def buy(self): """Buy upgrades for both attack and defense Requires the confirmation popup button for EXP purchases in settings to be turned OFF. This uses all available exp, so use with caution. """ Stats.set_value_with_ocr("XP") if Stats.OCR_failed: print('OCR failed, exiting upgrade routine.') return current_exp = Stats.xp if current_exp < 1000: return total_price = (coords.RATTACK_COST * self.attack) total_price += (coords.RDEFENSE_COST * self.defense) # Skip upgrading if we don't have enough exp to buy at least one # complete set of upgrades, in order to maintain our perfect ratios :) if total_price > current_exp: if print("No XP Upgrade :{:^8} of {:^8}".format( Helper.human_format(current_exp), Helper.human_format(total_price))) return amount = int(current_exp // total_price) a_attack = amount * self.attack a_defense = amount * self.defense Navigation.exp_rich()*coords.EM_ADV_BOX) Inputs.send_string(str(a_attack)) time.sleep(userset.MEDIUM_SLEEP)*coords.EM_ADV_BOX) Inputs.send_string(str(a_defense)) time.sleep(userset.MEDIUM_SLEEP)*coords.EM_ADV_BOX)*coords.EM_ADV_BOX) Stats.set_value_with_ocr("XP") total_spent = coords.RATTACK_COST * a_attack total_spent += coords.RDEFENSE_COST * a_defense if print("Spent XP:{:^8}{:^3}Attack:{:^8}{:^3}Defense:{:^8}".format( Helper.human_format(total_spent), "|", Helper.human_format(a_attack), "|", Helper.human_format(a_defense)))
def save(photo, profile, text, filter, crest, folder): # Open the image background_image = Files.open_url(photo) # Resize and crop background_image = Images.treat_image(background_image) # Set the black grandient layer background_image = Images.set_gradient(background_image, 'full') background_image = Images.set_gradient(background_image, 'footer') # Apply the Data Science logo logo = Files.open_local('./src/images/logo.png') background_image = Images.apply_image(background_image, logo, (10, 10), (75, 75)) # Stats if profile: stats = Stats.get_player_data(profile, filter) background_image = Images.set_stats(background_image, stats, text) # Apply the club crest if crest: thumb_size = 125, 125 for i in range(len(crest)): crest_i = i + 1 crest_len = len(crest) crest_item = Files.open_url(crest[i]) crest_item.thumbnail(thumb_size, Image.ANTIALIAS) crest_position = Images.get_crest_position( background_image, crest_item, stats['player'], crest_i, crest_len) background_image = Images.apply_image(background_image, crest_item, crest_position, (crest_item.size)) file_name = Files.get_file_name(stats['player'], text), folder, file_name)
pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None from classes.preprocessing import Preprocessing from classes.stats import Stats if __name__ == '__main__': # ************************************************** # # PREPROCESSING OF THE DATASET # # ************************************************** # dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) dataset = pd.read_csv(dir + '/dataset/IMDBDataset.csv') stats = Stats() prep = Preprocessing(dataset) # Make a dictionary by tokenizing all words in the dataset prep.make_dictionary() # Encode all words with integer IDs # Encode only the most used words in the dataset, any other words encode as 0 n_top_used_words = 10000 dataset = prep.encode_dataset_column(df=dataset, field="review", use_top_words=n_top_used_words) # Encode target variables to binary representation dataset = prep.string_to_int(df=dataset, params={"sentiment": {'positive': 1, 'negative': 0}}) # Pad all reviews, remove reviews that have no words, trim reviews that exceed the review_len value review_len = 500
import pandas as pd pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None from classes.preprocessing import Preprocessing from classes.stats import Stats if __name__ == '__main__': # ************************************************** # # PREPROCESSING OF THE DATASET # # ************************************************** # dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) dataset = pd.read_csv(dir + '/dataset/IMDBDataset.csv') stats = Stats() prep = Preprocessing(dataset) # Make a dictionary by tokenizing all words in the dataset prep.make_dictionary() # Encode all words with integer IDs # Encode only the most used words in the dataset, any other words encode as 0 n_top_used_words = 10000 dataset = prep.encode_dataset_column(df=dataset, field="review", use_top_words=n_top_used_words) # Encode target variables to binary representation dataset = prep.string_to_int( df=dataset, params={"sentiment": {
# ************************************************** # stats_bank = {"lstm":[], "lstm_cnn":[]} state_size = 256 max_words = n_top_used_words vector_size = 32 input_size = X_train.shape[1] batch_size = 250 epochs = 4 # ************************************************** # # THE CNN LSTM MODEL # # ************************************************** # lstmcnn_stats = Stats() lstmcnn_model=Sequential([ Embedding(max_words + 1, output_dim=vector_size, input_length=input_size, batch_input_shape=[batch_size, None]), Conv1D(filters=128, kernel_size=32, padding='same', activation=tf.nn.tanh), MaxPooling1D(), LSTM(state_size, return_sequences=True, stateful=True, activation=tf.nn.tanh), Flatten(), Dense(128, activation=tf.nn.relu, use_bias=True), Dense(1, activation=tf.nn.sigmoid) ]) # print_layer_config(lstmcnn_model.layers) lstmcnn_model.compile(loss=losses.binary_crossentropy, optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy']) # Train the model for i in range(epochs):
import pandas as pd pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None from classes.preprocessing import Preprocessing from classes.stats import Stats if __name__ == '__main__': # ************************************************** # # PREPROCESSING OF THE DATASET # # ************************************************** # dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) dataset = pd.read_csv(dir + '/../IMDB/dataset/IMDBDataset.csv') stats = Stats() prep = Preprocessing(dataset) # Make a dictionary by tokenizing all words in the dataset prep.make_dictionary() # Encode all words with integer IDs # Encode only the most used words in the dataset, any other words encode as 0 n_top_used_words = 10000 dataset = prep.encode_dataset_column(df=dataset, field="review", use_top_words=n_top_used_words) # Encode target variables to binary representation dataset = prep.string_to_int( df=dataset, params={"sentiment": {
def buy(self): """Buy upgrades for both energy and magic. Requires the confirmation popup button for EXP purchases in settings to be turned OFF. This uses all available exp, so use with caution. """ if self.ecap < 10000 or self.ecap % 250 != 0: print("Ecap value not divisible by 250 or lower than 10000, not" + " spending exp.") return if self.mcap < 10000 or self.mcap % 250 != 0: print("Mcap value not divisible by 250 or lower than 10000, not" + " spending exp.") return Stats.set_value_with_ocr("XP") if Stats.OCR_failed: print('OCR failed, exiting upgrade routine.') return current_exp = Stats.xp e_cost = coords.EPOWER_COST + coords.ECAP_COST * self.ecap + ( coords.EBAR_COST * self.ebar) m_cost = coords.MPOWER_COST + coords.MCAP_COST * self.mcap + ( coords.MBAR_COST * self.mbar) total_price = m_cost + self.e2m_ratio * e_cost # Skip upgrading if we don't have enough exp to buy at least one # complete set of upgrades, in order to maintain our perfect ratios :) if total_price > current_exp: if print("No XP Upgrade :{:^8} of {:^8}".format( Helper.human_format(current_exp), Helper.human_format(total_price))) return amount = int(current_exp // total_price) e_power = amount * self.e2m_ratio e_cap = amount * self.ecap * self.e2m_ratio e_bars = amount * self.ebar * self.e2m_ratio m_power = amount m_cap = amount * self.mcap m_bars = amount * self.mbar Navigation.exp()*coords.EM_POW_BOX) Inputs.send_string(str(e_power)) time.sleep(userset.MEDIUM_SLEEP)*coords.EM_CAP_BOX) Inputs.send_string(str(e_cap)) time.sleep(userset.MEDIUM_SLEEP)*coords.EM_BAR_BOX) Inputs.send_string(str(e_bars)) time.sleep(userset.MEDIUM_SLEEP)*coords.EM_POW_BUY)*coords.EM_CAP_BUY)*coords.EM_BAR_BUY) Navigation.exp_magic()*coords.EM_POW_BOX) Inputs.send_string(str(m_power)) time.sleep(userset.MEDIUM_SLEEP)*coords.EM_CAP_BOX) Inputs.send_string(str(m_cap)) time.sleep(userset.MEDIUM_SLEEP)*coords.EM_BAR_BOX) Inputs.send_string(str(m_bars)) time.sleep(userset.MEDIUM_SLEEP)*coords.EM_POW_BUY)*coords.EM_CAP_BUY)*coords.EM_BAR_BUY) Stats.set_value_with_ocr("XP") total_spent = coords.EPOWER_COST * e_power + coords.ECAP_COST * e_cap + coords.EBAR_COST * e_bars total_spent += coords.MPOWER_COST * m_power + coords.MCAP_COST * m_cap + coords.MBAR_COST * m_bars if print("Spent XP:{:^8}".format(Helper.human_format(total_spent))) print( "Energy | Pow:{:^8}{:^3}Cap:{:^8}{:^3}Bar:{:^8}{:^3}Magic | Pow:{:^8}{:^3}Cap:{:^8}{:^3}Bar:{:^8}" .format(Helper.human_format(e_power), "|", Helper.human_format(e_cap), "|", Helper.human_format(e_bars), "|", Helper.human_format(m_power), "|", Helper.human_format(m_cap), "|", Helper.human_format(m_bars)))
def buy(self): """Buy upgrades for hack energy Requires the confirmation popup button for EXP purchases in settings to be turned OFF. This uses all available exp, so use with caution. """ if (self.hcap < 10000 or self.hcap % 250 != 0) and self.hcap != 0: print("Ecap value not divisible by 250 or lower than 10000, not" + " spending exp.") return Stats.set_value_with_ocr("XP") if Stats.OCR_failed: print('OCR failed, exiting upgrade routine.') return current_exp = Stats.xp total_price = coords.HPOWER_COST * self.hpower + coords.HCAP_COST * self.hcap + coords.HBAR_COST * self.hbar # Skip upgrading if we don't have enough exp to buy at least one # complete set of upgrades, in order to maintain our perfect ratios :) if total_price > current_exp: if print("No XP Upgrade :{:^8} of {:^8}".format( Helper.human_format(current_exp), Helper.human_format(total_price))) return amount = int(current_exp // total_price) h_power = amount * self.hpower h_cap = amount * self.hcap h_bars = amount * self.hbar Navigation.exp_hack()*coords.EM_POW_BOX) Inputs.send_string(str(h_power)) time.sleep(userset.MEDIUM_SLEEP)*coords.EM_CAP_BOX) Inputs.send_string(str(h_cap)) time.sleep(userset.MEDIUM_SLEEP)*coords.EM_BAR_BOX) Inputs.send_string(str(h_bars)) time.sleep(userset.MEDIUM_SLEEP) if h_power > 0:*coords.EM_POW_BUY) if h_cap > 0:*coords.EM_CAP_BUY) if h_bars > 0:*coords.EM_BAR_BUY) Stats.set_value_with_ocr("XP") total_spent = coords.HPOWER_COST * h_power + coords.HCAP_COST * h_cap + coords.HBAR_COST * h_bars if print("Spent XP:{:^8}".format(Helper.human_format(total_spent))) print("New | Pow:{:^8}{:^3}Cap:{:^8}{:^3}Bar:{:^8}".format( Helper.human_format(h_power), "|", Helper.human_format(h_cap), "|", Helper.human_format(h_bars)))
def buy(self): """Buy upgrades for power, toughness, health and regen Requires the confirmation popup button for EXP purchases in settings to be turned OFF. This uses all available exp, so use with caution. """ Stats.set_value_with_ocr("XP") if Stats.OCR_failed: print('OCR failed, exiting upgrade routine.') return current_exp = Stats.xp total_price = (coords.APOWER_COST * self.power * self.ratio) total_price += (coords.ATOUGHNESS_COST * self.toughness * self.ratio) total_price += (coords.AHEALTH_COST * * 10) total_price += math.floor(coords.AREGEN_COST * self.regen / 10) # Skip upgrading if we don't have enough exp to buy at least one # complete set of upgrades, in order to maintain our perfect ratios :) if total_price > current_exp: if print("No XP Upgrade :{:^8} of {:^8}".format( Helper.human_format(current_exp), Helper.human_format(total_price))) return amount = int(current_exp // total_price) a_power = amount * self.ratio a_toughness = amount * self.ratio a_health = amount * 10 a_regen = math.floor(amount / 10) if a_regen < 1: a_regen = 1.0 Navigation.exp_adventure()*coords.EM_ADV_BOX) Inputs.send_string(str(a_power)) time.sleep(userset.MEDIUM_SLEEP)*coords.EM_POW_BOX) Inputs.send_string(str(a_toughness)) time.sleep(userset.MEDIUM_SLEEP)*coords.EM_CAP_BOX) Inputs.send_string(str(a_health)) time.sleep(userset.MEDIUM_SLEEP)*coords.EM_BAR_BOX) Inputs.send_string(str(a_regen)) time.sleep(userset.MEDIUM_SLEEP)*coords.EM_ADV_BUT)*coords.EM_POW_BUY)*coords.EM_CAP_BUY)*coords.EM_BAR_BUY) Stats.set_value_with_ocr("XP") total_spent = coords.APOWER_COST * a_power total_spent += coords.ATOUGHNESS_COST * a_toughness total_spent += coords.AHEALTH_COST * a_health total_spent += coords.AREGEN_COST * a_regen if print("Spent XP:{:^8}".format(Helper.human_format(total_spent))) print( "Power:{:^8}{:^3} Defense:{:^8}{:^3} Health:{:^8}{:^3} Regen:{:^8}" .format(Helper.human_format(a_power), "|", Helper.human_format(a_toughness), "|", Helper.human_format(a_health), "|", Helper.human_format(a_regen)))
def save(data, profile, folder): stats, bio, ribbon = Stats.get_all_season(profile) for i in range(len(data)): sheet = Storyboard.draw_sheet(data[i], i, stats, bio, ribbon) file_name = Files.get_file_name(bio['name'], str(i)), folder, file_name)
pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None from classes.preprocessing import Preprocessing from classes.stats import Stats if __name__ == '__main__': # ************************************************** # # PREPROCESSING OF THE DATASET # # ************************************************** # dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) dataset = pd.read_csv(dir + '/dataset/IMDBDataset.csv') dataset_orig = dataset.copy() stats = Stats() prep = Preprocessing(dataset) # Make a dictionary by tokenizing all words in the dataset prep.make_dictionary() # Encode all words with integer IDs # Encode only the most used words in the dataset, any other words encode as 0 n_top_used_words = 10000 dataset = prep.encode_dataset_column(df=dataset, field="review", use_top_words=n_top_used_words) # Encode target variables to binary representation dataset = prep.string_to_int( df=dataset, params={"sentiment": {