예제 #1
def remove_imp_segreg(calc, conv, varset):
    """Creates new calculation with removed impurities for determination of """

    calc_list = []

    ver = 2
    set_T1   = '93kp9'
    set_T1_m = '83kp9'
    seg_list_T1  = ['t111gCvOvms', 't111gCi1Ov', 't111gCi2Ov','t111gCi3Ov','t111gCi4Ov','t111gOi1Cv','t111gOi2Cv','t111gOi3Cv','t111gOi4Cv',] 
    seg_list_T1sg = ['t111sgCvOvms', 't111sgCi1Ov', 't111sgCi2Ov', 't111sgCi3Ov', 't111sgCi4Ov', 't111sgCi5Ov', 't111sgCi6Ov', 't111sgCi7Ov', 't111sgOi1Cv', 't111sgOi2Cv', 't111sgOi3Cv', 't111sgOi4Cv', 't111sgOi5Cv', 't111sgOi6Cv', 't111sgOi7Cv', ]

    for el in seg_list_T1:
        calc_list.append( (el, set_T1, ver, 'T1/CO/t111g_segreg_m')   )

    for el in seg_list_T1sg:
        calc_list.append( (el, set_T1, ver, 'T1/CO/t111sg_segreg_m')   )

    set_C1   = '93kp7'
    set_C1_m = '83kp7'
    seg_list_C1 = ['c1gCvOvms', 'c1gCi1Ov', 'c1gCi2Ov', 'c1gOi1Cv', 'c1gOi2Cv', ]

    for el in seg_list_C1:
        calc_list.append( (el, set_C1, ver, 'C1/CO/c1g_segreg_m')   )

    set_T2_CSL7   = '93'
    set_T2_CSL7_m = '83'
    seg_list_T2 = ['t21gCvOvms', 't21gCi1Ov', 't21gCi2Ov', 't21gCi3Ov', 't21gCi4Ov', 't21gOi1Cv', 't21gOi2Cv', 't21gOi3Cv', 't21gOi4Cv', ]
    seg_list_CSL7 = ['csl71sgCvOvms', 'csl71sgCi1Ov', 'csl71sgCi2Ov', 'csl71sgCi3Ov', 'csl71sgCi4Ov', 'csl71sgCi5Ov', 'csl71sgCi6Ov', 'csl71sgOi1Cv', 'csl71sgOi2Cv', 'csl71sgOi3Cv', 'csl71sgOi4Cv', 'csl71sgOi5Cv', 'csl71sgOi6Cv', ]
    for el in seg_list_T2:
        calc_list.append( (el, set_T2_CSL7, ver, 'T2/CO/t21g_segreg_m')   )
    for el in seg_list_CSL7:
        calc_list.append( (el, set_T2_CSL7, ver, 'CSL7/CO/csl71sg_segreg_m')   )

    # print len(calc_list)
    for el in calc_list:
        # print "struct_des['{0:s}.m'] = des('{3:s}', 'without imp; made from {0:s}.{1:s}; ver are the same'   )".format(el[0],el[1], el[2], el[3])
        # print el[0:3]

        # inherit_icalc('remove_imp', el[0]+'.m', ver, el[0:3], calc)
        s8 = '8'+el[1][1:]# rename all sets from 93* to 83*
        # add_loop(el[0]+'.m', s8, ver, calc, conv, varset, 'up1' )
        res_loop(el[0]+'.m', s8, ver, calc, conv, varset,  )

예제 #2
def make_scaled_versions_of_segen(calc, conv, varset):

    list = [
    ('c1gCi1Ov'    , '93kp7', 2  , 'c1gCvOvms' ),
    ('c1gCi2Ov'    , '93kp7', 2  , 'c1gCvOvms' ),
    ('c1gOi2Cv'    , '93kp7', 2  , 'c1gCvOvms' ),
    ('c1gCvOvms'    , '93kp7', 2 , 'c1gCvOvms' ),
    ( 't111sgCi6Ov', '93kp9', 2  , 't111sgCvOvms' ),
    ( 't111sgOi6Cv', '93kp9', 2  , 't111sgCvOvms' ),
    ( 't111sgCvOvms', '93kp9', 2 , 't111sgCvOvms' ),
    ('csl71sgCi4Ov', '93'   , 2  , 'csl71sgCvOvms' ),
    ('csl71sgOi4Cv', '93'   , 2  , 'csl71sgCvOvms' ),
    ('csl71sgCvOvms', '93'   , 2 , 'csl71sgCvOvms' ),
    ('t21gCi4Ov','93', 2         , 't21gCvOvms' ),
    ('t21gOi4Cv','93', 2         , 't21gCvOvms' ),
    ('t21gCvOvms','93', 2        , 't21gCvOvms' ),

    suffix = ".r2d"; sr2 = 2; sr3 = 1
    # suffix = ".r3d"; sr2 = 1; sr3 = 2
    verlist = [1,2,3,4]
    for id in list[:]:
        for v in verlist[:]:
            cl = calc[(id[0], id[1], v)]
            # cl_doubled = copy.deepcopy(cl)

            # cl_doubled.init = replic(cl.end, (1,sr2,sr3), only_atoms= "only_matrix")
            new_name = id[0]+suffix
            # cl_doubled.des = "The relaxed "+cl.name+" was doubled along "+suffix+" only for matrix; the sizes are the same"
            # cl_doubled.path["input_geo"] = 'geo/scaled/'+new_name+"/"+new_name+"."+str(v)+".geo"
            # cl_doubled.write_geometry(geotype = "init")

        # print "struct_des['{}'] = des('{}', 'scaled only matrix; the sizes are doubled without any manipulations'   )".format(new_name, "scaled")

        # add_loop(new_name,'93',verlist ,calc,conv,varset, 'up1', savefile = 'only_outcar', inherit_option = 'inherit_xred' )
        # print calc[]
        res_loop(new_name,'93',verlist ,calc,conv,varset, 'e_seg', (id[3]+suffix,'93',) )

예제 #3
def seg_energy_vs_voronoi(calc, conv, varset, plot = 0):
    Was used to calculate all segregation energies vs voronoi volume to find some dependence
    plot - if 1: than plot dependence

    aggregate_list = []

    if 0:
        """1. Start processing of calculation specific information"""

        #base = 't111gCOv2'
        base = 't111gCvOvms'
        coseg_list = ['t111gCOi1.4-3', 't111gOCi1.4-3', 't111gCOi2.2-1', 't111gOCi2.2-1', 't111gCOi3.4-1', 't111gOCi3.4-1', \
        't111gCOi4.4-4is','t111gCOi5.2-2is', 't111gCOi6.1-1is', 't111gCOi7.3-3is','t111gCOi8.2-3','t111gOCi8.2-3',  \
        't111gCOi9.4-4ms','t111gCOi10.2-2ms','t111gCOi11.4-3', 't111gOCi11.4-3', \
        't111gCOi12.1-3', 't111gOCi12.1-3', 't111gCOi13.4-2', 't111gOCi13.4-2', 't111gCOi14.2-1', 't111gOCi14.2-1', 't111gCOi15.4-4is','t111gCOi16.2-2is']

        seg_list  = ['t111gCi1Ov', 't111gCi2Ov','t111gCi3Ov','t111gCi4Ov','t111gOi1Cv','t111gOi2Cv','t111gOi3Cv','t111gOi4Cv',] 

        bulk_list = ['t111gCOv2', 't111gCOv5' ]

        list = res_loop(base,'93kp9',range(2,3),calc,conv,varset, 'coseg', (base,) , voronoi = True )
        # os._exit(0)
        for key in seg_list:
            # print key
            # if 'Oi' in key: continue
            list = res_loop(key,'93kp9',range(2,3),calc,conv,varset, 'coseg', (base,) , voronoi = True )

        # res_loop('t112gCOi6.1-1is','93kp9',range(1,5),calc,conv,varset, 'coseg', ('t112gCvOvms',)  )

        base = 'c1gCvOvms'
        coseg_list = [
        bulk_list = ['c1gCOv2',

        seg_list = ['c1gCi1Ov', 'c1gCi2Ov', 'c1gOi1Cv', 'c1gOi2Cv', ]

        list = res_loop(base,'93kp7',range(2,3),calc,conv,varset, 'coseg', (base,), voronoi = True  )

        for key in seg_list:
            # print key
            # if 'Oi' in key: continue
            list = res_loop(key,'93kp7',range(2,3),calc,conv,varset, 'coseg', (base,) , voronoi = True )


        base = 't111sgCvOvms'
        seg_list = ['t111sgCi1Ov', 't111sgCi2Ov', 't111sgCi3Ov', 't111sgCi4Ov', 't111sgCi5Ov', 't111sgCi6Ov', 't111sgCi7Ov', 't111sgOi1Cv', 't111sgOi2Cv', 't111sgOi3Cv', 't111sgOi4Cv', 't111sgOi5Cv', 't111sgOi6Cv', 't111sgOi7Cv', ]
        list = res_loop(base,'93kp9',range(2,3),calc,conv,varset, 'coseg', (base,) , voronoi = True )

        for key in seg_list:
            # print key
            # if 'Oi' in key: continue
            list = res_loop(key,'93kp9',range(2,3),calc,conv,varset, 'coseg', (base,) , voronoi = True )


        base = 't21gCvOvms'
        seg_list = ['t21gCi1Ov', 't21gCi2Ov', 't21gCi3Ov', 't21gCi4Ov', 't21gOi1Cv', 't21gOi2Cv', 't21gOi3Cv', 't21gOi4Cv', ]
        list = res_loop(base,'93',range(2,3),calc,conv,varset, 'coseg', (base,), voronoi = True  )

        for key in seg_list:
            # print key
            # if 'Oi' in key: continue
            list = res_loop(key,'93',range(2,3),calc,conv,varset, 'coseg', (base,) , voronoi = True )
            write_xyz( replic(calc[(key, '93', 1)].end, (1,2,2)), )
        base = 'csl71sgCvOvms'
        seg_list = ['csl71sgCi1Ov', 'csl71sgCi2Ov', 'csl71sgCi3Ov', 'csl71sgCi4Ov', 'csl71sgCi5Ov', 'csl71sgCi6Ov', 'csl71sgOi1Cv', 'csl71sgOi2Cv', 'csl71sgOi3Cv', 'csl71sgOi4Cv', 'csl71sgOi5Cv', 'csl71sgOi6Cv', ]
        list = res_loop(base,'93',range(2,3),calc,conv,varset, 'coseg', (base,) , voronoi = True )

        for key in seg_list:
            # print key
            # if 'Oi' in key: continue
            list = res_loop(key,'93',range(2,3),calc,conv,varset, 'coseg', (base,) , voronoi = True )

        calc['voronoi'] = aggregate_list

        aggregate_list = calc['voronoi']

    if 1:

        # print res_loop('hs221C','83',101,calc,conv,varset, voronoi = True )
        # # print res_loop('hs221.f','83',1,calc,conv,varset, voronoi = True )
        # # print res_loop('csl71b_r','83kp8',1,calc,conv,varset, voronoi = True )
        # print res_loop('hs221C.f','93',1,calc,conv,varset, voronoi = True ) #9.25 But the sum of Voronoi volume for hexagonal cell is wrong!!!
        # print res_loop('hs332C.f','93',1,calc,conv,varset, voronoi = True ) #9.18 But volume for internal atoms seems to be OK, 
        # print res_loop('hs443C.f','93',1,calc,conv,varset, voronoi = True ) #9.13 But for edge atoms it is even zero.
        # print res_loop('hs554C.f','93',1,calc,conv,varset, voronoi = True ) #9.14 It seems that Voronoi module does not recognize oblique cell geometry.

        """2. Analysis"""

        esegC    = [float(x[1]) for x in aggregate_list if 'Oi' not in x[0]] # C segregation including CvOvms
        vorovolC = [float(x[2]) for x in aggregate_list if 'Oi' not in x[0]]
        # print esegC, 
        esegO    = [float(x[1]) for x in aggregate_list if 'Ci' not in x[0]] # O segregation including CvOvms
        vorovolO = [float(x[4]) for x in aggregate_list if 'Ci' not in x[0]]

        """Plot dependence"""

        name = 'Voronoi volume - segregation energy'

        set = 'Eng'
        fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1)
        if set == 'Rus':
            matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16})

            xlabel = u'Энергия сегрегации (мэВ)'
            # print xlabel
            ylabel = u'Объем Вороного  ($\AA^3$)'
            label1 = u'Рассчет'
            label2 = u'Аппроксимация'
            title1 = u'Углерод'
            title2 = u'Кислород'
            xlabel = 'Segregation energy (meV)'
            ylabel = 'Voronoi volume  ($\AA^3$)'
            label1 = 'Calculated'
            label2 = 'Fitted'
            title1 = 'Carbon'
            title2 = 'Oxygen'
        # plt.figure()

        ax1.plot(esegC, vorovolC, 'o',label = label1)
        k, b = np.polyfit(esegC, vorovolC, 1)        

        ax1.plot(esegC, np.asarray(esegC) * k + b, '-r',label = label2)

        # ax1.legend(loc =4)
        # image_name = 'eseg_vorovol_C'

        # plt.savefig('images/'+str(image_name)+'.png',format='png', dpi = 300)            
        # plt.cla()
        # plt.ylabel(ylabel)
        # plt.xlabel(xlabel)
        ax2.plot(esegO, vorovolO, 'o',label = label1)

        k, b = np.polyfit(esegO, vorovolO, 1)        

        ax2.plot(esegO, np.asarray(esegO) * k + b, '-r',label = label2)
        # ax2.legend(loc =4)

        # image_name = 'eseg_vorovol_O'
        plt.figtext(0.03, 0.5, ylabel, ha='center', va='center', rotation='vertical')

        # fig.set_ylabel(ylabel, va ='center')
        # plt.yaxis.set_label_coords(0, 0.5)
        # plt.xlabel(xlabel)
        plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, bottom = 0.15)

        image_name = 'eseg_vorovol_CandO'

        plt.savefig('images/'+str(image_name)+'.png',format='png', dpi = 300) 
