def evaluate(classifierPath, testPath):
    # Evaluate whole
    actualLabels = classifier.loadLabels(testPath)
    predictedLabels = test(classifierPath, testPath)
    resultByName = evaluation_process.evaluateClassifier(actualLabels, predictedLabels, 'Boosted convolutional neural network')
    # Evaluate parts
    for weakClassifierPath in glob.glob(os.path.join(classifierPath, 'weak*.info')):
        weakName = store.extractFileBaseName(weakClassifierPath)
        weakClassifierInformation = store.loadInformation(weakClassifierPath)
        resultByName[weakName] = weakClassifierInformation['performance']
    # Return
    return resultByName
def train(targetClassifierPath, trainingPath, testPath, parameterByName):
    # Set paths
    # Count the number of training samples
    trainingCount = classifier.getSampleCount(trainingPath)
    # Initialize weights uniformly over training samples
    sampleWeights = numpy.array([1 / float(trainingCount)] * trainingCount)
    # Initialize
    alphas = []; boostCount = parameterByName['boost count']
    # For each boost,
    for boostIndex in xrange(boostCount):
        # Show feedback
        print '--- Boosting %d/%d ---' % (boostIndex + 1, boostCount)
        # Normalize sampleWeights
        sampleWeights = sampleWeights / float(sum(sampleWeights))
        # Weight samples
        weightedTrainingPath, sampleMultipliers = weightSamples(trainingPath, sampleWeights)
        # Train weak classifier
        weakClassifierPath = os.path.join(targetClassifierPath, 'weak%d' % boostIndex)
        weakResultByName = classifier.train(weakClassifierPath, weightedTrainingPath, testPath, parameterByName)
        # Test weak classifier on training set
        predictedLabels = classifier.test(weakClassifierPath, trainingPath)
        actualLabels = classifier.loadLabels(trainingPath)
        errorDistribution = predictedLabels != actualLabels
        # Compute training error weighted according to sampleWeights
        weightedError =, errorDistribution)
        # Prevent zero division or zero log
        if weightedError == 0: weightedError = 1e-9
        elif weightedError == 1: weightedError = 1 - 1e-9
        # Get alpha from training error
        alpha = 0.5 * numpy.log(float(1 - weightedError) / weightedError)
        coefficients = [numpy.exp(alpha) if isWrong else numpy.exp(-alpha) for isWrong in errorDistribution]
        # Save weakClassifier performance
        print 'weighted training error = %s' % (100 * weightedError)
        print 'alpha = %s' % alpha
        weakResultByName['alpha'] = alpha
        weakResultByName['weighted training error'] = weightedError
        weakResultByName['sample multipliers'] = ' '.join(str(x) for x in sampleMultipliers)
        weakResultByName['error distribution'] = ''.join(str(int(x)) for x in errorDistribution)
        saveWeakClassifierInformation(weakClassifierPath, trainingPath, testPath, parameterByName, {'performance': weakResultByName})
        # Update sampleWeights
        sampleWeights = coefficients * sampleWeights
        # Append
    # Save classifier
    save(targetClassifierPath, alphas)
    # Return evaluation
    return evaluate(targetClassifierPath, testPath)
def loadLabels(filePath):
    return classifier.loadLabels(filePath)