def datagram_received(self, data, addr): data = data.decode() data = json.loads(data) command = data[0] if command == DATA: players = data[1] # собираем ID сервера visible_pids = [] for player in players: visible_pids.append(player[J_ID]) # собираем ID клиента client_pids = [] for pid in game.players: client_pids.append(pid) # удаляем лишние объекты игроков на клиенте (которые отключились) for pid in client_pids: if not pid in visible_pids: game.players.pop(pid) for player in players: pid = player[J_ID] if not game.players.get(pid): if player[J_SKIN] == SKIN_BLUE: skin = Texture("images/robots/textures/robot_blue.png") elif player[J_SKIN] == SKIN_ORANGE: skin = Texture( "images/robots/textures/robot_orange.png") else: skin = Texture( "images/robots/textures/robot_green.png") new_player = {pid: Robot(Point(0, 0), skin, angle=0)} new_player[pid].texture.set_size(Size(30, 30)) game.players.update(new_player) game.players[pid].position = Point(player[J_POSITION_X], player[J_POSITION_Y]) game.players[pid].texture.set_angle(player[J_ANGLE]) elif command == ID: = data[1] elif command == KICK: info_label.set_text('You have been kicked from the server!') client.disconnect() elif command == MESSAGE: chat_area.value += '{}: {}'.format(data[2], data[1]) + '\n' elif command == PING: = round((time() - client.ping_send_time) * 1000) # мс
def __init__(self, resources): self.res = resources self.position = Point(0, 0) self.visible = True self.score = 0 self.over = False self.objects = [] # creating level and adding walls to form and to pygame walls group # self.pacman = Pacman(Position(480, 660), self.res.animations.pacman) # self.pacman.visible = False # self.add_object(self.pacman) self.players = {}
def __init__(self, position, animation, angle=0): """ Initialize GameObject :param position: pacman.helper_types.Position :param size: pacman.helper_types.Size :param texture: pacman.resources.Animation """ super(GameObject, self).__init__(position, Size(40, 40), True) sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.speed = Point(0, 0) self.angle = angle self.texture = animation self.texture.set_size(self.size) self.image = animation.frame # for backward compatibility self.animation = self.texture self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.x, self.rect.y = self.position.x, self.position.y
def main(): """! @brief Поток отображения клиента """ player = None while not main_form.terminated: for event in pygame.event.get(): main_form.gui_events(event) if event.type == pygame.QUIT: main_form.terminate() elif client.connected(): if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: client.disconnect() if client.input: if event.key == pygame.K_w: client.send([BUTTON_DOWN, B_GO_TOP]) if event.key == pygame.K_s: client.send([BUTTON_DOWN, B_GO_BOTTOM]) if event.key == pygame.K_a: client.send([BUTTON_DOWN, B_GO_LEFT]) if event.key == pygame.K_d: client.send([BUTTON_DOWN, B_GO_RIGHT]) elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP: if client.input: if event.key == pygame.K_w: client.send([BUTTON_UP, B_GO_TOP]) if event.key == pygame.K_s: client.send([BUTTON_UP, B_GO_BOTTOM]) if event.key == pygame.K_a: client.send([BUTTON_UP, B_GO_LEFT]) if event.key == pygame.K_d: client.send([BUTTON_UP, B_GO_RIGHT]) elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: if client.input: client.send([ANGLE, client.angle]) if game.players.get( # получаем объект игрока (который играет с этого клиента =) ) player = game.players.get( mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() mouse_pos = Point(mouse_pos[0], mouse_pos[1]) if TRACKING_CAMERA: client.angle = get_angle(CENTER_POS, player.size, mouse_pos) else: client.angle = get_angle(player.position, player.size, mouse_pos) res.update() game.update() if player: main_form.update(camera_mode=TRACKING_CAMERA, point=player.position) else: main_form.update(camera_mode=TRACKING_CAMERA, point=Point(0, 0)) client.disconnect()
from classes.network_constants import * from classes.helper_types import Size, Point from classes.constants import FORM_WIDTH, FORM_HEIGHT, FPS from classes.resources import Resources from classes.core import Core from import Game from classes.game_object import Robot from classes.gui_block import GuiPanel from classes.texture import Texture DEFAULT_PORT = 22000 TRACKING_CAMERA = True MAX_CONNECT_ATTEMPTS = 3 CENTER_POS = Point(FORM_WIDTH / 2, FORM_HEIGHT / 2) CONFIG_FILE = 'config.conf' def get_angle(pl_pos: Point, size: Size, m_pos: Point) -> float: """! @brief Возращает угол между мышью и объектом @param pl_pos: Point(координаты игрока) @param size: Size(helper_types) @param m_pos: Point(координаты мыши) @return: float(градус поворота) """ x = pl_pos.x + size.width / 2 - m_pos.x y = pl_pos.y + size.height / 2 - m_pos.y
def delete_player(self, addr: str): self.players[addr].position = Point(1, 1) self.players[addr].speed = Point(0, 0) self.players.pop(addr)
def datagram_received(self, data, addr): data = data.decode() # проверяем корректность присланных данных try: data = json.loads(data) except json: print('#ERROR: incorrect format of input data') return None command = data[0] players = server.players player = server.players.get(addr) # подключение, отключение и передача данных if command == CONNECT: pid = server.get_new_pid() print('{} connected ({}:{})!'.format(data[1], addr[0], addr[1])) new_player = {addr: PlayerInfo(pid, Point(100, 100), Point(0, 0), login=data[1], skin=data[2], angle=0) } players.update(new_player) server.send([ID, pid], addr) # если игрока не существует и он не был создан (см. выше) elif not player: print('#ERROR: Player for {} not found - kicking...'.format(addr[0])) server.kick_addr(addr) return None if command == DISCONNECT: login = server.players[addr].login print('{} disconnected ({}:{})!'.format(login, addr[0], addr[1])) server.delete_player(addr) elif command == PING: player.net_activity = time() server.send([PING], addr) elif command == BUTTON_DOWN: button = data[1] if button == B_GO_TOP: player.ignore_command[B_GO_TOP] = False player.ignore_command[B_GO_BOTTOM] = True player.speed.y = -player.speed_amount elif button == B_GO_BOTTOM: player.ignore_command[B_GO_TOP] = True player.ignore_command[B_GO_BOTTOM] = False player.speed.y = player.speed_amount elif button == B_GO_LEFT: player.ignore_command[B_GO_LEFT] = False player.ignore_command[B_GO_RIGHT] = True player.speed.x = -player.speed_amount elif button == B_GO_RIGHT: player.ignore_command[B_GO_LEFT] = True player.ignore_command[B_GO_RIGHT] = False player.speed.x = player.speed_amount elif command == BUTTON_UP: button = data[1] if button == B_GO_TOP and not player.ignore_command[B_GO_TOP] or \ button == B_GO_BOTTOM and not player.ignore_command[B_GO_BOTTOM]: player.speed.y = 0 elif button == B_GO_LEFT and not player.ignore_command[B_GO_LEFT] or \ button == B_GO_RIGHT and not player.ignore_command[B_GO_RIGHT]: player.speed.x = 0 elif command == ANGLE: # получили информацию о направление взгляда игрока new_angle = data[1] player.angle = new_angle elif command == MESSAGE: # пришло сообщение от игрока login = server.players[addr].login print('{}: {}'.format(login, data[1])) server.notify_all([MESSAGE, data[1], login]) # обработка нажатий клавиш elif command == C_GO_TOP_DOWN: player.ignore_command[C_GO_TOP_UP] = False player.ignore_command[C_GO_BOTTOM_UP] = True player.speed.y = -player.speed_amount elif command == C_GO_BOTTOM_DOWN: player.ignore_command[C_GO_TOP_UP] = True player.ignore_command[C_GO_BOTTOM_UP] = False player.speed.y = player.speed_amount elif command == C_GO_LEFT_DOWN: player.ignore_command[C_GO_RIGHT_UP] = True player.ignore_command[C_GO_LEFT_UP] = False player.speed.x = -player.speed_amount elif command == C_GO_RIGHT_DOWN: player.ignore_command[C_GO_RIGHT_UP] = False player.ignore_command[C_GO_LEFT_UP] = True player.speed.x = player.speed_amount # обработка отпускания клавиш elif command == C_GO_TOP_UP and not player.ignore_command[C_GO_TOP_UP]: player.speed.y = 0 elif command == C_GO_BOTTOM_UP and not player.ignore_command[C_GO_BOTTOM_UP]: player.speed.y = 0 elif command == C_GO_LEFT_UP and not player.ignore_command[C_GO_LEFT_UP]: player.speed.x = 0 elif command == C_GO_RIGHT_UP and not player.ignore_command[C_GO_RIGHT_UP]: player.speed.x = 0