예제 #1
def make_fgmax(FG):
    """Deprecated -- use FGmaxGrid.write_input_data"""
    print "---------------------------------------------- "
    x1, x2 = FG.x1, FG.x2
    y1, y2 = FG.y1, FG.y2
    point_style = FG.point_style
    if point_style not in [1, 2, 3]:
        raise NotImplementedError("make_fgmax not implemented for point_style %i" \
            % point_style)

    if point_style == 2:
        # 2d grid of points
        if FG.nx is None:
            dx = FG.dx
            nx = int(round((x2 - x1) / dx)) + 1
            if abs((nx - 1) * dx + x1 - x2) > 1e-6:
                print "Warning: abs((nx-1)*dx + x1 - x2) = ", \
                      abs((nx-1)*dx + x1 - x2)
                print "         old x2: %22.16e" % x2
                x2 = x1 + dx * (nx - 1)
                print "         resetting x2 to %22.16e" % x2
            nx = FG.nx
            dx = (x2 - x1) / (nx + 1.)
            if FG.dx is not None:
                print "*** Warning: dx specified over-ridden by: ", dx

        if FG.ny is None:
            dy = FG.dy
            if dy is None:
                dy = dx
            ny = int(round((y2 - y1) / dy)) + 1
            if abs((ny - 1) * dy + y1 - y2) > 1e-6:
                print "Warning: abs((ny-1)*dy + y1 - y2) = ", \
                      abs((ny-1)*dy + y1 - y2)
                print "         old y2: %22.16e" % y2
                y2 = y1 + dy * (ny - 1)
                print "         resetting y2 to %22.16e" % y2
            ny = FG.ny
            dy = (y2 - y1) / (ny + 1.)
            if FG.dy is not None:
                print "*** Warning: dy specified over-ridden by: ", dy

        npts = nx * ny

        fid = open(FG.fname, 'w')
        fid.write("%16.10e            # tstart_max\n" % FG.tstart_max)
        fid.write("%16.10e            # tend_max\n" % FG.tend_max)
        fid.write("%16.10e            # dt_check\n" % FG.dt_check)
        fid.write("%i %s              # min_level_check\n" \
                            % (FG.min_level_check,16*" "))

        fid.write("%16.10e            # arrival_tol\n" % FG.arrival_tol)
        fid.write("%i %s              # point_style\n" \
                            % (FG.point_style,16*" "))

        fid.write("%i  %i %s          # nx,ny\n" \
                            % (nx,ny,10*" "))
        fid.write("%16.10e   %20.10e            # x1, y1\n" % (x1, y1))
        fid.write("%16.10e   %20.10e            # x2, y2\n" % (x2, y2))

        print "Created file ", FG.fname
        print "   specifying fixed grid with shape %i by %i, with  %i points" \
                % (nx,ny,npts)
        print "   lower left  = (%15.10f,%15.10f)" % (x1, y1)
        print "   upper right = (%15.10f,%15.10f)" % (x2, y2)
        print "   dx = %15.10e,  dy = %15.10e" % (dx, dy)

        xy = [x1, x2, y1, y2]
        fname_root = os.path.splitext(FG.fname)[0]
        kml_file = fname_root + '.kml'
        kmltools.box2kml(xy, kml_file, fname_root, color='8888FF')

    elif point_style == 1:
        # 1d transect of points
        if FG.npts is None:
            dx = FG.dx
            npts = int(round(sqrt((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2) / dx)) + 1
            if abs((npts - 1) * dx + x1 - x2) > 1e-6:
                print "Warning: abs((npts-1)*dx + x1 - x2) = ", \
                      abs((npts-1)*dx + x1 - x2)
                x2 = x1 + dx * (npts - 1)
                y2 = y1 + dx * (npts - 1)
                print "         resetting x2 to %g" % x2
                print "         resetting y2 to %g" % y2
            npts = FG.npts
            dx = sqrt((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2) / (npts + 1.)
            if FG.dx is not None:
                print "*** Warning: dx specified over-ridden by: ", dx

        print "Creating 1d fixed grid with %s points" % npts
        print "   dx = %g" % dx

        fid = open(FG.fname, 'w')
        fid.write("%g                 # tstart_max\n" % FG.tstart_max)
        fid.write("%g                 # tend_max\n" % FG.tend_max)
        fid.write("%g                 # dt_check\n" % FG.dt_check)
        fid.write("%i                 # min_level_check\n" %
        fid.write("%g                 # arrival_tol\n" % FG.arrival_tol)
        fid.write("%g                 # point_style\n" % FG.point_style)

        fid.write("%i                 # npts\n" % (npts))
        fid.write("%g   %g            # x1, y1\n" % (x1, y1))
        fid.write("%g   %g            # x2, y2\n" % (x2, y2))

        print "Created file ", FG.fname
        print "   specifying fixed grid with %i points equally spaced from " \
                % npts
        print "   (%g,%g)  to  (%g,%g)" % (x1, y1, x2, y2)

        # not yet implemented:
        #fname_root = os.path.splitext(FG.fname)[0]
        #kml_file = fname_root + '.kml'
        #kmltools.line2kml(xy, kml_file, fname_root, color='8888FF')

    elif point_style == 3:
        # arbitrary quadrilateral
        x3, x4 = FG.x3, FG.x4
        y3, y4 = FG.y3, FG.y4
        if FG.n12 is None:
            raise NotImplementedError("Need to set n12 and n23")
            npts = FG.n12 * FG.n23

        fid = open(FG.fname, 'w')
        fid.write("%g                 # tstart_max\n" % FG.tstart_max)
        fid.write("%g                 # tend_max\n" % FG.tend_max)
        fid.write("%g                 # dt_check\n" % FG.dt_check)
        fid.write("%i                 # min_level_check\n" %
        fid.write("%g                 # arrival_tol\n" % FG.arrival_tol)
        fid.write("%g                 # point_style\n" % FG.point_style)

        fid.write("%i  %i %s          # FG.n12,FG.n23\n" \
                            % (FG.n12,FG.n23,10*" "))
        fid.write("%16.10e   %20.10e            # x1, y1\n" % (x1, y1))
        fid.write("%16.10e   %20.10e            # x2, y2\n" % (x2, y2))
        fid.write("%16.10e   %20.10e            # x3, y3\n" % (x3, y3))
        fid.write("%16.10e   %20.10e            # x4, y4\n" % (x4, y4))

        print "Created file ", FG.fname
        print "   specifying fixed grid as a quadrilateral"
        print "       %i by %i, with  %i points" \
                % (FG.n12,FG.n23,npts)
        print "   corner 1 = (%15.10f,%15.10f)" % (x1, y1)
        print "   corner 2 = (%15.10f,%15.10f)" % (x2, y2)
        print "   corner 3 = (%15.10f,%15.10f)" % (x3, y3)
        print "   corner 4 = (%15.10f,%15.10f)" % (x4, y4)

        xy = [x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4]
        fname_root = os.path.splitext(FG.fname)[0]
        kml_file = fname_root + '.kml'
        kmltools.quad2kml(xy, kml_file, fname_root, color='8888FF')
예제 #2
def make_fgmax(FG):
    """Deprecated -- use FGmaxGrid.write_input_data"""
    print("---------------------------------------------- ")
    x1,x2 = FG.x1, FG.x2
    y1,y2 = FG.y1, FG.y2
    point_style = FG.point_style
    if point_style not in [1,2,3]:
        raise NotImplementedError("make_fgmax not implemented for point_style %i" \
            % point_style)

    if point_style == 2:
        # 2d grid of points
        if FG.nx is None:
            dx = FG.dx
            nx = int(round((x2-x1)/dx)) + 1  
            if abs((nx-1)*dx + x1 - x2) > 1e-6:
                print("Warning: abs((nx-1)*dx + x1 - x2) = ", \
                      abs((nx-1)*dx + x1 - x2))
                print("         old x2: %22.16e" % x2)
                x2 = x1 + dx*(nx-1)
                print("         resetting x2 to %22.16e" % x2)
            nx = FG.nx
            dx = (x2-x1)/(nx+1.)
            if FG.dx is not None:
                print("*** Warning: dx specified over-ridden by: ",dx)
        if FG.ny is None:
            dy = FG.dy
            if dy is None:
                dy = dx
            ny = int(round((y2-y1)/dy)) + 1  
            if abs((ny-1)*dy + y1 - y2) > 1e-6:
                print("Warning: abs((ny-1)*dy + y1 - y2) = ", \
                      abs((ny-1)*dy + y1 - y2))
                print("         old y2: %22.16e" % y2)
                y2 = y1 + dy*(ny-1)
                print("         resetting y2 to %22.16e" % y2)
            ny = FG.ny
            dy = (y2-y1)/(ny+1.)
            if FG.dy is not None:
                print("*** Warning: dy specified over-ridden by: ",dy)
        npts = nx*ny
        fid = open(FG.fname,'w')
        fid.write("%16.10e            # tstart_max\n"  % FG.tstart_max)
        fid.write("%16.10e            # tend_max\n"  % FG.tend_max)
        fid.write("%16.10e            # dt_check\n" % FG.dt_check)
        fid.write("%i %s              # min_level_check\n" \
                            % (FG.min_level_check,16*" "))

        fid.write("%16.10e            # arrival_tol\n" % FG.arrival_tol)
        fid.write("%i %s              # point_style\n" \
                            % (FG.point_style,16*" "))
        fid.write("%i  %i %s          # nx,ny\n" \
                            % (nx,ny,10*" "))
        fid.write("%16.10e   %20.10e            # x1, y1\n" % (x1,y1))
        fid.write("%16.10e   %20.10e            # x2, y2\n" % (x2,y2))
        print("Created file ", FG.fname)
        print("   specifying fixed grid with shape %i by %i, with  %i points" \
                % (nx,ny,npts))
        print("   lower left  = (%15.10f,%15.10f)" % (x1,y1))
        print("   upper right = (%15.10f,%15.10f)" % (x2,y2))
        print("   dx = %15.10e,  dy = %15.10e" % (dx,dy))
        xy = [x1,x2,y1,y2]
        fname_root = os.path.splitext(FG.fname)[0]
        kml_file = fname_root + '.kml'
        kmltools.box2kml(xy, kml_file, fname_root, color='8888FF')

    elif point_style==1:
        # 1d transect of points
        if FG.npts is None:
            dx = FG.dx
            npts = int(round(sqrt((x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2)/dx)) + 1
            if abs((npts-1)*dx + x1 - x2) > 1e-6:
                print("Warning: abs((npts-1)*dx + x1 - x2) = ", \
                      abs((npts-1)*dx + x1 - x2))
                x2 = x1 + dx*(npts-1)
                y2 = y1 + dx*(npts-1)
                print("         resetting x2 to %g" % x2)
                print("         resetting y2 to %g" % y2)
            npts = FG.npts
            dx = sqrt((x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2)/(npts+1.)
            if FG.dx is not None:
                print("*** Warning: dx specified over-ridden by: ",dx)
        print("Creating 1d fixed grid with %s points" % npts)
        print("   dx = %g" % dx)
        fid = open(FG.fname,'w')
        fid.write("%g                 # tstart_max\n"  % FG.tstart_max)
        fid.write("%g                 # tend_max\n"  % FG.tend_max)
        fid.write("%g                 # dt_check\n" % FG.dt_check)
        fid.write("%i                 # min_level_check\n" % FG.min_level_check)
        fid.write("%g                 # arrival_tol\n" % FG.arrival_tol)
        fid.write("%g                 # point_style\n" % FG.point_style)
        fid.write("%i                 # npts\n" % (npts))
        fid.write("%g   %g            # x1, y1\n" % (x1,y1))
        fid.write("%g   %g            # x2, y2\n" % (x2,y2))
        print("Created file ", FG.fname)
        print("   specifying fixed grid with %i points equally spaced from " \
                % npts)
        print("   (%g,%g)  to  (%g,%g)" % (x1,y1,x2,y2))
        # not yet implemented:
        #fname_root = os.path.splitext(FG.fname)[0]
        #kml_file = fname_root + '.kml'
        #kmltools.line2kml(xy, kml_file, fname_root, color='8888FF')

    elif point_style==3:
        # arbitrary quadrilateral
        x3,x4 = FG.x3, FG.x4
        y3,y4 = FG.y3, FG.y4
        if FG.n12 is None:
            raise NotImplementedError("Need to set n12 and n23")
            npts = FG.n12 * FG.n23
        fid = open(FG.fname,'w')
        fid.write("%g                 # tstart_max\n"  % FG.tstart_max)
        fid.write("%g                 # tend_max\n"  % FG.tend_max)
        fid.write("%g                 # dt_check\n" % FG.dt_check)
        fid.write("%i                 # min_level_check\n" % FG.min_level_check)
        fid.write("%g                 # arrival_tol\n" % FG.arrival_tol)
        fid.write("%g                 # point_style\n" % FG.point_style)
        fid.write("%i  %i %s          # FG.n12,FG.n23\n" \
                            % (FG.n12,FG.n23,10*" "))
        fid.write("%16.10e   %20.10e            # x1, y1\n" % (x1,y1))
        fid.write("%16.10e   %20.10e            # x2, y2\n" % (x2,y2))
        fid.write("%16.10e   %20.10e            # x3, y3\n" % (x3,y3))
        fid.write("%16.10e   %20.10e            # x4, y4\n" % (x4,y4))
        print("Created file ", FG.fname)
        print("   specifying fixed grid as a quadrilateral")
        print("       %i by %i, with  %i points" \
                % (FG.n12,FG.n23,npts))
        print("   corner 1 = (%15.10f,%15.10f)" % (x1,y1))
        print("   corner 2 = (%15.10f,%15.10f)" % (x2,y2))
        print("   corner 3 = (%15.10f,%15.10f)" % (x3,y3))
        print("   corner 4 = (%15.10f,%15.10f)" % (x4,y4))
        xy = [x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4]
        fname_root = os.path.splitext(FG.fname)[0]
        kml_file = fname_root + '.kml'
        kmltools.quad2kml(xy, kml_file, fname_root, color='8888FF')
예제 #3
    def write_input_data(self, input_file_name=None):
        Write input data from a file like *fgmax.txt* that
        will be read in by GeoClaw as input data.

        if input_file_name is not None:
            self.input_file_name = input_file_name

        print "---------------------------------------------- "
        point_style = self.point_style
        if point_style not in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
            raise NotImplementedError("make_fgmax not implemented for point_style %i" \
                % point_style)

        # write header, independent of point_style:
        fid = open(self.input_file_name, 'w')
        fid.write("%16.10e            # tstart_max\n" % self.tstart_max)
        fid.write("%16.10e            # tend_max\n" % self.tend_max)
        fid.write("%16.10e            # dt_check\n" % self.dt_check)
        fid.write("%i %s              # min_level_check\n" \
                            % (self.min_level_check,16*" "))

        fid.write("%16.10e            # arrival_tol\n" % self.arrival_tol)
        fid.write("%i %s              # point_style\n" \
                            % (self.point_style,16*" "))

        if point_style == 0:
            # list of points
            npts = self.npts

            print "Creating unstructured grid of %s points" % npts

            fid.write("%i                 # npts\n" % (npts))
            for k in range(npts):
                fid.write("%g   %g \n" % (self.X[k], self.Y[k]))

            print "Created file ", self.input_file_name

        elif point_style == 1:
            # 1d transect of points
            x1, x2 = self.x1, self.x2
            y1, y2 = self.y1, self.y2
            if self.npts is None:
                dx = self.dx
                npts = int(round(sqrt((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2) / dx)) + 1
                if abs((npts - 1) * dx + x1 - x2) > 1e-6:
                    print "Warning: abs((npts-1)*dx + x1 - x2) = ", \
                          abs((npts-1)*dx + x1 - x2)
                    x2 = x1 + dx * (npts - 1)
                    y2 = y1 + dx * (npts - 1)
                    print "         resetting x2 to %g" % x2
                    print "         resetting y2 to %g" % y2
                npts = self.npts
                dx = sqrt((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2) / (npts + 1.)
                if self.dx is not None:
                    print "*** Warning: dx specified over-ridden by: ", dx

            print "Creating 1d fixed grid with %s points" % npts
            print "   dx = %g" % dx

            fid.write("%i                 # npts\n" % (npts))
            fid.write("%g   %g            # x1, y1\n" % (x1, y1))
            fid.write("%g   %g            # x2, y2\n" % (x2, y2))

            print "Created file ", self.input_file_name
            print "   specifying fixed grid with %i points equally spaced from " \
                    % npts
            print "   (%g,%g)  to  (%g,%g)" % (x1, y1, x2, y2)

            # not yet implemented:
            #fname_root = os.path.splitext(self.input_file_name)[0]
            #kml_file = fname_root + '.kml'
            #kmltools.line2kml(xy, kml_file, fname_root, color='8888FF')

        if point_style == 2:
            # 2d grid of points
            x1, x2 = self.x1, self.x2
            y1, y2 = self.y1, self.y2
            if self.nx is None:
                dx = self.dx
                nx = int(round((x2 - x1) / dx)) + 1
                if abs((nx - 1) * dx + x1 - x2) > 1e-6:
                    print "Warning: abs((nx-1)*dx + x1 - x2) = ", \
                          abs((nx-1)*dx + x1 - x2)
                    print "         old x2: %22.16e" % x2
                    x2 = x1 + dx * (nx - 1)
                    print "         resetting x2 to %22.16e" % x2
                nx = self.nx
                dx = (x2 - x1) / (nx + 1.)
                if self.dx is not None:
                    print "*** Warning: dx specified over-ridden by: ", dx

            if self.ny is None:
                dy = self.dy
                if dy is None:
                    dy = dx
                ny = int(round((y2 - y1) / dy)) + 1
                if abs((ny - 1) * dy + y1 - y2) > 1e-6:
                    print "Warning: abs((ny-1)*dy + y1 - y2) = ", \
                          abs((ny-1)*dy + y1 - y2)
                    print "         old y2: %22.16e" % y2
                    y2 = y1 + dy * (ny - 1)
                    print "         resetting y2 to %22.16e" % y2
                ny = self.ny
                dy = (y2 - y1) / (ny + 1.)
                if self.dy is not None:
                    print "*** Warning: dy specified over-ridden by: ", dy

            npts = nx * ny

            fid.write("%i  %i %s          # nx,ny\n" \
                                % (nx,ny,10*" "))
            fid.write("%16.10e   %20.10e            # x1, y1\n" % (x1, y1))
            fid.write("%16.10e   %20.10e            # x2, y2\n" % (x2, y2))

            print "Created file ", self.input_file_name
            print "   specifying fixed grid with shape %i by %i, with  %i points" \
                    % (nx,ny,npts)
            print "   lower left  = (%15.10f,%15.10f)" % (x1, y1)
            print "   upper right = (%15.10f,%15.10f)" % (x2, y2)
            print "   dx = %15.10e,  dy = %15.10e" % (dx, dy)

            xy = [x1, x2, y1, y2]
            fname_root = os.path.splitext(self.input_file_name)[0]
            kml_file = fname_root + '.kml'
            kmltools.box2kml(xy, kml_file, fname_root, color='8888FF')

        elif point_style == 3:
            # arbitrary quadrilateral
            x1, x2 = self.x1, self.x2
            y1, y2 = self.y1, self.y2
            x3, x4 = self.x3, self.x4
            y3, y4 = self.y3, self.y4
            if self.n12 is None:
                raise NotImplementedError("Need to set n12 and n23")
                npts = self.n12 * self.n23

            fid.write("%i  %i %s          # self.n12,self.n23\n" \
                                % (self.n12,self.n23,10*" "))
            fid.write("%16.10e   %20.10e            # x1, y1\n" % (x1, y1))
            fid.write("%16.10e   %20.10e            # x2, y2\n" % (x2, y2))
            fid.write("%16.10e   %20.10e            # x3, y3\n" % (x3, y3))
            fid.write("%16.10e   %20.10e            # x4, y4\n" % (x4, y4))

            print "Created file ", self.input_file_name
            print "   specifying fixed grid as a quadrilateral"
            print "       %i by %i, with  %i points" \
                    % (self.n12,self.n23,npts)
            print "   corner 1 = (%15.10f,%15.10f)" % (x1, y1)
            print "   corner 2 = (%15.10f,%15.10f)" % (x2, y2)
            print "   corner 3 = (%15.10f,%15.10f)" % (x3, y3)
            print "   corner 4 = (%15.10f,%15.10f)" % (x4, y4)

            xy = [x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4]
            fname_root = os.path.splitext(self.input_file_name)[0]
            kml_file = fname_root + '.kml'
            kmltools.quad2kml(xy, kml_file, fname_root, color='8888FF')
예제 #4
    def write_input_data(self, input_file_name=None):
        Write input data from a file like *fgmax.txt* that
        will be read in by GeoClaw as input data.

        if input_file_name is not None:
            self.input_file_name = input_file_name

        print("---------------------------------------------- ")
        point_style = self.point_style
        if point_style not in [0,1,2,3]:
            raise NotImplementedError("make_fgmax not implemented for point_style %i" \
                % point_style)

        # write header, independent of point_style:
        fid = open(self.input_file_name,'w')
        fid.write("%16.10e            # tstart_max\n"  % self.tstart_max)
        fid.write("%16.10e            # tend_max\n"  % self.tend_max)
        fid.write("%16.10e            # dt_check\n" % self.dt_check)
        fid.write("%i %s              # min_level_check\n" \
                            % (self.min_level_check,16*" "))

        fid.write("%16.10e            # arrival_tol\n" % self.arrival_tol)
        fid.write("%i %s              # point_style\n" \
                            % (self.point_style,16*" "))

        if point_style == 0:
            # list of points
            npts = self.npts
            print("Creating unstructured grid of %s points" % npts)
            fid.write("%i                 # npts\n" % (npts))
            for k in range(npts):
                fid.write("%g   %g \n" % (self.X[k],self.Y[k]))
            print("Created file ", self.input_file_name)

        elif point_style==1:
            # 1d transect of points
            x1,x2 = self.x1, self.x2
            y1,y2 = self.y1, self.y2
            if self.npts is None:
                dx = self.dx
                npts = int(round(sqrt((x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2)/dx)) + 1
                if abs((npts-1)*dx + x1 - x2) > 1e-6:
                    print("Warning: abs((npts-1)*dx + x1 - x2) = ", \
                          abs((npts-1)*dx + x1 - x2))
                    x2 = x1 + dx*(npts-1)
                    y2 = y1 + dx*(npts-1)
                    print("         resetting x2 to %g" % x2)
                    print("         resetting y2 to %g" % y2)
                npts = self.npts
                dx = sqrt((x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2)/(npts+1.)
                if self.dx is not None:
                    print("*** Warning: dx specified over-ridden by: ",dx)
            print("Creating 1d fixed grid with %s points" % npts)
            print("   dx = %g" % dx)
            fid.write("%i                 # npts\n" % (npts))
            fid.write("%g   %g            # x1, y1\n" % (x1,y1))
            fid.write("%g   %g            # x2, y2\n" % (x2,y2))
            print("Created file ", self.input_file_name)
            print("   specifying fixed grid with %i points equally spaced from " \
                    % npts)
            print("   (%g,%g)  to  (%g,%g)" % (x1,y1,x2,y2))
            # not yet implemented:
            #fname_root = os.path.splitext(self.input_file_name)[0]
            #kml_file = fname_root + '.kml'
            #kmltools.line2kml(xy, kml_file, fname_root, color='8888FF')

        if point_style == 2:
            # 2d grid of points
            x1,x2 = self.x1, self.x2
            y1,y2 = self.y1, self.y2
            if self.nx is None:
                dx = self.dx
                nx = int(round((x2-x1)/dx)) + 1  
                if abs((nx-1)*dx + x1 - x2) > 1e-6:
                    print("Warning: abs((nx-1)*dx + x1 - x2) = ", \
                          abs((nx-1)*dx + x1 - x2))
                    print("         old x2: %22.16e" % x2)
                    x2 = x1 + dx*(nx-1)
                    print("         resetting x2 to %22.16e" % x2)
                nx = self.nx
                dx = (x2-x1)/(nx+1.)
                if self.dx is not None:
                    print("*** Warning: dx specified over-ridden by: ",dx)
            if self.ny is None:
                dy = self.dy
                if dy is None:
                    dy = dx
                ny = int(round((y2-y1)/dy)) + 1  
                if abs((ny-1)*dy + y1 - y2) > 1e-6:
                    print("Warning: abs((ny-1)*dy + y1 - y2) = ", \
                          abs((ny-1)*dy + y1 - y2))
                    print("         old y2: %22.16e" % y2)
                    y2 = y1 + dy*(ny-1)
                    print("         resetting y2 to %22.16e" % y2)
                ny = self.ny
                dy = (y2-y1)/(ny+1.)
                if self.dy is not None:
                    print("*** Warning: dy specified over-ridden by: ",dy)
            npts = nx*ny
            fid.write("%i  %i %s          # nx,ny\n" \
                                % (nx,ny,10*" "))
            fid.write("%16.10e   %20.10e            # x1, y1\n" % (x1,y1))
            fid.write("%16.10e   %20.10e            # x2, y2\n" % (x2,y2))
            print("Created file ", self.input_file_name)
            print("   specifying fixed grid with shape %i by %i, with  %i points" \
                    % (nx,ny,npts))
            print("   lower left  = (%15.10f,%15.10f)" % (x1,y1))
            print("   upper right = (%15.10f,%15.10f)" % (x2,y2))
            print("   dx = %15.10e,  dy = %15.10e" % (dx,dy))
            xy = [x1,x2,y1,y2]
            fname_root = os.path.splitext(self.input_file_name)[0]
            kml_file = fname_root + '.kml'
            kmltools.box2kml(xy, kml_file, fname_root, color='8888FF')

        elif point_style==3:
            # arbitrary quadrilateral
            x1,x2 = self.x1, self.x2
            y1,y2 = self.y1, self.y2
            x3,x4 = self.x3, self.x4
            y3,y4 = self.y3, self.y4
            if self.n12 is None:
                raise NotImplementedError("Need to set n12 and n23")
                npts = self.n12 * self.n23
            fid.write("%i  %i %s          # self.n12,self.n23\n" \
                                % (self.n12,self.n23,10*" "))
            fid.write("%16.10e   %20.10e            # x1, y1\n" % (x1,y1))
            fid.write("%16.10e   %20.10e            # x2, y2\n" % (x2,y2))
            fid.write("%16.10e   %20.10e            # x3, y3\n" % (x3,y3))
            fid.write("%16.10e   %20.10e            # x4, y4\n" % (x4,y4))
            print("Created file ", self.input_file_name)
            print("   specifying fixed grid as a quadrilateral")
            print("       %i by %i, with  %i points" \
                    % (self.n12,self.n23,npts))
            print("   corner 1 = (%15.10f,%15.10f)" % (x1,y1))
            print("   corner 2 = (%15.10f,%15.10f)" % (x2,y2))
            print("   corner 3 = (%15.10f,%15.10f)" % (x3,y3))
            print("   corner 4 = (%15.10f,%15.10f)" % (x4,y4))
            xy = [x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4]
            fname_root = os.path.splitext(self.input_file_name)[0]
            kml_file = fname_root + '.kml'
            kmltools.quad2kml(xy, kml_file, fname_root, color='8888FF')