def ReadLinks(fileName, delimiter_=','): """ read link input file and set up link objects. This function will automatically create an internal link id for each link. Internal link IDs are consecutive non-negative integers starting from 0. """ global _dict_links global _dict_nodes with open(fileName) as f: # skip the header next(f) csvf = csv.reader(f, delimiter=delimiter_) # internal link id used for calculation linkID = 0 for r in csvf: linkUID = r[0].strip() origNodeID = GetNodeID(r[1]) destNodeID = GetNodeID(r[2]) linkLen = float(r[3]) pLink = Link(linkID, linkUID, origNodeID, destNodeID, linkLen) _dict_links[linkID] = pLink # update outgoing links from orig node _dict_nodes[origNodeID].AddOutgoingLinks(linkID) linkID += 1
def embedly_link(URL): #Takes a URL, returns a populated Link object #Returns "error" if Embedly API fails client = Embedly(embedly_key) response = client.extract(URL) try: #Get link information from Embedly headline = response['title'] URL = clean_url(response['url']) summary = response['description'] source = response['provider_name'] path = page_path(headline) keywords_response = response['keywords'] keyword1 = str(keywords_response[0]['name']) keyword2 = str(keywords_response[1]['name']) keyword3 = str(keywords_response[2]['name']) keyword4 = str(keywords_response[3]['name']) keyword5 = str(keywords_response[4]['name']) #Create Link object with info from Embedly link = Link(headline=headline, url=URL, source=source, summary=summary, path=path, keyword1=keyword1, keyword2=keyword2, keyword3=keyword3, keyword4=keyword4, keyword5=keyword5, votes=0) return link except: return "error"
def get_content(html): soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") g_divs ='div[class="g"]') link_list = [] for item in g_divs: desc = item.find("span", class_="aCOpRe").text name = item.find("h3", class_="LC20lb").text url = HOST + item.find("div", class_="TbwUpd").text link_list.append(Link(name, url, desc)) return link_list
def _read_links(input_dir, node_list, link_list, node_id_to_no_dict, link_id_to_no_dict): with open(input_dir + '/link.csv', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as link_fp: print('\nread link.csv') reader = csv.DictReader(link_fp) link_seq_no = 0 for line in reader: # it can be an empty string link_id = line['link_id'] # check the validity from_node_id = _convert_str_to_int(line['from_node_id']) if from_node_id is None: continue to_node_id = _convert_str_to_int(line['to_node_id']) if to_node_id is None: continue link_cost = _convert_str_to_float(line['link_cost']) if link_cost is None: continue try: from_node_seq_no = node_id_to_no_dict[from_node_id] to_node_seq_no = node_id_to_no_dict[to_node_id] except KeyError: print(f"EXCEPTION: Node ID {from_node_id} " f"or/and Node ID {to_node_id} NOT IN THE NETWORK!!") continue try: geometry = line['geometry'] except KeyError: geometry = '' link_id_to_no_dict[link_id] = link_seq_no # construct link object link = Link(link_id, link_seq_no, from_node_seq_no, to_node_seq_no, from_node_id, to_node_id, link_cost, geometry) link_list.append(link) from_node = node_list[from_node_seq_no] to_node = node_list[to_node_seq_no] from_node.add_outgoing_link(link) to_node.add_incoming_link(link) link_seq_no += 1 print(f"the number of links is {link_seq_no}")
XS_dat[i].len = 1 list_km = [] # wykrycie polaczen przekroii od lewej do prawej, stworzenie listy obiektow typu link linki = [] for object1 in XS_dat: lewa = object1.left for object2 in XS_dat: if abs(float(lewa[0]) - float(object2.right[0])) < 2 and abs( float(lewa[1]) - float(object2.right[1]) ) < 2 and object1.river_code != object2.river_code: if "LTZ" in object1.river_code and "PTZ" in object2.river_code: print("blad: LTZ polaczony z PTZ") elif "PTZ" in object1.river_code and "LTZ" in object2.river_code: print("blad: PTZ polaczony z LTZ") else: linki.append(Link(object1, object2)) licz_lin = len(linki) defined = 0 # Nadanie parametrow przekroja # do refaktoryzacji - 4 krotne wywolanie tego samego for element in linki: if "TZ_" not in element.river1 and "TZ_" in element.river2: # print(element.river1, element.chain1, element.river2, element.chain2) element.rzad = 1 element.kolej = 1 element.main_chan = str.upper(element.object1.river_code[:3]) element.main_km = element.topo = element.object1.reach_code defined += 1 elif "TZ_" in element.river1 and "TZ_" not in element.river2: element.rzad = 1
def expand_product(shape_tool, product, shapes_simples, deep, doc_id, product_root, product_id, file_path): """ :param shape_tool: :class:`.OCC.XCAFDoc.XCAFDoc_ShapeTool` :param product: :class:`.Product` that will be expanded :param shapes_simples: list of :class:`.SimpleShape` :param deep: Depth of the node that we explore :param doc_id: id that references a :class:`.DocumentFile` of which we are generating the :class:`.Product` :param product_root: :class:`.Product` root of the arborescense We are going to expand a :class:`.Product` (**product**) from the :class:`.OCC.TDF.TDF_Label` who identifies it (**product**.label_reference) If the **product** is an assembly: * We generate the **list** of the :class:`.OCC.TDF.TDF_Label` that define it * for each :class:`.OCC.TDF.TDF_Label` in **list**: - We generate a new :class:`.document3D.classes.Link` or if two or more :class:`.OCC.TDF.TDF_Label` of the list are partner, add an occurrence extra to the :class:`.document3D.classes.Link` that already was generated - The :class:`.document3D.classes.Link` is going to point at a new :class:`.Product` or, if the :class:`.Product` is already present in **product_root**, at the already definite product - If the :class:`.document3D.classes.Link` pointed at a new :class:`.Product` we need to expand it * The atribute **label_reference** of the new :class:`.Product` should be the :class:`.OCC.TDF.TDF_Label` * We expand the :class:`.Product` in a recursive call of method Else the **product** is a simple shape: * We look in the list of **shapes_simples** for his partner * We set the attribute **product**.geometry like the index+1 (>0) of the position of his partner in the list of **SimpleShape** """ if shape_tool.IsAssembly(product.label_reference): l_c = TDF_LabelSequence() shape_tool.GetComponents(product.label_reference, l_c) for i in range(l_c.Length()): label = l_c.Value(i + 1) if shape_tool.IsReference(label): label_reference = TDF_Label() shape_tool.GetReferredShape(label, label_reference) reference_found = False matrix = TransformationMatrix( get_matrix(shape_tool.GetLocation(label).Transformation())) shape = shape_tool.GetShape(label_reference) for link in product.links: if shape_tool.GetShape( link.product.label_reference).IsPartner(shape): link.add_occurrence(get_label_name(label), matrix) reference_found = True break if not reference_found: new_product = Product(get_label_name(label_reference), deep, label_reference, doc_id, product_id[0], file_path) product_assembly = search_assembly(new_product, product_root) if product_assembly: product.links.append(Link(product_assembly)) else: product.links.append(Link(new_product)) product_id[0] += 1 expand_product(shape_tool, new_product, shapes_simples, deep + 1, doc_id, product_root, product_id, file_path) product.links[-1].add_occurrence(get_label_name(label), matrix) else: compShape = shape_tool.GetShape(product.label_reference) for index in range(len(shapes_simples)): if compShape.IsPartner(shapes_simples[index].shape): product.set_geometry(index + 1) #to avoid index==0