예제 #1
def get_user_realname(user):
    from ckanext.dgu.drupalclient import DrupalClient
    from HTMLParser import HTMLParser

    if user.name.startswith('user_d'):
        user_id = user.name[len('user_d'):]

        html_parser = HTMLParser()

            dc = DrupalClient()
            properties = dc.get_user_properties(user_id)
        except Exception, ex:
            return user.fullname

            first_name = properties['field_first_name']['und'][0]['safe_value']
            first_name = html_parser.unescape(first_name)
            first_name = ''

            surname = properties['field_surname']['und'][0]['safe_value']
            surname = html_parser.unescape(surname)
            surname = ''
예제 #2
 def test_get_user_properties(self):
     drupal_config = get_mock_drupal_config()
     test_user_id = '62'
     expected_user = drupal_config['test_users'][test_user_id]
     client = DrupalClient()
     user = client.get_user_properties(test_user_id)
     assert user
     assert isinstance(user, dict)
     assert_equal(user['name'], expected_user['name'])
     expected_publishers = expected_user['publishers']
     assert_equal(user['publishers'], expected_publishers)
 def test_get_user_properties(self):
     drupal_config = get_mock_drupal_config()
     test_user_id = '62'
     expected_user = drupal_config['test_users'][test_user_id]
     client = DrupalClient()
     user = client.get_user_properties(test_user_id)
     assert user
     assert isinstance(user, dict)
     assert_equal(user['name'], expected_user['name'])
     expected_publishers = expected_user['publishers']
     assert_equal(user['publishers'], expected_publishers)
 def sync(self, write, user):
     from ckan import model
     from ckanext.dgu.drupalclient import DrupalClient, DrupalRequestError
     from ckanext.dgu.authentication.drupal_auth import DrupalUserMapping
     log = self.log
     update_keys = set(('email', 'fullname'))
     drupal = DrupalClient()
     users = model.Session.query(model.User)\
     if user:
         users = users.filter(model.User.fullname == user)
     users = users.all()
     log.info('Drupal users in CKAN: %s', len(users))
     for user in users:
         drupal_user_id = DrupalUserMapping.ckan_user_name_to_drupal_id(
             drupal_user = drupal.get_user_properties(drupal_user_id)
         except DrupalRequestError, e:
             if 'There is no user with ID' in str(e):
                     stats.add('Removed deleted user',
                               '%s %s' % (drupal_user_id, user.fullname)))
                 if write:
             elif 'Access denied for user' in str(e):
                     stats.add('Removed blocked user',
                               '%s %s' % (drupal_user_id, user.fullname)))
                 if write:
         user_dict = DrupalUserMapping.drupal_user_to_ckan_user(drupal_user)
         user_changed = False
         for key in update_keys:
             if getattr(user, key) != user_dict[key]:
                         'Updating field %s' % key, '%s %s %s->%s' %
                         (drupal_user_id, user.fullname, getattr(
                             user, key), user_dict[key])))
                 if write:
                     setattr(user, key, user_dict[key])
                 user_changed = True
         if not user_changed:
                 stats.add('Unchanged user',
                           '%s %s' % (drupal_user_id, user.fullname)))
예제 #5
 def sync(self, write, user):
     from ckan import model
     from ckanext.dgu.drupalclient import DrupalClient, DrupalRequestError
     from ckanext.dgu.authentication.drupal_auth import DrupalUserMapping
     log = self.log
     update_keys = set(('email', 'fullname'))
     drupal = DrupalClient()
     users = model.Session.query(model.User)\
     if user:
         users = users.filter(model.User.fullname == user)
     users = users.all()
     log.info('Drupal users in CKAN: %s', len(users))
     for user in users:
         drupal_user_id = DrupalUserMapping.ckan_user_name_to_drupal_id(user.name)
             drupal_user = drupal.get_user_properties(drupal_user_id)
         except DrupalRequestError, e:
             if 'There is no user with ID' in str(e):
                 log.info(stats.add('Removed deleted user',
                                    '%s %s' % (drupal_user_id, user.fullname)))
                 if write:
             elif 'Access denied for user' in str(e):
                 log.info(stats.add('Removed blocked user',
                                    '%s %s' % (drupal_user_id, user.fullname)))
                 if write:
         user_dict = DrupalUserMapping.drupal_user_to_ckan_user(drupal_user)
         user_changed = False
         for key in update_keys:
             if getattr(user, key) != user_dict[key]:
                     'Updating field %s' % key,
                     '%s %s %s->%s' % (drupal_user_id, user.fullname,
                                       getattr(user, key), user_dict[key])))
                 if write:
                     setattr(user, key, user_dict[key])
                 user_changed = True
         if not user_changed:
             log.info(stats.add('Unchanged user',
                                '%s %s' % (drupal_user_id, user.fullname)))
예제 #6
class AuthAPIMiddleware(object):

    def __init__(self, app, app_conf):
        self.app = app
        self.drupal_client = None

    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        if self.drupal_client is None:
            self.drupal_client = DrupalClient()

        # establish from the cookie whether ckan and drupal are signed in
        ckan_signed_in = [False]
        drupal_signed_in = [False]
        for k, v in environ.items():
            key = k.lower()
            if key  == 'http_cookie':
                ckan_signed_in[0] = is_ckan_signed_in(v)
                drupal_signed_in[0] = drupal_extract_cookie(v)
        ckan_signed_in = ckan_signed_in[0]
        drupal_signed_in = drupal_signed_in[0]

        environ['drupal.uid'] = None
        environ['drupal.publishers'] = None
        new_start_response = start_response
        if drupal_signed_in and not ckan_signed_in:
            # get info about the user from drupal and store in environ for
            # use by main CKAN app
            user_id = self.drupal_client.get_user_id_from_session_id(drupal_signed_in)
            res = self.drupal_client.get_user_properties(user_id)
            environ['drupal.uid'] = res['uid']
            environ['drupal.publishers'] = res['publishers']
            environ['drupal.name'] = res['name']

            from ckan import model
            from ckan.model.meta import Session

            def munge(username):
                username.lower().replace(' ', '_')
                return username

            # Add the new Drupal user if they don't already exist.
            query = Session.query(model.User).filter_by(name=unicode(environ['drupal.uid']))
            if not query.count():
                user = model.User(
                    about=u'Drupal auto-generated user',
                user = query.one()

            # We want to store values in the user's cookie, so
            # prepare the response header with this value,
            # using auth_tkt to sign it.
            new_header = environ['repoze.who.plugins']['auth_tkt'].remember(
                    'repoze.who.userid': environ['drupal.uid'],
                    'tokens': '',
                    'userdata': '',
            # e.g. new_header = [('Set-Cookie', 'bob=ab48fe; Path=/;')]
            cookie_template = new_header[0][1].split('; ')

            cookie_string = ''
            for name, value in [
                ('ckan_apikey', user.apikey),
                ('ckan_display_name', user.fullname),
                ('ckan_user', user.name),
                cookie_string += '; %s="%s"'%(name, value)
                new_cookie = cookie_template[:]
                new_cookie[0] = '%s="%s"'%(name, value)
                new_header.append(('Set-Cookie', str('; '.join(new_cookie))))

            # Also need these cookies to work too:

            # ckan_apikey
            # Value	"3a51edc6-6461-46b8-bfe2-57445cbdeb2b"
            # Host	catalogue.dev.dataco.coi.gov.uk
            # Path	/
            # Secure	No
            # Expires	At End Of Session
            # Name	ckan_display_name
            # Value	"James Gardner"
            # Host	catalogue.dev.dataco.coi.gov.uk
            # Path	/
            # Secure	No
            # Expires	At End Of Session
            # Name	ckan_user
            # Value	"4466"
            # Host	catalogue.dev.dataco.coi.gov.uk
            # Path	/
            # Secure	No
            # Expires	At End Of Session

            # @@@ Need to add the headers to the request too so that the rest of the stack can sign the user in.

#Cookie: __utma=217959684.178461911.1286034407.1286034407.1286178542.2; __utmz=217959684.1286178542.2.2.utmcsr=google|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=coi%20london; DRXtrArgs=James+Gardner; DRXtrArgs2=3e174e7f1e1d3fab5ca138c0a023e13a; SESS9854522e7c5dba5831db083c5372623c=4160a72a4d6831abec1ac57d7b5a59eb; auth_tkt="a578c4a0d21bdbde7f80cd271d60b66f4ceabc3f4466!"; ckan_apikey="3a51edc6-6461-46b8-bfe2-57445cbdeb2b"; ckan_display_name="James Gardner"; ckan_user="******"

            # There is a bug(/feature?) in line 628 of Cookie.py that means
            # it can't load from unicode strings. This causes Beaker to fail
            # unless the value here is a string
            if not environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE'):
                environ['HTTP_COOKIE'] += str(cookie_string)
                environ['HTTP_COOKIE'] = str(cookie_string[2:])

            def cookie_setting_start_response(status, headers, exc_info=None):
                headers += new_header
                return start_response(status, headers, exc_info)
            new_start_response = cookie_setting_start_response
        return self.app(environ, new_start_response)
예제 #7
class AuthAPIMiddleware(object):
    def __init__(self, app, app_conf):
        self.app = app
        self.drupal_client = None

    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        if self.drupal_client is None:
            self.drupal_client = DrupalClient()

        # establish from the cookie whether ckan and drupal are signed in
        ckan_signed_in = [False]
        drupal_signed_in = [False]
        for k, v in environ.items():
            key = k.lower()
            if key == 'http_cookie':
                ckan_signed_in[0] = is_ckan_signed_in(v)
                drupal_signed_in[0] = drupal_extract_cookie(v)
        ckan_signed_in = ckan_signed_in[0]
        drupal_signed_in = drupal_signed_in[0]

        environ['drupal.uid'] = None
        environ['drupal.publishers'] = None
        new_start_response = start_response
        if drupal_signed_in and not ckan_signed_in:
            # get info about the user from drupal and store in environ for
            # use by main CKAN app
            user_id = self.drupal_client.get_user_id_from_session_id(
            res = self.drupal_client.get_user_properties(user_id)
            environ['drupal.uid'] = res['uid']
            environ['drupal.publishers'] = res['publishers']
            environ['drupal.name'] = res['name']

            from ckan import model
            from ckan.model.meta import Session

            def munge(username):
                username.lower().replace(' ', '_')
                return username

            # Add the new Drupal user if they don't already exist.
            query = Session.query(
            if not query.count():
                user = model.User(
                    about=u'Drupal auto-generated user',
                user = query.one()

            # We want to store values in the user's cookie, so
            # prepare the response header with this value,
            # using auth_tkt to sign it.
            new_header = environ['repoze.who.plugins']['auth_tkt'].remember(
                environ, {
                    'repoze.who.userid': environ['drupal.uid'],
                    'tokens': '',
                    'userdata': '',
            # e.g. new_header = [('Set-Cookie', 'bob=ab48fe; Path=/;')]
            cookie_template = new_header[0][1].split('; ')

            cookie_string = ''
            for name, value in [
                ('ckan_apikey', user.apikey),
                ('ckan_display_name', user.fullname),
                ('ckan_user', user.name),
                cookie_string += '; %s="%s"' % (name, value)
                new_cookie = cookie_template[:]
                new_cookie[0] = '%s="%s"' % (name, value)
                new_header.append(('Set-Cookie', str('; '.join(new_cookie))))

            # Also need these cookies to work too:

            # ckan_apikey
            # Value	"3a51edc6-6461-46b8-bfe2-57445cbdeb2b"
            # Host	catalogue.dev.dataco.coi.gov.uk
            # Path	/
            # Secure	No
            # Expires	At End Of Session
            # Name	ckan_display_name
            # Value	"James Gardner"
            # Host	catalogue.dev.dataco.coi.gov.uk
            # Path	/
            # Secure	No
            # Expires	At End Of Session
            # Name	ckan_user
            # Value	"4466"
            # Host	catalogue.dev.dataco.coi.gov.uk
            # Path	/
            # Secure	No
            # Expires	At End Of Session

            # @@@ Need to add the headers to the request too so that the rest of the stack can sign the user in.

#Cookie: __utma=217959684.178461911.1286034407.1286034407.1286178542.2; __utmz=217959684.1286178542.2.2.utmcsr=google|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=coi%20london; DRXtrArgs=James+Gardner; DRXtrArgs2=3e174e7f1e1d3fab5ca138c0a023e13a; SESS9854522e7c5dba5831db083c5372623c=4160a72a4d6831abec1ac57d7b5a59eb; auth_tkt="a578c4a0d21bdbde7f80cd271d60b66f4ceabc3f4466!"; ckan_apikey="3a51edc6-6461-46b8-bfe2-57445cbdeb2b"; ckan_display_name="James Gardner"; ckan_user="******"

# There is a bug(/feature?) in line 628 of Cookie.py that means
# it can't load from unicode strings. This causes Beaker to fail
# unless the value here is a string
            if not environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE'):
                environ['HTTP_COOKIE'] += str(cookie_string)
                environ['HTTP_COOKIE'] = str(cookie_string[2:])

            def cookie_setting_start_response(status, headers, exc_info=None):
                headers += new_header
                return start_response(status, headers, exc_info)

            new_start_response = cookie_setting_start_response
        return self.app(environ, new_start_response)