def resultfiletopairs(filename, outname):   
    print "init gene level proteins ..."    
    proteinsA, proteinsB, orthologs = GeneLevelProtein.initGeneLevelProteins(filename, None, None, False)

    print "pairwise orthology mappings ..."
    pairwise = Helper.pairwiseOrthologs(orthologs, proteinsA, proteinsB)      
    Helper.printPairsToFile(pairwise, outname)
def resultfiletopairs(filename, outname):
    print "init gene level proteins ..."
    proteinsA, proteinsB, orthologs = GeneLevelProtein.initGeneLevelProteins(
        filename, None, None, False)

    print "pairwise orthology mappings ..."
    pairwise = Helper.pairwiseOrthologs(orthologs, proteinsA, proteinsB)

    Helper.printPairsToFile(pairwise, outname)
예제 #3
            tsvB = rcp.get("Filepaths", "tsvpath") + arg + ".tsv"
            taxB = arg
        elif opt in ("-w", "--write"):
            write = True
            ok = False
    if ok:
        if not write:
            "Option -w was not set."
        cutoff = rcp.getint("Options","domainlengthcutoff")

        proteinsA, proteinsB, orthologs, shortA, shortB = GeneLevelProtein.initGeneLevelProteins(fullfile, tsvA, tsvB, True)               
        domainsA, domainsB, orthologsD = DomainLevelProtein.initDomainLevelProteins(domainfile)
        #calc pairwise ortholog mappings
        print "pairwise orthology mappings ..."
        pairwise = Helper.pairwiseOrthologs(orthologs, proteinsA, proteinsB)
        print "pairwise domain orthology  mappings ..."
        pairwiseDomains = Helper.pairwiseOrthologs(orthologsD, domainsA, domainsB)
        #analysing stuff
        print "mapping domains to proteins ..."
        mapping = mapDomainOrthologsToProteins(pairwiseDomains, domainsA, domainsB)
        print "add counters to full sequence orthologs ..."
        counters = addMinimumDomainCountToFullOrthologs(pairwise)
        print "find proteins where all / not all / not any domains infer orthology ..."
        allDomains, notAll, notAny = findProteinsWhereAllDomainsInferOrthology(counters, mapping)