] not in pkg_group_ids] for collection in c.collection_list: collection['user_member'] = (collection['id'] in user_collection_ids) return render('package/collection_list.html', {'dataset_type': dataset_type})
def get_package_object(package_dict): """Return an instance of ckan.model.package.Package for `package_dict` or None if there isn't one.""" return Package.get(package_dict.get('name'))
def resolve_child(self, info, id): return [ Package(id=pkg_dict['id'], title=pkg_dict['title']) for pkg_dict in sub_pkgs.values() ]
def before_view(self, pkg_dict): if pkg_dict['type'] == 'dataset': package = Package.get(pkg_dict['id']) pkg_dict['ratings'] = package.get_average_rating() return pkg_dict
def package_show(context, data_dict): package_dict = get.package_show(context, data_dict) package = Package.get(package_dict['id']) package_dict['rating'] = package.get_average_rating() return package_dict
def test_theme_to_group_mapping(self): # multilang requires lang to be set # class dummyreq(object): # class p(object): # translator = object() # environ = {'pylons.pylons': p()} # CKANRequest(dummyreq) # pylons.request = dummyreq() # pylons.translator.pylons_lang = ['en_GB'] #set_lang('en_GB') #assert get_lang() == ['en_GB'] assert 'dcatapit_theme_group_mapper' in config[ 'ckan.plugins'], 'No dcatapit_theme_group_mapper plugin in config' with open(get_example_file('dataset.rdf'), 'r') as f: contents = p = RDFParser(profiles=['it_dcat_ap']) p.parse(contents) datasets = [d for d in p.datasets()] self.assertEqual(len(datasets), 1) package_dict = datasets[0] user = User.get('dummy') if not user: user = call_action('user_create', name='dummy', password='******', email='*****@*****.**') user_name = user['name'] else: user_name = org = Group.by_name('dummy') if org is None: org = call_action('organization_create', context={'user': user_name}, name='dummy', identifier='aaaaaa') existing_g = Group.by_name('existing-group') if existing_g is None: existing_g = call_action('group_create', context={'user': user_name}, name='existing-group') context = {'user': '******', 'ignore_auth': True, 'defer_commit': False} package_schema = schema.default_create_package_schema() context['schema'] = package_schema _p = { 'frequency': 'manual', 'publisher_name': 'dummy', 'extras': [{ 'key': 'theme', 'value': ['non-mappable', 'thememap1'] }], 'groups': [], # [{'name'}], 'title': 'dummy', 'holder_name': 'dummy', 'holder_identifier': 'dummy', 'name': 'dummy-' + uuid4().hex, 'identifier': 'dummy' + uuid4().hex, 'notes': 'dummy', 'owner_org': 'dummy', 'modified':, 'publisher_identifier': 'dummy', 'metadata_created':, 'metadata_modified':, 'guid': str(uuid.uuid4), } package_dict.update(_p) config[DCATAPIT_THEME_TO_MAPPING_SOURCE] = '' config[DCATAPIT_THEME_TO_MAPPING_ADD_NEW_GROUPS] = 'false' package_data = call_action('package_create', context=context, **package_dict) p = Package.get(package_data['id']) # no groups should be assigned at this point (no map applied) assert { 'theme': ['non-mappable', 'thememap1'] } == p.extras, '{} vs {}'.format(_p['extras'], p.extras) assert [] == p.get_groups( group_type='group'), 'should be {}, got {}'.format( [], p.get_groups(group_type='group')) package_data = call_action('package_show', context=context, id=package_data['id']) # use test mapping, which replaces thememap1 to thememap2 and thememap3 test_map_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..', 'examples', 'test_map.ini') config[DCATAPIT_THEME_TO_MAPPING_SOURCE] = test_map_file config[DCATAPIT_THEME_TO_MAPPING_ADD_NEW_GROUPS] = 'false' # package_dict['theme'] = ['non-mappable', 'thememap1'] package_dict.pop('extras', None) p = Package.get(package_data['id']) context['package'] = p package_data = call_action('package_update', context=context, **package_dict) # check - only existing group should be assigned p = Package.get(package_data['id']) groups = [ for g in p.get_groups(group_type='group')] # the map file maps ECON to existing group, and 2 other unexisting groups that will not be created expected_groups = ['existing-group'] self.assertSetEqual(set(expected_groups), set(groups), 'Error in assigned groups') config[DCATAPIT_THEME_TO_MAPPING_SOURCE] = test_map_file config[DCATAPIT_THEME_TO_MAPPING_ADD_NEW_GROUPS] = 'true' # package_dict['theme'] = ['non-mappable', 'thememap1'] package_data = call_action('package_update', context=context, **package_dict) meta.Session.flush() # recheck - this time, new groups should appear p = Package.get(package_data['id']) groups = [ for g in p.get_groups(group_type='group')] # the map file maps ECON to existing group and 2 other groups that have been automatically created expected_groups = expected_groups + ['somegroup1', 'somegroup2'] self.assertSetEqual(set(expected_groups), set(groups), 'Groups differ') # package_dict['theme'] = ['non-mappable', 'thememap1', 'thememap-multi'] aggr = json.loads(package_dict[FIELD_THEMES_AGGREGATE]) aggr.append({'theme': 'thememap-multi', 'subthemes': []}) package_dict[FIELD_THEMES_AGGREGATE] = json.dumps(aggr) package_data = call_action('package_update', context=context, **package_dict) meta.Session.flush() # recheck - there should be no duplicates p = Package.get(package_data['id']) groups = [ for g in p.get_groups(group_type='group')] # added theme 'thememap-multi', that maps to 'othergroup' and other already exisintg groups expected_groups = expected_groups + ['othergroup'] self.assertEqual(len(expected_groups), len(groups), 'New groups differ - there may be duplicated groups') self.assertSetEqual(set(expected_groups), set(groups), 'New groups differ') package_data = call_action('package_update', context=context, **package_dict) meta.Session.flush() # recheck - there still should be no duplicates p = Package.get(package_data['id']) groups = [ for g in p.get_groups(group_type='group')] self.assertEqual(len(expected_groups), len(groups), 'New groups differ - there may be duplicated groups') self.assertSetEqual(set(expected_groups), set(groups), 'New groups differ') meta.Session.rollback()