def add_allergen(request): """ Adds an allergen to a user's allergen list """ try: session_id = request.get_signed_cookie('session_id', default=None) euid = request.COOKIES.get('euid') user = User.get_by_id(crypto.decrypt(euid)) allergen_name = request.POST.get('allergen', '') allergen = Label.query(Label.user_id ==, == allergen_name).get(keys_only=True) if session_id and not allergen: profile = user.get_profile() for a in profile['allergens']: if a['name'] == allergen_name: a['value'] = 'true' response = label_api.set_profile(session_id, profile) if response.get('result') == 'success': Label(, name=allergen_name).put_async() return HttpResponse('{"result": "success"}', content_type='application/json') except: pass return HttpResponse('{"result": "failure"}', content_type='application/json')
def add_allergen(request): """ Adds an allergen to a user's allergen list """ try: session_id = request.get_signed_cookie('session_id', default=None) euid = request.COOKIES.get('euid') user = User.get_by_id(crypto.decrypt(euid)) allergen_name = request.POST.get('allergen', '') allergen = Label.query( Label.user_id ==, == allergen_name).get(keys_only=True) if session_id and not allergen: profile = user.get_profile() for a in profile['allergens']: if a['name'] == allergen_name: a['value'] = 'true' response = label_api.set_profile(session_id, profile) if response.get('result') == 'success': Label(user_id =, name = allergen_name).put_async() return HttpResponse('{"result": "success"}', content_type='application/json') except: pass return HttpResponse('{"result": "failure"}', content_type='application/json')
def search_ingredients(request): """ Searches Label API for ingredients by name and returns JSON """ user_id = crypto.decrypt(request.COOKIES['euid']) if 'euid' in request.COOKIES else None session_id = request.get_signed_cookie('session_id', default=None) search_term = request.GET.get('ingredient', '') if user_id and session_id and search_term: start = request.GET.get('start', '0') try: start = int(start) except ValueError: start = 0 search_result = label_api.ingredient_search(session_id, search_term, start=start) if 'error' not in search_result: return HttpResponse( json.dumps( { 'result': 'success', 'start': start, 'total_found': search_result['numFound'], 'ingredients': search_result['arrayIngredients'] }), content_type='application/json') return HttpResponse('{"result": "failure"}', content_type='application/json')
def checkout(request): """ Stripe checkout """ user_id = crypto.decrypt(request.COOKIES.get('euid', '')) user = User.get_by_id(user_id) if not user: return redirect('/') try: stripe.api_key = settings.STRIPE_SECRET_KEY charge = stripe.Charge.create( amount=800, # amount in cents currency='usd', source=request.POST.get('stripeToken', ''), description='Classifood upgrade for {0}'.format(request.POST.get('stripeEmail')) ) if charge.get('status') != 'succeeded': raise Exception except: print 'Stripe Error: Failed to charge user {0}'.format(user_id) return redirect('/user/profile?upgrade_status=0') else: Order(user_id = user_id, name = request.POST.get('name'), description = request.POST.get('description'), price = int(request.POST.get('price'))).put() user.group_id = 2 user.upgrade_exp = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=180) user.put() return redirect('/user/profile')
def add_ingredient(request): """ Adds an ingredient to a user's ingredient list """ try: session_id = request.get_signed_cookie('session_id', default=None) user_id = crypto.decrypt(request.COOKIES.get('euid', '')) ingredient_id = request.POST.get('ingredient_id', '') ingredient_name = request.POST.get('ingredient_name', '') ingredient = Label.query( Label.user_id == user_id, == ingredient_name, Label.sub_id == ingredient_id).get(keys_only=True) if session_id and not ingredient: response = label_api.add_ingredient(session_id, ingredient_id) if response.get('result') == 'success': Label(user_id=user_id, name=ingredient_name, sub_id=ingredient_id).put_async() return HttpResponse('{"result": "success"}', content_type='application/json') except: pass return HttpResponse('{"result": "failure"}', content_type='application/json')
def remove_nutrient(request): """ Removes a nutrient from a user's nutrient list """ try: session_id = request.get_signed_cookie('session_id', default=None) euid = request.COOKIES.get('euid') user = User.get_by_id(crypto.decrypt(euid)) nutrient_name = request.POST.get('nutrient', '') nutrient = Label.query( Label.user_id ==, == nutrient_name).get(keys_only=True) if session_id and nutrient: profile = user.get_profile() for n in profile['nutrients']: if n['name'] == nutrient_name: n['value'] = 'false' response = label_api.set_profile(session_id, profile) if response.get('result') == 'success': nutrient.delete_async() return HttpResponse('{"result": "success"}', content_type='application/json') except: pass return HttpResponse('{"result": "failure"}', content_type='application/json')
def checkout(request): """ Stripe checkout """ user_id = crypto.decrypt(request.COOKIES.get('euid', '')) user = User.get_by_id(user_id) if not user: return redirect('/') try: stripe.api_key = settings.STRIPE_SECRET_KEY charge = stripe.Charge.create( amount=800, # amount in cents currency='usd', source=request.POST.get('stripeToken', ''), description='Classifood upgrade for {0}'.format( request.POST.get('stripeEmail'))) if charge.get('status') != 'succeeded': raise Exception except: print 'Stripe Error: Failed to charge user {0}'.format(user_id) return redirect('/user/profile?upgrade_status=0') else: Order(user_id=user_id, name=request.POST.get('name'), description=request.POST.get('description'), price=int(request.POST.get('price'))).put() user.group_id = 2 user.upgrade_exp = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=180) user.put() return redirect('/user/profile')
def remove_nutrient(request): """ Removes a nutrient from a user's nutrient list """ try: session_id = request.get_signed_cookie('session_id', default=None) euid = request.COOKIES.get('euid') user = User.get_by_id(crypto.decrypt(euid)) nutrient_name = request.POST.get('nutrient', '') nutrient = Label.query(Label.user_id ==, == nutrient_name).get(keys_only=True) if session_id and nutrient: profile = user.get_profile() for n in profile['nutrients']: if n['name'] == nutrient_name: n['value'] = 'false' response = label_api.set_profile(session_id, profile) if response.get('result') == 'success': nutrient.delete_async() return HttpResponse('{"result": "success"}', content_type='application/json') except: pass return HttpResponse('{"result": "failure"}', content_type='application/json')
def search_ingredients(request): """ Searches Label API for ingredients by name and returns JSON """ user_id = crypto.decrypt( request.COOKIES['euid']) if 'euid' in request.COOKIES else None session_id = request.get_signed_cookie('session_id', default=None) search_term = request.GET.get('ingredient', '') if user_id and session_id and search_term: start = request.GET.get('start', '0') try: start = int(start) except ValueError: start = 0 search_result = label_api.ingredient_search(session_id, search_term, start=start) if 'error' not in search_result: return HttpResponse(json.dumps({ 'result': 'success', 'start': start, 'total_found': search_result['numFound'], 'ingredients': search_result['arrayIngredients'] }), content_type='application/json') return HttpResponse('{"result": "failure"}', content_type='application/json')
def user_profile(request): """ Returns user profile page """ user_id = crypto.decrypt(request.COOKIES['euid']) if 'euid' in request.COOKIES else None session_id = request.get_signed_cookie('session_id', default=None) if user_id and session_id: user = User.get_by_id(user_id) profile = user.get_profile() show_expired = False show_failed_upgrade = False if user.group_id == 2: # Upgraded user now = datetime.utcnow() if user.upgrade_exp < now: user.group_id = 1 user.reset_profile(session_id) user.put() if (now - user.upgrade_exp).days < 3: show_expired = True if request.GET.get('upgrade_status') == '0': show_failed_upgrade = True def filter_list(a_list): result = {} for x in a_list: if x['value'] == 'true': result[x['name']] = True return result user_nutrients = filter_list(profile['nutrients']) user_allergens = filter_list(profile['allergens']) user_additives = filter_list(profile['additives']) user_ingredients = Label.query( Label.user_id == user_id, Label.sub_id != None).fetch() return render_to_response( 'user_profile.html', { 'user': user, 'user_nutrients': user_nutrients, 'user_allergens': user_allergens, 'user_additives': user_additives, 'user_ingredients': user_ingredients, 'known_nutrients': constants.known_nutrients, 'known_allergens': constants.known_allergens, 'known_additives': constants.known_additives, 'show_expired': show_expired, 'show_failed_upgrade': show_failed_upgrade, 'stripe_public_key': settings.STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY }, RequestContext(request)) return redirect('/signin')
def user_profile(request): """ Returns user profile page """ user_id = crypto.decrypt( request.COOKIES['euid']) if 'euid' in request.COOKIES else None session_id = request.get_signed_cookie('session_id', default=None) if user_id and session_id: user = User.get_by_id(user_id) profile = user.get_profile() show_expired = False show_failed_upgrade = False if user.group_id == 2: # Upgraded user now = datetime.utcnow() if user.upgrade_exp < now: user.group_id = 1 user.reset_profile(session_id) user.put() if (now - user.upgrade_exp).days < 3: show_expired = True if request.GET.get('upgrade_status') == '0': show_failed_upgrade = True def filter_list(a_list): result = {} for x in a_list: if x['value'] == 'true': result[x['name']] = True return result user_nutrients = filter_list(profile['nutrients']) user_allergens = filter_list(profile['allergens']) user_additives = filter_list(profile['additives']) user_ingredients = Label.query(Label.user_id == user_id, Label.sub_id != None).fetch() return render_to_response( 'user_profile.html', { 'user': user, 'user_nutrients': user_nutrients, 'user_allergens': user_allergens, 'user_additives': user_additives, 'user_ingredients': user_ingredients, 'known_nutrients': constants.known_nutrients, 'known_allergens': constants.known_allergens, 'known_additives': constants.known_additives, 'show_expired': show_expired, 'show_failed_upgrade': show_failed_upgrade, 'stripe_public_key': settings.STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY }, RequestContext(request)) return redirect('/signin')
def delete_pantry(request): """ Deletes a user's pantry """ user_id = crypto.decrypt(request.COOKIES['euid']) if 'euid' in request.COOKIES else None if user_id: Pantry_Product.query(Pantry_Product.user_id == user_id).map( lambda key: key.delete(), keys_only=True) return redirect('/user/pantry') return redirect('/')
def delete_shopping_list(request): """ Deletes a user's shopping list """ user_id = crypto.decrypt(request.COOKIES['euid']) if 'euid' in request.COOKIES else None if user_id: Shopping_List_Product.query(Shopping_List_Product.user_id == user_id).map( lambda key: key.delete(), keys_only=True) return redirect('/user/shopping_list') return redirect('/')
def delete_pantry(request): """ Deletes a user's pantry """ user_id = crypto.decrypt( request.COOKIES['euid']) if 'euid' in request.COOKIES else None if user_id: Pantry_Product.query(Pantry_Product.user_id == user_id).map( lambda key: key.delete(), keys_only=True) return redirect('/user/pantry') return redirect('/')
def delete_shopping_list(request): """ Deletes a user's shopping list """ user_id = crypto.decrypt( request.COOKIES['euid']) if 'euid' in request.COOKIES else None if user_id: Shopping_List_Product.query( Shopping_List_Product.user_id == user_id).map( lambda key: key.delete(), keys_only=True) return redirect('/user/shopping_list') return redirect('/')
def add_to_shopping_list(request): """ Adds a product to the Shopping_List_Product table """ user_id = crypto.decrypt(request.COOKIES['euid']) if 'euid' in request.COOKIES else None user = User.get_by_id(user_id) if user_id else None barcode = request.POST.get('barcode', '') if user and barcode and not Shopping_List_Product.query( Shopping_List_Product.user_id == user_id, Shopping_List_Product.barcode == barcode).get(keys_only=True): Shopping_List_Product(user_id = user_id, barcode = barcode).put() return HttpResponse('{"result": "success"}', content_type='application/json') return HttpResponse('{"result": "failure"}', content_type='application/json')
def remove_from_shopping_list(request): """ Removes a product from the Shopping_List_Product table """ user_id = crypto.decrypt(request.COOKIES['euid']) if 'euid' in request.COOKIES else None barcode = request.POST.get('barcode', '') if user_id and barcode: # Should get 1 key only Shopping_List_Product.query( Shopping_List_Product.user_id == user_id, Shopping_List_Product.barcode == barcode ).map(lambda key: key.delete(), keys_only=True) return HttpResponse('{"result": "success"}', content_type='application/json') return HttpResponse('{"result": "failure"}', content_type='application/json')
def remove_from_pantry(request): """ Removes a product from the Pantry_Product table """ user_id = crypto.decrypt( request.COOKIES['euid']) if 'euid' in request.COOKIES else None barcode = request.POST.get('barcode', '') if user_id and barcode: # Should get 1 key only Pantry_Product.query(Pantry_Product.user_id == user_id, Pantry_Product.barcode == barcode).map( lambda key: key.delete(), keys_only=True) return HttpResponse('{"result": "success"}', content_type='application/json') return HttpResponse('{"result": "failure"}', content_type='application/json')
def add_to_shopping_list(request): """ Adds a product to the Shopping_List_Product table """ user_id = crypto.decrypt( request.COOKIES['euid']) if 'euid' in request.COOKIES else None user = User.get_by_id(user_id) if user_id else None barcode = request.POST.get('barcode', '') if user and barcode and not Shopping_List_Product.query( Shopping_List_Product.user_id == user_id, Shopping_List_Product.barcode == barcode).get(keys_only=True): Shopping_List_Product(user_id=user_id, barcode=barcode).put() return HttpResponse('{"result": "success"}', content_type='application/json') return HttpResponse('{"result": "failure"}', content_type='application/json')
def user_shopping_list(request): """ Returns the user shopping list """ user_id = crypto.decrypt( request.COOKIES['euid']) if 'euid' in request.COOKIES else None session_id = request.get_signed_cookie('session_id', default=None) if user_id and session_id: user = User.get_by_id(user_id) start = request.GET.get('start', '0') label_error = False try: start = int(start) except ValueError: start = 0 # Get shopping list products by user_id prod_entities = Shopping_List_Product.query( Shopping_List_Product.user_id == user_id).order( -Shopping_List_Product.added_on).fetch(limit=5, offset=start) # Get total number of shopping list total = Shopping_List_Product.query( Shopping_List_Product.user_id == user_id).count() products = [] length = 0 now = datetime.utcnow() for entity in prod_entities: # Get product detailed info prod_details = label_api.label_array(session_id, entity.barcode) if 'productsArray' in prod_details: products.append(prod_details['productsArray'][0]) length += 1 products[length - 1]['contains'] = [] products[length - 1]['may_contain'] = [] # Get nutrient percentage value for nutrient in products[length - 1]['nutrients']: if nutrient[ 'nutrient_name'] in constants.DAILY_VALUES and nutrient[ 'nutrient_uom'] in constants.UNIT_MULTIPLIER: try: nutrient['percentage_value'] = '{:.0%}'.format( float(nutrient['nutrient_value']) * constants.UNIT_MULTIPLIER[ nutrient['nutrient_uom']] / constants.DAILY_VALUES[ nutrient['nutrient_name']][1]) except ValueError: nutrient['percentage_value'] = '' for allergen in products[length - 1]['allergens']: if allergen['allergen_value'] == '2': products[length - 1]['contains'].append( allergen['allergen_name']) elif allergen['allergen_value'] == '1': products[length - 1]['may_contain'].append( allergen['allergen_name']) for additive in products[length - 1]['additives']: if additive['additive_value'] == '2': products[length - 1]['contains'].append( additive['additive_name']) elif additive['additive_value'] == '1': products[length - 1]['may_contain'].append( additive['additive_name']) for ingredient in products[length - 1]['procingredients']: if ingredient['value'] == 2: products[length - 1]['contains'].append( ingredient['name']) elif ingredient['value'] == 1: products[length - 1]['may_contain'].append( ingredient['name']) else: label_error = True break # Check if product is on user shopping list if Pantry_Product.query( Pantry_Product.user_id == user_id, Pantry_Product.barcode == entity.barcode).get( keys_only=True): products[length - 1]['in_pantry'] = 'true' # Get time between now when product was added products[length - 1]['t_delta'] = utils.get_time_delta_str(now - entity.added_on) pages = get_pages(start, total) return render_to_response( 'user_shopping_list.html', { 'products': products, 'products_len': len(products), 'total': total, 'start': start, 'pages': pages, 'label_error': label_error, }, RequestContext(request)) return redirect('/signin')
def user_shopping_list(request): """ Returns the user shopping list """ user_id = crypto.decrypt(request.COOKIES['euid']) if 'euid' in request.COOKIES else None session_id = request.get_signed_cookie('session_id', default=None) if user_id and session_id: user = User.get_by_id(user_id) start = request.GET.get('start', '0') label_error = False try: start = int(start) except ValueError: start = 0 # Get shopping list products by user_id prod_entities = Shopping_List_Product.query( Shopping_List_Product.user_id == user_id).order( -Shopping_List_Product.added_on).fetch(limit=5, offset=start) # Get total number of shopping list total = Shopping_List_Product.query(Shopping_List_Product.user_id == user_id).count() products = [] length = 0 now = datetime.utcnow() for entity in prod_entities: # Get product detailed info prod_details = label_api.label_array(session_id, entity.barcode) if 'productsArray' in prod_details: products.append(prod_details['productsArray'][0]) length += 1 products[length-1]['contains'] = [] products[length-1]['may_contain'] = [] # Get nutrient percentage value for nutrient in products[length-1]['nutrients']: if nutrient['nutrient_name'] in constants.DAILY_VALUES and nutrient['nutrient_uom'] in constants.UNIT_MULTIPLIER: try: nutrient['percentage_value'] = '{:.0%}'.format(float(nutrient['nutrient_value']) * constants.UNIT_MULTIPLIER[nutrient['nutrient_uom']] / constants.DAILY_VALUES[nutrient['nutrient_name']][1]) except ValueError: nutrient['percentage_value'] = '' for allergen in products[length-1]['allergens']: if allergen['allergen_value'] == '2': products[length-1]['contains'].append(allergen['allergen_name']) elif allergen['allergen_value'] == '1': products[length-1]['may_contain'].append(allergen['allergen_name']) for additive in products[length-1]['additives']: if additive['additive_value'] == '2': products[length-1]['contains'].append(additive['additive_name']) elif additive['additive_value'] == '1': products[length-1]['may_contain'].append(additive['additive_name']) for ingredient in products[length-1]['procingredients']: if ingredient['value'] == 2: products[length-1]['contains'].append(ingredient['name']) elif ingredient['value'] == 1: products[length-1]['may_contain'].append(ingredient['name']) else: label_error=True break # Check if product is on user shopping list if Pantry_Product.query( Pantry_Product.user_id == user_id, Pantry_Product.barcode == entity.barcode ).get(keys_only=True): products[length-1]['in_pantry'] = 'true' # Get time between now when product was added products[length-1]['t_delta'] = utils.get_time_delta_str(now - entity.added_on) pages = get_pages(start, total) return render_to_response( 'user_shopping_list.html', { 'products': products, 'products_len': len(products), 'total': total, 'start': start, 'pages': pages, 'label_error': label_error, }, RequestContext(request)) return redirect('/signin')
def search(request): """ Returns a list of search results. """ search_term = request.GET.get('q').lower() start = request.GET.get('start', '0') mobile = request.GET.get('mobile') user = User.get_by_id(crypto.decrypt(request.COOKIES['euid'])) if 'euid' in request.COOKIES else None session_id = request.get_signed_cookie('session_id', default=None) if not session_id: session = {} while 'session_id' not in session: session = label_api.create_session() session_id = session['session_id'] label_api.set_profile(session_id) products = [] # list of product info dictionaries pages = [] # list of (page_start, page_label) tuples total_found = 0 # If start is not an integer, set start to 0 try: start = int(start) except ValueError: start = 0 if user: profile_hash = crypto.get_hmac_sha256_hash(json.dumps(user.get_profile(), sort_keys=True)) else: profile_hash = crypto.get_hmac_sha256_hash(json.dumps({ "nutrients": [ {"name": "Calories", "value": "true"}, {"name": "Total Fat", "value": "true"}, {"name": "Cholesterol", "value": "true"}, {"name": "Sodium", "value": "true"}, {"name": "Total Carbohydrate", "value": "true"}, {"name": "Dietary Fiber", "value": "true"}, {"name": "Sugars", "value": "true"}, {"name": "Protein", "value": "true"} ], "allergens": [ {"name": "Gluten", "value": "true"} ], "additives": [ {"name": "Preservatives", "value": "true"} ], "myingredients": [], "mysort": [ { "sort_variable": "Calories", "sort_order": 1, "variable_type": 1 } ], }, sort_keys=True)) cached = Search_Cache.query( Search_Cache.profile_hash == profile_hash, Search_Cache.search_term == search_term, Search_Cache.start == start).get() # Data in cache and less than 5 days old if cached and (datetime.utcnow() - cached.updated_on).days < 5: products = cached.products pages = cached.pages total_found = cached.nfound else: if cached: cached.key.delete() search_result = {} while 'numFound' not in search_result: search_result = label_api.search_products(session_id, search_term, start=start) total_found = search_result['numFound'] if total_found > 0: products = search_result['productsArray'] pages = get_pages(start, total_found) # Get product details for product in products: if product['product_size'].strip() == 'none': product['product_size'] = '' prod_details = label_api.label_array(session_id, product['upc']) if 'productsArray' in prod_details: product['details'] = prod_details['productsArray'][0] product['contains'] = [] product['may_contain'] = [] # Get nutrient percentage value for nutrient in product['details']['nutrients']: if nutrient['nutrient_name'] in constants.DAILY_VALUES and nutrient['nutrient_uom'] in constants.UNIT_MULTIPLIER: try: nutrient['percentage_value'] = '{:.0%}'.format(float(nutrient['nutrient_value']) * constants.UNIT_MULTIPLIER[nutrient['nutrient_uom']] / constants.DAILY_VALUES[nutrient['nutrient_name']][1]) except ValueError: nutrient['percentage_value'] = '' for allergen in product['details']['allergens']: if allergen['allergen_value'] == '2': product['contains'].append(allergen['allergen_name']) elif allergen['allergen_value'] == '1': product['may_contain'].append(allergen['allergen_name']) for additive in product['details']['additives']: if additive['additive_value'] == '2': product['contains'].append(additive['additive_name']) elif additive['additive_value'] == '1': product['may_contain'].append(additive['additive_name']) for ingredient in product['details']['procingredients']: if ingredient['value'] == 2: product['contains'].append(ingredient['name']) elif ingredient['value'] == 1: product['may_contain'].append(ingredient['name']) # Add to cache Search_Cache(profile_hash = profile_hash, search_term = search_term, start = start, products = products, pages = pages, nfound = total_found).put() for product in products: # Check if product is on user shopping list if user and Shopping_List_Product.query( Shopping_List_Product.user_id ==, Shopping_List_Product.barcode == product['upc'] ).get(keys_only=True): product['on_shopping_list'] = 'true' # Check if product is on user shopping list if user and Pantry_Product.query( Pantry_Product.user_id ==, Pantry_Product.barcode == product['upc'] ).get(keys_only=True): product['in_pantry'] = 'true' response = render_to_response( 'search.html', { 'search_term': search_term, 'products': products, 'products_len': len(products), 'pages': pages, 'start': start, 'total_found': total_found, }, RequestContext(request)) response.set_signed_cookie('session_id', session_id) return response
def search(request): """ Returns a list of search results. """ search_term = request.GET.get('q').lower() start = request.GET.get('start', '0') mobile = request.GET.get('mobile') user = User.get_by_id(crypto.decrypt( request.COOKIES['euid'])) if 'euid' in request.COOKIES else None session_id = request.get_signed_cookie('session_id', default=None) if not session_id: session = {} while 'session_id' not in session: session = label_api.create_session() session_id = session['session_id'] label_api.set_profile(session_id) products = [] # list of product info dictionaries pages = [] # list of (page_start, page_label) tuples total_found = 0 # If start is not an integer, set start to 0 try: start = int(start) except ValueError: start = 0 if user: profile_hash = crypto.get_hmac_sha256_hash( json.dumps(user.get_profile(), sort_keys=True)) else: profile_hash = crypto.get_hmac_sha256_hash( json.dumps( { "nutrients": [{ "name": "Calories", "value": "true" }, { "name": "Total Fat", "value": "true" }, { "name": "Cholesterol", "value": "true" }, { "name": "Sodium", "value": "true" }, { "name": "Total Carbohydrate", "value": "true" }, { "name": "Dietary Fiber", "value": "true" }, { "name": "Sugars", "value": "true" }, { "name": "Protein", "value": "true" }], "allergens": [{ "name": "Gluten", "value": "true" }], "additives": [{ "name": "Preservatives", "value": "true" }], "myingredients": [], "mysort": [{ "sort_variable": "Calories", "sort_order": 1, "variable_type": 1 }], }, sort_keys=True)) cached = Search_Cache.query(Search_Cache.profile_hash == profile_hash, Search_Cache.search_term == search_term, Search_Cache.start == start).get() # Data in cache and less than 5 days old if cached and (datetime.utcnow() - cached.updated_on).days < 5: products = cached.products pages = cached.pages total_found = cached.nfound else: if cached: cached.key.delete() search_result = {} while 'numFound' not in search_result: search_result = label_api.search_products(session_id, search_term, start=start) total_found = search_result['numFound'] if total_found > 0: products = search_result['productsArray'] pages = get_pages(start, total_found) # Get product details for product in products: if product['product_size'].strip() == 'none': product['product_size'] = '' prod_details = label_api.label_array(session_id, product['upc']) if 'productsArray' in prod_details: product['details'] = prod_details['productsArray'][0] product['contains'] = [] product['may_contain'] = [] # Get nutrient percentage value for nutrient in product['details']['nutrients']: if nutrient[ 'nutrient_name'] in constants.DAILY_VALUES and nutrient[ 'nutrient_uom'] in constants.UNIT_MULTIPLIER: try: nutrient['percentage_value'] = '{:.0%}'.format( float(nutrient['nutrient_value']) * constants.UNIT_MULTIPLIER[ nutrient['nutrient_uom']] / constants.DAILY_VALUES[ nutrient['nutrient_name']][1]) except ValueError: nutrient['percentage_value'] = '' for allergen in product['details']['allergens']: if allergen['allergen_value'] == '2': product['contains'].append(allergen['allergen_name']) elif allergen['allergen_value'] == '1': product['may_contain'].append( allergen['allergen_name']) for additive in product['details']['additives']: if additive['additive_value'] == '2': product['contains'].append(additive['additive_name']) elif additive['additive_value'] == '1': product['may_contain'].append( additive['additive_name']) for ingredient in product['details']['procingredients']: if ingredient['value'] == 2: product['contains'].append(ingredient['name']) elif ingredient['value'] == 1: product['may_contain'].append(ingredient['name']) # Add to cache Search_Cache(profile_hash=profile_hash, search_term=search_term, start=start, products=products, pages=pages, nfound=total_found).put() for product in products: # Check if product is on user shopping list if user and Shopping_List_Product.query( Shopping_List_Product.user_id ==, Shopping_List_Product.barcode == product['upc']).get(keys_only=True): product['on_shopping_list'] = 'true' # Check if product is on user shopping list if user and Pantry_Product.query( Pantry_Product.user_id ==, Pantry_Product.barcode == product['upc']).get(keys_only=True): product['in_pantry'] = 'true' response = render_to_response( 'search.html', { 'search_term': search_term, 'products': products, 'products_len': len(products), 'pages': pages, 'start': start, 'total_found': total_found, }, RequestContext(request)) response.set_signed_cookie('session_id', session_id) return response