예제 #1
def package_show(context, data_dict):
    Return the metadata of a dataset (package) and its resources.

    Called before showing the dataset in some interface (browser, API),
    or when adding package to Solr index (no validation / conversions then).

    :param id: the id or name of the dataset
    :type id: string

    :rtype: dictionary

    if data_dict.get('type') == 'harvest':
        context['schema'] = Schemas.harvest_source_show_package_schema()

    if not data_dict.get('id') and not data_dict.get('name'):
        # Get package by data PIDs
        data_dict['id'] = utils.get_package_id_by_data_pids(data_dict)

    pkg_dict1 = ckan.logic.action.get.package_show(context, data_dict)
    pkg_dict1 = utils.resource_to_dataset(pkg_dict1)

    # Remove empty agents that come from padding the agent list in converters
    if 'agent' in pkg_dict1:
        agents = filter(None, pkg_dict1.get('agent', []))
        pkg_dict1['agent'] = agents or []

    # Normally logic function should not catch the raised errors
    # but here it is needed so action package_show won't catch it instead
    # Hiding information from API calls
        check_access('package_update', context)
    except NotAuthorized:
        pkg_dict1 = utils.hide_sensitive_fields(pkg_dict1)

    pkg = Package.get(pkg_dict1['id'])
    if 'erelated' in pkg.extras:
        erelated = pkg.extras['erelated']
        if len(erelated):
            for value in erelated.split(';'):
                if len(Session.query(Related).filter(Related.title == value).all()) == 0:
                    data_dict = {'title': value,
                                 'type': _("Paper"),
                                 'dataset_id': pkg.id}
                    related_create(context, data_dict)

    # Update package.title to match package.extras.title_0
    extras_title = pkg.extras.get(u'title_0')
    if extras_title and extras_title != pkg.title:
        pkg.title = pkg.extras[u'title_0']
        rebuild(pkg.id)  # Rebuild solr-index for this dataset

    return pkg_dict1
예제 #2
def package_show(context, data_dict):
    Return the metadata of a dataset (package) and its resources.

    Called before showing the dataset in some interface (browser, API),
    or when adding package to Solr index (no validation / conversions then).

    :param id: the id or name of the dataset
    :type id: string

    :rtype: dictionary

    if data_dict.get('type') == 'harvest':
        context['schema'] = Schemas.harvest_source_show_package_schema()

    context['use_cache'] = False  # Disable package retrieval directly from Solr as contact.email is not there.

    if not data_dict.get('id') and not data_dict.get('name'):
        # Get package by data PIDs
        data_dict['id'] = utils.get_package_id_by_primary_pid(data_dict)

    pkg_dict1 = ckan.logic.action.get.package_show(context, data_dict)
    pkg_dict1 = utils.resource_to_dataset(pkg_dict1)

    # Remove empty agents that come from padding the agent list in converters
    if 'agent' in pkg_dict1:
        agents = filter(None, pkg_dict1.get('agent', []))
        pkg_dict1['agent'] = agents or []

    # Normally logic function should not catch the raised errors
    # but here it is needed so action package_show won't catch it instead
    # Hiding information from API calls
        check_access('package_update', context)
    except NotAuthorized:
        pkg_dict1 = utils.hide_sensitive_fields(pkg_dict1)

    pkg = Package.get(pkg_dict1['id'])
    if 'erelated' in pkg.extras:
        erelated = pkg.extras['erelated']
        if len(erelated):
            for value in erelated.split(';'):
                if len(Session.query(Related).filter(Related.title == value).all()) == 0:
                    data_dict = {'title': value,
                                 'type': _("Paper"),
                                 'dataset_id': pkg.id}
                    related_create(context, data_dict)

    return pkg_dict1
예제 #3
    def test_create_and_read_dataset_2(self):
        Create and read a dataset through API and check that values are correct.
        Read as a different user than dataset creator.
        output = call_action_api(self.app, 'package_create', apikey=self.user_sysadmin.apikey,
                                 status=200, **self.public_dataset)
        if '__type' in output:
            assert output['__type'] != 'Validation Error'
        assert 'id' in output

        output = call_action_api(self.app, 'package_show', apikey=self.user_anna.apikey,
                                 status=200, id=output['id'])

        # Use hide_sensitive_fields() because user is not the creator of the dataset
        original = copy.deepcopy(self.public_dataset)
        assert self._compare_datadicts(utils.hide_sensitive_fields(original), output)
예제 #4
    def test_create_and_read_dataset_2(self):
        Create and read a dataset through API and check that values are correct.
        Read as a different user than dataset creator.
        data = copy.deepcopy(self.public_dataset)
        data = self.get_unique_pids(data)
        output = self.api_user_normal.action.package_create(**data)

        if '__type' in output:
            assert output['__type'] != 'Validation Error'
        assert 'id' in output

        output = self.api_user_anna.action.package_show(id=output['id'])

        # Use hide_sensitive_fields() because user is not the creator of the dataset
        original = copy.deepcopy(data)
        assert self._compare_datadicts(utils.hide_sensitive_fields(original), output)
예제 #5
    def test_create_and_read_dataset_2(self):
        Create and read a dataset through API and check that values are correct.
        Read as a different user than dataset creator.
        data = copy.deepcopy(self.public_dataset)
        data = self.get_unique_pids(data)
        output = self.api_user_normal.action.package_create(**data)

        if '__type' in output:
            assert output['__type'] != 'Validation Error'
        assert 'id' in output

        output = self.api_user_anna.action.package_show(id=output['id'])

        # Use hide_sensitive_fields() because user is not the creator of the dataset
        original = copy.deepcopy(data)
        assert self._compare_datadicts(utils.hide_sensitive_fields(original),