class Hg(VCS): executable_name = "hg" main_branch = "default" checkout_flags = ("--clean", ) patch_base = ("import", "--no-commit") def executable_not_found_error_help(self): return 'Cannot find "{}" executable. {}'.format( self.executable_name, select_for_platform( linux="You can install it by running: sudo apt-get install {}". format(self.executable_name), windows="You can download it here: {}".format( ""), ), ) def pull(self):"pull", self.url_with_auth, cwd=self.location, *(("-r", self.revision) if self.revision else ())) info_commands = dict( url=Argv(executable_name, "paths", "--verbose"), branch=Argv(executable_name, "--debug", "id", "-b"), commit=Argv(executable_name, "--debug", "id", "-i"), root=Argv(executable_name, "root"), )
def __init__(self, session, path, python, requirements_manager, execution_info=None, **kwargs): # type: (Session, PathLike, float, RequirementsManager, ExecutionInfo, Any) -> None """ :param python: base python version to use (e.g python3.6) :param path: path of env """ super(CondaAPI, self).__init__() self.session = session self.python = python self.source = None self.requirements_manager = requirements_manager self.path = path self.env_read_only = False self.extra_channels = self.session.config.get( 'agent.package_manager.conda_channels', []) self.conda_env_as_base_docker = \ self.session.config.get('agent.package_manager.conda_env_as_base_docker', None) or \ bool(ENV_CONDA_ENV_PACKAGE.get()) if ENV_CONDA_ENV_PACKAGE.get(): self.conda_pre_build_env_path = ENV_CONDA_ENV_PACKAGE.get() else: self.conda_pre_build_env_path = execution_info.docker_cmd if execution_info else None self.pip = CondaPip( session=self.session, source=self.source, python=self.python, requirements_manager=self.requirements_manager, path=self.path, ) try: self.conda = (find_executable("conda") or Argv( select_for_platform(windows="where", linux="which"), "conda").get_output(shell=select_for_platform( windows=True, linux=False)).strip()) except Exception: raise ValueError("ERROR: package manager \"conda\" selected, " "but \'conda\' executable could not be located") try: output = Argv(self.conda, "--version").get_output(stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: raise CommandFailedError( "Unable to determine conda version: {ex}, output={ex.output}". format(ex=ex)) self.conda_version = self.get_conda_version(output) if SimpleVersion.compare_versions(self.conda_version, '<', self.MINIMUM_VERSION): raise CommandFailedError( "conda version '{}' is smaller than minimum supported conda version '{}'" .format(self.conda_version, self.MINIMUM_VERSION))
class Git(VCS): executable_name = "git" main_branch = "master" clone_flags = ("--quiet", "--recursive") checkout_flags = ("--force", ) COMMAND_ENV = { # do not prompt for password "GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT": "0", # do not prompt for ssh key passphrase "GIT_SSH_COMMAND": "ssh -oBatchMode=yes", } @staticmethod def remote_branch_name(branch): return "origin/{}".format(branch) def executable_not_found_error_help(self): return 'Cannot find "{}" executable. {}'.format( self.executable_name, select_for_platform( linux="You can install it by running: sudo apt-get install {}". format(self.executable_name), windows="You can download it here: {}".format( ""), ), ) def pull(self):"fetch", "--all", "--recurse-submodules", cwd=self.location) def checkout(self): # type: () -> None """ Checkout repository at specified revision """"checkout", self.revision, *self.checkout_flags, cwd=self.location) try:"submodule", "update", "--recursive", cwd=self.location) except: # noqa pass info_commands = dict( url=Argv(executable_name, "ls-remote", "--get-url", "origin"), branch=Argv(executable_name, "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"), commit=Argv(executable_name, "rev-parse", "HEAD"), root=Argv(executable_name, "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"), ) patch_base = ( "apply", "--unidiff-zero", )
def install_flags(self): """ Configurable package installation creation arguments """ return super(VirtualenvPip, self).install_flags() + Argv.conditional_flag( self.session.config["agent.package_manager.force_upgrade"], "--upgrade" )
def run_with_env(self, command, output=False, **kwargs): if not self.source: return super(CondaPip, self).run_with_env(command, output=output, **kwargs) command = CommandSequence(self.source, Argv("pip", *command)) return (command.get_output if output else command.check_call)( stdin=DEVNULL, **kwargs )
def get_pip_version(cls, package): output = Argv( 'pip', 'search', package, *(chain.from_iterable( ('-i', x) for x in cls._pip_extra_index_url))).get_output() # ad-hoc pattern to duplicate the behavior of the old code return'{} \((\d+\.\d+\.[^.]+)'.format(package), output).group(1)
def create_flags(self): """ Configurable environment creation arguments """ return Argv.conditional_flag( self.session.config["agent.package_manager.system_site_packages"], "--system-site-packages", )
def _check_script_validity(self, path): """ Make sure script in ``path`` is a valid python script :param path: :return: """ result = Argv(self.bin, path, "--version").call(stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL, stdin=DEVNULL) return result == 0
def _run_command(self, command, raw=False, **kwargs): # type: (Iterable[Text], bool, Any) -> Union[Dict, Text] """ Run a conda command, returning JSON output. The command is prepended with 'conda' and run with JSON output flags. :param command: command to run :param raw: return text output and don't change command :param kwargs: kwargs for Argv.get_output() :return: JSON output or text output """ def escape_ansi(line): ansi_escape = re.compile( r'(?:\x1B[@-_]|[\x80-\x9F])[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~]') return ansi_escape.sub('', line) # make sure we are not running it with our own PYTHONPATH env = dict(**os.environ) env.pop('PYTHONPATH', None) command = Argv(*command) # type: Executable if not raw: command = (self.conda, ) + command + ("--quiet", "--json") try: print('Executing Conda: {}'.format(command.serialize())) result = command.get_output(stdin=DEVNULL, env=env, **kwargs) if self.session.debug_mode: print(result) except Exception as e: result = e.output if hasattr(e, 'output') else '' if self.session.debug_mode: print(result) if raw: raise if raw: return result result = json.loads(escape_ansi(result)) if result else {} if result.get('success', False): print('Pass') elif result.get('error'): print('Conda error: {}'.format(result.get('error'))) return result
def run(self, *args, **kwargs): func = kwargs.pop("func", Argv.get_output) kwargs.setdefault("stdin", DEVNULL) kwargs['env'] = deepcopy(os.environ) if 'VIRTUAL_ENV' in kwargs['env'] or 'CONDA_PREFIX' in kwargs['env']: kwargs['env'].pop('VIRTUAL_ENV', None) kwargs['env'].pop('CONDA_PREFIX', None) kwargs['env'].pop('PYTHONPATH', None) if hasattr(sys, "real_prefix") and hasattr(sys, "base_prefix"): path = ':' + kwargs['env']['PATH'] path = path.replace(':' + sys.base_prefix, ':' + sys.real_prefix, 1) kwargs['env']['PATH'] = path if check_if_command_exists("poetry"): argv = Argv("poetry", *args) else: argv = Argv(self._python, "-m", "poetry", *args) self.log.debug("running: %s", argv) return func(argv, **kwargs)
def install_packages(self, *packages): first_install = (Argv( self.python, six.text_type(self.script_path), "venv=", self.path, "install=", ) + packages) later_install = first_install + ( "pip-command=", "pip-faster", "install", "--upgrade", # no --prune ) self._choose_install(first_install, later_install)
def get_stderr(self, *argv, **kwargs): """ Execute argv without stdout/stdin in <cwd> and get stderr output. Remove stdin so git/hg can't ask for passwords. ``kwargs`` can override all arguments passed to subprocess. """ process = self._call_subprocess( subprocess.Popen, argv, **dict(kwargs, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=None)) _, stderr = process.communicate() code = process.poll() if code == COMMAND_SUCCESS: return stderr with Argv.normalize_exception(censor_password=True): raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(returncode=code, cmd=argv, output=stderr)
def install_from_file(self, path): first_install = (Argv( self.python, six.text_type(self.script_path), "venv=", "-p", self.python, self.path, ) + self.create_flags() + ("install=", "-r", path) + self.install_flags()) later_install = first_install + ( "pip-command=", "pip-faster", "install", "--upgrade", # no --prune ) self._choose_install(first_install, later_install)
def _get_vcs_command(self, argv): # type: (Iterable[PathLike]) -> Argv return Argv(self.executable_name, *argv)
def get_python_command(self, extra): if check_if_command_exists("poetry"): return Argv("poetry", "run", "python", *extra) else: return Argv(self.config._python, "-m", "poetry", "run", "python", *extra)
def run_task(task): return Argv("clearml_agent", "--debug", "worker", "execute", "--id",
def get_cuda_version(config): # type: (ConfigTree) -> (Text, Text) # we assume os.environ already updated the config['agent.cuda_version'] & config['agent.cudnn_version'] cuda_version = config['agent.cuda_version'] cudnn_version = config['agent.cudnn_version'] if cuda_version and cudnn_version: return normalize_cuda_version( cuda_version), normalize_cuda_version(cudnn_version) if not cuda_version and is_windows_platform(): try: cuda_vers = [ int(k.replace('CUDA_PATH_V', '').replace('_', '')) for k in os.environ.keys() if k.startswith('CUDA_PATH_V') ] cuda_vers = max(cuda_vers) if cuda_vers > 40: cuda_version = cuda_vers except: pass if not cuda_version: try: try: nvcc = 'nvcc.exe' if is_windows_platform() else 'nvcc' if is_windows_platform() and 'CUDA_PATH' in os.environ: nvcc = os.path.join(os.environ['CUDA_PATH'], nvcc) output = Argv(nvcc, '--version').get_output() except OSError: raise CudaNotFound('nvcc not found') match ='release (.{3})', output).group(1) cuda_version = Text(int(float(match) * 10)) except: pass if not cuda_version: try: try: output = Argv('nvidia-smi', ).get_output() except OSError: raise CudaNotFound('nvcc not found') match ='CUDA Version: ([0-9]+).([0-9]+)', output) match = + '.' + cuda_version = Text(int(float(match) * 10)) except: pass if not cudnn_version: try: cuda_lib = which('nvcc') if is_windows_platform: cudnn_h = path.sep.join( cuda_lib.split(path.sep)[:-2] + ['include', 'cudnn.h']) else: cudnn_h = path.join( path.sep, *(cuda_lib.split(path.sep)[:-2] + ['include', 'cudnn.h'])) cudnn_major, cudnn_minor = None, None try: include_file = open(cudnn_h) except OSError: raise CudaNotFound('Could not read cudnn.h') with include_file: for line in include_file: if 'CUDNN_MAJOR' in line: cudnn_major = line.split()[-1] if 'CUDNN_MINOR' in line: cudnn_minor = line.split()[-1] if cudnn_major and cudnn_minor: break cudnn_version = cudnn_major + (cudnn_minor or '0') except: pass return (normalize_cuda_version(cuda_version or 0), normalize_cuda_version(cudnn_version or 0))
def command(self, *args): return Argv(*args, log=self.get_logger(Argv.__module__))
def create(self): """ Create a new environment """ if self.conda_env_as_base_docker and self.conda_pre_build_env_path: if Path(self.conda_pre_build_env_path).is_dir(): self._init_existing_environment(self.conda_pre_build_env_path) return self elif Path(self.conda_pre_build_env_path).is_file(): print("Restoring Conda environment from {}".format( self.conda_pre_build_env_path)) tar_path = find_executable("tar") self.path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) output = Argv( tar_path, "-xzf", self.conda_pre_build_env_path, "-C", self.path, ).get_output() self.source = self.pip.source = ("conda", "activate", self.path.as_posix()) conda_env = self._get_conda_sh() self.source = self.pip.source = CommandSequence( ('source', conda_env.as_posix()), self.source) # unpack cleanup print("Fixing prefix in Conda environment {}".format( self.path)) CommandSequence(('source', conda_env.as_posix()), ((self.path / 'bin' / 'conda-unpack').as_posix(), )).get_output() return self else: raise ValueError( "Could not restore Conda environment, cannot find {}". format(self.conda_pre_build_env_path)) output = Argv( self.conda, "create", "--yes", "--mkdir", "--prefix", self.path, "python={}".format(self.python), ).get_output(stderr=DEVNULL) match = r"\W*(.*activate) ({})".format(re.escape(str(self.path))), output) self.source = self.pip.source = (tuple( + (, ) if match else ("conda", "activate", self.path.as_posix())) conda_env = self._get_conda_sh() if conda_env.is_file() and not is_windows_platform(): self.source = self.pip.source = CommandSequence( ('source', conda_env.as_posix()), self.source) # install cuda toolkit # noinspection PyBroadException try: cuda_version = float(int( self.session.config['agent.cuda_version'])) / 10.0 if cuda_version > 0: self._install('cudatoolkit={:.1f}'.format(cuda_version)) except Exception: pass return self
def get_python_command(self, extra=()): # type: (...) -> Executable return Argv(self.bin, *extra)
def _make_command(self, command): return Argv(self.bin, '-m', 'pip', '--disable-pip-version-check', *command)