def json_out(request, utm_campaign): utm_campaign = MySQLdb._mysql.escape_string(str(utm_campaign)) dl = DL.DataLoader(db='db1025') lptl = DL.LandingPageTableLoader(db='db1008') start_time = lptl.get_earliest_campaign_view(utm_campaign) end_time = lptl.get_latest_campaign_view(utm_campaign) """ Get the views from the given campaign for each banner ===================================================== """'Determining views for campaign %s' % utm_campaign) sql = "select utm_source, count(*) as views from landing_page_requests where utm_campaign = '%s' and request_time >= %s and request_time <= %s group by 1" % ( utm_campaign, start_time, end_time) results = dl.execute_SQL(str(sql)) """ builf the condition string for banners to be used in SQL to retrieve impressions""" views = dict() banner_str = '' for row in results: views[str(row[0])] = int(row[1]) banner_str_piece = "utm_source = '%s' or " % row[0] banner_str = banner_str + banner_str_piece banner_str = banner_str[:-4] """ Get the impressions from the given campaign for each banner =========================================================== """'Determining impressions for campaign %s' % utm_campaign) sql = "select utm_source, sum(counts) from banner_impressions where (%s) and on_minute >= '%s' and on_minute <= '%s' group by 1" % ( banner_str, start_time, end_time) results = dl.execute_SQL(str(sql)) """ Build JSON, compute click rates """ click_rate = dict() json = 'insertStatistics({ ' err_str = '' for row in results: try: utm_source = row[0] click_rate = float(views[utm_source]) / float(int(row[1])) item = '"%s" : %s , ' % (utm_source, click_rate) json = json + item except: err_str = err_str + utm_source + ' ' json = json[:-2] + '});' return render_to_response('live_results/json_out.html', {'html': json}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def execute_process(self, key, **kwargs):'Commencing caching of live results data at: %s' % self.CACHING_HOME) shelve_key = key """ Find the earliest and latest page views for a given campaign """ lptl = DL.LandingPageTableLoader(db='db1025') query_name = 'report_summary_results_country.sql' query_name_1S = 'report_summary_results_country_1S.sql' campaign_regexp_filter = '^C_|^C11_' dl = DL.DataLoader(db='db1025') end_time, start_time = TP.timestamps_for_interval( datetime.datetime.utcnow(), 1, hours=-self.DURATION_HRS) """ Should a one-step query be used? """ use_one_step = lptl.is_one_step( start_time, end_time, 'C11' ) # Assume it is a one step test if there are no impressions for this campaign in the landing page table """ Retrieve the latest time for which impressions have been loaded =============================================================== """ sql_stmnt = 'select max(end_time) as latest_ts from squid_log_record where log_completion_pct = 100.00' results = dl.execute_SQL(sql_stmnt) latest_timestamp = results[0][0] latest_timestamp = TP.timestamp_from_obj(latest_timestamp, 2, 3) latest_timestamp_flat = TP.timestamp_convert_format( latest_timestamp, 2, 1) ret = DR.ConfidenceReporting(query_type='', hyp_test='', db='db1025').get_confidence_on_time_range( start_time, end_time, campaign_regexp_filter, one_step=use_one_step) measured_metrics_counts = ret[1] """ Prepare Summary results """ sql_stmnt = Hlp.file_to_string(projSet.__sql_home__ + query_name) sql_stmnt = sql_stmnt % (start_time, latest_timestamp_flat, start_time, latest_timestamp_flat, campaign_regexp_filter, start_time, latest_timestamp_flat, \ start_time, end_time, campaign_regexp_filter, start_time, end_time, campaign_regexp_filter, start_time, end_time, campaign_regexp_filter, \ start_time, latest_timestamp_flat, campaign_regexp_filter, start_time, latest_timestamp_flat, campaign_regexp_filter)'Executing report_summary_results ...') results = dl.execute_SQL(sql_stmnt) column_names = dl.get_column_names() if use_one_step:'... including one step artifacts ...') sql_stmnt_1S = Hlp.file_to_string(projSet.__sql_home__ + query_name_1S) sql_stmnt_1S = sql_stmnt_1S % (start_time, latest_timestamp_flat, start_time, latest_timestamp_flat, campaign_regexp_filter, start_time, latest_timestamp_flat, \ start_time, end_time, campaign_regexp_filter, start_time, end_time, campaign_regexp_filter, start_time, end_time, campaign_regexp_filter, \ start_time, latest_timestamp_flat, campaign_regexp_filter, start_time, latest_timestamp_flat, campaign_regexp_filter) results = list(results) results_1S = dl.execute_SQL(sql_stmnt_1S) """ Ensure that the results are unique """ one_step_keys = list() for row in results_1S: one_step_keys.append(str(row[0]) + str(row[1]) + str(row[2])) new_results = list() for row in results: key = str(row[0]) + str(row[1]) + str(row[2]) if not (key in one_step_keys): new_results.append(row) results = new_results results.extend(list(results_1S)) metric_legend_table = DR.DataReporting().get_standard_metrics_legend() conf_legend_table = DR.ConfidenceReporting( query_type='bannerlp', hyp_test='TTest').get_confidence_legend_table() """ Create a interval loader objects """ sampling_interval = 5 # 5 minute sampling interval for donation plots ir_cmpgn = DR.IntervalReporting(query_type=FDH._QTYPE_CAMPAIGN_ + FDH._QTYPE_TIME_, generate_plot=False, db='db1025') ir_banner = DR.IntervalReporting(query_type=FDH._QTYPE_BANNER_ + FDH._QTYPE_TIME_, generate_plot=False, db='db1025') ir_lp = DR.IntervalReporting(query_type=FDH._QTYPE_LP_ + FDH._QTYPE_TIME_, generate_plot=False, db='db1025') """ Execute queries """, end_time, sampling_interval, 'donations', '', {}), end_time, sampling_interval, 'donations', '', {}), end_time, sampling_interval, 'donations', '', {}) """ Prepare serialized objects """ dict_param = dict() dict_param['metric_legend_table'] = metric_legend_table dict_param['conf_legend_table'] = conf_legend_table dict_param['measured_metrics_counts'] = measured_metrics_counts dict_param['results'] = results dict_param['column_names'] = column_names dict_param['interval'] = sampling_interval dict_param['duration'] = self.DURATION_HRS dict_param['start_time'] = TP.timestamp_convert_format( start_time, 1, 2) dict_param['end_time'] = TP.timestamp_convert_format(end_time, 1, 2) dict_param['ir_cmpgn_counts'] = ir_cmpgn._counts_ dict_param['ir_banner_counts'] = ir_banner._counts_ dict_param['ir_lp_counts'] = ir_lp._counts_ dict_param['ir_cmpgn_times'] = ir_cmpgn._times_ dict_param['ir_banner_times'] = ir_banner._times_ dict_param['ir_lp_times'] = ir_lp._times_ self.clear_cached_data(shelve_key) self.cache_data(dict_param, shelve_key)'Caching complete.')
def show_campaigns(request, utm_campaign, **kwargs): """ PROCESS POST KWARGS =================== """ err_msg = '' try: err_msg = str(kwargs['kwargs']['err_msg']) except: pass test_type_override = '' try: test_type_override = MySQLdb._mysql.escape_string( request.POST['test_type_override']) if test_type_override == 'Banner': test_type_var = FDH._TESTTYPE_BANNER_ elif test_type_override == 'Landing Page': test_type_var = FDH._TESTTYPE_LP_ elif test_type_override == 'Banner and LP': test_type_var = FDH._TESTTYPE_BANNER_LP_ except: test_type_var = '' pass try: """ Find the earliest and latest page views for a given campaign """ lptl = DL.LandingPageTableLoader() ccrml = DL.CiviCRMLoader() start_time = ccrml.get_earliest_donation(utm_campaign) end_time = ccrml.get_latest_donation(utm_campaign) one_step = lptl.is_one_step(start_time, end_time, utm_campaign) if not (one_step): start_time = lptl.get_earliest_campaign_view(utm_campaign) end_time = lptl.get_latest_campaign_view(utm_campaign) interval = 1 """ Create reporting object to retrieve campaign data and write plots to image repo on disk """ ir = DR.IntervalReporting(was_run=False, use_labels=False, font_size=20, plot_type='line', query_type='campaign', file_path=projSet.__web_home__ + 'campaigns/static/images/') """ Produce analysis on the campaign view data """, end_time, interval, 'views', utm_campaign, {}, one_step=one_step) """ ESTIMATE THE START AND END TIME OF THE CAMPAIGN =============================================== Search for the first instance when more than 10 views are observed over a sampling period """ col_names = ir._data_loader_.get_column_names() views_index = col_names.index('views') ts_index = col_names.index('ts') row_list = list(ir._data_loader_._results_) # copy the query results for row in row_list: if row[views_index] > 100: start_time_est = row[ts_index] break row_list.reverse() for row in row_list: if row[views_index] > 100: end_time_est = row[ts_index] break """ BUILD THE VISUALIZATION FOR THE TEST VIEWS OF THIS CAMAPAIGN ============================================================ """ """ Read the test name """ ttl = DL.TestTableLoader() row = ttl.get_test_row(utm_campaign) test_name = ttl.get_test_field(row, 'test_name') """ Regenerate the data using the estimated start and end times """ ir = DR.IntervalReporting(was_run=False, use_labels=False, font_size=20, plot_type='line', query_type='campaign', file_path=projSet.__web_home__ + 'campaigns/static/images/'), end_time_est, interval, 'views', utm_campaign, {}, one_step=one_step) """ Determine the type of test (if not overridden) and retrieve the artifacts """ test_type, artifact_name_list = FDH.get_test_type( utm_campaign, start_time, end_time, DL.CampaignReportingLoader(query_type=''), test_type_var) return render_to_response('campaigns/show_campaigns.html', {'utm_campaign' : utm_campaign, 'test_name' : test_name, 'start_time' : start_time_est, 'end_time' : end_time_est, 'one_step' : one_step, \ 'artifacts' : artifact_name_list, 'test_type' : test_type, 'err_msg' : err_msg}, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) except Exception as inst: logging.error('Failed to correctly produce campaign diagnostics.') logging.error(type(inst)) logging.error(inst.args) logging.error(inst) """ Return to the index page with an error """ err_msg = 'There is insufficient data to analyze this campaign: %s. Check to see if the <a href="/LML/">impressions have been loaded</a>. <br><br>ERROR:<br><br>%s' % ( utm_campaign, inst.__str__()) return index(request, kwargs={'err_msg': err_msg})